Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 798 Hermione's Day

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Hermione finally came back after a busy day.

As soon as he entered the door, he went straight to the table where the late night snacks were placed. Without any regard for etiquette and image issues, he grabbed a baked potato and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Eat slowly, there are still many here." Mrs. Weasley quickly pushed a whole basket of baked potatoes to Hermione, and put the pie for Mr. Weasley in front of her.

"Arthur, what's going on? The Ministry of Magic doesn't allow food?" Mrs. Weasley asked angrily.

Hermione looked like she hadn't eaten in three days.

"Of course the Ministry of Magic makes people eat, but she's not used to it yet." Mr. Weasley calmly took another piece of pie, cut it into small pieces with a knife and put it in his mouth.


Although the speed is not slow, compared with Hermione, it seems much more elegant.

"So what did she do?"

"The Muggle Mediation Committee is one of the most cumbersome positions in the Ministry of Magic." Mr. Weasley explained: "She has been out all day and just came back ten minutes ago."

"So, don't Muggles have food stores?" Mrs. Weasley still didn't understand.


At this time, Hermione finally turned her attention away from the baked potatoes and pies. She took a sip of pumpkin juice. "Mr. Perrod bought me fish and chips, but I just paid attention to the registration information. and plumber appointments for Mrs. Figg, forgot where they were.

"By the time I have everything arranged, it will be half past ten."

Strangely enough, Hermione didn't feel hungry at all while working. It wasn't until all the tasks were completed that she realized that she hadn't eaten for more than ten hours.

The sudden hunger almost made her faint on the way back to the Ministry of Magic.

"Plumber... what is that?" Ron, who had just come down from upstairs, asked curiously: "Is it the person who manages the swimming pool?"

"No, it's for repairing water pipes." Before Hermione could say anything, Mr. Weasley said, "I never knew they still needed to make an appointment. By what means, by sending a letter, by sending a telegram, or by using stamps."

"It should be a phone call." Harry asked quietly from the side: "Telegrams are from a long time ago."

"Yes, that's it." Mr. Weasley nodded, "I also bought a phone. It's in the attic of the Burrow. It's a pity that I didn't bring it with me."

"To be honest, I have always found the Muggle Mediation Committee very interesting. If the salary is not considered, I would still accept this job, but I don't know if I can do it."

Regarding his doubts, Harry felt that the probability was... no.

Although Mr. Weasley is extremely interested in Muggle things, and can even be said to be fanatical, his basic knowledge is really not very good. He doesn't even know the names of many things, and can only remember a rough nickname.

If he was responsible for mediating the conflicts between wizards and Muggles, he would most likely help more and more, and maybe the Muggles would call the police.

And the most important point is that for Mr. Weasley, who has seven children to raise, the issue of salary cannot be ignored.

"You don't need stamps to make phone calls, they're for sending credit." Hermione answered Mr. Weasley's question patiently.

Mr. Weasley also took the opportunity to ask more Muggle questions, such as how a lawnmower worked and what gasoline was.

It wasn't until he noticed Mrs. Weasley's increasingly dangerous look that he suddenly stopped and said, "Don't get me wrong Molly, I just care about Hermione. You know, it's her first day at work, so it's inevitable that she will have a lot of discomfort. I also want to help her, and it’s definitely not my own interest.”

"That's the best." Mrs. Weasley glared at him, and then asked: "But what the hell is going on? Why did Hermione suddenly go to work in the Ministry of Magic?"

"To be honest, I don't know." Mr. Weasley shrugged. "Chris only said that Kyle took her to help."

"Why is it related to Kyle?" Mrs. Weasley was even more confused, "He has obviously been at home today."

"Not necessarily, Mom." Ron said, "Remember? When I went to ask Kyle to have lunch, there was no movement in his room. He was nearly an hour late, including dinner."

"What's the point?" Fred said nonchalantly: "When we research new products, we always lock ourselves in a room for a whole day. There's nothing strange about it."

"That's what I say, but..."

"Yes, I did go to the Ministry of Magic." At this time, Kyle, who heard the noise, also walked downstairs and glanced at the time.

"It's so late, don't any of you plan to sleep?"

"I can't sleep," Harry said. "I have nothing else to do except sleep every day. But Kyle, did you just say that you really went to the Ministry of Magic?"

"Well, I have something to do." Kyle nodded and looked at Mrs. Weasley, "Sorry, I know you can't get out through the door, so I have to use another method."

"You shouldn't have hidden this from me." Mrs. Weasley was a little unhappy, "What if you were discovered by a Death Eater on the road?"

"That won't happen," Kyle said. "In fact, I haven't been out."

"You've never been out?" Ron asked doubtfully, "Then how did you get to the Ministry of Magic and the Floo Network?"

"Impossible, the fireplace here is not connected to the Floo network." Hermione took another piece of pie, "including the portkey and Apparition are also prohibited."

"How did you do that?" Harry was also curious. While talking, he looked at Kyle with hope, as if he was very interested in how he could go to the Ministry of Magic.

"Phoenix, didn't you just experience it yesterday?" Kyle said as a matter of course: "The Phoenix's Apparition is not restricted by any restrictions, it can be done in the room."

The room became quiet, no one spoke, everyone seemed to think of the same not-so-good memory.

Harry instantly felt that if he had to be taken away by the Phoenix to leave here, then sleeping in the room would be pretty good.

Hermione couldn't even eat. Inexplicably, she was shocked and moved. She didn't expect Kyle to pay such a high price to help her go to the Ministry of Magic...


Hermione suddenly thought of something, "No, I remember when you went to the Ministry of Magic, you looked quite normal."

"Is there a problem?" Kyle blinked, a little confused as to why she said that.

"What I mean is," Hermione explained, "being Apparated by a phoenix shouldn't be so calm, right?"

When she was first taken from Godric's Hollow to Hogsmeade by a phoenix, she almost vomited her breakfast the day before.

It would have been fine if she was alone, but everyone was like that at the time, even Sirius and Auror Tonks were not much better.

But Kyle looked like he was stumbling a little at most, and the rest was no different from usual, not like he was uncomfortable at all.

"Ah, that's what you mean." Kyle said indifferently, "It's just like taking flying lessons. Fly a few more times and you'll get used to it."

Hermione hesitated and didn't say anything... She felt that she shouldn't be able to get used to it, and she would never try it a second time unless she had to.

"I have to apologize for what I said before." After swallowing the pie in her mouth, Hermione looked at Kyle seriously and said, "I didn't know the truth about the Muggle Mediation Committee."

"It's okay, they don't know anyway." Kyle waved his hand. "How do you feel?"

"It's troublesome." Hermione sighed, "The work is not difficult, but tedious, and I haven't thought of any solution for the time being."

All day long, she felt like a repeater, repeating all kinds of common sense in the Muggle world to those wizards countless times.

The key is that it's not enough to say it once, they don't understand it at all, and it has to be repeated to them three times from different directions and angles, combined with similar situations in the magic world.

Hermione felt that she had never said so much in a day. If she hadn't drunk the potion prepared by Perrod in advance, she would probably be speechless at this moment.

"Is that job really busy?" Ron asked curiously, and even Harry felt a little incredible.

After all, before this, they had never even heard of the so-called Muggle Mediation Committee in the Ministry of Magic.

"I can only say that there is absolutely no time to rest." Hermione sighed, "From this morning until now, I have either been solving problems or on the way to solve them. I feel like I have run around the UK in one day."

"That's a bit exaggerated."

"Exaggerated? Not at all, it's the truth."

"Then how did you get there, Apparition?" Harry asked.

"Portkeys." Hermione said.

"Make them yourself?"

"Of course not." Hermione shook her head, "Mr. Perold is only allowed to make portkeys to return to the Ministry of Magic, and the rest have to wait until we solve a problem and go back to get them."

"Go back to the Ministry of Magic?" Ron muttered, "That's too much trouble."

"There's no way around it. Portkeys can be used by anyone, even Muggles, so they have always been restricted by the Ministry of Magic." Hermione sighed, "I used more portkeys today than in the past few years combined."

At this point, Hermione sighed quietly, took a big sip of pumpkin juice.

"What did you do!" Ron continued to ask.

"How should I put it? They are all very tedious matters. The most common one is the issue of clothing. For example, this afternoon, a wizard living in a Muggle community didn't understand why he was suddenly arrested by the police just because he was walking peacefully."

"Arrested by what?"

"It was the Muggle Aurors." Mr. Weasley said excitedly, and then looked at Hermione, as if he wanted to get confirmation.

"If they are based on their duties, they are more like strikers." Hermione said, "But Aurors can also be called."

"You see, I said I know." Mr. Weasley said happily.

"So why did those Muggle Aurors arrest those wizards." Ron frowned, "Because they violated the rules and cast magic?"

"No." Hermione shook her head.

"Then they attacked Muggles?"


"Then why?"

"Because Muggle men rarely go shopping in just a skirt." Hermione rubbed her eyes, "Listen carefully to what I said, it's just wearing, a, skirt."

"Puff!" Harry couldn't help laughing for a moment, but he quickly covered his mouth after seeing Hermione's eyes.

"Can you imagine, he mistook a long skirt for a coat and ran to the female neighbor's house to greet her..." Hermione's voice began to tremble.

"We had to use the Confusion Charm to settle the matter, and then spent two hours telling him that it was not a Muggle robe and could not be worn alone."

Harry covered his mouth tightly, his face bulging as if two oranges were stuffed in his mouth.

It was hard for him to imagine what the scene would be like if the neighbor of Uncle Vernon's family came to greet them in a long skirt. Aunt Petunia would definitely be furious.

Their family is the most normal Muggle, and what they hate most is those abnormal things, such as wizards, magic and the like.

It's just that the day before his birthday, his family was taken away by the Order of the Phoenix, and I don't know if they have returned now.

Harry thought so, and at the same time, relying on distraction, he finally held back his laughter.

If he laughed at this time, he would definitely be killed by Hermione.

At this time, Hermione rubbed her eyes again.

"How about it." Kyle looked at her and asked, "Do you want to change to another department? I also have connections in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. The work there is much more normal, and it can also make you familiar with the Ministry of Magic."

"No, no need." Hermione took a deep breath and said stubbornly, "No matter what, I will stay here for a full month. In addition, I also want to try to do something to make their work easier."

"It's not easy." Kyle said, "It's hard to change the habits of those wizards."

"I want to try. Someone has to try to change something." Hermione said firmly, "If I can't even do this, let alone other more troublesome things."

"Well." Kyle raised his eyebrows, poured two glasses of mead, and pushed one of them to Hermione, "Then I wish you success."

"Hey, Kyle, you are wrong." Sirius said dissatisfiedly, "What about us, just watch?"

"If you want to drink, just say it." Kyle bluntly exposed his thoughts and handed over the bottle in his hand.

"But can you drink?"

"Mead is fine, it won't affect the action." He poured a glass for everyone and just finished it.

Then everyone raised their glasses together to wish Hermione success.

"She is getting more and more incomprehensible." While drinking mead, Ron whispered to Harry: "Why must she stay there? I still think the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is better. At least it is the second largest department in the Ministry of Magic."

"Maybe she has her own ideas." Harry said.

In fact, he didn't understand it either, but since it was Hermione's decision, he should support it.

And to be honest, if possible, he also wanted to make himself busy.

But he also knew that neither Mrs. Weasley nor Sirius would allow him to walk out of this door.

As for Kyle's method... that was not within the scope of consideration.

After drinking the mead, everyone dispersed. Mrs. Weasley drove the children back to their rooms and urged them to go to bed quickly.

Fred and George did not go back to their rooms, but secretly found Kyle.

"We've considered it." As soon as he entered the room, Fred asked, "About the new communication items you mentioned tonight."

"Are you sure the Ministry of Magic will pay for it?" George asked.

"To be honest, I'm not 100% sure." Kyle said, "But from what Bones said, if there is such a product that can meet all needs, she should agree to give it to the Aurors."

"But does the Ministry of Magic have money?" Fred expressed his other concern, "I heard that the Ministry of Magic is preparing to expand the scale of Aurors and strikers. The more people there are, the more money they need. Do they really have Galleons to purchase new magic items?"

"I think so." Kyle thought for a while, "At least one for each Auror team, there should be no problem."

"It doesn't matter, we did it." Fred said, "Anyway, we have to launch new products. Even if the Ministry of Magic doesn't want it, we can sell it to others."

"It doesn't matter, don't worry about it." Kyle looked at them and suddenly showed a very kind smile, "Do you want to exercise yourself, or in other words, contribute a significant force to the peace of the wizarding world and the stability of Muggles."

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