Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 531 The best way to achieve peace and prosperity in the world

Fort Gunter.


Voldemort was seated behind his desk, and the Death Eaters and senior officials from the Ministry of Magic were also here.

Three days after returning to this world, Voldemort, in addition to appearing in public several times, was also busy traveling around.

A simple agreement was reached with the palace to exchange views with MI7.

To appease the internal emotions of the Death Eaters, confirm the dominance of the Ministry of Magic in the wizarding world of England, and also invite invitations from some foreign Ministry of Magic.

When all this is over, there will still be requests from families from all over the world.

Some are just to get familiar with each other, some are to make some requests, and most of them are to express their allegiance.

Voldemort didn't have that much time, so he could only pick the important ones to see first.

I have been busy for three days, and only tonight did I finally have time to deal with internal problems.

Yes, the most important issue is Draco and Hermione.

Now the two protagonists are standing in front of the desk, with representatives from the pureblood side and the Muggle side standing behind them.

"Say what you think, Draco."

After a brief silence, Voldemort looked at Draco.

Draco, who is in his twenties, still looks a little green, but after all he is no longer the child he used to be.

Therefore, Voldemort preferred to respect their own ideas in handling this matter, rather than him imposing his own will on them.

As for the conflict between purebloods and Muggles, as long as he is still alive, he is not afraid of anyone causing any trouble.

Voldemort is no longer the Riddle who relied on selling pure blood to make a difference.


Draco only said one word, then glanced at Hermione, then at his father behind him, and then remained silent and speechless.

Voldemort couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but he also had an answer in his heart.

He then looked at Hermione and motioned for the other person to speak.

"I hope Mr. Malfoy won't force Draco. It's better for us to make our own decisions about our relationship."

Hermione's words were much stronger, but Voldemort just sighed in his heart.

Compared to Hermione's clear statement, Draco's silence was actually a statement.

The problem seemed to be Mr. Malfoy, but from Voldemort's point of view, that was not the problem.

The real problem is Draco himself.

"To make it very clear, Hermione, I think I understand your thinking."

Voldemort said this and looked at Lucius Malfoy.

He didn't speak, but looked at the other person with his eyes, signaling the other person to express his position.

"Everything is decided by His Majesty."

Lucius was sensible, but these words still made Voldemort frown.

And as soon as he frowned, Lucius understood what he meant.

I sighed in my heart, thinking that if my father had not died, there might be room for bargaining.

But now...

"I will not comment on the relationship between Draco, the son of the Malfoy family, and Ms. Granger. This matter is entirely up to them."

Lucius spoke again and gave a new answer.

What has been pointed out in this sentence is that no matter what Draco chooses, he will not be removed from the Malfoy family.

But at the same time Lucius also said that he would not express his opinion.

In other words, he has an opinion, but due to pressure from the Dark Lord, he doesn't express it, that's all.

He carries a gun and a stick, but this is his final bottom line.

After all, he, Lucius, can live without dignity, but the Malfoy family cannot live without dignity.

Seeing this, Voldemort made no further demands and just looked at Draco.

The latter's eyes were already red, and his gaze was lowered to the floor in front of him.

Voldemort sighed again in his heart, knowing that the answer had already come out.

"Draco, tell me your decision. After all, other people's attitudes are already clear."

Voldemort's words instantly focused everyone's attention on Draco, and Draco couldn't help but tremble.

He seemed to have just woken up from his imagination, and he seemed to have come to a completely strange world.

The eyes that glanced around seemed to become hollow.

But the hollowness and depth seemed to be asking for help.

He first looked at Voldemort for help, but the latter just sat behind the desk with his head lowered, as if fiddling with something.

He looked at Lucius again, and the father also avoided his son's gaze.

The helpless Draco looked at his mother Narcissa again, but all he saw was her mother covering her face with her hands and choking.

At this moment, it seemed like no one could help him.

Finally, he looked at Hermione, but he didn't dare to look her in the eyes.

Hermione, who was originally a little happy, froze in place after seeing Draco's evasive gaze.

She had no idea that after enduring it for a long time, she finally got her teacher back, finally got the Malfoy family to compromise, and finally made the purebloods dare not speak.

As a result, in the end, the person who retreated was indeed the one he wanted to love.

Could it be that everything before was fake?

"He is just cowardly, Hermione. Not everyone has the courage to betray their family and step out of their comfort zone."

Voldemort used magic to transmit the voice to Hermione's ear, so that only she could hear the voice.

He really couldn't bear to see this disciple crying and helpless in front of everyone, so he could only comfort him in advance.


Hermione wanted to say something, but her throat seemed to be clogged and she couldn't even form a complete sentence.

Everyone looked at her with strange eyes, wondering why she suddenly spoke.

"Okay, Draco, you have to give me a result."

Voldemort didn't want Hermione to be "tortured" in public again, so he could only urge Draco to speed up the pace.

"I give up."

Draco replied in a voice that only he could hear.

"Speak louder, Draco, no matter what the answer is, speak like a man." Voldemort said dissatisfied.

"I said……"

Draco said loudly, but suddenly got stuck and turned to look at Hermione.

Hermione's eyes were already red, and tears were lingering in her eyes, as if they were about to fall at any time.

Draco opened his mouth, but couldn't seem to say anything like that.

"He said he gave up."

Lucius suddenly spoke, speaking on behalf of his son.


A tear fell from the corner of Hermione's eye on the carpet, and before more tears could appear, Bella had already walked towards her.

"Come with me, kid, there's nothing worth missing here."

Bella said this, pulling Hermione and apparating away directly.

Voldemort also waved his hand and signaled everyone to leave. He was too lazy to say more.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh..."

Figures disappeared one after another, leaving only Draco standing in front of Voldemort's desk.

"Teacher, I'm sorry."

Like a child who had done something wrong, Draco lowered his head and said in a muffled voice.


Voldemort sighed, but did not say any words of comfort.

People's fate is destined, but sometimes it can be fought for.

But apparently, Draco resigned himself to his fate.

Perhaps, in this case, it would be more reassuring to attribute everything to fate.

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