Chapter 526 Welcome Party!!


The buns taste very good. There are all kinds of tastes.

But when he ate the durian flavor, he began to wonder if the house-elf was crazy.


Darren’s stomach was full.

Especially when dessert comes up, he stuffs his stomach full.

By the time he was full and patting his stomach, he began to get sleepy. He began to miss his big bed.

Dumbledore seemed to have discovered his state. He stood up and clapped his hands.

The food on the table is gone.

Then he said briskly: “Let me make a long story short, the Forbidden Forest is not allowed to go, and Mr. Filch is not allowed to use magic in the corridor.

There are two changes to our faculty this year.

Two new professors have arrived, one is Professor Grapland who will replace Hagrid in your place to protect magical creatures.

The second is Professor Umbridge, who will teach you Defense Against the Dark Arts and the Quidditch Selection will be…”

Dumbledore stopped.

Because he heard Umbridge clear his throat. He sat down.

He said in a welcoming voice: “Oh, it seems that our Professor Umbridge is going to give a speech, everyone welcome her!” ”

Darren found.

The whole of Hogwarts was stunned by Umbridge’s hand.

Because this was the first time someone had deliberately interrupted Dumbledore in a public place.

Professor Sprout furrowed his eyebrows. Professor McGonagall almost stood up.

Even Snape looked at Umbridge in surprise.

It is estimated that it may be to see what this dead woman wants to do. Umbridge didn’t seem to see Hogwarts’ surprise.

In a little girl-like voice, she said in a shrill voice, “I’m glad that Dumbledore welcomed me like this, and I’m glad that the entire Hogwarts classmates are welcome.” ”

On this good day of school, I hope that all of you can meet our future life with full spirit and warm faces.

I hope to be friends with you and have a good day with you… Umbridge spoke smoothly.

Darren suspected that she had read the manuscript eight hundred times.

He seemed to have returned to his youthful days before he crossed over, and listened to the director of education say above that he wanted to be friends with them.

“…… The Ministry of Magic believes that in school life, we should be orderly, organized, and have a relaxed learning environment…”

“…… At the same time, some old habits will be discarded and new ones will. ”

Be started anew.

Darren felt like he was going to fall asleep.

And he found that no one in the auditorium was listening to Umbridge’s presentation. Even Malfoy was playing wizarding chess with Crabbe.

Finally, I don’t know how long it took. Umbridge sat down.

None of the students in the auditorium reacted. They are still playing with their own.

Until Dumbledore’s voice sounded new.

Only then did everyone react, and the pink toad’s voice disappeared.

“Well, thanks to Professor Umbridge for his message, the Quidditch tryouts will be held at…”

Dumbledore finished his last sentence in two words. They sang the Hogwarts school song again.

Only then was he allowed to return to his own academy.

Darren rubbed his eyes and followed behind Kassandra, next to a bunch of first-year freshmen.

Kassandra guided them towards the common room. They looked at Darren suspiciously and uneasily.

I guess I can’t understand, he is so old, why is he still staying in their freshmen?

Darren actually found out when he returned to the common room.

Malfoy led the fifth-year students, and Cassandra led the first-year freshmen.

And he, all the way around these children, wobbly, looked sleepy-eyed.

Slytherin common room.

Snape was standing in the center with his wand. He watched expressionlessly as everyone came in. The lounge was very quiet.

Even first-year freshmen don’t dare to make a sound. Darren covered his mouth and yawned.

Frightened the freshman next to him.

Darren suspected that the child might be worried that Snape would get angry when he heard the voice.

“Prefect Tryouts, even fifth-grade prefects, can be replaced, can challenge them, or fight freely.

As a rule, we will choose a grade for a prefect tryout to serve as a role model for first-year students.

Since last year it was a fourth grader, this year a fifth-grader is chosen.

Of course, students from the fifth grade and above, if they do not plan to participate in the prefect tryout, can leave freely first! ”

Snape said coldly.

Darren saw Malfoy looking at him nervously. Apparently afraid that he would suddenly want to grab the prefect with him. He pouted and yawned again.

Then said happily: “Professor, I don’t plan to participate, I’ll go back first!” ”

Snape nodded. Darren quickly ran to his dormitory.

Of course, he also heard from a sixth-grader who said he also wouldn’t be in the prefect tryouts.

But he was scolded by Snape.

The reason is that it is not enterprising, not self-motivated…

In short, Darren saw that the student was scolded and crying.

Fortunately, by this time, he had closed his dormitory door. The rest is none of his business.

…… Meanwhile.

Harry is facing another argument in his Gryffindor. As everyone knows.

Even though Harry was the savior, he had many times quarreled with his Gryffindor classmates.

It’s the same this time.

Ron went to guide the first-yearers.

He returned to the Gryffindor dormitory by himself. Seamus questioned him.

He said his mother didn’t want him to come to school because she believed the words in the Daily Prophet.

Believe that Harry is a psychopath, believe that Dumbledore is a crazy old liar, believe that Darren is a strong man who is packaged. Harry was furious.

“If you believe it, then you go to Professor McGonagall and ask not to stay with me!”

Seamus was infuriated by his words.

But he also wanted to express that he was not such a partial listener.

So he asked Harry to show evidence that the projection was real and not fictional.

Harry looked at him coldly.

He gritted his teeth and scolded angrily: “How is Darren’s strength, whether he is a packaged strong person, I think you should know by yourself as a fool.”

As for whether I have a mental problem, and whether Dumbledore is an old liar. I think since you don’t know enough about getting along for four years, then don’t ask me again! ”

Harry yelled.

But he felt that looking at Seamus’s expression, he might be more suspicious that he was a neurotic…

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