Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 797 Bones' Purpose

After leaving the Muggle Mediation Committee, Kyle was going to go to his office. After all, so many people had seen him, so it was unreasonable not to show his face.

But just as he walked into the elevator, he saw an acquaintance standing inside.

"Didn't I tell you to stay at No. 12 Grimmauld Place?"

Chris looked at Kyle walking in from the outside and was a little stunned for a moment.

He didn't think Kyle was an impulsive person before, but he couldn't figure out why Kyle would risk leaving the safe house at this time and come to the crowded Ministry of Magic.

Didn't he know there were hidden Death Eaters here?

Thinking of this, Chris already wanted to be angry.

But the next second, a golden-red phoenix suddenly appeared on Kyle's shoulder.

"It doesn't matter, I've been prepared." Kyle said with a smile, "It's not that easy for the mysterious man to catch me, and I was brought directly from home by Fox, so I'm absolutely safe."


Hearing Kyle's words, Chris's initial anger dissipated in an instant, but he still said with a straight face: "What if the mysterious person directly attacks the Ministry of Magic? You will attract everyone." Big trouble."

"I don't have such a big reputation that I can let the mysterious man lead the Death Eaters to attack the Ministry of Magic at all costs?" Kyle curled his lips, "And he doesn't dare."

"Don't you dare?"

"Yes." Kyle nodded and explained: "The last time the Death Eaters dared to attack the Ministry of Magic, it was because they were sure that Dumbledore would not be here, and also because the Order of the Phoenix and some Aurors were paying attention. Privet Drive was a premeditated sneak attack.

"But it's different now. No one knows where Dumbledore is. Maybe he's in a corner of the Ministry of Magic. As long as he's not sure of Dumbledore's movements, the mysterious man won't dare to come over rashly.

"As long as he doesn't come, the Death Eaters won't come either."

"Then how can you be sure that Dumbledore will be at the Ministry of Magic...or, let the mysterious man think that he is at the Ministry of Magic." Chris continued to ask.

"This is easy," Kyle said.

At this time, the elevator door opened, and Fox quickly flew out, turning into a ball of fire and disappearing amid the exclamations.

When the elevator door closed again, Kyle shrugged, "Okay, Dumbledore is at the Ministry of Magic now."

Chris felt his temples pounding.

But he had to admit that Kyle's move was indeed very effective.

The second floor is the floor with the most people. It won't be long before the news of Fawkes' appearance at the Ministry of Magic will spread.

At present, the only phoenix known in the wizarding world is Fox beside Dumbledore. It can be said that as long as it appears, it means that Dumbledore must be nearby.

"I really don't understand why Dumbledore would entrust the Phoenix to you." Chris rubbed his forehead.

"Maybe it's because I'm kind-hearted." Kyle said with a smile, "And I can talk to Fox easily."

Chris opened his mouth, "Okay, so why did you come to the Ministry of Magic suddenly."

"Because Hermione wants to help, so I just recommend her."

The elevator stopped at the first floor, and Kyle walked out quickly.

"Are you able to arrange for people to work in the Ministry of Magic now?" Chris, who was about to follow, stopped for a moment, only to feel incredible. After all, even he couldn't directly let a student who has not graduated to work in the Ministry of Magic.

Even if you are a minister, you have to issue a formal document instead of just bringing people over like going home for dinner.

"Of course not, they are just volunteers who are just helping." Kyle explained: "Every department is short of people now, and there is a free labor force available. It's too late for them to be happy."

Chris nodded, if that was the case, it would make more sense.

"Where is Hermione."

He looked back and saw that Kyle seemed to be the only person who came into the elevator just now.

"We have already started working." Kyle said casually: "The Muggle Mediation Committee didn't even enter the office door, and went out to work with Perrod."

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Chris didn't understand even more. "Hermione is so smart and a witch, why do you ask her to go to the Muggle Mediation Committee?"

"It's a good fit, isn't it?"

"That's not the point." Chris took a deep breath, "I want to know, why don't you bring her to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures?"

"Ah?" Kyle blinked, "Are you short of people?"

"What do you think?" Chris said angrily, "Why do you think I came to Minister Bones? I came here to ask for someone."

"So, which wizards do you think are most interested in illegally raising magical animals?" Chris asked.

"Those people who set up street vendors in Knockturn Alley?" Kyle replied tentatively.

"To be precise, they are wizards who walk on the edge of darkness." Chris said, "For example, like Mundungus, they are not really dark wizards. They just walk in the gray area and do some illegal things. business.

"The most popular industries, whether it is smuggling, making dark magic items, or conducting dangerous magical experiments, are almost all related to magical animals."

"At the same time, they are also the best candidates to become Death Eaters, and those new Death Eaters are almost all these people.

"Guess, after they became Death Eaters, where did the magical animals that were illegally raised and the animals that were transformed by magical experiments go?"

Kyle gradually realized something and became guilty.

Chris quickly gave him the answer.

"Most of them were thrown away, especially those magical animals with low value and inconvenient to carry. They were thrown on the roadside when they went to find the mysterious man to serve.

"Did you know that our workload now is more than three times what it was before?"

"Yesterday, dogs with three tails or geese with two heads were seen everywhere in Cornwall. Cedric stayed up all night to solve these problems, and he hasn't come back yet!"

The more Chris talked, the angrier he became. They were so busy in the department every day that they couldn't go home. Finally, a helper came, but his son turned around and pushed him to another department.

For a moment, he wanted to go to Bones and ask her to transfer Kyle to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures.

"I, I don't know either." Kyle turned his head with a guilty conscience, "No, I'll get you two more strong men. I think Fred and George are quite free. It would be good to find something for them to do." "

"If I don't succeed this time, you'd better do it." Chris said angrily.

Just at this time, they also walked to the minister's office.

Chris ignored Kyle, straightened his clothes, knocked on the door and walked in.

Knowing that they had something serious to say, Kyle did not follow them, but walked a little further and returned to his own office.

This office was assigned to him by Fudge. Although it was not big, it was much better than the partitioned offices in other departments. Moreover, it was a single room and very quiet.

Even though he hadn't been here for more than a year, Bones didn't take it back after he came to power, it was still his.

Thinking about it carefully, Kyle felt a little embarrassed.

Although I haven't been here for so long, the office is still spotless. Someone must have been cleaning it... maybe it's a house elf.

The Ministry of Magic also has house elves, but not as many as Hogwarts. But like the house elves in the school kitchen, they usually hide themselves from others.

After all, in their perception, the sign of a good house elf is that you don't even know it exists.

Kyle sat behind the table, thought for a moment, then pulled out a piece of parchment and started writing something on it.

Half an hour later, the office door was pushed open and Amelia Bones walked in from the outside.

She didn't look much different from the last time we met, the only change was that she had an extra pair of glasses.

It seems that the job of Minister of Magic is not easy.

"I heard from Chris that you finally came back to work." Bones came over and said.

"I may have to disappoint the minister." Kyle said, "I came here to do a favor to a friend today and resign by the way."

"Resign?" Bones frowned and his face became serious, "Why, are you afraid?

"But I don't think you are such a person. Ever since our first official meeting, I can tell that you are not afraid of Death Eaters."

First official meeting?

It should have been the time when he came to the Ministry of Magic for interrogation, and the people who accused him were Lucius Malfoy, Karkaroff and MacNeill, the three Death Eaters.

He did not show any fear at that time, and even later caused the three of them to suffer a little loss through the Wizengamot.

"It's kind of scary, but it's not what you think."

Kyle explained: "Yesterday when I was in Godric's Hollow, I rescued some people and ruined the mysterious man's plan. You know, he is a small-minded person, so I may have to hide for a while."

"Godric's Hollow." Bones said softly: "Didn't Dumbledore save the person that day?"

"I also helped a little bit," Kyle said. "The mysterious man didn't dare to trouble Dumbledore, so he could only regard me as his target."

"That seems to make sense."

"Yes." Kyle said, "So I can only hide for a while to avoid being remembered all the time. But if this happens, I will definitely not be able to come to work at the Ministry of Magic."

"If that's the case," Bones said, "then you don't have to resign at all. I can keep this position and this office for you until the storm is over."

Kyle glanced up at Bones.

Something is wrong.

Kyle could understand that Fudge gave him preferential treatment. After all, in a sense, he was Fudge's dog-headed counselor and successfully helped Fudge avoid being kicked out.

But why should Bones not just appreciate his talent? When Kyle was at the Ministry of Magic last year, she was still recovering from his injuries at St. Mungo's, and the two had very little interaction.

Although he was confused, Kyle did not show it.

"That's great." He said, "But I don't want the salary. I can't just get paid for nothing if I don't do something. I'm embarrassed."

This time Bones didn't speak, just smiled, acquiescing.

The Ministry of Magic's funds are indeed a bit tight, and the largest financial backer has also defected to the enemy, so now every galleon must be carefully calculated. The monthly salary of a senior assistant minister is not low, so save whatever you can during special times.

"So, you're ready to leave now?" she asked.

"There's no rush." ​​Kyle handed the parchment on the table to Bones, "I've come to work today, and I have to make some contribution."

"What's this?"

"Serial parchment," Kyle said.

"Subpoena?" Bones pushed up his glasses and read the contents carefully.

At the same time, Kyle also explained: "Each piece of parchment has a different number. As long as you write the number on it, the content will appear on the corresponding parchment. It is more efficient than what is currently used by the Ministry of Magic. Paper airplanes are much faster."

"It's a good idea." Bones raised his head and asked: "What about the security issue? If the Auror loses the parchment when he is out, won't the enemy be able to know our plan through this?"

"You can create a password restriction. It's not difficult." Kyle said, "It's just that I didn't think about it so much. This is also used internally to improve office efficiency."

"Is that so?" Bones said, "But this thing looks familiar to me."

"Because it was used last year," Kyle said. "When we solved the dementor problem, it was used to notify location information."

"Is this your idea?"

"No, strictly speaking, it was just me who made it." Kyle shook his head, "There was someone else who had this idea."

"who is it."

"Hermione Granger and Cedric Diggory." Kyle said, "They organized a Defense Against the Dark Arts study room when they were in school, and they used this to notify everyone of the class time, but at that time It’s also called the Messaging Coin.”

"Digoory?" Bones thought for a moment, "Cedric Diggory from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures?"

"That's right." Kyle nodded, "In addition, Hermione is also in the Ministry of Magic. She will help on the Muggle Issues Mediation Committee for a month."

"Okay, I will seriously consider this proposal." Bones put the parchment away, "If the negotiation is approved...your salary will remain as usual.

"In addition, if possible, I hope you can think of another communication tool that can be used by Aurors and Strikers. This is the most important thing.

"Of course, you don't need to come to the Ministry of Magic. Just ask Chris to send it over when the time comes."

"I'll think about it," Kyle said.

"One more thing." Bones suddenly said: "I heard that Dumbledore also came to the Ministry of Magic today?"

"Really?" Kyle blinked, "Where is he? I happen to have something to ask him."

"you do not know?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen him since yesterday afternoon."

Bones looked into Kyle's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Kyle asked.

"Ah, nothing," she said.

Bones left after that. She still had a lot to do and couldn't stay here forever.

Kyle was called by Chris to the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures and spent the whole day busy in the office.

It wasn't until eight o'clock in the evening that Kyle finally looked up from the pile of documents, and Chris also came back from outside.

When they were alone in the office, Kyle told him what had happened during the day.

"It's very simple." Chris said, "It's not you she wants to keep, but Dumbledore."

"What's the meaning?"

"Because Dumbledore attaches great importance to you. Almost everyone knows this. Many people even say that he is preparing to train you to be the next principal of Hogwarts." Chris glanced at the closed door. , said softly.

"How is this possible?" Kyle said immediately: "How young am I? Even if Dumbledore retires, the only choice for principal is Professor McGonagall."

"It doesn't matter, what matters is what most people think." Chris said:

"She seems to have discovered that Dumbledore will not stay at the Ministry of Magic forever, so they need to use another form to strengthen the relationship with Dumbledore.

"Like you, or Harry. As long as either of you is in the Ministry of Magic, people will unwaveringly believe that Dumbledore is also on the Ministry's side."

"I'm just a mascot." Kyle spread his hands, "Tsk, I didn't expect Bones to learn what Fudge did."

"She just wants to strengthen people's trust in the Ministry of Magic, and there is nothing wrong with that." Chris said, "If it were me, I would probably make the same choice."

"Okay, go back quickly." Chris patted Kyle on the shoulder, "Remember to stay patient tomorrow and don't come again. The Phoenix can't always appear in the Ministry of Magic."

"Okay." Kyle nodded, "Should I wait for Hermione? She just followed Perrod out again and hasn't come back yet."

"No, Arthur will send her back by then." Chris said, "And she may not be able to come back before ten o'clock. If you are willing to wait another two hours, I have no objection..."

"Then thank you Mr. Weasley!"


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