Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 799 Fishing Plan

"Let's be honest, what do you mean?"

Fred and George looked at Kyle warily, while unconsciously stepping back and leaning against the door.

They knew Kyle too well... as long as he showed this expression, it would definitely not be a good thing.

Feeling the touch of the doorknob behind them, the two of them felt a little relieved. This place was good, it was right at the door. If they found something wrong, they could open the door and run away at any time.

"That's right."

Kyle considered his words for a moment, "The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures has been in some trouble recently. When I saw Cedric today, he had lost a lot of weight. He couldn't even walk steadily, not to mention he was wobbly. How haggard.

"He really needs help. As friends, you won't ignore it, right?"

"What about you?" Fred immediately noticed something was wrong and asked, "You and Cedric are also friends, why don't you go and help him."

"To be honest, I really want to help." Kyle sighed, spread his hands and said, "If the mysterious man didn't trouble me, I would have stayed at the Ministry of Magic today."

"It sounds a bit fake."

"It doesn't seem real."

Fred and George said at the same time.

"If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Weasley if I spent a day in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures."

Kyle pointed to the door, "If I lie, you can come to me again. I will accept any punishment then, even if I am allowed to work in your store."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course." Kyle said confidently. "Don't worry, I really just want to help Cedric. He is too busy. As friends, we should all help him out of circumstances, right?"

"Everything else is easy to talk about, but let's go back to the Ministry of Magic... let's forget it," said Fred.

"That's right." George nodded, "No matter what you say, we will never go back to the Ministry of Magic again."

"Especially at this time..."

"Just look at Hermione, we don't want to come back at midnight every day."

"Don't refuse in a hurry."

Kyle took out a golden cup filled with mead and placed it on the table. "Hermione is busy because there are few people in the place where she goes. The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is the second largest department in the Ministry of Magic. Even if it is usually a little busy, It’s not an exaggeration at all, it’s really just an unexpected situation this time.”

Fred and George originally wanted to leave without listening to anything Kyle said, but the strong smell of mead filling the room made them stop.

Although they didn't like drinking that much, the taste of the mead that Kyle brought out was so good that people would never forget it after drinking it once.

They are no exception.

The two looked at each other and seemed to have some kind of communication. Then they walked over cautiously and spoke first.

"No matter what you say, we're not going to the Ministry of Magic."

"No matter how good the reason is, it's useless."

"Ah, it doesn't matter." Kyle said with a smile, "I just mentioned it in passing. If you don't want to go, I won't go."

"By the way, do you have any ideas about communication items?"

Just as he said, Kyle really didn't mention the Ministry of Magic again and turned to another topic, "I must remind you that efficiency comes second. The most important thing for Bones is not to leak secrets."

While talking, Kyle brought two more ordinary cups and poured the mead in the gold cup into them. "She won't pay for something that can be used if the enemy takes it away."

Seeing that Kyle didn't mention the Ministry of Magic again, the two of them relaxed a little.

"It's easy, just set a password." Fred picked up the mead and took a sip. "Just like the Marauder's Map, it can only be used if you say the correct password."

"Or set a numeric password," George said. "Just like a Muggle phone, I remember you need to press a series of digits before using the phone."

"How do you know?" Kyle asked curiously. If he remembered correctly, the two of them should have never been in contact with Muggles.

"Didn't Dad just say that? He got a phone call."

"And we've used it before, Ron used it to contact Harry."

"It's just that it wasn't Harry who answered the phone at that time, and before he said a few words, there was no sound."

"It must have been his aunt and uncle who did it. That family was really rude." George put down the cup in his hand and said with a slight dissatisfaction.

Every time they looked for Harry before, they had been blocked by those two people, and now they naturally wouldn't feel happy when they thought about it.

"Passwords and passwords..." Kyle thought for a while, "Is this the only way?"

"It can be more complicated," Fred said. "For example, set a spell so that only specific people can use it."

"But in this case, the cost will increase significantly." George said, "After all, none of the restricting spells are simple, and it is even more difficult to use them on magic items. Even if we start from If we start researching now, it will take half a year at the earliest.”

"And that's just one," Fred said.

"That won't work, it will take too long." Kyle shook his head. "There are so many Aurors in the Ministry of Magic. Even if there is one for every one hundred people, it will take a year."

"Then there is no other way." Fred raised his head and drank the mead in the cup. "In fact, there is no truly reliable thing in the magic world. No matter how complicated the password is, a Legilimency can solve it. There are corresponding solutions to restrict magic.

"So if you ask me, it is better to work on the communication items themselves."

"What does this mean?" Kyle poured him another glass of mead.

"It means making the communication items into the most common shapes, such as buttons, ropes, etc., which everyone will wear. In this way, even if the Death Eaters see it, they will only think that it is a normal small object and will not think much about it.

"It's just like the one used by the DA before. Who would have thought that a Galleon is our communication tool."

When he spoke, his eyes unconsciously looked at the golden cup that Kyle used to pour wine.

It's not because of its precious material.

Although tableware made of gold is rare, it is not uncommon. For example, the place where they live now has a complete set of gold tableware, including cups, candlesticks, plates, bowls, knives and forks.

They were all left by the Black family, but Sirius just put them in the storage room and never took them out.

He was interested in the cup itself.

That thing didn't look big, how could it hold so much wine? It had been poured twice, and the wine inside was not less.

He initially thought it was a refilling spell, but the strange thing was that Kyle didn't recite any spells, and he didn't feel any traces of magic on the cup.

As the owner of a magic trick shop, Fred believed in his own vision. That thing was just a normal cup... at least it looked like that from the outside.


"Then do what you think."

He was about to say something when he was interrupted by Kyle.

"Make one first, the kind with a password, and then send it to the Ministry of Magic for Bones to take a look."

"If she is satisfied, that's great. If not... we can change it later. Anyway, there are not many people in Diagon Alley right now, and you are idle anyway."

"What do you mean by idle anyway? We are very busy, okay?"

"Oh, right, right, I was wrong. You are all busy people. You can earn a thousand Galleons a day." Kyle waved his hand at the door, "Okay, if you have nothing else to do, leave quickly. I still need to sleep."

After that, he stood up and prepared to see the guests off.

Originally, this was a good thing for Fred and George. As long as they left, they would not have to worry about Kyle digging a trap for them.

But Fred couldn't help his curiosity.

"Wait a minute." He leaned over and looked in the direction of the table. "Your cup..."

"Oh, you mean that one." Kyle said nonchalantly: "Nothing special, just Hufflepuff's golden cup. Don't you Gryffindors also have a sword?"

"What did you say?"

"This is Hufflepuff's golden cup?!"

Now, Fred and George didn't want to leave even more. Any of the things left by the Big Four was a treasure that an alchemist couldn't refuse.

Although they were not alchemists in the strict sense, they were almost the same, dealing with magical items.


In fact, the two knew that this thing was in Kyle's hands, and Kyle had never concealed it from them, including the matter of the Horcrux, they also knew it.

But knowing it was knowing, but never seeing it with their own eyes.

The two bypassed Kyle and rushed directly to the table.

"Hufflepuff's golden cup..." Fred's eyes lit up frighteningly, "Didn't you say it was with Nicolas Flamel?"

"It was before." Kyle said, "but after solving the Horcrux problem, he returned it to me."

"When did it happen?" George raised his head angrily, "You never told us!"

"Last Christmas." Kyle said, "You were not in Hogwarts at that time, how could I tell you."

"That's not a reason, you can write a letter!" Fred said angrily, "I don't care, as a punishment for you deceiving your friends, we have to keep this golden cup for you for a while."

"That won't do." Kyle shook his finger, and the golden cup that was originally on the table immediately flew into his hand.

"I'm going to lend it to Cedric for a while. If you want it, get in line first."

"How long will it take?"

"Who knows? Maybe a week, maybe a month." Kyle thought, "Let's see when he can finish his work."

"This is too long."

"It's better not to know. Now that we know, how can we wait so long?"

"I won't be able to sleep at night..."

"Why should I lend it to him first..."

"That's right, we've known each other since we were three years old, and he just came later!"

The two said indignantly, and there was even a bit of grievance in their voices.

"Don't talk in that tone, it's creepy." Kyle felt a chill on his back and couldn't help rubbing his arms, "Besides, I lent it to him first for a reason."

"What reason!" Fred blurted out, but his eyes were fixed on the gold cup in Kyle's hand.

"He's been busy recently, sometimes he can't even take care of eating." Kyle said softly, "It just so happens that the gold cup can store food, so he can have a bite of hot food."

After hearing this, Fred and George suddenly woke up, and their eyes moved from the gold cup to Kyle.

"So that's what you had in mind."

"Don't try to trick us into going to the Ministry of Magic."

"What do you mean by this? What do you mean by lying?" Kyle raised his eyebrows. "I'm just kidding. I've already resigned. Whether you go to the Ministry of Magic or not has nothing to do with me."

"What, you resigned?"

"Otherwise," Kyle said, "do you think Bones is going to let me keep getting paid for nothing?"

"Of course, due to various reasons, I didn't really resign. He retained my position and office. If I want, I can go back at any time."

"But..." Before the two of them spoke, Kyle continued: "This period of time is definitely impossible. I need to hide from the mysterious person, so I can only stay here."

"Really?" George looked at Kyle suspiciously.

If that was the case, there was really no need for him to do this for the Ministry of Magic.

"Why don't you stay and see if I will go to work tomorrow."

The two didn't speak, they just gathered together to whisper and discuss something.

After a few minutes, Fred raised his head and said, "If we go to help Cedric, will you lend us the gold cup?"

"Don't say that, it makes it seem like I have some purpose." Kyle said, "I just want him to be able to eat at any time, so as not to be like Hermione, who almost fainted from hunger outside."

"Of course, if you must go, that's fine. If he has time to rest, he won't need the gold cup. It doesn't matter if he lends it to you then."

"Okay, let's go to the Ministry of Magic." George stepped forward and said, "Lend us the gold cup."

"Don't force it." Kyle said with a smile, "School is about to start, and your business is probably very busy. Cedric, I'll think of another way."

With that said, he made a gesture to put away the golden cup.

"Not forcing it, not forcing it at all." Fred immediately smiled, "Oh, we were all joking with you before."

"Yes, since Cedric is in trouble, how could we, as friends, not help him?"

"Actually, even if you don't tell us, we are going to the Ministry of Magic tomorrow."

"But don't you like the work of the Ministry of Magic?" Kyle asked.

"Even if we don't like it anymore, for the sake of our friends... we can overcome it." George said with a forced smile.

"Then over there in Diagon Alley..."

"Maybe you don't know yet, but this time the school will use owl mail to buy things needed for the start of the school year. Then they can go directly to Hogwarts, and there is no need to make an extra trip to Diagon Alley.

"Children from Muggle families who are enrolled in school will also be transferred to Gringotts by their professors to exchange for Galleons."

"I don't think the professors will put our store name on the admission notice."

"So we can't participate in the excitement before school starts."

"How is that possible?" Kyle frowned.

"It's true." George explained: "Ron has been notified."

"And this is not the first time this has happened."

"I heard Bill say that Hogwarts did this before the mysterious man fell. The purpose was to prevent Death Eaters from attacking the new students frantically."

"In addition, there will be more than three professors escorting the train."

"If that's the case..." Kyle handed them the gold cup, "then there is really no need to keep your shop open."

As the store that appears most frequently on the prohibited list of school regulations, it is certainly impossible for professors to purchase their items.

"It's so hurtful for you to say that."

"That's true though."

The two of them wiped their hands and took the gold cup handed over by Kyle very solemnly.

But the next second, they showed another face.

"Hahaha, finally got it!"

"I didn't expect it, it's too late for you to regret it now!"

"What, you want to regret it?" Kyle looked at them meaningfully.

"It's not a matter of regret. Since we agreed, we will definitely help Cedric." George said, "But if we find out that you are lying to us, there is no guarantee when the gold cup will be returned to you."

"It doesn't matter, it's up to you." Kyle said with a smile, as if he didn't care at all.

As if they were afraid that Kyle would regret it, they couldn't wait to leave after receiving the gold cup.

After the door closed again, Kyle also had a smile on his lips.

In any case, the two strong men were finally fooled.

As for the problem of the golden cup... he really wasn't worried. It was too simple. Not to mention it was a piece of cake, and it was easy to grasp.

Let's put it this way, even if he wants the gold cup back tomorrow, as long as he goes to complain to Mrs. Weasley, they will have to spit it out.

But they themselves never realized this.

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