Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 790: The Battle in Godric's Hollow

Where is Dumbledore... Except for Ron, everyone else also had this question. They clearly remembered that they had seen Dumbledore and talked to him. Why did he suddenly disappear now?

But except for Kyle, I am afraid no one can give them an answer to this question.

And the moment the Death Eaters appeared, Kyle immediately became nervous. He ignored Harry and Hermione who were arguing, and didn't even look at them. He just searched among the Death Eaters with a serious face.

After a while, Kyle breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they all wore masks... This is the standard equipment of Death Eaters. Since they are Death Eaters, it means that the most troublesome person has not come.

In this case, there is nothing to worry about.

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When Kyle came to his senses, the battle had already begun completely. The light of the spell was shining everywhere in all directions. Under such intensive attacks, the surrounding protective magic only lasted for a while before it was destroyed.

Everyone was exposed to the Death Eaters. The sky seemed to be covered by a thick black fog. They fell from the sky and appeared around everyone with their numerical advantage.

Harry had the most people.

Hermione was interrupted just as she was about to take him away. Various spells came from all directions, making it difficult for her to concentrate on using Apparition.

In desperation, Hermione made a prompt decision and pushed Harry away. At the same time, she threw herself in the opposite direction and narrowly avoided the incoming spell.

Ron, who was standing next to her, was a step slower and was hit in the shoulder by a spell.

Ron covered his shoulder and screamed. A lot of blood gushed out of the wound, and even his robe was soaked.

"Ron, Ron! How are you!" Hermione asked in a trembling voice, but her voice was soon drowned out by the louder explosion.

She wanted to go to Ron, but was also blocked by the Death Eaters who fell from the sky.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted, waving his wand.

Although he successfully knocked away a Death Eater's weapon, facing so many enemies, this advantage was obviously not very useful.

"Kyle!" Cedric shouted, "You go save Harry, I have to help Lupin and Tonks, they can't hold on for long!"

"No, you stay here!" Kyle instantly appeared in front of Ron, waved his wand, and a silver shield helped him block all the spells in front of him.

At the same time, the ground bulged high, like a wave, taking Harry and Hermione not far away out of the Death Eaters' encirclement.

In just a moment, the crisis of the three was temporarily relieved.

"Go to Cedric." Kyle glanced at the embarrassed three people, then turned back and shouted, "This is up to you, protect yourself!"

After that, Kyle disappeared again.

"Use Apparition in battle?!" Hermione came back to her senses and was shocked, "This is too dangerous!"

"Compared to these, I think we should consider ourselves better." Cedric came to the side of the few people and said solemnly: "You don't need to worry about Kyle at all. He has mastered this spell in the fifth grade... Armor!"

Cedric used the Iron Armor Charm to block a spell flying from the side, and returned a Stunning Charm to the other party.

Harry and Hermione also started their own counterattacks. The three of them formed a circle to protect the injured Ron.

At the same time, Kyle had already appeared in the center of the battlefield, where Lupin and Tonks were.

Facing the successive attacks of Bellatrix and seven or eight Death Eaters, the two could only hold on. If it weren't for Sirius' timely help, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to survive even a single encounter.

"Clear water like an arrow!"

A spring of water spurted out from the tip of Kyle's wand, and the water kept twisting in the air, changing into the shape of an arrow, and flew rapidly to the place where the Death Eaters were most concentrated.

There were screams from the crowd, and there was a brief break in the dense spell attacks.

Kyle immediately used the Transfiguration Spell on the ground under Lupin and Tonks' feet, and threw them out of the encirclement in the same way as he saved Harry.

"You again!" Bellatrix looked at Kyle, covering her arm that was scratched by the "arrow" with one hand, and said viciously: "How dare you ruin my good thing!"

"Yes, but what can you do, kill me?" Kyle spread his hands.

"As you wish!" Bellatrix raised her wand frantically, and a green light flew straight towards Kyle.

But the next second, Kyle disappeared from the spot with a "snap", not only avoiding Bellatrix's killing curse, but also taking the opportunity to appear behind her.

"Gather the wind without a shadow!"

The whistling wind seemed to have become the sharpest blade, and the range was much larger than the water arrow just now.

In an instant, several Death Eaters closest to Kyle fell to the ground screaming like harvested wheat, and the blood sprayed out was blown into blood mist, splashing on other Death Eaters around.

"Tsk..." Kyle frowned, a little dissatisfied with the effect.

This is the modified Divine Edge Shadowless Curse. How to say it, the range is indeed much larger, but the power is a little unsatisfactory, and it can only scratch a row.

If you are lucky enough to have a meat shield around you, you will not be affected at all.

"I can only say that there is room for improvement." Kyle shook his head.

Bellatrix had just come to her senses at this time. It was hard for her to believe that she had lost half of her men in just one encounter?

"You must die!" Bellatrix made a judgment in an instant. While Kyle was dealing with other Death Eaters, she raised her arm quickly and a beam of red light went straight to Kyle.

The spell was very fast and arrived in front of Kyle in the blink of an eye. Because it was a sneak attack, and Bellatrix had a good grasp of the timing, she thought Kyle would definitely not be able to dodge it, even if he Apparated.

But Kyle had no intention of hiding.

When the red light came, the exquisite silver shield appeared again and rebounded the spell to a Death Eater opposite him. The other party didn't even react to what happened, and his eyes rolled over and fainted.

At this time, Kyle had returned to Lupin and stood side by side with Sirius.

But what surprised them was that Bellatrix did not attack again.

She just stood there, and the whole person suddenly became sluggish.

"This is impossible!" She screamed and looked at Kyle, "This is impossible, how can you use the Dark Lord's magic!"

She remembered very clearly that when Voldemort and Dumbledore fought a battle in the hall of the Ministry of Magic when they were trying to snatch the prophecy crystal ball in the Department of Mysteries, the Dark Lord used this shield-like armor spell to block Dumbledore's attack.

Bellatrix always thought that it was a magic that only Voldemort could use, but she didn't expect to see it again now, and it was on Kyle.

Why is it Kyle, how can it be Kyle! Bellatrix couldn't accept it.

She suddenly seemed to be crazy, and threw the spell at Kyle's place without any rules.

For some reason, Kyle didn't fight back, just stood there, smiling at Bellatrix, but whenever a spell approached, the silver shield would appear in time and randomly bounce the attack to a lucky Death Eater.

Kyle was so happy that he almost laughed out loud, but the happier he was, the crazier Bellatrix became, and the more spells she threw at him, and these spells were finally bounced to other Death Eaters.

Now, Kyle was even happier.

As if a certain cycle had formed, he just stood still, and the Death Eaters around him were almost cleaned up by his own people.

Until those Death Eaters reacted, avoided Kyle and Bellatrix, and ran to a farther place, Kyle sighed with regret.

At this time, Sirius had taken the opportunity to rescue the injured Tonks and his wife, and returned again.

"Where is Principal Dumbledore." He came to Kyle and asked, "Wasn't he still attending the wedding at noon? How come he suddenly disappeared."

"Professor Dumbledore had something to do temporarily and has left." Kyle said without looking back, and at the same time slightly turned sideways to avoid a green light.

The Killing Curse, a very special black magic, greatly restrained the effect of the Armor Curse under the dual blessing of magic and malice. Kyle was not sure if he could block it, so it was better to be cautious.

His dodging made Bellatrix's eyes light up. She seemed to wake up, screamed, and called all the Death Eaters around.

At least twenty hooded figures flew over, forming a huge circle, surrounding Kyle and Sirius in the middle.


Under the leadership of Bellatrix, the light emitted by the Killing Curse almost lit up the entire sky.

"It's over!" Lupin desperately grabbed Tonks' hand, turned to Kyle and said, "Run, don't worry about us!"

With so many Killing Curses attacking together, they couldn't escape. Even if they could avoid the first wave of attacks, they couldn't avoid the second and third waves... Without support, it was only a matter of time before they were hit.

But Kyle was different. Lupin also noticed that Kyle could use Apparition freely in battle.

That is to say, this situation that other wizards think is certain to die is nothing to him, and he can easily jump out of the encirclement.

Therefore, whether or not one can use Apparition in battle is also an important basis for distinguishing the strength of wizards.

Unfortunately, except for Kyle, none of the people present could do it, and they could only delay time by constantly changing their positions.

The only thing to be thankful for is that the Killing Curse cannot be used casually like other spells, and it is not so fast to cast, which also gives them time to breathe.

"I can't do it." Kyle shook his head.

"Listen, Kyle, now is not the time to act on impulse!" Sirius said anxiously: "Go, if this goes on, all of us will die here."

"No, I can't do it." Kyle shook his head again, and then added: "It means literally, the Killing Curse brings too much malice, and it is almost impossible to use Apparition in this situation, even if Dumbledore comes."

"That's it!" Sirius felt desperate.

He himself didn't care. He had been ready to die twenty years ago, but Kyle was different. With his talent, his future achievements were definitely limitless and he shouldn't stop at this place.

"Moonface, prepare to fight." Sirius gritted his teeth, "No matter what, we must send Kyle out!"

"No problem." Lupin said calmly. He and Sirius thought the same thing.

The two of them and Tonks came to Kyle at the same time, ready to help him resist the killing curse at any time.

Three people means three chances. With Kyle's ability, he can definitely escape the encirclement.

"Don't be so nervous." Kyle said, "We have reinforcements."

"Reinforcements?" Tonks' eyes lit up, "Yes, the people in the Ministry of Magic should have received the news. With the speed of the Aurors, they should be able to get here soon."

"No, no, I'm not talking about the Aurors." Kyle shook his head.

"Not the Aurors? Then who is it, Dumbledore?"

"About the same." Kyle looked up, "Oh, it's here, remind me, be prepared to become a bludger."



Before Tonks could react to what this meant, a golden-red figure suddenly appeared above their heads.

Fawkes stretched out his claws and grabbed the shoulders of Lupin and Tonks respectively.

At the same time, three killing curses also came at a very fast speed, heading straight for where they were.

But the next second, the light of the killing curse only passed through a flame that appeared out of thin air, and Lupin and Tonks, who were here before, disappeared in the firelight.

"Fortunately, we caught up." Kyle breathed a sigh of relief, and grabbed Sirius's shoulder, "Get ready..."

"Ah?" Sirius turned his head blankly to look at Kyle, and then he found himself in another place.

The hut and the decorations that were not completely destroyed could still be seen from a distance, but there was no Death Eater around. Roughly estimated, they should be a mile away.

"Apparition!" Sirius was stunned, "But didn't you just say..."

"Yes, I really can't use it." Kyle nodded, "But I have props."

He stretched out his hand and showed Sirius an inconspicuous ring on his finger.

The reason why it is inconspicuous is that the ring is tightly attached to the finger, as if it was painted on, and it may not be noticed if you don't look carefully.

This was a birthday gift from Diana when he was in the first grade, a magic item that can be used for three times of Apparition.

The biggest advantage of this item is that it is not affected by the outside world. As long as there is no anti-Apparition spell, it can be used at will, and the malice brought by the Killing Curse is naturally no exception.

"Magic item?" Sirius blinked.

"What's wrong? If you are not strong enough, you can compete with equipment and krypton gold. Is there any problem?" Kyle looked at Sirius with some disdain, "You are Black, and I still need to remind you of such a simple truth?"

Sirius felt his face was hot.

If you can't beat them, use magic items. There is nothing wrong with what Kyle said. Including wizards like Godric Gryffindor, they also asked goblins to make an indestructible sword. This is a very normal thing in the magic world.

More common are things like invisibility cloaks and flying brooms, which are also for convenience.

These things can be said to have no disadvantages except that they are more expensive.

And what Black lacks the least is Galleons.

"Or so." Kyle looked at Sirius teasingly, "Do you think it's unfair to use this item to win, and want to have a fair duel with the Death Eaters?"

"Of course not!" Sirius shook his head quickly, "I just didn't expect you to have such a good thing... The Black family has never had a magic item that can store Apparition. If this thing is spread out, people will definitely fight for it."

Kyle shrugged and didn't comment.

The Teleportation Ring... Let's call it this name. Even if its reputation is not as good as the legendary Deathly Hallows, it will definitely not be much worse.

But now is obviously not the time to discuss these.

Kyle looked at the few small black dots in the distance, "It seems that the Death Eaters have discovered us, and they will catch up soon. You'd better leave here quickly."

Kyle's words woke Sirius up, and he was about to run back immediately.

"No, you should leave quickly. I still have to rescue Harry and the others."

"No need."

Kel stopped him, "What do you think Fawkes was doing when we were surrounded by Death Eaters just now, eating dinner?

"It came to our side, which means that everyone else, including Harry, has been rescued. Lupin and Tonks are the last batch.

"As for where Fawkes sent them, I don't know, but it must be far away from here."


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