Chapter 503 is a little scary!!

“Okay, Darren, don’t worry, we’re sure.

Also, you and Harry drank the rest of the potion, and I hope that when you wake up again, your injuries will be healed! ”

He said seriously.

Darren looked at the potion next to him.

This thing was not something that Snape had gotten for him.

The taste is surprisingly terrifying.

When he was sent to St. Mungo’s before, he couldn’t fit it after a few mouthfuls of it.

That’s why he pretended to struggle and wait for Harry here. In fact, he didn’t want to drink it at all.

He would rather whoever gave him a fainting ground would be.

So he leaned there and said softly: “Headmaster, I don’t want to sleep… I was a little scared when I slept, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to wake up…”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

Dumbledore froze.

He was silent for a while, and finally walked to Darren’s side, and said in a hoarse voice: “Then, I have to use another method, faint!” ”

Darren fell into Mrs. Weasley’s arms.

Dumbledore looked at Harry.

Harry hesitated, took a sip of the potion, and then looked at Dumbledore.

He said without speaking: “I want to say, I am also afraid that I will not be able to wake up, do you believe it or not?” ”

Harry also felt that he would rather be stunned by a spell than drink this thing, but Dumbledore did not believe it.

He also thinks he’s shaking his wit.

Harry could only cry and poured the potion down without tears.

He felt that this St. Mungo’s potion was even worse than the potion made by Madam Pomfrey.

When Harry drank the potion and became sleepy, he saw Dumbledore cover Darren with a quilt, and his eyes were a little red.

However, he felt that he had seen it wrong.

Because there was nothing unusual about Dumbledore who raised his body.

He walked out solemnly.

Darren was put back on the fourth day.

Because Mr. Diggory’s funeral was about to take place.

Naturally, he could not stay in St. Mungo’s and not engage in the Holy Father.

It’s impossible.

As a little Holy Father, how could he pass up such an opportunity? So he went.

Attending Mr. Diggory’s funeral, Darren thought that he might encounter difficulties with Cedric and his mother.

But no.

They are all very kind.

And also grateful to Darren.

They were grateful to Darren for bringing back Mr. Diggory’s body.

“But I didn’t save him… If I hadn’t been so reckless and hadn’t had the magic potion, I could have saved him.

But I couldn’t do anything, I watched him kill Mr. Diggory…”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

Darren raised his head to the sky forty-five degrees and showed a sad expression.

This made many people show their distress for him.

“Not to say that, if you didn’t participate in the Triwizard Tournament, you couldn’t have been teleported there.”

Cedric said guiltily.

He looked at Darren’s body.

He saw Darren almost dead, blood staining his robe.

Originally, if he hadn’t helped Darren cast a note for the Triwizard Tournament, maybe Darren wouldn’t have encountered this kind of thing at all.

“Not like that, I have to thank you for doing that… If you hadn’t let me participate in the Triwizard Tournament, maybe my brother would have really been killed by Voldemort… The only thing that makes me feel grief and guilt is Mr. Diggory, I didn’t do anything…”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

Darren once again received the Holy Father value.

But he also believes in chasing after victory.

So he pulled out a bag of gold gallons from his pocket.

This is the prize money given by Fudge to the winner of the Triwizard Tournament, and Harry gave it to him.

One thousand gold gallons.

He pushed Cedric.

“Take it! You haven’t worked yet… It has to cost a bit! ”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

“No, no, Darren, I have money, we still have some money, and I got into the Ministry of Magic, where my father worked.

He…… I still feel wrong with you.

But I know that you are the kindest, you saved his life before, this time… Maybe it’s his life! ”

Cedric pushed Kim Garon to Darren.

Darren looked startled.

No one thought he was pretending.

He was just too sad.

In second grade, several students who had killed him were on the verge of collapse, not to mention Mr. Diggory.

This gentleman who didn’t offend him too much! After the funeral.

Darren was dragged by Harry to the school infirmary.

He spent another two days in the school infirmary before being declared completely well.

However, when he left the school infirmary, he was still looked at with concerned expressions by the students of each college.

It was as if he was about to collapse and fall to the ground.

Darren wondered if he was acting a little too badly.

Luckily, Hermione told him.

It was Dumbledore who warned everyone not to disturb them the day after he and Harry had an accident.

Dumbledore thought that everyone knew everything, and there was no need to learn from Darren and them.

And said, let everyone, give Harry and Darren some personal space.

Private space…

Darren looked at the eyes of those people, and always felt that this was a bit far away from the private space, and these people were about to eat him!

During the break, Harry told Darren about the results of the interrogation of Barty Crouch Jr.

Darren looked startled.

“He gave me the medicine…”

“yes, Barty Crouch Jr. said he didn’t kill you because he didn’t have time.

But Dumbledore thinks he’s hiding something, most likely something like a secrecy charm…

After all, it was used to spit on the truth, and Crouch did not say it.

They had planned to be interrogated later, and who knew that Fudge let the Dementor in to Crouch and gave him the Dementor kiss.

Although there is nothing wrong with it, because he killed a lot of people, it also prevents us from learning more from his mouth. ”

Harry said softly.

I was afraid that Darren would not be able to accept this fact.

Because Barty Crouch Jr. seems to have been nice to Darren.

Darren also felt guilty for wronging Barty Crouch Jr. before.

Darren did show a bitter smile.

“It’s okay, brother, I’m used to it!”

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding, Father +100]

[Ding… ]

Harry’s eyes were red.

He tried hard to laugh with Darren. But because of such a sentence, I got used to breaking defenses.

Why do you need to get used to Darren?

Why is it always Darren who gets the most damage? What the hell did Darren do wrong?!

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