Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 863 I'll buy you a drink

"You want to find a basilisk? Of course, no problem. Roll over for me first..."


In the dust, Kyle tried to pull himself out of a bunch of vines, sat on the ground and rubbed his shoulders with a grin.

Not far away, Newt, who was weighing the lion dragon, looked over here, rubbed his forehead helplessly, and then took out his wand.

"Quickly imprison!"

More than a dozen bowl-thick vines flew from all directions, tightly wrapped around the limbs and tail of the Hungarian Horntail, forcibly fixing it in place, and at the same time did not forget to wrap around its mouth to prevent it from spitting dragon flames.

"Thank you." Kyle limped over.

Not to mention, it really hurts to be whipped by a fire dragon's tail. Even if he was prepared in advance and used a spell to block the two-foot-long spike on its tail, Kyle felt as if his whole body was falling apart.

"I can still help you now, but I think you'd better not provoke it again." Newt said without looking back.

"I know, I just want to test its tolerance." Kyle shrugged.

It has been a while since the Horntail was bitten by the basilisk. Although it was not directly poisoned to death, it was in a coma for several days, and it was still shaky after waking up.

But the Horntail didn't care about its own situation. As soon as it could fly, it began to look for the basilisk all over the world, wanting revenge.

Then Kyle appeared at the right time, released the basilisk, and when they were fighting vigorously, forced the basilisk to go back to the cave to sleep.

This process... to be honest, it was a bit dangerous, mainly because the Hungarian Horntail shifted its target to Kyle after the basilisk left.

Fortunately, Newt followed by the side and successfully rescued Kyle from the dragon's mouth at the critical moment.

After that, Kyle turned into a kind-hearted parent who separated them and prevented them from meeting.

It seems that neither side appreciated it.

"I'm telling you." Kyle pointed at the chin of the Hungarian Horntail and said unhappily, "If you hit me with your tail again, believe it or not, I will immediately let the basilisk go into the cave and sleep for two hundred years, and you will never see it again."

The Hungarian Horntail's eyes instantly turned into a vertical line, and its body began to struggle vigorously.

I don't know if it was intentional or the Horntail was too powerful, the vines wrapped around it were quickly torn off.

The Horntail tore the restraints on its mouth with one claw and rushed towards Kyle.

Kyle looked calm, "Come on, kill me, and you will never find revenge on the basilisk in your life."

The Horntail paused its wings, suddenly raised its body, and flew past Kyle's hair.

"Tsk, you still want to fight me..." Kyle stretched out his left hand and flicked a middle finger at the Horntail.

This move directly made the Horntail explode, and it spit out dragon flames around it as if to vent its anger, and there was another round of chaos.

But what's interesting is that none of those flames were directed at Kyle.

"Ah..." Newt sighed again.

This was the nth time he sighed. He originally just wanted Kyle to use the basilisk to contain the hornbane, and slowly cultivate feelings when it failed and was injured.

Kyle's ability to talk to magical animals was his greatest advantage. Even if the hornbane was unlikely to become as friendly as Norbert due to personality limitations, there would definitely be no problem getting along normally.

But Newt never thought that Kyle would choose another more radical way. He was sure that if the hornbane defeated the basilisk one day, it would probably give Kyle a bath with dragon flames immediately.

It was just that Kyle spoke too fast at the time, and when he realized something was wrong, it was too late to stop it.

Forget it, let it be.

Newt combed the circle of spikes on the top of the lion's head that began to harden gradually, ignoring the Hungarian hornbane that was venting its anger not far away, just pretending that he didn't see anything.

Even if there really came such a day, Kyle's current strength was enough to deal with the Hungarian hornbane, so he didn't need to worry about it.

Newt fiddled with the lion dragon's spikes again, and seemed to be a little impatient. The little guy blew two balls of fire from his nostrils, almost setting Newt's beard on fire.

Kyle raised his eyebrows. No wonder it was called a fireball dragon. The fire it blew was really round.

He walked over and sat down. Iron Belly and Longhorn Dragon immediately ran over from not far away, and their two huge heads stuck in front of him at the same time.

Kyle's mood improved immediately, and he took out a lot of snacks to feed them.

It should be said that if you want to raise a fire dragon, you have to start with dragon eggs. The experience is much better than that of a certain stubborn species.

In other words, the Fire Dragon Reserve does not allow returns... Kyle turned his head and glanced at the still crazy Hungarian Horntail, and felt disgusted.

They are all fire dragons, why is the difference so big?

"How is it, did you get anything?" Kyle looked at Newt and asked.

"It has solved a lot of doubts." Newt said, "The next edition of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them can expand a lot of content about lions and dragons."


"It may take a while." Newt said, "Lockneil's new paper is about to be published, and the new magical beasts will be the main content of the new edition."

"Is that so." Kyle nodded and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to tease the lions and dragons.

Two more balls of fire were sprayed out, but this time Newt was not so lucky. His hair and beard were smoking, accompanied by a burnt smell.

"If you are really bored, go and help Dobby take care of that Dementor. He really doesn't dare to get close to him." Newt said unbearably: "I don't know where you got that thing from. What do you usually feed it?”

"Don't feed it anything, that thing won't die anyway." Kyle said casually.

To be honest, if it weren't for the decoration of the box this time, he would have almost forgotten about the dementors.

The main reason is that the place where the dementor lives is too remote, in a designated cold area, and there is only one of it, so Kyle may not always be able to remember it.

After helping Newt extinguish the flames above his head, Kyle turned over, sat on Iron Belly next to him, and patted his back.

The little guy immediately stood up, spread his wings, and flew forward with Kyle. Although he didn't fly as fast as the adult fire dragon, it felt pretty good.

Dobby was in a dark cave not far away. When Kyle found him, he was carrying a wooden bucket and looking ahead tremblingly.


Seeing Kyle coming over, his two big tennis ball-like eyes looked over pitifully.

"I understand, leave it to me."

Jumping off the dragon's back, Kyle took the barrel, opened the lid and threw it out.

I saw a glowing ball emerging from the barrel, like a firefly. At the same time, a layer of frost gradually formed on the inner wall of the cave, and a dementor wearing a black hood moved in an incredible way. He floated out at a very fast speed, crawled next to the barrel, and sucked those light balls into his mouth.

Dobby became even more frightened and subconsciously held on to the stone next to him.

"What is this?" Kyle asked curiously.

"It's... lantern... iris..." Dobby's voice trembled, and he felt like his tongue was about to get tied up.

Kyle glanced at him and then led him out of the cave.

After arriving outside, Dobby finally returned to normal, breathing heavily as if he were surviving a disaster.

"You just mentioned lanterns and iris, and what else."

"Put them in the body of a glowing hound for an hour, then take them out and roast them over a fire, mixing the smoke into the saliva of the Airwing." Dobby said, "Mr. Newt asked me to do this."

Glowing hound... patronus?

Kyle touched his chin. He remembered that Newt's patronus seemed to be a basset hound with cute short legs.

Moreover, the patron saint is the embodiment of happiness, and the herbs that come into contact with the patron saint will naturally undergo some changes. But can this kind of "happiness" really be extended to herbs?

Kyle really didn't know...but the dementors ate quite deliciously anyway. Not only did they sweep away all the glowing balls, they even started to wipe the barrel with their faces, as if they hadn't eaten in three days. .

Kyle pouted.

You are a dementor, the feared jailer of Azkaban, a collection of darkness and evil, Harry Potter's powerful sleep aid... here you are licking the plate?

Wouldn't it be embarrassing to tell it?

Fortunately, at this time, another horned dragon flew over from a distance and brought news about Newt.

Dumbledore is here.

Now Kyle didn't care about the Dementors anymore, and immediately started to return with Dobby. When the poor house elf sat on the dragon's back, he almost fainted from fright.

From a distance, Kyle saw Dumbledore.

"Professor, is it done yet?" he asked impatiently.

"Of course." Dumbledore smiled, took out a box and opened it. "Want to take a look? I promise you will be satisfied."

Kyle jumped in immediately.

The appearance of the box has completely changed. Almost half of the forest has disappeared, replaced by towering cliffs and cliffs.

Fortunately, there are no blue castles or pink trees. Except for the strange shape of the cliffs, everything is normal.

The original lake has also expanded several times, and you can't see the edge at a glance. There is also a large island in the middle of the lake, which Kyle always feels familiar.

"This is a replica of the design in Newt's box." Dumbledore came from behind, "I guess the Hungarian Horntail would like this environment very much, and you happen to have a similar dragon."

"That stubborn breed," Kyle said, "I think it can just sleep on the grass. There is no need for it to live in such a nice place."

"You can do whatever you want." Dumbledore said with a smile, "I originally wanted to help you expand the space here, but it's a bit late. I need to accompany Ariana to a place tomorrow, and I also have to take some time off. Time to attend the sorting ceremony in the evening.”

"Perhaps you can do it yourself. I think the Traceless Stretching Spell shouldn't be a problem for you."

"Wait a minute." Kyle didn't care about the problem of expanding the space. "The sorting ceremony... Hogwarts is about to start?"

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded, "Why, don't you know? I really hope I can come back."

Kyle really doesn't know.

In other words, he has been busy cultivating a relationship with the fire dragon recently and has not noticed this problem at all.

"It's okay, Professor, you don't have to rush back." Kyle raised his head and stretched his hand to Dumbledore's head, "Just give me a handful of hair."

Dumbledore turned sideways and dodged.

If you want to ask what is the most precious thing for a British wizard...hair will definitely rank in the top three. It is extremely rare for Dumbledore to not wear a wig at his age.

He would rather let Fox peck his beard than protect the top of his head.

Then Kyle opened his mouth and asked for a handful?

"Polyjuice Potion." Kyle explained: "In fact, for a period of time after the school started, I pretended to be the principal, not you, so as long as we give Professor McGonagall the things we need to prepare before the school starts, That’s it.”

"You, pretending to be me?" Dumbledore was stunned for a moment.

Before coming here, he had inquired about what happened recently, and he also knew that 'Dumbledore' had appeared in the school more than once.

But at that time, all his attention was on Ariana, and he didn't think much about it, just thinking that he was going back.

I didn't expect it to be Polyjuice Potion.

But this way, he really didn't have to be distracted. Judging from Ariana's appearance before, what she needed to do seemed to be quite important.

"So, I haven't gone back to school?"

"No," Kyle said. "At least I never saw another Dumbledore when I was at school."

As he spoke, Kyle was rummaging around for something in his transforming lizard skin bag.

"Fortunately, there is another bottle, it should be enough." He took out a small bottle, which contained a grey-brown viscous liquid potion.

Polyjuice Potion, which Kyle had brought from Slughorn's office, had used some in 1899, and now this is the only bottle left.

Then Kyle looked at Dumbledore again and blinked.

"Okay, I get it." Dumbledore sighed, "But I think if it's just Polyjuice Potion, the beard should be fine..."

"Anything is fine," Kyle said.

Dumbledore's hair and beard were the same color and about the same length, and he wasn't sure which one it was at the time.

Anyway, as long as it works.

Dumbledore turned around, and after a while, he had a silver-white beard in his hand, and it seemed that the other party had only pulled it to one side, causing it to be half sparse and half thick, which looked weird. .

Kyle opened his mouth.

In fact, he wanted to say that he had not always played the role of principal in the school and did not need so much, but he was worried that saying this would hurt Dumbledore a second time, so he gave up.

Kyle took out an envelope and put the Polyjuice Potion and the beard in it.

The two came outside the box. Dobby had prepared toast for dinner, and they could still smell the faint aroma of stew.

"Professor, you have to write a letter to Professor McGonagall and tell him that I will be pretending to be the principal for a while."

"What's the content?" Dumbledore asked.

"I don't know." Kyle shrugged, "I just glanced at the letter and threw it away. I didn't remember the content at all... Well, just write whatever you want."

"All right."

After a while, a letter was written.

Kyle just glanced at it, and his memory immediately returned to the time when he was on the Hogwarts Express.

When he saw this letter at that time, he was scolding Dumbledore for being an old fool.

Dumbledore finished writing the letter, and the two of them ate a few bites of toast before leaving Newt for the time being. They needed to give these things to Professor McGonagall before school started.

This is not difficult. Professor McGonagall usually returns to the castle a week before school starts, and just finds an owl to deliver the letter.

Using the portkey, the two came to Hogsmeade and counted the time. At this time, Professor McGonagall should be preparing the list of new students for tomorrow.

Kyle walked into the owl post office next to him and spent three Sickles to send the envelope in his hand.

When he learned that the letter was sent to Hogwarts, the clerk here gave Kyle a strange look, like he was looking at a malnourished troll.

This was the first time he had seen someone come all the way here with a portkey to deliver a message to Hogwarts?

Wouldn't it be better to walk directly to Hogwarts when you have this time? It’s only a few minutes away and you can save some money.

And a wizard who could use a portkey would not be able to afford an owl no matter what.

But since everyone was here, he couldn't say anything. He took Xi Ke and casually stuffed the letter into the talon of an owl next to him.

Of course Kyle had an owl, but he definitely couldn't let Raton deliver this letter. In addition, the door key was also made by Dumbledore, and he just followed him.

When Kyle walked out of the post office, he happened to see Dumbledore staring in the direction of the Pig's Head pub.

"Have you not gone to see Aberforth yet?"

"No." Dumbledore shook his head, "I wanted to tell him the good news before, but Ariana said the time hadn't come yet and asked me to wait a little longer."

"Can you tell him now?"

"Not even close," said Dumbledore.

"In that case, why did we come all the way here."

"Because I suddenly discovered that I didn't seem to have been to the Pig Head Bar as an ordinary customer. In the past, every time I went there, I would get scolded by him."

Dumbledore touched his crooked nose and suddenly showed a wicked smile, "Kyle, how about I buy you a drink."

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