Chapter 504 Respect Darren!!

There is still a day left before the holiday.

Dobby appeared in front of Darren.

It holds up a whole set of photo albums.

Carefully placed it on Darren’s table~.

When Dobby was in his second year, he received a gift from Professor Snape to Darren.

But at that time, Dobby wanted Darren and Harry not to go back to school if they couldn’t receive the gifts, so he destroyed the gifts.

Some time ago, Dobby found these ruined gifts, and Dobby repaired them again.

Dobby hoped that Mr. Darrenport would be happy, and when summer vacation came, it was time for Darren to smile. ”

Dobby opened the big album.

Darren only found out that it was full of photos of Lily.

Each one beckons him in a variety of circumstances.

There were also several pictures of them holding Harry, and they seemed to want to show him him.

Darren felt that if the original owner saw these things, he would cry.

So he hugged Dobby.

“Thank you… Thanks, Dobby, I love it! ”


They went to see Hagrid in time before the holiday.

Hagrid looked surprised when he saw Darren and them.

“Darren, are you okay?”

“Very good, I am good, very good!”

Darren smiled.

But no one believed it.

They all agreed that he should have acted more broken.

After all, he had been particularly violent in the past, but this time, he was much calmer.

Darren tried to explain to them at first.

But no matter how they explained it, they thought he was forcing a smile.

As a result, Darren stopped trying to explain.

He changed the subject.

“Hagrid, did Headmaster Dumbledore say what you and Madame Maxime were going to do?”

Hagrid and Harry exchanged an expression that was sure enough.

Apparently they thought that Darren was deliberately changing the subject.

“Dumbledore let us go… No, I can’t say anything more, you are not a first-grade child, and I am not who I was in first grade! ”

Darren shrugged his shoulders.

Don’t tell him, he knows.

He even knew everything they would bring back in the past.

Even Lupin, Fred, Tonks……… They all know their deaths.


Hagrid raised his voice.

Darren looked at him suspiciously.

“Also said that you didn’t… Forget it, Hagrid just asked you what to drink. ”

“A glass of water, thank you.”

Darren took the cup and he sighed softly.

Sure enough, it was a long time.

He’s also a little bit less able to stay out of it…….

That evening.

Darren packed his salute early.

Then followed Kassandra to the last banquet of the fourth grade.

The auditorium is furnished in black.

This time, there is no green or red decoration, only a black curtain, is it because of Mr. Diggory’s death, or because of Voldemort’s return?

Darren sat down.

Kassandra next to him stared at him tightly, as if with a wrong eye, he disappeared.

“Kids, a year has passed, and whether you admit it or not, Voldemort is back.

He killed Mr. Diggory, killed Bertha Joggins, killed some Muggles, and a Death Eater…

Kids, the Ministry of Magic denies that, but I think you’ve all seen what it was, and I think you’ll have judged for yourself.

Speaking of which, I have to mention two classmates, one is Harry Potter and the other is Darren Potter.

The two of them were heroic, and with strong will, with fearless courage, they brought back Mr. Diggory’s body.

And brought them back safely! So, my first drink to Harry! ”

Darren raised his glass.

He had wine on his table.

Apparently Dumbledore gave it to him. So he drank it all.

Of course.

Many of the Slytherin students didn’t stand up.

They did not recognize Harry’s achievements.

Because Harry’s achievement was to use his wand to confront Voldemort for a while

This looks waste to them.

Of course, it was also because they and Harry were no longer in the same camp, and Dumbledore did not care.

He raised his second glass of wine.

“Second glass of wine to Darren!”

Darren drank it all again.

When he put down his glass, he saw many tears rolling down their eyes.

These people acted like he was dying.

Darren felt extremely embarrassed.


They were immediately put on the train home.

After he got on the train, he heard Ron say angrily:…

“My mother approached Dumbledore and said that you would stay at our house this summer, and she said that she wanted to comfort and comfort you, especially Darren, she was worried about you.

But Dumbledore disagreed, and he let Harry continue to live in the Dursleys, and Darren in Mr. Flamel’s house.

This is really too much, can’t you two decide where to live?

Especially when Darren you haven’t come out of the trough yet! ”

Darren smiled helplessly.

“I’m already well, really, already well!”

He stressed again.

But Ron nodded perfunctorily.

“Yes, yes, you’re already well! So…… We’ll probably see you next semester! ”

When on the train…….

Hermione received a copy of the Daily Prophet.

She looked at Darren’s worried eyes and smiled softly: “Don’t worry, there are no more bad things about me and Harry written on it.”

And, I think she shouldn’t have a chance to say those gossip things for a while. ”

Hermione said with a smile.

Then she took a small bottle from inside her bag.

It contained a beetle.

Darren glanced at it curiously and said, “Animagus? Rita Skeeter? ”

“Oh, Darren, I know I can’t hide from you, when you were hospitalized in the school infirmary before, you were in a bad mood… I saw that this thing was above the window, so I grabbed her! ”


Darren wanted to say something about the Father.

But Hermione covered her mouth with her fingers.

She pressed her lips close together and said, “Don’t always be so kind… I don’t want to tolerate her saying anything that separates your feelings anymore! ”

Darren felt a little powerless to resist her. So he closed his mouth.

This made Hermione extremely happy.

“I told her that when we got back to London, I would let her go… I threatened her not to write any more defamatory words for a year, and she now has to agree! ”

“Oh, Miss Granger is happy now, perhaps, she has captured a royal reporter for Dumbledore.

In this way, Harry Potter can be praised as a student with excellent character and learning again! ”

The compartment door was opened.

It was Malfoy and Crabbe and Goyle.

They showed mocking expressions on their faces…

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