Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 874: People's reactions, encounter in Diagon Alley

As a former Auror and a legendary Auror, Alastor Moody was not an indecisive person. After making his decision, he immediately stepped forward, pulled out a hair from Lenis' head and threw it into the polyjuice potion. , wait for the color of the potion to change and then drink it in one gulp.

The effect was immediate, his face began to become distorted, and the magic eye was pushed out by a real eye like a pinball.

In just a few seconds, he completely transformed into Lenis.

"How do you feel?" Kyle asked curiously.

"I'm not used to it." Moody frowned.

Without the magic eye's all-round and blind-angle penetrating vision, he always felt strange and insecure.

But as long as you get used to it, you can overcome it.

"No, I'm asking about the taste." Kyle said, "Everyone's polyjuice potion tastes different, and I'm quite curious."

"Not very good." Although Moody didn't understand Kyle's brain circuit, he still said truthfully: "It smells salty, a bit like salmon that has been out for a long time."

"Then Professor, you have to try to get used to the stronger taste." Kyle couldn't help laughing: "After all, you will have to drink this stuff often in the future."

"I've never been picky when it comes to taste," Moody said, "but how am I going to give you the information, or here?"

"No, you don't need to do anything." Kyle said, shaking his head.

Moody's opponents are not only those wandering wizards, but may also include Voldemort. The more he does, the more likely he is to make mistakes.

"Before the day when you completely betray the enemy, all you have to do is regard yourself as the real Babollainis. As for when to act, and how to convince those wandering wizards to betray the enemy together... Professor, you should be more experienced than me."

"Of course." Moody nodded after thinking for a moment.

He also had to admit that if he had conveyed the news, the Order of the Phoenix might gain a certain advantage in a short period of time, but once discovered, the gains would outweigh the losses.

"That's good." Kyle said, "I will deliver the finished polyjuice potion here on time, or the materials, and teach you which one you need."

"No, I don't need anything." Moody said, "Because this will also increase the possibility of exposure. There are many wandering wizards who smuggle banned herbs. I will find a way to prepare the polyjuice potion myself."

"Are you sure?" Kyle hesitated, "How about I put some away. If you encounter an emergency, you can come here to get it."

"Ha..." Moody glanced at him, feeling that he was being underestimated. "Your father wasn't even born when I was an Auror. Instead of worrying about me here, you should think more about your own safety."

As he spoke, he quickly closed Lenis's clothes, took out something like a water bag, and put the other person in it.

Because the key ingredients for Polyjuice Potion must be replenished at any time, Lenis is of great use and must be kept alive.

If he died, the hair would be useless.

"Okay, you have the final say." Kyle shrugged.

He originally wanted to remind Moody to use Legilimency to familiarize himself with Lenis, but now it seems that there is no need for this. As a veteran Auror, Moody knows better than anyone what to do at this time.

At this time, Cat Leopard, who had left before, returned and leaned next to Kyle and whimpered softly.

"The audience is almost here." Kyle smiled slightly, "Are you ready, Professor, you are about to enter."

"I can't wait for a long time." Moody took a deep breath.

Then, Kyle waved his magic wand, and a wizard on the ground immediately transformed into Moody.

"My transformation spell is not the most clever. I may be able to trick him in a short time, but it's best not to delay it for too long."

"I told you, you don't need to teach me how to do it." Moody said angrily, and quickly inserted the magic eye in his hand into the eye socket of his other self.

"Do you need me to prepare a funeral for you?" Kyle asked while watching his smooth movements.

"The grander, the better." Moody's mouth twitched, "I have to say, this feeling is really strange."

"There's nothing we can do about it." Kyle said, "If you disappear suddenly, it will inevitably arouse the suspicion of the Death Eaters. When the show starts, we must naturally avoid any possibility of being involved in gangs.

"Oh, by the way, remember to reimburse yourself later. After all, hosting a grand funeral requires a lot of galleons."

When Moody looked up again, Kyle had disappeared.

At the same time, Barty Crouch Jr. and a group of Death Eaters, who heard the commotion, also appeared nearby, trailing black smoke.

"Lennis, you..."

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

Kyle stood on a tree on the edge of the woods, watching a dazzling fire suddenly appear in the distance, sighed softly, and left the woods without looking back.

Although it was a temporary idea, he believed that Moody would be fine.

Even Barty Crouch Jr. could hide himself perfectly from Dumbledore, so there is no reason why Moody couldn't hide it from Voldemort.

It's just a pity that 30,000 Galleons.

Kyle thumped his leg in frustration.

Everything happened so fast. Kyle was worried about Moody's safety and had no time to pick up the Galleons scattered on the ground, so he chased after him.

That was 30,000 Galleons. After the box exploded, it was like a Galleons rain. The entire road was dyed gold. Kyle's sacks were ready. But in order to save Moody, nothing was done. Fish for it.

Hmm...can't say that.

Kyle reached into his pocket and took out a gold galleon. The gold coin flew directly into his pocket without picking it up.

That's okay, at least it's not a wasted trip.

Kyle glanced back at the woods again before apparating away.

"What did you say, Alastor...is dead?"

Ministry of Magic, Department for the Regulation and Control of Muggle Items.

Mr. Weasley's legs went weak, and he knocked over the documents on the table with a plop. He also fell to the ground. Next to him, Lupine, who happened to be here, was pale and clutching his chest. Tonks was holding a handkerchief. He covered his face and cried silently.


The door of the office was violently knocked open from the outside. Kingsley and Sirius staggered in and almost fell to the ground, but they didn't care at all and stared directly at Kyle.

"What did you just say...that Mad-Eye died?"

They had just wanted to see Mr. Weasley for something, but as soon as they arrived at the door, they heard the shocking news.

"I arrived late." Kyle's face was heavy. "By the time I got to the forest, the battle was over. I found this in a deep pit left by a blasting spell..."

Kyle pursed his lips tightly and took out a broken black buckle.

"This is..." Kingsley's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Mad-Eye's buckle that holds the Magic Eye in place." Lupine finished the second half of the sentence for him.

They were so familiar with this thing that they recognized it as Alastor's almost immediately.

"Impossible!" Kingsley took two steps back. "Mad-Eye is the most powerful Auror. How could he be killed by a group of wandering wizards? I don't believe it!"

As an Auror as well, he was one of the people who knew the strength of Alastor Moody best.

"I don't believe it either, but..."

Kyle pursed his lips tightly and did not continue speaking.

"It's okay, he must have run away." Lu Ping forced an extremely ugly smile, "We all know... Mad-Eye knows many little tricks to protect himself. He, he must want to use this method. Fooled those Death Eaters."

"Yes." Mr. Weasley also said at the right time: "You didn't see him being killed, right?"

Kyle glanced over his head, deliberately avoiding Mr. Weasley's eyes, but this move, which was tantamount to concealment, made the atmosphere in the office even heavier.

"I don't believe it!" Kingsley turned around and walked out, "I want to go to Cornwall!"

"Don't be impulsive, Kingsley." Lupine quickly grabbed his arm, "It's too dangerous for you to go alone."

"But I can't convince myself to continue waiting here."

"Then let's go together, everyone." Sirius walked over and put his hand on his shoulder.

He looked at Kingsley and said seriously: "Let's go together now."

"Sirius, how come you..." Lupine was almost going crazy with anxiety.

Who knows if there are Voldemort's people in Cornwall, or even Voldemort himself? At this time, the Order of the Phoenix rushed over, didn't they just fall into a trap?

But no one listened to his suggestion, and several people immediately walked out of the office.

Lupine had no choice but to chase them out, hoping to stop them, "Wait a minute, Sirius, we have to investigate first. If we rush in, we will only fall into their trap..."

The few people walked further and further away, but Kyle did not move, but helped Mr. Weasley who was still sitting on the ground.

"How is this possible? Alastor is a legendary Auror. Even the mysterious man couldn't kill him..." He muttered to himself, as if all his strength had been drained.

Kyle tried to help him back to the Burrow, but Mr. Weasley shook his head.

"Don't tell them yet, at least until the truth is established."

Kyle nodded silently and took him to No. 12 Grimmauld Place.

Since Mrs. Weasley returned to the Burrow, the place has been temporarily empty.

But today, everyone is back again. Lupine finally succeeded in stopping Sirius and Kingsley who were already on top, and forcibly dragged them back from the entrance of the Magic Department.

Those people in the Ministry of Magic may not want to believe this fact. The reason given by Mr. Weasley is that if Alastor is still alive, spreading false news will affect everyone's morale.

No one objected to this.

"We have to determine whether Mad-Eye really encountered an accident." Lupine said, he looked at Kyle, "Of course, I don't mean not to believe it, it's just that everything was too sudden..."

"I understand." Kyle nodded, "But the wandering wizard named Barbolenis has reached cooperation with the Death Eaters, and it may be very dangerous if he goes there now.

"If more people go, it is likely to cause greater conflicts and even attract mysterious people."

"It doesn't matter, leave this task to me." Tonks stood up, "I will go investigate the situation and I will never be discovered."

"I'm with you." Lupine said immediately.

"Are you a Metamorphmagus?" Tonks glared at him, "Or, can you guarantee that you won't be discovered when you sneak in?"

"No, we can't."

"Then don't cause trouble." Tonks pushed Lupin away without any explanation, "Everyone knows that it is best for me to inquire about information."

"Then I'll go help." Lu Ping said, "Don't look at me like that, this is very necessary. If you send the signal, I can rush to support as soon as possible."

"And I'll go too," Sirius said.

It seemed that this was the best solution at the moment, and no one objected.

That afternoon, the three of them went to Cornwall.

Mr. Weasley looked at the backs of several people, and after calming down, he always felt that something was wrong.

He vaguely remembered that Kyle said at the time that he was just delivering a message? Why did he go to Cornwall, and coincidentally, he witnessed the scene of Alastor being killed.

Where is Dumbledore? Is he not there?

Although Mr. Weasley felt strange, he did not think much about it. He just wanted to wait for Tonks and the others to come back, and it would be best if he could tell them that Kyle was wrong and Alastor was not killed.

Because they had other things to do, the people at No. 12 Grimmauld Place did not stay together for too long and left soon.

Kyle looked at the empty hallway, thought about it, and decided to go to Cornwall again.

He originally wanted to confirm the news of Moody's "death" as soon as possible. The sooner the news was spread, the safer he would be.

But he did not expect that Mr. Weasley and the others did not completely believe his words and insisted on confirming it.

But it's not surprising that they have such an idea. With Alastor Moody's strength, it's not that easy to kill him if he doesn't meet Voldemort head-on, not to mention that there is no news like now.

Forget it, it's a few days later, and Sirius and the others can also increase credibility. He believes that Moody can handle it all.

But just in case, it's better for him to go with him. Even if he is exposed, he can make up for it according to the situation.

But before that, he needs to buy something.

This incident once again proves the effect of Polyjuice Potion, and he has to replenish some stocks as soon as possible.

Although this potion was banned from sale by the Ministry of Magic some time ago, banning does not mean that it must not exist.

After Kyle doubled the price, the owner of the potion shop who had vowed to abide by the regulations of the Ministry of Magic turned around and took out three bottles, about a pint.

Of course, Kyle did not forget to change his appearance, so that the boss would not report him to the Ministry of Magic the next second.

It is still necessary to take precautions.

After walking out of the store, Kyle turned around and looked at the sign behind him.

"A big pot of potion."

Wait a little longer, and when time returns to normal, go find Fred and George. They seem to have the right to close down illegal stores.

Maybe I can get back the extra Galleons... I think I can.

Kyle shook his head and didn't think about it anymore. He was ready to set off to the forest to find Sirius and his friends.

But when he passed by Gringotts, two people caught his attention.

Although one of them was wearing a hood, a few strands of platinum hair clearly showed his identity.

Lucius Malfoy?

Kyle frowned. Wasn't he in Cornwall with Barty Crouch Jr.?

If he remembered correctly, he was the one who threw the box before.

But why did Lucius appear in Diagon Alley? Wasn't the matter in Cornwall over?

The more Kyle thought about it, the more strange it became, and he followed him subconsciously.

"Only the Malfoys are allowed to go to the family vault. It's useless for you to follow them. Just wait here." At the door of Gringotts, Malfoy turned to another Death Eater and said.

"Hurry up." The other party raised his head and said sinisterly: "This is a good opportunity for you to redeem yourself. I hope you won't disappoint the Dark Lord."

"You don't need to remind me." Lucius said coldly, and walked into Gringotts without looking back.

Dark Lord?

Redeem yourself?

Kyle lowered his head, pretending to be a passerby who was going to withdraw money, and followed him into Gringotts.

Lucius's purpose of coming here... Needless to say, it must be to withdraw money, and the amount should not be small.

Cornwall County just threw out 30,000 Galleons. This money should not be a small amount even for the Malfoy family.

It's been a short time, and you come again?

Voldemort couldn't want to squeeze the Malfoy family dry, right?

But Malfoy seems to have only this one use, a mobile wallet... Otherwise, the act of losing his diary is enough to be killed by Voldemort ten times.

This is really... it's his own fault.

Kyle walked into Gringotts, but did not attract much attention, after all, there was a big customer in front of him, Malfoy.

Kyle touched his robe, looked like he forgot to take the key, and turned around and walked out naturally.

Just at the moment of walking out of the door, with the door blocking his sight, his body quickly changed. The robe turned into a black hood, and his hair quickly grew longer and changed from black to platinum.

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