Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 862: Stubborn Tree Wasp

After all, they are dragon keepers, and they have a deep affection for dragons.

After seeing the eight-month-old lion dragon being put into the box by Newt, everyone was reluctant to leave. When it was the turn of the Hungarian Horntail, they also cried with joy.

Especially the five dragon keepers who sent it over. Several muscular strong men hugged each other and cried on the spot.

"The days of worry... are finally over..."

"Mr. Scamander... good man..."

"From today on, you are my idol..."

"Tomorrow I will buy ten copies of "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!"

"I will buy a hundred copies!"

Everyone talked about it, and the enthusiasm was almost praising Newt to the sky.

Drolls was also happy, and for the first time ever, he took out a bottle of brandy and drank it.

Dragon keepers are not allowed to drink alcohol while working, especially strong liquor, because the taste of alcohol will arouse the appetite of dragons, and they may be bitten at any time, which is fatal to dragon keepers.

But Drols was so happy that he didn't care about it... At most, he could take half a day off. At least today he just wanted to have a good drink.

Kyle sat there expressionlessly. He understood that this Hungarian Horntail was definitely not a good person.

Whose dragon would want to whip people with its tail after being stun-cursed?

The same goes for Drols.

Perhaps he had this idea when he said that he would replace the dragon egg with a young dragon.

This was a trap. Maybe Drols's goal from the beginning was to send this Hungarian Horntail away.

As a result, he was fooled. After all, between the Welsh Green Dragon and the Hungarian Horntail, no matter who it was, they would choose the latter.

But he really didn't expect that the so-called eight-month-old Hungarian Horntail was even larger than an adult Welsh Green Dragon.

And looking at Drols's appearance, it was probably impossible to return the goods.


When leaving the Fire Dragon Sanctuary, several enthusiastic dragon breeders escorted them all the way until they saw them use the door key to leave with their own eyes, and then they returned the same way arm in arm.

"Let's go to the Oak Barrel Bar for a drink later. I'll treat you."

"Of course. We have to celebrate today. I'll accept the punishment."

"I'll go too. I'll return the hemostatic drugs and bandages I ordered."

"Do you think Mr. Scamander can handle the hardship at his age?"

"Don't worry. He's a master of magical animals. There's no problem..."

"Why don't we pool some money and send it over? Otherwise, I'll feel guilty..."

"Well... okay. Send more so he won't be embarrassed to return it."

They didn't even go back to the reserve to ask for leave. They went to the Oak Barrel Bar with their arms around each other.

On the other side, Kyle and his friends also used the portkey to return to the Dorset Forest, to the door of Newt's house.

The enthusiastic house-elf Dobby opened the door and invited them in.

Kyle glanced at Newt and hesitated.

"Ask whatever you want to ask." Newt said with a smile.

"That's... that Hungarian Horntail..." Kyle asked in a low voice, "Does it have any problems?"

"Oh, nothing, just a bit irritable." Newt said casually, "So far, nineteen dragon breeders have been injured by it. Did you see the long scar on DeRols' arm? It was left by it.

"It is said that some time ago, the people in the Fire Dragon Reserve moved it to other areas, and then three adult dragons were almost bitten to death."

Listening to Newt's words, Kyle's forehead began to sweat... This is no longer a thorn, it is simply a bully.

No wonder those dragon breeders were so excited that they cried when they sent it away.

"But isn't it only eight months old? Can it beat an adult dragon?"

"This is the most special thing about the Hungarian Horntail."

Newt said seriously, "They are ferocious and will not show mercy even to their own kind. In addition, the range of their habitat is limited. In order to resist the dangers that may appear at any time, the juvenile period of the Hungarian Horntail is particularly short, and it can grow to thirty feet in a year.

"Even a Ukrainian Iron Belly of the same size would need two years."

"Are all Horntails like this?" Kyle continued to ask, "They can kill other adult dragons in eight months."

"Oh, of course not." Newt shook his head, "Most Horntails will avoid their own kind and all possible threats in the year after hatching, and try to catch as many prey as possible to make themselves stronger.

"But this is just an exception. According to DeRols, its temper is the most violent among all Horntails, and it prefers the process of fighting rather than the food brought by hunting."


Kyle laughed dryly and didn't know what to say.

He felt like he had gotten himself into a big trouble, and he took the initiative.

"And..." Kyle rubbed his forehead and took the initiative to change the subject: "What did you say to DeRols before that made him agree to give me a lion dragon."

"That's it." Newt said as a matter of course: "I promised him that I could help solve the problem of the Hungarian Horntail, and he agreed. "

So Newt took the initiative to bring this up?

Kyle was upset. He had always thought that Newt was just being too proud.

But now that it's over, it seems like it's too late to say anything.

"Come on in, I have to help you put them in place while the effect of the stun spell is still there." Newt opened the box in his hand and put it on the ground, then jumped in on his own initiative.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Newt had always held Kyle's box.

"I'm also going to help. It's considered after-sales service." Dumbledore said, and jumped in.

When he graduated from second grade, Kyle used the Philosopher's Stone he picked up in exchange for Dumbledore's help in expanding the box to what it is today.

It's just that at that time, Dumbledore designed it based on the Forbidden Forest, which was not suitable for fire dragons to live in.

After all, he didn't expect at the time that five fire dragons would be welcomed here in a few years.

By the time Kyle jumped in, Newt and Dumbledore were already busy.

Transforming the environment is a big project that cannot be completed overnight, so they decided to first transfer some magical animals, including the basilisk, to Newt's box to prevent them from causing trouble later.

After that, Dumbledore kicked everyone out.

"Leave it to Albus." Newt said with a smile: "He is really different from before. The Albus I know is not so motivated."

"I just hope he doesn't build me a blue castle." Kyle whispered.

If it were Dumbledore before, Kyle would never worry about this problem, but now his mind is full of Ariana, who knows if any fantastic ideas will suddenly pop up.

After all, Ariana's favorites are blue and earthy yellow. One represents the free sky, and the other represents the solid and heavy earth.

It would be fine if it was khaki, but if it were another kind...

The ferocious fire dragon is perched on the light blue, shiny castle. This style of painting is so weird that Kyle thinks he may not be able to accept it.

"Hmm...probably, no..." Newt said, with a bit of unconfidence in his voice.

To be honest, he was also a bit unfamiliar with the current Dumbledore.

At this time, a sudden scream interrupted the conversation between the two.

Dobby ran over in a hurry, dancing and pointing to the sky as he ran.

"Sir...it's not good...that thorny dragon...it's flying..."

A spiny dragon?

Hungarian Horntail!

Kyle and Newt turned their heads at the same time. The lion dragon was still asleep due to the effect of the stun spell, but the Hungarian Horntail had already woken up.

Perhaps because the surrounding environment suddenly changed, it looked extremely violent and sprayed dozens of feet of flames in all directions.

A scorching wave of air swept over him, and Dobby was thrown away and fell heavily to the ground, grinning in pain.

Kyle immediately pulled out his wand.

But at the same time, a similar roar came from not far away.

It was the original Hungarian Horntail in Newt's box. It must have sensed the aura of its kind. It left its nest and flew over quickly.

The two Horntails met in mid-air, and the battle inevitably broke out. No dragon flames were used, it was just a pure tearing and collision between fangs and claws, and their tails like meteor hammers swung at each other crazily.

Only then did Kyle remember that the hornet in Newt's box seemed to have a stinging head, and it had been returned by the Fire Dragon Sanctuary three times in a row.

"Do we want to help?" Kyle asked.

"Ah, no need for now." Newt sighed with a headache, "If we attack now, they will regard us as enemies. Just let them deal with it on their own."

Newt helped Dobby up and asked him to help ward off the magical animals around him.

In fact, there was no need to do this at all. When the two dragons collided, the nearby magical animals had already fled further away.

After a while, only Kyle, Newt and Dobby were left around.

It could be seen that Dobby was also scared, and his legs were almost shaking, but he still stood in front of Newt and Kyle.

"Don't be nervous, Dobby." Newt knelt down and said, "You go take care of Laflare. I just noticed him running towards the horned camel."

"But...I want to protect sir..." Dobby said tremblingly.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Newt smiled, not worried about his own safety at all.

As they spoke, Kyle kept looking up at the sky.

He discovered something incredible.

Although the two hornets were very different in size and strength, the eight-month-old baby dragon showed no signs of retreating at all. He even launched attacks several times, even if he couldn't bite the other one. A tooth mark is left on the scales.

Kyle's mouth twitched.

Good guy, this is too reckless, are you really so stubborn?

If this thing got into his box...

Kyle shuddered. He didn't want to open the box one day and see hornets killing everyone inside.

"However, Drols is really willing to give it to me?" Kyle frowned, "It can deal with an adult hornet for so long and still refuses to admit defeat. In a sense, its strength is also in line with its temper. It’s proportional.”

"No, you are wrong." Newt shook his head and explained: "The protected area does not value the power of the fire dragons, they need stability more.

"If nothing else happens, this hornet will definitely challenge the current 'king' when it becomes an adult, and there will definitely be another melee. This is not what the protected area wants to see."

The ‘King’ of the Fire Dragon Sanctuary?

"Well, um..." Kyle turned his head stiffly, "I think they get along quite well. How about staying as a companion?"

"Do they get along?" Newt was stunned for a moment, turned his head in disbelief, and pointed at the tiny scales and dragon blood falling from the sky, "How do you know they get along?"

"Fire dragons, if we don't fight, we won't get to know each other. Maybe they will be reconciled tomorrow." Kyle murmured in a low voice.

"I don't think so." Newt said slowly: "Besides, I'm a hundred years old, so I probably don't have the energy to take care of a second Hungarian Horntail."

Newt emphasized his age, leaving Kyle speechless.

Yes, Newt is already a hundred years old, so it would be unreasonable to leave this problem to him.

"What should we do..." Kyle sighed. "If I had known it was so virtuous, I would have returned it to Drols even if I tried to be shameless..."

"It doesn't matter, isn't this about you?" Newt said.

"Me?" Kyle pointed at himself, then looked at the stubborn hornet in the sky that was trying to injure itself a thousand times and injure two hundred enemies, "I don't think it can listen to me."

"There's always a way," Newt said. "Don't forget, you still have a basilisk."

"Can the basilisk make it obedient?" Kyle asked doubtfully.

"No, the dragon and the basilisk are mortal enemies," Newt said.

Now, Kyle didn't understand even more.

But Newt didn't explain. He just looked calmly at a cave where the transferred basilisk was placed.

For some reasons, Kyle did not let it fall into deep sleep. It must have been stimulated by the dragon's blood, and it crawled out of the cave at this time.

The fifty-foot-long body, which is thicker than a bucket, is full of pressure, but the layer of velvet cloth covering the eyes is a bit distracting, making it inexplicably a bit more humorous.

The basilisk licked the dragon's blood on the ground, but this action also angered the two hornets in the sky.

The beast brought back from the protected area was the first to rush down, and directed a mouthful of dragon flame at the basilisk's head.

The larger hornet originally wanted to help, but when it was halfway through its flight, it suddenly changed its direction and flew away.

"It saw us." Newt couldn't help but laugh: "Knowing that this battle could not have a result, the appearance of the basilisk just created an opportunity for it, so naturally it was too lazy to continue."

"How about we switch." Kyle asked tentatively.

Newt just smiled and said nothing.

On the other side, the battle between the Horntail and the Basilisk also ended in a short time.

Although the hornet had the advantage of being able to fly, it was only eight months old after all. As soon as it got up, it rushed down, intending to give the basilisk a hard blow with its tail, but the basilisk bit its wing.

The basilisk has fangs.

Kyle panicked, and just when he was about to step forward, he saw that Newt had no intention of moving at all and was standing there leisurely, so he stopped too.

It wasn't until the Horntail staggered down from the sky as if he was drunk that Newt took out his wand and waved it hard.

The basilisk, which was about to swallow the Horntail in one gulp, was blocked by a suddenly raised earth wall and was forced back into the cave. The earth wall blocked the entrance of the hole, and no matter how hard it hit it, it could never get out.

"Very good." Newt breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry, the basilisk's poison cannot kill the fire dragon, but it will make it fall into a coma. The effect is much better than the coma spell."

"I'm not worried about the hornets." Kyle frowned, "I just don't understand your purpose of doing this."

"Remember what I just said? Fire dragons and basilisks are mortal enemies." Newt said.

Kyle nodded.

"That's why."

Newt continued: "With the character of this hornet, today's failure is a shame for it. In the future, it will probably only see the basilisk in its eyes. This is also the way you can control it."

"Because the fire dragon can understand your words, and you can also command the basilisk. As for what to do to maintain a delicate balance between them, you can think about it in these few days."

Angry hornets and basilisks...a delicate balance?

Kyle frowned, "This shouldn't be what you just thought of."

"When I saw you take out that magical contract." Newt said, "In fact, Droles has been worried about this matter for a long time, and has written to me more than once, asking for This hornet was entrusted to me, but I refused. As I said, I don't have the energy to take care of another hornet.

"But you are different. Having a basilisk is equivalent to having a rein. And based on the current situation, this Hungarian Horntail can bring you the greatest help."

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