Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 528 A glance for ten thousand years

Although "Dumbledore" said that his future is death.

But Voldemort never thought so in his heart.

Because he has his secrets, because he's not just Riddle.

However, "Dumbledore's" words instantly made Voldemort realize that his previous determination had turned into arrogance.

"The God of Death...has he told you everything about Lin Zuo?" After a pause, Voldemort asked.

"He didn't want to say it, but something was wrong with Himself."

"Dumbledore" looked sighing, and slowly shook his head, "At that time, he had not been able to solve the problem of the coexistence of two consciousnesses, which led to Lin Zuo and Riddle to go their separate ways, and finally gave birth to two lives that broke through to higher-dimensional life. body."

Voldemort raised his eyebrows: "Two?"

"Yes, he from two different parallel universes have both broken through the constraints of their respective universes on themselves. One is dominated by Lin Zuo's consciousness, and the other is dominated by Riddle's consciousness."

"Dumbledore" said, suddenly looking at Voldemort and asked, "You have solved it, right?"

Voldemort was stunned by his sudden question, and then nodded slowly.

"Then my guess is right. The final reconciliation between Lin Zuo and Riddle is also part of growth." "Dumbledore" said when Voldemort nodded, he looked back.

"What does reconciliation mean?" Voldemort asked.

"Combined into one, each gives up some obsessions, but from my observation, Lin Zuo has more thoughts." "Dumbledore" said.

"How can you tell?" Voldemort was a little curious.

"Lin Zuo is slightly more merciful than Riddle, at least in terms of the number of parallel worlds destroyed."

The reason given by "Dumbledore" shocked Voldemort.

Destroy the number of parallel spaces?

Can parallel space be destroyed?

He couldn't help but ask "Dumbledore", and the other party quickly gave an affirmative answer.

"When there is no life similar to ours in a parallel world, this world will completely disappear from our sight."

"Just disappeared from our sight? Are they still there?"

"Yes, at least that's what Grindelwald, I, and Death think."

"Lin Zuo will also kill a whole world of people?"

"More than a dozen worlds, otherwise why would you be called the God of Death if you think the two are one?"

"Dumbledore's" words left Voldemort speechless.

He considers himself not a good person, but killing human beings on a global scale is still unacceptable to him.

"The two of them know each other too well. No matter what trap they set, they will be exposed by the other party. Therefore, the battle becomes increasingly uncontrollable in the end. In that situation, it is difficult for people not to go crazy."

"Dumbledore" seemed to see the doubts in Voldemort's mind, and opened his mouth to explain to him.

Voldemort nodded gratefully and decided not to delve further into this issue.

After all, that was something he couldn't imagine.

"Did you come to me just to tell me all this?"

After sorting out his thoughts, Voldemort asked the most important question.

In any case, he didn't believe that "Dumbledore" had called him here just to tell him this.

Everyone has a purpose, otherwise why would he spend so much time on it.

"I asked you to come here, but all this is the request and arrangement of the God of Death."

"Dumbledore" sat up a little straighter, looking like he was about to say something really important.

"What is he going to do?" Voldemort straightened his spine and asked.

"He wants to use his immature self as bait to plot against Grindelwald."

"Dumbledore" said in a low voice with a sullen face.

Voldemort's eyes narrowed: "That immature self, is it me?"

"Yes." "Dumbledore" nodded.

"If I die, will He still exist?" Voldemort asked with a frown.

"There are countless parallel spaces, Tom. Just when you chose to accept Nick's arrangement, the other you had already chosen to refuse, so the God of Death is still there, but it is no longer your future." "Dumbledore" said with a look on his face Said with a mocking smile.

Voldemort glared at him fiercely. Of course he understood that "Dumbledore" was saying that he was too self-righteous.

But it was his life, so how could he not care.

"Can the future God of Death choose his home world?" Voldemort asked, putting aside his dissatisfaction with "Dumbledore".

"That's one way He grew up, Tom. At certain moments, we can see shadows of the past..."

"Dumbledore" paused here, as if thinking of a way to explain, "If you can understand that time is a manifestation of the movement of objects, then you can think about it according to this idea. If you take all the time points in your life, all What will happen if they appear at the same moment?"

Voldemort thought for a moment and said: "There will be a trajectory that I keep moving, making me look like...a snake?"

"Yes, a snake, but we call it a shadow of the past."

"Dumbledore" nodded, then sorted out his thoughts and said, "We may not be able to see this shadow at all times, but when there is a change at a certain moment in the past, it will suddenly appear in front of our eyes. One moment."

"What does that feel like?" Voldemort asked curiously.

"The memory that suddenly appeared in my mind was probably shocking for the first time, but I got used to it later, but it was quite visually shocking."

Dumbledore said, his eyes lighting up as if he was reminiscing about the past.

"Can you describe it?" Voldemort asked.

"It's like a movie playing at an extremely fast speed that you can understand. In a short moment, you have the feeling of floating on the long river of history, looking at the past and present for thousands of years."

After "Dumbledore" finished speaking, he added unsatisfiedly, "And during the whole process, there will be an illusion in my heart that I have a pearl of wisdom."

Listening to "Dumbledore's" description, Voldemort thought about the scene.

However, the picture was a bit blurry after all, leaving him unable to figure out what was going on.

It was just the description of "Dumbledore" that still made him feel quite moved.

That feeling seems to be more intoxicating than standing at the pinnacle of power.

"A glance lasts forever!"

Voldemort sighed softly, wondering when he would have such an experience.

"You are very close to that step, Tom, but this is a very critical step. Everyone has their own experience on how to break through, and I can't share any experience with you."

"Dumbledore" paused and continued, "Many talented people have failed to take this step. Tom, even though Grindelwald, Death, and I have studied for many years, we have not been able to help any other wizards." That’s really hard to do, and it leaves us wondering why.”

"Maybe it's innate, just like the relationship between wizards and Muggles." Voldemort curled his lips.


"Dumbledore" couldn't help laughing, looked at Voldemort and said, "This sentence is very Riddle, Voldemort, it seems that you have integrated very well. The characters of Lin Zuo and Riddle are both reflected in you." reflect."

Voldemort shrugged and made no comment.

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