Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 857 Let’s open a store

"Thank you for your generosity. If you find a good quality Airem horn next time, please give priority to our Nimbus Company."

In the Quidditch boutique in Diagon Alley, a foreign wizard in a neat suit sent Kyle out of the store with a smile on his face.

"Of course, after all, I am very satisfied with this transaction." Kyle said with a smile.

An hour ago, he left Grimmauld Place and came to Diagon Alley to prepare some activity funds.

The most valuable and easiest to sell is the Airem horn. This kind of thing is not only rare, but also not a prohibited item for trade. It is also a necessity for making flying brooms. There is no problem of not being able to sell it.

So Kyle walked directly into the Quidditch boutique, took out a few Airem horns straight away, and said he would sell them to them.

Not long after that, the wizard who claimed to be the head of the Nimbus Company hurried over.

He is not British. Because of Voldemort and the Death Eaters, the person in charge of Diagon Alley resigned after the first attack on Diagon Alley. He was assigned to come from Paris after receiving the news from the two-way mirror.

After all, the Flying Broom Company has more than just orders from Diagon Alley in the UK.

At first, he was quite dissatisfied with this decision.

Because Britain is now a huge whirlpool, if you are not careful, you may be crushed to pieces, so he naturally doesn't want to come.

But after seeing the Airem horn that Kyle took out, this idea disappeared instantly.

The quality is too good. To be honest, he hasn't seen such high-quality Airem horns for a long time, especially in recent decades, the development of brooms has been faster and faster, and more and more materials are needed, so the price is naturally rising.

However, the quality is hard to describe, but there is no way, after all, there are only so many Airem horns, and the good ones are used up, so they can only make do with ordinary quality ones.

But the Airem horns Kyle took out were not only large in size, but also the most authentic reddish-brown in color. He had only seen horns of this quality once... on the exhibition stand at the headquarters of the Nimbus Company, seventy years ago.

He had a hunch that if he could take this batch of materials back, he would definitely get a large bonus. If he could control the channels, he could even replace that cowardly boss.

Of course, he certainly didn't dare to use force. He had already learned about Kyle's information from the clerk.

The champion warrior of the Triwizard Tournament, Dumbledore's most promising student, also had a thousand connections with the Ministry of Magic.

And this was Britain, their territory. He would be crazy to make enemies with them.

So he wisely chose to show goodwill, without any price reduction, and directly raised the price to the highest level on the market, and also offered a series of discounts within his authority.

Kyle was also very satisfied.

He originally thought that this transaction would take some time, but he didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward. After confirming the authenticity of the items, he completed a large order of one thousand Galleons in less than half an hour, a total of five Aerym horns.

It's not that Kyle only has these, he has more, but if he takes out too much at once, it is likely to reduce the price.

Anyway, he has the goods in his hand, so he can take his time and not rush.

After getting rid of the overly enthusiastic wizard, Kyle walked on the slightly quiet streets of Diagon Alley. After getting an extra thousand Galleons, he suddenly didn't rush to sell all the things.

And Kyle thought about it. With so many things in his box, it would take a lot of time just to sell them, and if he sold them frequently, it would inevitably be difficult to lower the price, and it would waste a lot of time to argue.

It would be better to open a store and put all these things on display...

Kyle stopped suddenly.

He remembered that Sirius seemed to have given him a shop at Christmas a few years ago. At that time, he thought the gift was too expensive, so he didn't plan to accept it. However, due to some things, he had to leave Diagon Alley before he had time to refuse.

Why... Kyle thought about it carefully for a while, but because it was a few years ago, he didn't remember it.

But it didn't matter.

The important thing was that the magic contract seemed to be still in his hand, and there were many things to do afterwards, so he forgot about it, including Sirius, who didn't mention it again.

And he remembered that Sirius seemed to have prepared a shop next door for Harry, and planned to run a small business with him after Harry graduated.

"Where is that shop?" Kyle looked around to see if there was any shop that was closed.

It was just because of the attack that many shops were closed recently, so it would definitely not work to find it this way.

Kyle only vaguely remembered that he and Sirius sat together at that time and ate ice cream...

Yes, ice cream!

Kyle immediately changed direction and soon found Florin Fosco Ice Cream Shop in the middle of the street. There were also two shops with closed doors and no signs not far away.

"Yes, this is it." Kyle's eyes lit up.

If he opened this shop, he would not have to spend time running around. Moreover, the location here is also very good. Not only is it on the main road, but Gringotts Wizarding Bank is not far away, and the bookstore is diagonally opposite. These are the must-go places for young wizards when school starts.

I can only say that Black is worthy of it. He gave away such a good shop without any regrets.

Kyle leaned against the door and glanced inside.

Because it has been vacant for a long time, the windows are dirty, and the inside is even more gray. You can't see anything clearly. It's probably not easy to clean it up.

If you want to open for business, you may need to repair it again.

Fortunately, he had just earned a thousand galleons, which should be enough.

As for the staff issue, Kyle immediately thought of the house elves in the school kitchen.

Hello elves, I have already confirmed it at Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes before and they are fully qualified for this job.

Kyle touched his chin and began to think about the feasibility of this matter. The more he thought about it, the more he thought it would be okay.

Putting things for sale in stores with clearly marked prices not only solves the problem of wasting time, but also ensures that prices will not fluctuate, and can even increase appropriately.

And his relationship with the Ministry of Magic...

Kyle knew very well that after a while, he would reach preliminary cooperation with Minister Bones with the magical communication item specially designed for Aurors, and he would suffer a little loss.

With this relationship, and if we find someone to help with the operation, those vaguely defined prohibited trade items, such as Mobik squid ink, may also be displayed.

It can be done.

Kyle's eyes lit up. He happened to have some time recently. During this time, he had been hiding from Voldemort at No. 12 Grimmauld Place. Therefore, as long as the Weasley brothers and Cedric who have access to this place are not discovered, there will be no problem for him to show up in Diagon Alley.

Not to mention that it will be open for business in a short time, but it is still possible to clean up the place. When there is time, he can open it directly. He can even live here temporarily. The rooms in the Leaky Cauldron are quite expensive, so save money if you can. Well.

But first, he had to find the magic contract that was thrown away somewhere.

It should be in the deformed lizard skin bag. For convenience, all his trivial things are in it.

The fact was just as he thought, the magic contract was in the corner of the leather bag, together with several packs of owl snacks.

Kyle took it out and was about to do something big when his box suddenly shook again.

There is only one possibility for this situation to occur. Something is hitting the door of the room in the box, and judging from the frequency of shaking, the other party is quite anxious.

There was no other way, so Kyle could only temporarily put aside his idea of ​​opening a shop, quickly returned to the room in the Leaky Cauldron, and walked into the box.

As soon as he opened the door, a giant head covered with scales magnified infinitely in his eyes. Fortunately, Kyle reacted quickly enough and jumped to the side in time, thus avoiding Norbert's headbutt.

"What's wrong with you?" Kyle asked with lingering fear.

Norbert looked a little panicked, barked twice quickly, swept his tail gently, and rolled up the two round eggs.

Dragon egg?

Kyle seemed to have guessed something. After taking a closer look, he discovered that there were a few cracks on it.

Norbert whimpered nervously.

"It's okay, it's okay, you didn't crush them." Kyle comforted Norbert: "If I'm not wrong, the little guy is about to break his shell."

Kyle was so excited that he forgot all about opening a store and making money.

This is a fire dragon... can dragon eggs hatch so quickly? And still at the same time.

Kyle felt a little unsure. After thinking about it, he left the box and headed to Dorset with it.

Relying on his memory, Kyle quickly found Newt's wooden house in the endless forest, walked up and knocked on the door.

With a creak, the door opened, and a slightly nervous head poked out.

"Dobby, who is here, Tina?" Newt's voice came, "Strange, didn't she go to Ilvermorny to visit Rolf?"

Rolf Scamander, the grandson of Newt, became a professor in Ilvermorny, the United States, after graduation and engaged in natural history research.

"No, Mr. Scamander, it's Mr. Kyle who's here." Dobby, the house elf, called in a high-pitched voice, clearly very excited.


At this time, Newt also came over, looking a little surprised, "It's really unexpected. I thought you were busy with the Order of the Phoenix."

"It's a long story." Kyle walked in naturally.

"What happened?" Newt asked worriedly, "Is it because of Godric's Hollow? I heard that seventy Death Eaters died yesterday. Could it be related to you?"

"I did participate." Kyle nodded and shook his head, "But my coming here this time has nothing to do with that."

"That's good." Newt breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the cup and said, "Sit down and talk, do you want to eat something? There are grapefruit cookies left by Tina on the plate."

"Forget the cookies." Kyle said, "I came here because there are two dragon eggs that are about to hatch, but I have no experience..."

Did Newt squirt out all the water he just drank?

"What did you say? Dragon egg?"


"Where did you get the dragon eggs?" Newt's expression became serious.

"I bought it," Kyle said. "Of course, I didn't buy it at this time. I bought it in 1899."

Newt blinked, wondering for a moment whether Kyle was under the Imperius Curse. That was a hundred years ago, so how could he buy it.

"It's a long story. Come and take a look first. I'll explain it later." Kyle opened the box and jumped in.

Newt thought for a moment and then walked in.

As soon as he came into the box, he saw two round eggs on the velvet cushion.

Yes, they were dragon eggs, one Ukrainian Iron Belly, and one...

"Oh, Romanian Longhorn?"

"Yeah." Kyle said with a smile, "I was also surprised when I saw it."

Newt walked over and squinted his eyes to look at the two dragon eggs.

"They are indeed about to break the shell, but... a little strange."

"What do you mean?"

"From the appearance, these two eggs should not meet the requirements for breaking the shell." He tapped the dragon egg lightly, making a thumping sound.

"You see, it is still very hard, and it needs to be roasted by flames for at least a month to meet the conditions for breaking the shell, but..."

At this point, Newt paused, then leaned over to the seam and took a deep breath.

"This slight sulfur smell is indeed the fire dragon that took the initiative to open the eggshell. What's going on..."

Newt was a little confused. He had studied fire dragons for decades and had never seen such an outrageous situation.

"Well... if it has been through the time converter, will it have an impact on the dragon egg?"

"A little, but not so big." Newt shook his head.

"What if it is a hundred years?"

"A hundred years?" Newt was stunned at first, and then he was surprised: "Has Albus's time converter been repaired?"

"Not only repaired, but also used." Kyle nodded.

"That's what I want to say. For some reasons, I just came back from 1899 yesterday."

Then Kyle roughly recounted his experience some time ago.

After hearing the news that Ariana was not dead, Newt was so happy that he almost cried.

He was happy to mention Dumbledore. They had experienced many things together. Newt knew better than anyone what Dumbledore's regret was. Ariana's death had become his inner demon, tormenting him all the time.

"You did a good job...very good..." He wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and said with a sob.

"So these two dragons..."

"Yes, I bought them at that time." Kyle said, "I still have two, and I can go to the Dragon Sanctuary to get them in a few days."

As he said that, Kyle naturally handed the two parchments with magic contracts to Newt.

Newt's eyes widened even more. He didn't expect that Kyle could give him a surprise besides Ariana's matter.

"These two contracts... So that's it, you are the mysterious donor."


"I heard about this from a friend." Newt explained: "They said that the Dragon Sanctuary was established thanks to the donation of a mysterious wizard. The Galleons he brought made the sanctuary take the first and most difficult step successfully.

"They later looked for each other, a young wizard with an old servant... but they never found each other. It was as if the other party disappeared from the magic world, and there was no clue at all. "

"That's because I'm back, of course they can't find it. " Kyle said with a smile, "By the way, the so-called old servant is actually Professor Dumbledore. ”


Newt looked a little strange, and after a moment of silence, he whispered, “Well, I should have thought of it earlier. I hope Albus doesn’t know these rumors yet.”

In a sense, Dumbledore has been Kyle’s servant for nearly a hundred years in the records of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary. There is probably no other person like him in the magic world.

I hope he can hold on.

But with Dumbledore’s character, he probably wouldn’t mind, especially after knowing that his sister is still alive.

Newt shook his head and looked at the second parchment.

“This, this is… a legal dragon-raising certificate?”

“That’s right.” Kyle said, “Birdman is too enthusiastic and must give me this thank you. I can’t refuse, so I can only accept it.

“But unfortunately, there is still some time before the contract takes effect. Now it is just a decoration.”

Newt didn’t believe Kyle’s words. It’s not like he didn’t know Birdman. The other party was the most opposed to personal dragon raising. How could he take the initiative to give others such things?

But the proof is true, including the signature and the contract magic, so the truth doesn't seem to be that important.

"You have gained a lot on this trip." Newt couldn't help but say.

"It's okay." Kyle grinned, "Let's talk about this, are these two dragons okay?"

"No problem at all, very healthy." Newt said. "As for the reason why they hatched early, it may be related to the time converter, but I haven't used that kind of thing, so I dare not draw a conclusion.

"But the impact of the time converter on dragon eggs... This is a direction I have never thought of. Can the time converter still be used?"

"It can't be used." Kyle shook his head and said, "After we came back, the magic stone responsible for providing magic power broke down, and coupled with the high-load operation, the shell also had multiple damages."

"The magic stone?" Newt's eyes twitched.

Although the new research direction is very tempting, if the price is the magic stone... I can't afford it.

As for other time converters that are not so luxurious, the time is too short and they are useless.

Newt had never felt so bad before. He felt like a sniffing bird standing on the edge of a cliff. Across from him was a pile of Galleons, but they were separated by an insurmountable gully. He couldn't get through no matter what. It was so painful.

"Can you give them to me?" Newt asked, pointing at the two dragon eggs.

Since there was no way to experience the time converter, he could only observe the two dragon eggs that Kyle brought back from ninety-eight years ago.

"Of course, no problem." Kyle said with a smile. He came here for this reason.


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