Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 897 Kyle's Garden

"Dong dong dong..."

"Bang bang bang..."

Since the morning, students at Hogwarts have been hearing sounds coming from the direction of the Forbidden Forest from time to time.

Driven by curiosity, they couldn't help but stick their heads out of the window and look in the direction of the sound.

"Hagrid is going to build a new house?" Ron asked, rubbing his ears during the Transfiguration class.

The sound was so loud that it hurt his ears even from a distance.

"Maybe." Harry also looked out the window curiously.

Next to Hagrid's hut, a larger wooden hut appeared out of nowhere, and the sound came from there.

"Why can't they use magic?" Ron muttered, "I can't even concentrate on the lecture."

"Do you think Professor McGonagall will believe this excuse?" Hermione on the other side said expressionlessly. She lowered her head and glanced at the cactus full of holes on Ron's table.

Their class is a transformation spell, which requires the arm to be exchanged with a cactus. If it doesn't work, fingers can be used.

The content was not too difficult. Hermione succeeded in only two attempts, but Ron only broke the cactus pot twice after trying hard for one lesson.

Next door, Seamus was covered in mud and he didn't want to sit next to him.

But he wasn't much better. His cactus exploded three times, and his masterpieces could be seen everywhere in the classroom...the thorns that were blown away by the explosion.

Professor McGonagall didn't want to look here, and Hermione felt that she would probably never use cactus as a teaching aid again.

Fortunately, not long after, the bell rang.

Harry and Ron rushed out of the classroom immediately and ran straight towards the Forbidden Forest.

"Hagrid, what are you doing?" The voice came over before the person arrived.

The door of the new wooden house was opened from the inside, and Hagrid poked out his furry head.

Harry, who was running at the front, was startled and pulled out his wand reflexively.

"Hagrid, you were attacked?"

Mainly because Hagrid looked so scary. He looked ashen and gray, like a mandrake root that had just been pulled out of the soil. There were several wounds that had not solidified on his face.

"Attack? Oh no, of course not." Hagrid said, "We are conducting a small test. The sound may be a little louder. Sorry, it didn't disturb you."

As he spoke, there was lingering excitement in his eyes.

"Testing?" Harry asked doubtfully, "Testing what, magic?"

"Wait, Hagrid." Hermione came next and noticed another key word, "You just said... us? Is there anyone else here besides you?"

"It's me."

Kyle came out of the house.

He looked similar to Hagrid, except that he had no wounds and was dirty.


"When did you come!"

"Why are you here!"

The three people spoke almost at the same time. Although their words were different, they all expressed surprise at Kyle's sudden appearance.

"Watch the way you speak."

Before Kyle could say anything, Hagrid couldn't help but remind him: "Kyle will be your professor soon, and you should respect him to some extent."

"Who are you talking about?"


"Kyle is a professor?"

They all spoke at the same time, and it was obvious that Hagrid's news had given them quite a shock.

All of a sudden, the classmate turned into a professor.

"Don't say that, Hagrid, things haven't been settled yet." Kyle waved his hand nonchalantly, "We are still friends now, just get along normally."

"Want to come in and take a look?" Then Kyle said to them: "I may live here for a while and get myself a house."

Harry and the three walked into the room in a daze. At this time, they were still immersed in the news and did not react.

"Kyle, are you really going to be a professor?" Hermione couldn't help but ask.

"Principal McGonagall did mention it to me." Kyle said, "But the matter has not been settled yet, so it is only a possibility at the moment."

"But didn't you just graduate?" Ron muttered, "Can you also be a professor?"

"I don't know," Kyle said, "but Principal McGonagall and Director Dumbledore both think it's okay."

"Dumbledore... the school director?" Harry felt his head buzzing, "Isn't he the deputy principal? When did he become the school director again!"

The amount of information was too much, and his brain couldn't process it for a while.

"Oh, it happened recently." Kyle explained.

After a while, the three of them gradually accepted the news they received from Kyle and began to take stock of their surroundings.

Different from the furniture next door that looks simple but is actually extremely luxurious, this place looks much more normal. The tables, chairs, benches, etc. are all standard styles, exactly the same as those in the common room.

Even the bed with curtains seemed to have been dragged from some dormitory.

It was quite satisfactory and nothing new, and the three of them quickly lost interest.

During their visit, Kyle was chatting with Hagrid in the corner.

"How does it feel?"

“It’s great, it’s so beautiful and so vibrant, it’s just perfect.”

"So in your opinion, having a bad temper equals being energetic?" Kyle shook his head. "You'd better be careful. Just like just now, it almost made a hole in you with its tail."

"It doesn't matter, I don't care." Hagrid patted his chest, "As long as you can see it every day, you can open two."

"Forget it, I don't want to go to Care of Magical Creatures class for you."

The two people's intermittent words made Harry and the others confused.

But at this time, Hermione suddenly discovered that there was another door on the opposite wall.

"Where is that?" she asked, pointing to the door.

"Oh, the garden," Kyle blurted out.

"Garden?" Ron said incredulously, "You even made yourself a garden?"

"Then what's the matter?" Kyle said, "Isn't it just that the space is too big to live on the edge of the Forbidden Forest? Is there anything wrong with getting a garden for yourself?"

Ron choked.

Because the space is big enough, I built a garden for myself. If you think about it carefully, it really makes sense.

"Can we go take a look?"

"No," Kyle said.

"Thank you...ah? What did you say?"

"No, you can't go." Kyle said again: "The garden is not finished yet. It is a mess and there is nothing to see. You can come back after it is completed."

The three eager little wizards all looked disappointed.

Just seeing them like this, Hagrid's sympathy suddenly rose.

"It's okay, Kyle, I'm just taking a look." He whispered: "There's nothing there anyway."

Although Hagrid tried his best to lower his voice, everyone in the room still heard it, and they all looked at Kyle expectantly.

They had just felt that something was wrong with Hagrid today. Apart from the wounds that appeared on his body for unknown reasons, he was also a little too excited, and his eyes were always shining as brightly as light bulbs.

According to Harry's understanding of Hagrid, he would only show this expression when he saw those beasts with fangs and claws.

For example, the three-headed dog in the first grade, or the fire dragon in the Triwizard Tournament.

But this room is too ordinary, and there is not even a fox, let alone wild beasts, so the problem must lie in the so-called back garden.

The more Harry thought about it, the more curious he became, and he couldn't help but glance towards the door.


Seeing what Hagrid said, Kyle thought for a while and agreed.

There really isn't much there now.

Moreover, Harry and the others were not peaceful people. They were notoriously curious. If he refused again, he might come over at night wearing an invisibility cloak.

Let them take a look.

Kyle reached out and opened the door, and several people couldn't wait to walk in.


As soon as they saw the scene at the door, the three of them opened their mouths in surprise.

Harry twitched the corner of his mouth, looked at Kyle who was walking over and asked, "Is this the...garden you were talking about?"

"Yeah." Kyle nodded.

"Are you serious?"

"What, what's the problem?"

Harry stopped talking.

This is clearly the Forbidden Forest. You can even see Hagrid's wooden house when you turn around. Kyle simply opened a back door in the house that leads directly to the Forbidden Forest.

Use the entire Forbidden Forest as a garden?


Harry felt like he was being played, but for a moment, he lost interest.

The same goes for Ron next to him.

It's just the Forbidden Forest. It's not like they've never been there before. Is it necessary to be so mysterious?

Instead, Hermione squinted her eyes and stared carefully at a tree not far away.

It's not unusual to have trees in the Forbidden Forest, but that tree was broken, which was a bit strange. What was even more strange were the three huge gaps on it.

The gaps were very neat, as if they had been scratched out by some kind of creature.

But what creature can scratch a tree?

Although the trees on the edge of the Forbidden Forest are not very thick and not as thick as those deep in the Forbidden Forest, they are still scary enough.

No, not one, but five.

Hermione glanced around, and visible to the naked eye, there were five trees that had fallen to the ground in a mess. Three of them had the same gap on them, and the remaining two...the broken parts were uneven, as if they had been cut. Broken.

Wait, it broke...

"Hagrid." Hermione frowned, "You didn't bring Grawp here."

"Uh... no..." Hagrid was at a loss and hesitated, "I didn't bring him here."

Grawp is Hagrid's younger brother, a stunted pure-blood giant only sixteen feet tall.

Hagrid brought him back from the giant tribe and raised him in the Forbidden Forest and took good care of him. At the same time, he also taught him the etiquette and rules of wizards.

How should I put it, although Grawp's size is somewhat stunted, his brain perfectly meets the standards of a giant.

Hagrid wanted him to understand the complex rules and etiquette of wizards and normal humans, which was really difficult for the giant.

But Hagrid's actions only strengthened Hermione's thoughts.

These trees must have been broken by Graup, as only giants have this kind of power.

"Listen to me, Hagrid." She said patiently: "I know that Grawp is a sensible child, but others don't know. Everyone is afraid of giants. If they see Grawp, it will definitely cause chaos. of."

"I..." Hagrid wanted to explain, but after hesitating for a moment, he closed his mouth and said instead: "I have been teaching Grawp to speak English, and he has almost learned it."

Harry and Ron immediately looked suspicious... It was like hearing a five-legged monster learning to knit. It was incredible.

Just looking at Hagrid's extremely confused look, Harry decided to come out and smooth things over.

"Okay, Hermione, I think Hagrid knows what to do. It's time for us to go back to the castle."

"Yes." Hagrid also added, "It's lunch time soon, you should go back quickly."

The three of them returned the same way and left the new wooden house. As soon as they came outside, the door behind them was slammed shut.

"Something's wrong." Ron muttered, "Do you think there's anything strange about it?"

"Of course it's strange," Hermione said. "Hagrid would never take Grawp to the edge of the Forbidden Forest."

"That's not it." Ron shook his head, "I can't tell what's wrong, but it just feels different than usual."

"Hagrid kicked us out." Harry frowned.

"Yes, that's right, that's it." Ron slapped his thigh suddenly and finally understood.

When they came before, Hagrid would always warmly invite us to stay for dinner. Although the food he made was a bit...well, it's hard to put into words, but he was very enthusiastic every time.

But this time, Hagrid actually suggested that they should go back to the castle.

"Maybe he's afraid that Hermione will continue talking." Harry said with some uncertainty.

He knew only too well how annoying the serious Hermione was.

Anyway, Hagrid would be fine, and there was no way a Death Eater could disguise himself as a hybrid giant.

"Forget it, let's go back first." Harry said, "Tomorrow is the weekend, there is enough time, we can just make another trip."

The remaining two nodded and agreed.

Ron didn't care, but Hermione had no other choice.

After all, she didn't see Grawp nearby, so everything was just speculation. If she came early tomorrow and tried to trick Hagrid, maybe he would have spilled the beans.

They've used this method more than once, and it works every time.

The three of them started to return the same way.

Hermione turned her head and glanced at the Forbidden Forest, trying to find any traces of giants nearby.

But just this turn of her head made her freeze on the spot.

"Hermione?" Harry asked in confusion, "What's wrong with you?"

"Hurry up," Ron urged: "After lunch time, we can only eat dry bread."

"Those trees... don't you think it's strange?" Hermione said.

"Tree?" Ron raised his head, "Isn't it normal for there to be trees in the Forbidden Forest? Are you just stupid from reading a book?"

"Reading doesn't make you stupid, but you must be." Hermione glared at him irritably: "Didn't you notice? The trees we saw are all intact."

After being reminded by her, Harry also realized that something was wrong.

When they were in the 'garden' before, several trees were broken, but now, the trees around the wooden house are all intact, and there are no signs of breakage at all.

"What's the matter? Maybe Kyle fixed it." Ron said nonchalantly: "It's not a difficult thing for him."

"Fixed...did you hear the noise?" Hermione became even more irritated, "It's only been about a minute since we came out. Even Professor Dumbledore couldn't have destroyed five trees in such a short period of time. Let the tree return to its original state.

"And it's so close, did you hear the branches swaying?"

"No." Harry shook his head, realizing what Hermione meant.

Maybe it was possible that Kyle could restore the five trees to their original state in a short time, but it couldn't be so quiet. They would definitely hear the sound of branches and leaves shaking during the process.

But from just now until now, the surroundings have been quiet, not even the sound of insects.

By the way, there is also the sound of insects.

There were a lot of bugs living on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. In the past, every time they came to find Hagrid, they could hear the cries of bugs and the flapping of fairies' wings.

But this time there was no sound, it was eerily quiet, as if all the creatures around him had disappeared.

"Go over and take a look!" Hermione made a quick decision, turned around and walked back.

Harry followed.

Ron glanced regretfully in the direction of the castle auditorium, sighed, and followed.

Hermione didn't knock on the door, but walked directly around to the back of the cabin, and then her eyes suddenly widened.

There was no door at the back of the cabin, nothing.

But they clearly entered the Forbidden Forest from that direction just now, so how could the door disappear?

Hermione, who didn't believe in evil, continued to walk forward, wanting to get a closer look.

However, five minutes passed, and there was still a short distance between her and the wooden house. No matter how she walked, ran, or changed direction, she could never get close to the wooden house.

If Hermione hadn't just come out of it, she might have even thought she saw a mirage.

"Impossible...this is impossible..." Hermione murmured.

At the same time, in the garden of the wooden house.

Hagrid looked at the three people milling around, "It seems they have discovered your arrangement."

"It's normal." Kyle waved his wand and reconnected the broken trees. "Harry and Ron will definitely not notice these details, but Hermione may not. She has always been very careful."

"Have you figured out how to explain it?"

"Why should I explain?" Kyle said, "Right now I am a professor, why should I explain to three students? If you hadn't just spoken for them, I wouldn't have let them in."

"...Sorry." Hagrid said.

"It's okay." Kyle waved his hand, "If my guess is correct, they will knock on the door soon..."

"Bang bang bang!"

"Look." Kyle spread his hands.

"Do you want to open it?"

"No, just pretend you didn't hear it." Kyle said to himself: "The preliminary test of the garden has not been completed yet, do you want to continue? Let's wait until lunch is over."

Hearing what Kyle said, Hagrid immediately forgot about Harry and everything else, and rubbed his hands vigorously.

"Does that need to be said? Of course I will continue!"

"Then please be safe and don't come any closer."

"Don't worry, don't worry!"

Under Hagrid's extremely expectant gaze, Kyle opened the box.

A black fire dragon suddenly jumped out, roared and flicked its tail at Kyle.

Kyle had already expected such an outburst and unhurriedly flashed a shield.

The shield and the dragon's tail collided together, motionless.

Kyle sneered and raised his middle finger at the Hungarian Horntail.

That's it?

The Hungarian Horntail exploded, swishing its tail again.

On the wall of the wooden house, a string of golden magic symbols lit up.

Kyle didn't move this time, but the Hungarian Horntail tilted its body and hit a tree with its tail, missing its target by a hair.

But the Hungarian Horntail didn't realize at all that it had drawn the wrong target.

"Hmm... not bad." Kyle took out a piece of parchment and quickly recorded something on it.

Alchemical fog hiding effect (cannot be seen from the outside, can only be entered through special ways, but the sound can be heard)

Mist also has an effect on fire dragons (confirmed)

Distance and range (to be determined)

Whether it is affected by other magic (to be determined)

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