Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 856 Long time no see

Twelve Grimmauld Place.

Because everyone went to attend Lupin's wedding, there was no one here at the moment, but Kyle knew that it would not be long before Mrs. Weasley and Sirius would come back, so he did not go in rashly, but helped him Dumbledore came to a nearby alley.

Dumbledore was in a very bad condition at this time, he had no strength at all, and it was only thanks to Kyle's support that he didn't fall. However, his expression was very indifferent, as if he didn't care at all.

"How are you, Professor." Kyle took out a bottle of vitality tonic potion, and Dumbledore finally regained some strength after drinking it.

"I originally wanted to try to see if I could kill Tom directly, but I still thought too highly of myself."

Dumbledore stood up unsteadily, "The potion Nico gave me only temporarily suppressed the effect of time repulsion. In my current state, it is difficult to release the magic that can kill Tom."

"It doesn't matter, this is good." Kyle said, "And you can't kill the mysterious man. I have seen him before."

"That's why I feel sorry." Dumbledore said, looking at his surroundings.

"Grimmauld Place, why did you bring me here? You can't appear in front of them now. It's better to go somewhere else.

"I suggest going to Nico's Manor, or the Pig's Head Bar."

"Fox is thinking the same thing as you." Kyle said with a smile: "After it saved people, it threw them into the Hog's Head Bar. At that time, Boss Aberforth thought you were dead."

"He must be very happy." Dumbledore's eyes darkened.

"No, on the contrary, he really cares about you." Kyle said, "Not only did he provide a safe place for everyone, but he also personally sent the person here in order to find out about you."

"Oh, look, he's here."

Following the direction of Kyle's finger, Dumbledore saw Aberforth apparating over. He was also carrying two people, Mrs. Weasley and Sirius.

It's just that the two of them were really not in a good condition. Their faces were pale, and they lay on the ground as soon as they landed, looking like they would vomit until the end of time.

"What happened to them?" Dumbledore asked confused.

"Professor, have you forgotten what I just said?" Kyle whispered: "They were rescued by Fox."


Dumbledore reacted instantly. It was no wonder that he was apparated by the phoenix.

I remember when he first tried this way of traveling, he didn't eat anything for the whole day.

That was a really bad memory.

But it was different when this kind of thing happened to others. Looking at Sirius and Mrs. Weasley... Dumbledore tried hard to suppress the raised corners of his mouth.

No, you can't laugh, it's too rude.

But Kyle didn't have so many scruples, and shrugged his shoulders.

Although I have seen it once before, this time from the perspective of a bystander, the feeling is completely different... Maybe it has something to do with knowing in advance that they are all safe.

Kyle took out his camera and clicked the shutter button under Dumbledore's disbelieving eyes.

"Just recording it." Kyle smiled and said: "Such a scene is rarely seen, isn't it?"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows and his eyes subconsciously fell on the camera.

His intuition told him that there was definitely something terrible in it, so it was best to destroy it directly and use magic to blow up all the negatives.

And this idea is very strong.

Dumbledore didn't know the reason for this, but it was Kyle's thing after all. He had saved himself and Ariana before. It would be too much if he destroyed his things indiscriminately.

Dumbledore could only suppress this impulse and look elsewhere.

"Hide it quickly and don't look around," he reminded.

Because at this time, another Kyle also arrived, and the three of them walked into No. 12 Grimmauld Place together.

"We'd better get out of here as soon as possible." Dumbledore said. "If Alastor comes, his magic eye will probably find us."

"Don't worry, he has other things to do and won't come." Kyle said, in his memory, Alastor Moody did not appear.

"And there's another reason why I'm here."

"what reason."

"It's hard to say now." Kyle shook his head, "Be patient, Professor, you will know soon."

Although Dumbledore was very curious, when Kyle said this, he stopped asking and An Xin waited nearby.

After a while, someone came out of the house.

"I'm going to pick up the others now, and they're all at the Hog's Head," Kyle explained.

"It is indeed a very safe place there." Dumbledore nodded silently.

Although Aberforth had never given Dumbledore a good look for so many years, in his heart he was the most trustworthy person, just like Fox would subconsciously send people there.

The two continued to wait.

"Oh, right." Kyle suddenly thought of something and said, "Professor, when I was rescuing people, I also bought some drinks and spirits to help them adapt to the discomfort caused by Fox faster."

"You did the right thing," Dumbledore said. "Strong alcohol is indeed a good choice."

"But Aberforth wouldn't sell it to me." Kyle continued: "I reported your name and got some."

"My name?" Dumbledore looked at Kyle in confusion.

Logically, Aberforth would not sell it if his name was given... Could it be that his brother had forgiven him?

"Well... it's like this..." Kyle stammered, "To be precise, the money for the wine was put on your account, and it was a little more expensive than the market price."

"That's okay." Dumbledore also roughly understood, but he didn't care.

It was just a few bottles of strong liquor, he could still afford it, and this incident was more or less related to his willfulness. It was reasonable that he should pay the money.

"I will make up the money later, don't worry." Dumbledore said calmly.

"That's good." Kyle said, but he was already thinking about whether he should find a place to hide for a while.

He doubled the money for the wine at that time, who knew how high the price of each bottle of wine was set by that black-hearted guy Aberforth. The only thing that was certain was that Dumbledore was going to be ripped off this time.

Of course, this is all later.

After a while, he and the others had not returned yet, but Kingsley had arrived. He must have just received the news and rushed over from the Ministry of Magic.

Then there was his father Chris, and a silent man covered in a black hood. Kyle remembered that Chris said that the other party was entrusted by Diana to see if he was okay.

After seeing this silent man, Dumbledore's whole body suddenly froze. There was no one else in his eyes, just staring at the other party in a daze.

Seeing this, Kyle also confirmed his guess.

Yes, the silent man at that time should be Ariana, and the person he met at the door of the Department of Mysteries was also her.

No wonder he always felt that the other party knew him at the beginning. Kyle thought it was because of Diana, but he didn't expect that they really met.

It's just that he didn't know her at that time.

"Professor, don't be impulsive." Kyle patted Dumbledore's shoulder next to him, "There are many people there now, just be patient and wait."

"Don't worry." Dumbledore came back to his senses and said softly, "I have been waiting for a hundred years, so I can wait for a while."

Although he said so, Kyle still heard the desire and anxiety in his trembling voice.

Yes, although they just met not long ago, when Dumbledore's memory came back, his longing and regret for his sister also came back. The emotional gap of nearly a hundred years cannot be filled by a short reunion.

Dumbledore must want to meet Ariana at all costs, to talk to her, and to apologize to her...

"Wait a little longer, professor..." Kyle said again.

Because the others finally arrived, a large group of people held a door key together and appeared out of thin air next to No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

Kyle saw Chris walking over and talking to him...

Dumbledore became more and more anxious. Kyle could even feel the arm he was holding struggling with increasing strength.

At this time, the hooded silent man seemed to sense something and turned his head towards him.

Almost subconsciously, Dumbledore shrank his body and hid himself behind the wall.

"Professor, what are you doing..." Kyle was speechless. "You were so anxious just now, why did you become cowardly at the critical moment?"

"I, I don't know." Dumbledore pursed his lips, so nervous that he couldn't even speak coherently. "I... I'm just afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm afraid that it's the same as when I looked at the Mirror of Erised before... It was right in front of me... and disappeared in the blink of an eye."

"Is that so? I thought you didn't want to see me." A voice with a little joy came from the side.

Dumbledore realized that the person who spoke just now was not Kyle. He opened his eyes and saw a very strange but extremely familiar face.

"Long time no see, Brother Albus."

Tears burst out of his eyes, Dumbledore cried and laughed, looking like a madman.

"And you too." Ariana turned her head and looked to the other side, "..."

"Shut up, don't say it." The moment she opened her mouth, Kyle shuddered and hurriedly stopped her from saying the rest.

"Just call me Kyle, don't add any suffixes."

Although I don't know what magic the Department of Mysteries used to make Ariana look much younger than Dumbledore and Aberforth, she is already over a hundred years old according to her age.

If she blurted out "brother" like before, Kyle would feel awkward just thinking about it.

"Suffix...ha, you wish." Ariana chuckled, "You lied to me for a long time. Do you know how surprised I was when I first saw you? I didn't even know your name until two years ago."

"Why, didn't the people in the Department of Mysteries tell you the truth?" Kyle asked in confusion.

As for the question of his name, he had been deliberately hiding it since he returned to the past, fearing that it would have some impact on the future.

It can be said that even Codport, who often drank with him, did not know Kyle's name. He did ask, and more than once, but every time Kyle would fool him with other topics, or just come up with a more popular name, such as friend, wandering scholar, etc.

"The truth? Do you think they will tell me?" Ariana said, "For an Obscurial, any stimulation may cause the Obscurial in his body to explode.

Let's put it this way, after I came to the Department of Mysteries, they chose to hide my memories of my youth. Even I have to admit that this is the best way, otherwise I will definitely cause the Obscurus to explode because of excessive longing."

"But now you know it again." Kyle looked at her and asked curiously, "Does this mean that you can perfectly control the Obscurus...

"Can you tell me what it feels like to use the Obscurus to release magic?

"Do you need to chant a spell? Do you use a wand or just throw the Obscurus in the opponent's face."

Ariana's face looked worse and worse as she listened. What does it mean to throw the Obscurus in the opponent's face? Inexplicably, the gentle figure in her memory gradually faded away.

But she didn't think it was strange, or she had this premonition a long time ago.

Think about it, a person who took her into someone else's school and washed his face in the magic fountain that the other party valued so much, what kind of good stuff could he be.

It's just that the memory was too beautiful, she didn't want to think about it, but now, the memory and reality overlap, and the filter of her childhood is shattered.

But this is the real Kyle.

Just like Diana's evaluation of Kyle... Kyle may have done everything that those people imprisoned in Azkaban did, but you will never see him there.

Is this evaluation good... In a sense, it is good, but it also shows that he can't be the Kyle in Ariana's memory.

"Guess." Ariana said unhappily, "Or you can guess how the Obscure use magic, or... you can also experience it yourself, I am willing to satisfy your curiosity."

Kyle pouted.

He didn't want to guess, and he didn't want to be beaten.

Well, the child has grown up, not only is it difficult to get questions, but it seems to have a bit more violent tendencies... Ariana, who answered every question when she was a child, is still cute.

Tsk, something's wrong, this sentence also feels weird.


"You guys..."


While Kyle and Ariana were talking, Dumbledore kept winking at them and making unnecessary noises from time to time, looking like a peacock trying to attract attention.

Kyle's hands were itching again, so he quickly took out his camera and snapped a picture at him.

"Well, you guys can chat for as long as you want, but I suggest you change places, as Muggles will occasionally pass by here."

Kyle calmly put away his camera, "There's nothing to do next. I'm going to Diagon Alley and will stay at the Leaky Cauldron for a while... I might also go to Newt's place. If there's anything important, just let Fawkes find me."

The brother and sister met again after a hundred years, and Kyle was very tactful and didn't bother them again.

And he also had a lot of things to do now.

First of all, he was short of money. He had spent most of the money he had saved before, and the rest was thrown to the Dragon Sanctuary. Now he only had a few hundred pitiful Galleons.

Almost richer than Ron... Well, okay, he is still a little richer than Ron, but what can a few hundred Galleons do? He can't even buy a broom.

Kyle was panicking. He had to find a way to make his wallet fatter again... At least he had to dye Norbert's nest golden again. The current gray color was too ugly.

In addition, the two dragon eggs also needed to be dealt with as soon as possible. I don't know if it was because of the time converter, but the two dragon eggs suddenly moved, making Norbert, who was responsible for taking care of them, look confused.

Yes, Norbert is a female dragon, but according to the age of fire dragons, it can only be regarded as an underage female dragon, and has no experience in hatching dragon eggs.

The reason why the dragon eggs were handed over to it was mainly because there was no other choice. It couldn't be handed over to Lu Wei. That fool's brain was not much bigger than a walnut. Don't eat dragon eggs as snacks anymore.

There is also a Nundu... Peruvian Vipertooth Dragon can be taken care of, but the problem is that Kyle does not have this species. Besides, Nundu and Cat are both viviparous, and it is impossible for them to take care of dragon eggs.

So, only Norbert, who is also a fire dragon, is the most suitable. Although he is very reluctant, he still reluctantly takes on this task under Kyle's kind words and gives the eggs a hot bath with dragon flames on time.

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