Hogwarts: I am Voldemort

Chapter 532 Broken Hogwarts

A deep crater was blown out of the center of the main building of Hogwarts.

One of the twin tower spiers fell on the roof of a relatively complete greenhouse, half stuck inside and half exposed outside.

The tower near where the principal's office is located is still intact, but the outer walls have all peeled off, leaving the spiral staircase completely exposed.

The Black Lake that Voldemort loved was still intact, but a large area of ​​nearby turf had been torn apart, and it was quite difficult to recover from the damage caused by the radiation.

As for the Clock Tower and Fountain Square where the two sides had fought before, they had been bombarded with retaliation, and their dilapidated appearance was unbearable to look at.

But these are not difficult to repair. After all, the castle itself has magic, and the magic pool at Hogwarts is still intact.

"It was supposed that after the radiation-repelling spell was developed, the place could be restored, but later we discovered that the aftermath of the terminator still remained, which hindered the magic pool's supply of magic power to the castle, so the repair became extremely slow."

When Principal McGonagall said this painfully, she looked back at the ruined Hogwarts with tears in her eyes.

"Relax, McGonagall, I'll fix this, trust me."

Voldemort comforted her while looking at Snape.

Snape made a great contribution to the restoration of Hogwarts.

The radiation expulsion spell used to eliminate radiation was developed by a team headed by him.

I have to say that this is a genius, and one of the few who has learned Voldemort's flying spell. It's a pity that he has no loyalty to himself.

With Voldemort watching, Snape quickly lowered his head.

Having lost the protection of Occlumency, and now that MI7 was improving relations with the wizarding world, he did not want to be killed by Voldemort as a warning to others.

But he was overthinking.

Voldemort did have such an idea, but when he handed the task to Neville, Neville found helplessly that although everyone was sure that Snape had rebelled against the wizarding world, there was no evidence that could be used as evidence.

In this case, Voldemort could of course forcefully try him, but it would definitely be an unfair trial.

"It's not time to worry about anything. Your Majesty, you should think twice about this matter."

After the brutal torture at the hands of MI7, Porchis changed dramatically.

If he was a butler back then, now he is a bit like the leader of a think tank.

Sure enough, experience is the catalyst for human growth. Voldemort never expected that such a big change would happen to Porches.

But aside from these changes, Porchis's advice is correct.

Therefore, Voldemort chose to endure.

Therefore, Snape's worries were completely unnecessary.

"Snape, do you think there is any solution to the fluctuations that can annihilate magic?" Voldemort asked.

"Sorry, Your Majesty, I can't find any solution." Snape lowered his head and said humbly.

Voldemort stared at him for a moment, then nodded and looked at a thin figure not far away.

Nick Flamel came with him, but he wrapped himself in his cloak so that no one could see him.

"I'll think of a way, give me some time, and you can use the radiation expulsion spell to deal with the radiation first."

Voldemort waved the crowd away and came to Nick Flamel's side.

"Are you going to take action on the magic network?"

Nick Flamel, who hid his face in his cloak, asked first before Voldemort could speak.

"Yes, I think that's the quickest way, right?" Voldemort asked.

He has not yet studied the magic network in depth, so his tone was asking for advice.

"Yes, the way the terminator blocks magic is a fixed wave. That wave can cut off the connection between the wizard and the magic network." Nick Flamel replied.

"Which connection?" Voldemort asked.

"If you change it to a magic spell, it should be a syllable similar to 'uh'. Many magic spells have this syllable. The most convenient way is to replace this syllable in magic..."

"No, that would be too much trouble." Voldemort denied.

As a result of replacing syllables, many spells in the existing magic system will be overturned and rebuilt. He and some outstanding wizards can adapt quickly, but most wizards cannot.

At a time when relations between wizards and Muggles were tense, Voldemort did not think this was the right approach.

"Then we have to change the way the Magic Network connects with wizards. In a sense, it is a reconstruction of the Magic Network, which is more difficult." Nick Flamel shook his head and said.

Obviously, he was not optimistic about Voldemort's choice.

"We have to try, Nick. The wizarding world's living space is still small. We cannot withstand major turbulence before that, and the problem of the termination machine must be solved." Voldemort expressed his helplessness and looked at each other. To the busy professors in the distance.

They were all using the radiation-repelling spell, but the spell worked intermittently, apparently affected by the aftermath of the terminator.

"Let's go now, take Bella, and...Hermione, just these two people first."

Voldemort glanced at Snape in the distance, hesitated for a moment and finally gave up on letting him get involved in this matter.

"Perhaps when you can freely travel to other worlds in the future, you can find a more loyal Snape to come over."

Voldemort, who was obsessed with Snape's talent, thought this before following Nick out of the ruins of Hogwarts.

Arriving at the attic of Nick Flamel's house again, Voldemort still couldn't help but admire the magnificent magic network in his heart.

He had already learned from "Dumbledore" that this magic web was created by Death, Grindelwald, and "Dumbledore".

Its function is to allow primitive tribes to give birth to more witches.

Of course, this is just an early effect. With the natural evolution of the magic network, it has now become larger and more complex.

"This is just the entity of the magic network reflected in the real world, and its body is actually the base of the pyramid."

Nico Flamel pointed to the brightest star in the sky and said, "That is the passage connecting the magic network itself. If we want to make changes to the magic network itself, we must go through there."

"Isn't it possible to pass through the pyramid?" Voldemort asked doubtfully.

"That requires higher authority. 'Death' can do it, but you are not Him yet." Nick Flamel said something that neither Bella nor Hermione could understand, and Voldemort did not explain it to them.

He thought that the time had not come yet, so it was better to wait and discuss this matter to avoid putting too much pressure on the Death Eaters.

Of course, part of the reason is because he hasn't figured out how to say it yet. After all, this matter is too complicated.

The most important thing now is to re-run Hogwarts. After all, there have been several generations of young wizards, and there is no way to conduct systematic learning.

"Then give up the method of fundamentally changing him, Nick, and tell us about the operating mode of this magic network." No longer wanting to start from the original body, Voldemort made new demands on Nick Flamel.

"Okay, let me explain it."

Nico Flamel nodded and said thoughtfully.

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