Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 873 Kyle's plan, Alastor is excited

In fact, it is not only wandering wizards like Lennis who have extremely keen intuition about danger. Moody, as an Auror, is also good in this aspect.

This intuition has put him in danger many times, which is why he can fill half of Azkaban by himself.

When Moody felt something strange coming from his leg, his whole body had become stiff, and his hand unconsciously clenched the wand.

Out of instinct, the hidden magic eye began to turn subconsciously, but Moody reacted faster. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and immediately raised his hand, directly pulled out the uncontrolled magic eye, and held it tightly in his hand.

The force was so great that even the belt that fixed the magic eye was torn off.

"What a ruthless person!"

Kyle looked at this scene and couldn't help smacking his lips.

I think Moody must have received some information from Dumbledore, so he made such a move.

But how to say... very decisive, but there is no need for this at all.

Kyle raised his head slowly.

There were not many people surrounding them, including Lannis, there were only a dozen or so, far less than the time in Godric's Hollow.

And in just a short while, more than half of them were lying on the ground, motionless, as if they were asleep.

A big snake about fifty feet long was coiled in front of Kyle, with a pair of orange-yellow pupils that seemed to have some kind of magic, and any wizard who looked into its eyes would lose his life in an instant.

This was also related to those people's self-righteousness, scattered in different positions, surrounding Moody in the middle.

This also caused their positions to be extremely scattered, and after contacting the basilisk's gaze, there was no one around who could share the curse.

"Monster! Monster!"

"Dead, all dead..."


I don't know who started it, and the rest of the people began to run away frantically.

"Trouble you..." Kyle said lightly: "Except for the leader, the others... don't leave a single one."

The basilisk was still coiled in front of Kyle, motionless, but the treetops behind him shook slightly, and two black shadows flashed by.

"Okay, Professor Moody, we're safe." Kyle said after an unknown amount of time.

Moody opened his eyes and immediately saw a group of wizards lying on the ground.

"Kyle, you..."

"What good luck." Kyle said with a smile, "I don't know why, they suddenly killed each other, madly attacking their own people with the Killing Curse, and ended up dying together."

Moody opened his mouth.

He didn't believe Kyle's words at all.

Killing each other? How is that possible!

And... Moody looked down and saw a deep mark on the ground, which was obviously left by some huge creature.

Coupled with the feeling on his legs just now, the hissing noises around, and the rumors about the Chamber of Secrets in Hogwarts, he was basically sure what the huge creature was, but he just couldn't believe it.

How could Dumbledore give such a dangerous thing to a newly graduated student.

"Yeah, we're really lucky." Moody said after a moment of silence.

Anyway, he has retired. He is neither an Auror nor a Hogwarts professor. Even Dumbledore doesn't care. Why should he worry?

What's more, Kyle just saved him.

"Yeah." Kyle smiled. "By the way, professor, do you know who these people are? They don't look like Death Eaters."

"Wandering wizards." Moody explained, "There are smugglers, dark wizards, or lunatics who torture Muggles for fun. Most of them are wanted by the Ministry of Magic in their respective countries. I caught a lot of them when I was an Auror."

"Then the Ministry of Magic doesn't care?"

"It's not that they don't care, it's very difficult." Moody shook his head. "You can see the location here. Most people will run away immediately if there is any disturbance.

"And this place has become a self-contained system like Knockturn Alley. It is impossible to eliminate all the dark wizards. It is better to let them have a fixed place than to disperse them."

"That's true." Kyle nodded. "How many of them are there?"

"More than a hundred."

"So many? "This is still a small number." Moody fixed his belt and put his magic eye back into his eye socket. "Because Dumbledore cleaned it up several times in the early years, many people dare not come again, and there will be more in other countries. "What you see now should have appeared when the mysterious man was in power more than ten years ago. At that time, Dumbledore and the Aurors had no time to take care of other things, which allowed them to seize the opportunity." As the two chatted, Moody's magic eye turned quickly. "Be careful, something is coming again." "It's okay, don't be nervous." Kyle said. As soon as the voice fell, a magical animal with six legs came over from the other side, holding a half-dead wizard in its mouth. "Cat-leopard?" Moody was stunned for a moment, then looked at the wizard held by the cat-leopard. Babollainis? There were three long scratches on the opponent's chest and back. If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the masterpiece of the cat-leopard... Unless it was a wizard like Dumbledore or Voldemort, ordinary wizards who encountered 5X magical animals alone would basically be beaten, including him.

Moody felt that he might not be afraid of the cat-leopard in a one-on-one fight, but if he was running for his life, it would be another matter. The cat-leopard's ability of hypnosis and legilimency was still quite tricky.

It just so happened that Lennis was running for his life in a state of extreme panic.

When he was dragged over by the cat leopard, although he was not dead, he only had one breath left.

"Thank you for your hard work. I will treat you to a big meal later." Kyle said.

The cat leopard nodded, jumped onto the tree, and disappeared again.

Moody's magic eyes turned around.

"Don't look for them, professor." Kyle said, "They should go somewhere else now to prevent others from breaking in."

"They?" Moody keenly discovered a key word.

However, Kyle did not explain his question, but just asked curiously: "Professor, what do you think they went to so much trouble to dig a secret passage to Devonshire? Do they want to take advantage of the chaos when the mysterious man is in chaos?"

"I don't think so." Moody thought for a moment and shook his head.

"According to the information I received, this secret passage was built ten years ago, when the mysterious man had already fallen.

"Including the Death Eaters, they only approached Lanis recently, and the person who was in charge of contacting him at that time was Bellatrix."

Moody paused here.

He suddenly realized that Bellatrix was dead, and the person who killed her was Kyle in front of him.

In fact, at first he didn't believe that Kyle did the Godric's Hollow incident, thinking that Dumbledore was there, and Kyle just helped out.


He looked down at the dent on the ground again, and suddenly doubted his previous thoughts.

Kyle didn't know what Moody was thinking at this time. He touched his chin and said to himself in confusion: "If it's not for taking advantage of the fire, then what's the point of building this secret passage? "

The Aurors and strikers of the Ministry of Magic are not for show. According to Moody, the reason why these guys can live in peace is because they have been staying here and have not gone to other places.

Just like Knockturn Alley, as long as the dark wizards there do not run away, the Aurors rarely go to deliberately cause trouble.

But if they don't want to stay honestly and run out to do evil one day, then sorry, Dementors know about it.

Even if the Aurors and strikers are not good, there is still Dumbledore. Although he has focused on the school and Voldemort in recent years, he should not mind helping the Ministry of Magic a little when it comes to the stability of the British Ministry of Magic.

Kel couldn't understand, these guys went through so much trouble just to be lunch for the Dementors?

It doesn't make sense.

"If I'm not mistaken, their target should be Nicolas Flamel." Moody said.

"Nicolas Flamel?"

"Of course, this is just my guess. "Moody's magic eye turned back from the back of his head, "These people only recognize Galleons, and the Philosopher's Stone that can turn anything into gold is an irresistible temptation for them.

"More than a decade ago, I arrested some people and found a lot of information about Nicolas Flamel and the Philosopher's Stone from the items they carried with them. However, at that time, the Death Eaters were our main target, so we just threw them into Azkaban without further investigation."

"Is that so? That's fine."

After learning that the other party's target was Nicolas Flamel, Kyle lost interest.

Just kidding, even Voldemort wanted the Philosopher's Stone and only dared to fight with Dumbledore instead of looking for Nicolas Flamel.

Although this is also related to his inability to find Nicolas Flamel, even if Voldemort can really find the location of the manor, will he really dare to go in?

Wizards are not knights. Although aging will make the body weaker, the magic power will only become stronger and stronger. A wizard who has lived for more than 600 years and is also an alchemist, God knows what means he has.

Apart from anything else, the two dragon statues at the door could be used to beat more than a hundred wizards.

So when he learned that they were actually thinking about Nicolas Flamel while building a secret passage, Kyle not only had no intention of stopping them, but even thought about whether to help them and secretly reveal the location of the manor.

Nico had stayed in the manor for hundreds of years, and the last time he took action seemed to be sixty or seventy years ago. It was so monotonous to listen to opera all day long, and it seemed that it would be nice to change the entertainment method occasionally.

But after thinking about it, Kyle gave up this tempting idea.

Forget it, there are other things to do. If they can survive later, they can plan it well.

It would be best if they could successfully attack the manor, so that he could take advantage of the chaos to dismantle the opera house and pry it away... He had been coveting that thing for a long time.

But he definitely couldn't do this alone, he had to call Dumbledore to help, in addition to increasing the success rate, there would be one more person to take the blame.

No, no, now is not the time to think about these things...

Kyle shook his head and looked at Moody.

"Professor, you just said that there are more than a hundred of these people, right?"

"Almost." Moody said, "What's wrong, do you want to kill them all?"

"What are you talking about." Kyle said righteously: "That's more than a hundred wizards, professor, you are a bit too extreme."

The scar on Moody's face moved slightly.

He was extreme?

No matter how extreme he was, he only sent those dark wizards to Azkaban, not killed them.

Moody glanced at the people lying on the ground around him.

He believes that he is not a soft-hearted person, and he is not opposed to using the death curse at certain times, but there are really not necessarily more dark wizards who have died in his hands than Kyle.

"What do you want to say?" Moody asked angrily.

If he was still an Auror, he would take Kyle back no matter what, even if he was one of his own.

It's a pity that he is no longer an Auror. Now he is a retired old wizard who is suspicious by nature and disliked by others.

"Ah, that's right." Kyle blinked, "Professor, do you mind dying?"

"If it's valuable, I don't mind." Moody said seriously.

He remembered that Sirius Black had regained his innocence with the help of Kyle. Even Dumbledore had said that Kyle was so resourceful that sometimes even he felt ashamed of himself.

Being able to receive such praise from Dumbledore is enough to show that Kyle is indeed a real person.

If he really had any ideas that would help defeat Voldemort, he wouldn't mind fully cooperating.

This is also the best place for an old Auror to end up.

"No need to be so serious, no need to die." Kyle waved his hand and looked at the unconscious Lenis, "Professor, if you are asked to replace this person, are you sure you will not be discovered?"

"Replace Lenis?" Moody's eyes suddenly lit up. "You mean, use the transformation spell to sneak into their team?"

"That's the idea." Kyle said softly.

Moody quickly thought about this possibility, and then realized that it was indeed the case.

There are more than a hundred wizards, and they are also experienced veterans. This is a lot of combat power. If used well, it can definitely give the Death Eaters a big surprise.

"No wonder you want to kill all those who escaped."

"Yeah, only if they shut up, no one will know what's going on here." Kyle glanced around.

With the Cat Leopard and the Poison Leopard watching around, they were safe for the time being.

"Well, Professor, what do you think of this idea?"

"No problem." Moody agreed without even thinking, "My transformation skills are pretty good."

"No, the transformation spell is too unreliable." Kyle shook his head. "Only Polyjuice Potion can guarantee its safety. The only problem is that you need to drink it every once in a while, which increases the possibility of exposure."

"Don't worry, I will find a way." Moody said, his eyes falling on the golden kettle on Lenis's waist.

"These guys don't trust each other either. I can start from this point." When Moody spoke, there was a hint of excitement in his tone.

He finally understood why Dumbledore said Kyle was resourceful.

What he just thought about was to kill Lenis and then send the news here back to the Order of the Phoenix so that they could make preparations in advance, instead of taking his place more boldly.

Even Dumbledore couldn't come up with this plan. His character and strong strength meant that he was not good at such conspiracy and conspiracy, and it could be said that he didn't need it.

"There is something I must remind you, professor." Kyle said sternly: "This plan is extremely dangerous, because not only do you have to face those wandering wizards, but you may also encounter a mysterious person in the future. It is not easy to hide it from him. ”

"I couldn't ask for more." Moody grinned, the scars on his face knitting together, revealing a terrifying and ferocious smile.

Moody was shaking with excitement at the prospect of dancing on the edge of a knife.

Although he didn't like the feeling of repeatedly jumping between doubt and being suspected, facing danger all the time, he was also not used to the peaceful and boring life after retirement.

The character he developed over many years as an Auror made him seem incompatible among ordinary wizards, and he also became synonymous with trouble among his colleagues.

He knew all this, but character cannot be changed by changing it, so he blew up the trash can at the door, destroyed the mailbox on the street corner, the chimney on the roof, and met with the reversal of incident team every two days on average. people,

"But I don't have Polyjuice Potion." Moody suddenly thought of a key question, "Now it seems that I can only use the transformation spell to replace it, and then I will think of a solution."

"It's okay, I have it." Kyle took out several bottles containing brown magic potion.

Moody's expression changed for a while. He wondered if Kyle had thought ahead and was coming for him this time...otherwise, who would carry something like Polyjuice Potion with them, and there were so many of them.

Several bottles contained almost a pint, enough for two days.

But Moody thought too much, and Kyle really wasn't.

The main reason is that this thing is so useful, so before coming here, he specially prepared some, but he didn't expect that it actually came in handy.

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