To be honest, Kyle's mood had changed completely since the afternoon when they were dancing.

He no longer felt relaxed, but nervous. Even when Fred and George pulled him onto the stage, he just hurriedly found an excuse to slip back.

The main reason was that the situation had changed suddenly. Before, he was not worried about what to do if Voldemort came here, because they had Dumbledore. Even if he was not there, Kyle believed that he could get here in time.

But now it was different. Since the moment he disappeared in the mottled sunlight at Bathilda's house, Kyle's nervousness reached an unprecedented, new height.

The sun gradually set, and night fell...

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Fred and George took the lead in lighting the bonfire. The invited band played hard, and the crackling flames shone on everyone's face, and the atmosphere reached a new height.

Kyle sat in an open space not far away, looking a little tired. For the first time, he felt that Fred and George's actions were really inappropriate.

It would be great if the party ended like this, and everyone could go home and be much safer. Why should we light a bonfire and continue? Isn't this increasing the risk out of thin air?

He sighed quietly.

At this moment, his left shoulder suddenly sank, and then he felt a warm touch. Kyle turned his head and found that the phoenix was pecking his ear gently.

"Fawkes?" Kyle was stunned for a moment, "Why are you still here?"

But he soon realized that Fawkes didn't want to go into Bathilda's house, which was dirty, messy, and full of strange smells, so Dumbledore left it outside to be on guard.

As soon as he got the time converter, he couldn't wait to turn the pointer on it, and even couldn't wait to move to a safer place.

That is to say, when he went back to the past, Fawkes was still outside and not with him.

In just a moment, all the negative emotions brought about by Dumbledore's departure disappeared from Kyle's heart.

With the phoenix, who cares about Dumbledore?

He reached out his hand, touched the warm and soft feathers on the Phoenix's neck, and said in a calm and gentle voice:

"Dumbledore... He doesn't want you anymore."

"Oh!" Fox pecked Kyle's finger, and he gasped in pain.

"I'm not lying to you, this is true." Kyle rubbed his finger and said, "If you don't believe it, you can feel it. Can you still find Dumbledore's location?"

Fox continued to peck, but this time Kyle was prepared in advance and easily dodged.

But this was also related to Fox's lack of seriousness. It called softly and lay on Kyle's shoulder with some boredom.

"You know..." Kyle curled his lips. He didn't expect Fox to know Dumbledore's arrangement in advance. I think they should have communicated in advance.

But this also made his plan that he had just thought of fail more than half in an instant. He also wanted to take Fox away when Dumbledore was away.

"If you ask me, what he did this time was really dishonest." Kyle continued to touch Fox's feathers, "It wouldn't take long for you to come over, right?"

This time Fox didn't peck him again, but just jumped from his shoulder to his legs, buried his head under his wings, and pretended to be ready to sleep.

Kyle didn't lose heart, just sat there, chattering and throwing dirty water on Dumbledore behind his back.

Anyway, he couldn't hear it now, let alone refute it, Kyle said whatever he wanted, as long as he could trick the phoenix... well, if he persuaded it, he would make a fortune.

As for what to do if Dumbledore comes back later, compared with the phoenix, it's a trivial matter, who cares.

"Kyle, why are you here again, Hermione has been looking for you just now."

At this time, Cedric brought Hermione and Harry and others ran over from a distance.

"Strange, how did your owl find this place..." Hermione looked at Fox lying on Kyle's legs and suddenly stopped, "Wait, this is not an owl, this is a phoenix!"

"This is Dumbledore's phoenix." Harry said. He had seen Fox many times and knew that this phoenix had a good relationship with Kyle. It can even be said that apart from Dumbledore, the only person who could make it approach him actively was Kyle.

However, Hermione and Ron didn't know that although they had seen Fox before, they had only seen him from a distance. This was the first time they were so close.

"So impressive..." Ron said with envy.

He could imagine that if he carried a phoenix on his shoulders, he would definitely be the most eye-catching person in the crowd.

Hermione was also very excited. She looked at Fox who was sleeping and carefully reached out her hand to touch the beautiful golden and red feathers on the phoenix.

As if he had noticed something, Fox suddenly opened his eyes the next second, flapped his wings and jumped onto Kyle's shoulder, and then continued to sleep.

This silent rejection disappointed Hermione a little.

"Fawkes doesn't like to be disturbed when he's taking a nap, just like you don't like others to suddenly open the quilt when you're sleeping." Kyle explained.

"By the way, Cedric just said you were looking for me?"

"That's right." Hermione quickly adjusted her mood, "Cedric told me that you will go to work at the Ministry of Magic tomorrow, and I have some suggestions."

"What advice?"

"About rebuilding the Ministry of Magic." Hermione said seriously: "I think the destruction of the Ministry of Magic this time is a good opportunity. We... no, it should be said that you can make some changes to let it get rid of the past. Cumbersome and lengthy procedures.”

"Tell me about it." Kyle looked at her with interest.

He is indeed going to the Ministry of Magic tomorrow, and it would be good to find something to do for himself. After all, everyone is busy, and it is not good for him to be too idle.

"The first is the method of communication." Hermione cleared her throat, "Harry told me that all communications between the Ministry of Magic are transmitted through a paper airplane, and they also have to take an elevator."

"That's right." Kyle nodded, "At first they used owls, but later they changed to this cleaner method."

"But waiting for the paper plane to fly out and then taking the elevator to reach the destination will take a minute at the fastest. If the floor is high, it will take even longer. This is such a waste of time." Hermione said, "If you use Muggle A phone call can solve this problem very well.”

"Oh, she's here again." Ron turned his head and whispered: "I clearly told her that it is impossible to install a Muggle phone in the Ministry of Magic."

No one responded to him.

Kyle nodded, "Any more?"

"There are also the House Elf Resettlement Office and the Muggle Mediation Committee." Hermione continued: "In my opinion, these two departments are just decorations and have not played their due role at all. People from the Ministry of Magic should Take it seriously."

"In addition, there are many unreasonable aspects in the education order... Hogwarts' education method is very backward, and some changes should be made."

Hermione kept talking about her opinions, and Harry and Ron stood behind her and couldn't get a word in. Except for making a little noise when they heard about the teaching methods of Hogwarts, they were mostly silent the rest of the time, looking like two mascot ornaments.

It wasn't until half an hour later that Hermione finally stopped, took out a bottle of pumpkin soda she had prepared in advance and took a sip.

Kyle thought about what he just said...Hermione said a lot, but not much was useful.

For example, regarding the situation of the House Elves and the Muggle Conciliation Committee, her reasons are indeed very good, but they are all imagined by her.

In fact, Hermione had never actually been to these two departments, and she didn't know that the staff in these two places were almost crazy... especially the Muggle Mediation Committee.

Nowadays, wizards will inevitably interact with Muggles in their daily lives. Even the village of St. Catchpole is a village where Muggles and wizards live together.

In this case, as time goes by, there will be some intersections and even conflicts between the two parties.

Although these problems can be solved with magic, such as the Oblivion Spell or the Confusion Spell, not everyone will choose this method.

Because according to the latest "Wizards Act", wizards are not allowed to harm Muggles. Once the spells are not mastered well and cause harm to Muggles, the attackers will immediately come to the door and punish the wizard to a certain extent.

Of course, under normal circumstances, one would not be imprisoned in Azkaban, but punishment would certainly be necessary. According to Kyle's understanding, it was usually a fine, ranging from thirty to one hundred galleons, depending on the situation.

The Forgetting Curse and the Confusion Curse are advanced spells, so usually, wizards who do not do very well in school or are not very confident in themselves will choose to report these conflicts to the Ministry of Magic, and professionals will deal with these conflicts.

This is the task of the Muggle Issues Mediation Committee, and the people in this department are absolutely professional. There are two employees, one with thirty years of experience, and the other with fifty years, a proper veteran employee.

The main reason is that no one wants to go to this department. Even if they have lowered the conditions to the lowest level, no one will consider it.

In addition to the small salary, what's more important is that it has a lot to do. The two employees spend most of their time traveling between villages and towns every day, solving trivial matters between wizards and Muggles.

If we were to choose the most tired department in the Ministry of Magic, they would definitely be in the top three, if not number one.

So what Hermione said... things that were useless and didn't work were just because she didn't see it.

And based on the current situation, even if there is something unreasonable in these departments, the Ministry of Magic will not waste time solving it.

The most important thing for them now is definitely to solve the problem of Death Eaters. Everything else will have to wait until the situation calms down.

But Hermione also had very good suggestions, such as communications in the Ministry of Magic...the traditional paper airplane method is indeed a bit backward and very slow.

Kyle thought for a while and realized that it might not be practical to install a telephone, but it would still be possible to use a magic prop like a communication coin, or it would be possible to modify the telephone and use magic words to replace the telephone line in an alchemical way.

At that time, you can discuss it with Fred and George to see if they can make it.

Just as he was thinking about it, a burst of noise mixed with screaming suddenly came from the distance, and the music stopped abruptly.

"What, is the dance over?" Harry turned around subconsciously.

However, when he saw clearly what was happening on the other side of the dance floor, he froze on the spot.

The Tonks couple, who had just left not long ago, were lying on the ground dying, and behind them were a group of figures wearing cloaks and masks.

Death Eaters! Harry would never forget this outfit.

"Damn, how did they find this place!" Ron shouted in horror.

"The Red Loyalty Curse has a limited range. It's possible that we exceeded it but didn't find it."

Cedric still retained a trace of calmness, "And there are also Mr. and Mrs. Tonks. If the Death Eaters have been following them, they can also find their approximate location."

"Then what should we do?" Ron turned to look at Harry, "They must be coming for you, let's run!"

He grabbed Harry's arm and wanted to take him away from here, but unexpectedly, Harry stood still as if under a binding spell.

At this moment, a flash of light flashed above their heads, which was the Death Eater's curse.

"What are you waiting for, Harry!" Ron shouted anxiously: "Hurry up, or it will be too late."

"Don't panic," Cedric said. "They can't find us yet."

"No, it will be soon." Kyle said as he stood up, and Fox on his shoulder opened his eyes.

"Can they break through the protection of the Chidan Loyalty Curse?"

"It has nothing to do with this." Kyle frowned.

"My dear niece, we are here to attend your wedding, why don't you come out to greet us." A sharp voice came from among the Death Eaters. "Come out quickly, don't keep the guests waiting."

She took off the mask on her face, revealing a familiar, crazy face, somewhat similar to Mrs. Tonks on the ground, but completely different.

Seeing that there was no movement around, she suddenly smiled, turned her wrist slightly, and pointed the wand at the Tonks and his wife on the ground.

"Since you are unwilling to come to greet us, then Crucio..."


With a sharp shout, Tonks took the initiative to walk out of the range of the Loyalty Curse and came to the Death Eaters, with Lupine following closely beside her.

"Hoho, Nymphadora Tonks, my dear niece." Bellatrix glanced at them coldly, "I thought that my sister marrying a mudblood would be enough to humiliate us. I didn’t expect that her daughter would be even more shameless and actually choose a werewolf..."

"This has nothing to do with you, Bellatrix." Tonks said with a straight face, "You are not welcome here, leave now!"

"You drove me away? Hahaha..." Bellatrix suddenly laughed nervously, "...did you hear...she asked me to leave...hahaha...cut out the bones!"

A beam of light shot out from the wand and fell on Mr. Tonks. He immediately curled up into a ball and trembled.



"All petrified!"

Tonks and Lupine immediately fought back, forcing Bellatrix to remove her wand, but this also angered the Death Eaters who followed. They also pulled out their wands, and the battle began instantly.

The invited bands never expected that such a thing would happen. They dropped their things and ran away in all directions. Once they were out of the range of the protective magic, they apparated directly.

Everyone else except them rushed towards the Death Eaters.

Sirius was the first to rush out and used the Iron Armor Curse to help Lupine and Tonks block the first wave of spell attacks.

Mrs. Weasley also joined the fight after pushing Ginny into the house in a panic.

"We're going to help too," Harry said, running over without looking back.

"Wait!" Hermione stopped him. "They must be looking for you, we have to get out of here first."

"I can't do it!" Harry's eyes turned red. "I can't persuade myself to leave, especially here."

Hermione subconsciously glanced at the house not far away. She understood what Harry meant, but her reason told her that she couldn't let Harry do whatever he wanted.

"No, you have to leave with me." She grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him in the other direction.

Disapparation cannot be used within the protection range of the Red Loyalty Curse, and one must go out first.

Ron on the side hesitated for a moment before decisively siding with Hermione.

"Let me go!" Harry struggled. "Dumbledore is here too. Why are we running? Let me go."

It must be said that Harry's voice was very timely. As soon as he finished speaking, the force on his arm instantly became much weaker.

"Yes, Dumbledore is here too." Ron blurted out. He glanced around, "But where is the other person? Why haven't he come out yet? I obviously saw him just now."

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