Chapter 525 Umbridge Freedom!!

“Darren Potter!”

Malfoy pronounced Darren’s name forcefully.

“I’m a prefect now, and I’m qualified to punish you, a traitor who runs to Gryffindor at any time.”

I hope you don’t get caught by me, otherwise I’m not as good a talker as I used to be!” ”

Malfoy looked angrily at Darren.

He looked at Darren for a moment, then snorted. He walked away on his toes.

Harry and Ron and Hermione turned pale. They began to worry that Malfoy was bad for Darren.

Since Malfoy was Slytherin, he could grab Darren directly and punish him.


Hermione was worried. Darren tilted his head. Looking at him puzzled.

It doesn’t seem quite clear why they are worried. This made Hermione helpless.

But at this time, Luna and Neville were there, and they didn’t want to say it all.

I can only look out the window with a melancholy expression.

“Almost there!”

Hermione said suddenly.

Darren heard the conductor changing clothes. He immediately changed his clothes.

That’s when the train finally stopped.

Only then did they find it pouring rain outside.

“First-year students are here!”

A woman’s voice shouted loudly.

It wasn’t Hagrid’s familiar voice.

“What’s going on?”

Harry looked over there in amazement.

“What about Hagrid?”

Darren showed a worried expression.

“Maybe fired?”

Malfoy shouted loudly. Harry, they were furious. Luna was a little happy.

She said happily, “I like Professor Grapland ‘s class, Mr. Hagrid. ”

“Nonsense, Hagrid taught the best!”

Harry shouted in unison. Darren felt a little weak. He didn’t shout out.

He pretended not to hear and walked a little farther.

Fortunately, Harry and they didn’t let him say anything, otherwise he might have to say in good conscience that Hagrid taught well.

Darren had planned to skip that topic and walk back.

But when he walked a little farther, a bunch of students behind him pushed him forward, there were too many students here.

They separated.

He could only follow the flow of people to the front.

Then he saw the carriages pulled by the night horses. There are about a hundred horse-drawn carriages here.

The group of students rushed forward.

They chose the nightingale, filled with people, and the nightingale took off. Darren and the others saw Harry when they were few.

He was about to run towards Harry, but a hand grabbed him. He looked back and saw that it was Kassandra.

“Come up, that carriage in Harry Potter is full!”

Kassandra said coldly.

Darren looked back, and sure enough, the carriage was full.

Harry and Ron got into Kassandra’s carriage after seeing him get into that carriage.

“How’s the summer going?”

Kassandra asked after hesitating for a moment.

“Very good.”

Darren responded politely. Kassandra pursed her lips.

When she was about to get off the carriage, she suddenly whispered: “Be careful, you must be careful afterwards, he is back, Slytherin is not safe!” ”

Darren was about to say something thankful when he saw Kassandra quickly jump out of the carriage and leave as if nothing had happened.

The auditorium is illuminated by candles. Everyone is saying something out loud.

As if those things from last year were no problem for them.

But when Darren walked into the auditorium, the auditorium was quiet for a moment. Then it was reverted to its original state of affairs as it was.

He pretended not to notice this, and walked over to his place in Slytherin, where Malfoy saw him coming, grinning and saying to Crabbe and Goyle, “That stupid big guy didn’t come, maybe Hogwarts will expel him.”

I think my dad would be very happy to know the news! ”

Darren ignored him. He looked at Dumbledore’s side, the witch dressed in pink. Umbridge.

Darren’s gaze may be perceived.

Umbridge picked up her glass and looked at him. Then Umbridge smiled. She took the wine glass and drank it down.

She nodded condescendingly at Darren.

Darren then remembered that he also had a reward, Umbridge’s illusion. Umbridge would treat him as his own.


Very good.

He achieved Umbridge freedom in second grade? But he was immediately disgusted by himself.

Thinking of Umbridge’s toad-like face, big loose eyelids, a pair of eyes like the big eye bubbles of a toad.

He thought just one Umbridge was disgusting.

“Ha, my dad said that Umbridge has a good relationship with him, I think Umbridge was saying hello to me just now!”

Malfoy’s smug laughter made Darren almost roll his eyes. But Malfoy’s reasons were good.

At least no one would think that he knew Umbridge. Even if Umbridge had tried him.

Darren smiled.

Then he saw Professor McGonagall walk in from outside with a team of first-year students.

The group of freshmen looked apprehensive, their faces full of worry and fear. Darren thought of his first grade, and he should have had this expression on his face

But he remembered that he was pretending at that time.

Perhaps only other people have enjoyed this fear of the unknown. He lost his fears and his troubles!

Darren almost laughed.

Then he heard the Sorting Hat sing. A long time ago, I was a new hat, and Hogwarts had not yet built the four founders of the noble academy

We must be closely connected internally, otherwise everything will fall apart from within, I have already told you bluntly, now let’s start sorting! The sound of the Sorting Hat stopped.

Darren noticed that the faces of the students in the auditorium began to fill with unease.

Apparently, they are now reminiscing about what happened last year.

Even Malfoy was now full of unease. But he still persistently showed an arrogant expression again.

In this case, the children of the Malfoy family cannot show weakness, which should be the education of nobles.

The Slytherin students remained expressionless. Whether their hands are shaking or not.

This situation continued until the end of the sorting ceremony, and Darren noticed that everyone’s faces were much better.

And at this time, Dumbledore also stood up.

He laughed loudly and said, “In any case, I hope everyone will be able to eat before my next words.”

Now, let’s get started! Enjoy your dinner! ”

Darren was about to laugh when he suddenly turned his head and the bun in the plate in front of him pressed against his nose.

He seemed to see the expectant eyes of the house-elves.

Eighty percent is to let him eat this pile of buns as tall as a hill! Darren suddenly felt that buns were just that…

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