Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 898 Hagrid gets what he wants

Alchemical Mist, one of Beauxbatons' most important means of protection, was also used by Nicolas Flamel at the entrance of his own manor. Needless to say, its role was great.

Although Kyle's alchemy level is not as good as that of Victor and Nicolas Flamel, he does not need to protect the entire Hogwarts. He only needs to create a patch on the edge of the Forbidden Forest to block the sight of the castle.

It wasn't difficult to do. I basically carved the frame of the symbol in one day. Hagrid went back and forth between the hut and the castle more than a dozen times. After confirming that there were problems in all directions, Kyle put down his hand. wand.

This thing can't be completed in a day or two, just take your time with the remaining details.

"Eat something. I brought it for you from the kitchen." Hagrid came over carrying a whole roasted leg of beef and handed it to Kyle without any explanation.

Kyle's arm sank, so that he was not thrown to the ground. He once suspected that Hagrid had mistaken him for Grawp.

"Thank you..."

"Hi, are you welcome?"

Kyle tugged at the corner of his mouth, holding the cow leg and not knowing where to start for a while, but finally cut off a piece with his wand.

Looking at Hagrid again, he was leaning towards the Hungarian Horntail again with a coveted face, completely forgetting how many wounds he had suffered from on his body.

However, the Horntail had been busy all day and was a little tired now. He lay on the ground with his eyes closed, as if he hadn't seen Hagrid.

Hagrid also touched the rough scales and hard and sharp tail stings of the Horntail as he wished.

"Oh, look Kyle, he finally acknowledges me." Hagrid had tears in his eyes, as happy as a child over three meters tall.

"If thinking this way makes you happy." Kyle swallowed the beef shank in his mouth with difficulty, and shook the rest in front of the Horntail's eyes.

Seeing that it didn't move, I simply stuffed it into its mouth.

The hornet got up angrily, whipped its tail on Hagrid, and tried to fight Kyle.

But after smashing its mouth, it lay down on the ground again and chewed the roasted beef leg to pieces like French fries.


"It's okay, I'm okay..."

Hagrid limped over.

Kyle didn't care when he saw this.

He finally understood that the hybrid giant was not only big in size, but also very strong in body. In addition, he had the ability to fight with his giant brother for a long time. Although Hagrid would be injured when facing the hornets, he would still be injured. But there is no life danger.

So after Kyle reminded him a few times, he ignored it.

After wondering about the Horntail for a while, Hagrid reluctantly walked over.

"Kyle, are you sure you want to keep the fire dragon in the Forbidden Forest?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I bother so much?" Kyle said, "Why, you don't want to?"

"How is it possible? I have always dreamed of raising a fire dragon in the Forbidden Forest." Hagrid said loudly, "But I'm worried that the Auror will come to trouble you. Raising a fire dragon is a serious crime."

"It doesn't matter." Kyle took out a piece of parchment, "I have a certificate and it's legal to raise."

"Proof of legal dragon raising?" Hagrid glanced at it and said with envy on his face: "As expected of someone who has been a senior assistant minister, he can actually get such a good thing!"

After Hagrid was expelled, he basically lived in Hogwarts. He didn't know the true value of this parchment. He only assumed that Kyle got it through the Ministry of Magic.

This is just like helping Sirius clear his grievances. Although Hagrid knew that it was difficult, he couldn't tell what the specific difficulty was.

Kyle didn't explain.

"There is another thing you may want to pay attention to." Hagrid seemed to have thought of something and said: "The centaurs may not be happy if a fire dragon appears in the Forbidden Forest. They will definitely come to cause trouble."

"They all moved from other places, do they really regard the Forbidden Forest as their own territory?" Kyle laughed, "It doesn't matter, if they don't agree, just go and drive away the fire dragon. If they can do it, I will No comment.”

Hagrid nodded.

To be honest, he didn't like those centaurs very much. The three-headed dog Lu Wei that he had originally placed was a lot of shame for him.

And recently, when he wanted his brother Grawp to temporarily live in the Forbidden Forest, the centaurs also disagreed ten thousand times. In the end, they moved out of Dumbledore, and they reluctantly calmed down.

"Okay, you must have a way." Hagrid said.

Kyle nodded and opened his box again.

The fiery red fireball dragon exuded a metallic luster on its iron belly, and the long-horned dragon with golden horns emerged from the box one after another, flapping its wings and flying deep into the forbidden forest.

These fire dragons are not very young, and when they are full of curiosity, it is rare for them to be in a new environment, so Kyle lets them out to play.


Kyle vaguely seemed to hear something... It was the sound of Hagrid's jaw hitting the ground.

When he turned back, he saw Hagrid standing there blankly... Kyle swore that he had never noticed that Hagrid's eyes were so big, and they were emitting flashes of golden light. They looked so similar to each other. A golden snitch.

"Fireball Dragon..."

"Iron Belly..."

"Oh, that, that's the Romanian Longhorn, a living Longhorn... Merlin, I must be dreaming, right?"

"You're not dreaming." Kyle tugged Hagrid's arm, "Let's go, you'll have plenty of time to see them in the future."

The first time, there was no movement, the second time, there was still no movement...

Hagrid stood there firmly as if he had grown on the ground.

"I won't leave. I won't go anywhere!" He said firmly, "I've decided. I'm going to live here in the future."

"This...isn't appropriate." Kyle frowned.

He didn't mind adding another bed for Hagrid, but the problem was that the Hornet was too unstable.

It might not be able to do anything to Hagrid during the day, but Kyle couldn't guarantee that the dog would wake up in the middle of the night and attack.

"Please, Kyle." Hagrid said, but his eyes were still fixed on the dragon in the distance.

A 3-meter-tall man with a fist bigger than the little wizard's head actually cried a little.

Who can bear this?

Kyle rubbed his arms.

"Whatever you want." After saying that, Kyle turned and left.

He needed to go to the castle.

Raising a dragon in the Forbidden Forest was no small matter. Even if he had proof, he had to tell Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall.

Only if they agreed could the work continue.

If he disagrees, Kyle can only maintain the status quo and use the Forbidden Forest as a dragon playground.

When Kyle found Professor McGonagall, she was about to go to Dumbledore to discuss something. After hearing that Kyle had five dragons in the school, the parchment in her hand fell to the ground.

"What did you say?!"

"Raising dragons in the Forbidden Forest?" Professor McGonagall completely forgot her original purpose and said firmly: "No, absolutely not. The Forbidden Forest is too close to the castle. Students will be in danger."

"Don't get excited, Minerva, I think you can try it." Dumbledore touched his beard.

"Since Kyle can get the certificate of legal dragon breeding, it means that he has the ability to restrict those dragons, and it is not that dangerous."

"That won't work either. What if Kyle doesn't pay attention and lets the dragon run away?"

"I'm still here." Dumbledore said, "and dragons are not common. Perhaps Hogwarts can become the only school that legally owns dragons, which can greatly enhance the school's status in the wizarding world."

"I would rather not have this status." Professor McGonagall said in a deep voice: "And Albus, I am the principal now!"

"Oh, okay, then you have the final say." Dumbledore immediately fell silent and calmly took a sip of the black tea on the table.

Dumbledore's simple surrender made Professor McGonagall a little bit confused. She, who had a tough attitude, suddenly wavered a little.

Because in her impression, Dumbledore was not a person who liked to make trouble. On the contrary, every decision he made was meaningful.

Even if it was not visible at the time, it would be revealed later.

Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore, then at the well-behaved Kyle, and couldn't help turning her eyes to the direction of the Forbidden Forest outside the window. She was silent for a long time.

After a long time, she suddenly sighed and looked at a portrait on the wall.

"Principal Dippet, please call the three deans and Madam Pomfrey of the school hospital. We need to hold a meeting."

"Don't bother, Minerva." Armando Dippet leaned on the picture frame, "There are so many dangerous magical animals in the Forbidden Forest. It doesn't matter if there are a few more little dragons."

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips tightly and raised her head to look at him.

"Okay, I understand." Dippet immediately stood up, "I'll go now."

Soon, the deans and Madam Pomfrey arrived.

They had already learned the general situation from Dippet in advance, and they started arguing as soon as they entered the door.

And what's interesting is that the deans tied again after they arrived.

Professor Flitwick and Snape agreed that the dragons should settle in the Forbidden Forest, while Professor Sprout and Madam Pomfrey, the representative of the school hospital, firmly opposed it.

The reason was very simple. Professor Sprout was worried that the irritable dragons would destroy the greenhouse not far away, while Madam Pomfrey opposed all creatures that might cause danger, including but not limited to three-headed dogs, basilisks, dementors, dragons, Voldemort...


The situation was deadlocked again.

What Kyle didn't expect was that Snape actually voted in favor.

Of course, he also had his own purpose.

"I need some dragon materials for research, and you must provide them to me unconditionally." He narrowed his eyes, his tone full of threats, trying to control Kyle.

In response, Kyle's response was... Impossible, don't even think about it, you don't even have dragon feces.

So Snape decisively voted against it.

But the situation was still 3:3.

Because when he heard about dragon feces, Professor Sprout also voted against it.

She suddenly realized that after the school had a dragon, she would have an endless supply of natural dragon manure fertilizer, and the money saved could be used to buy more plants.

Kyle also promised to donate 20 pots of mandrake, 100 pots of biting cabbage, and a complete king vine to the school greenhouse after the matter was completed.

Professor Sprout did not hesitate at all when he voted.

Snape's teeth creaked.

After that, there was another long debate, which lasted until late at night. Dumbledore suggested that everyone have a midnight snack and drink some pumpkin juice to moisten their throats, and continue the discussion after the intermission. Everyone agreed.

Only Madam Pomfrey got up and left the headmaster's office directly.

Her attitude was very clear, it could not be changed, and there was no need to continue the discussion. Professor McGonagall did not stop her.

She was just lowering her head because of what Professor Flitwick had just said, and I don't know what she was thinking.

Because Professor Flitwick just said that the dragons in the school are also a helper. If the Death Eaters attack Hogwarts, it may have an unexpected effect.

It was this sentence that made Professor McGonagall's heart more shaken.

She was only worried about the safety of the students, but compared with the Death Eaters, the dragons seemed to be nothing.

But this reason alone was not enough for her to agree to the proposal of raising dragons in the Forbidden Forest, so she was still hesitating.

The house elves brought hot supper, and with Dumbledore's approval, they also brought a few glasses of wine.

Not much, one glass per person, so they wouldn't get drunk.

Professor Flitwick came to Kyle with a glass of mead.

"Kyle, did you really get a certificate for legally raising dragons?"

"Of course it's true." Kyle nodded, "Otherwise I wouldn't dare to put the dragon in the Forbidden Forest."

Professor Flitwick's eyes lit up.

Although he was not as crazy about dragons as Hagrid, he was a duel enthusiast.

Dueling wizards like to challenge strong enemies, which naturally includes powerful magical animals, and fire dragons happen to be top 5X creatures.

Holding a wand in the flames, watching a huge fire dragon fall from the sky and smash in front of you is a scene that every dueling wizard has fantasized about.

But it is just a fantasy.

Because fire dragons are rare, and the reserve is unlikely to agree to let them duel with fire dragons, the title of "Wizard who defeated the dragon" has never appeared since a hundred years ago.

Maybe this is an opportunity.

Professor Flitwick rubbed his hands and looked at the Forbidden Forest outside the window eagerly.

This is also the reason why he voted in favor.

As for the safety of students... He didn't think as much as Professor McGonagall. With Dumbledore, let alone five dragons, even if the fire dragon reserve was moved next door, he would not worry at all.

And the deans are not made of clay... This is the confidence of Hogwarts and the reason why the Forbidden Forest is allowed to exist.

There are so many dangerous animals there. Even the most evil, the Acromantula, which treats wizards as one of its food, has never thought of provoking Hogwarts.

Just a few dragons, although troublesome, it is really not a big deal.

At the same time, it is curfew time in the castle.

Since Fred and George graduated, Hogwarts has become much quieter under curfew.

In the corridor on the eighth floor, the Fat Lady has returned to work after a period of psychological counseling.

The dark and quiet corridor made her want to take a nap. She didn't notice that the portrait was pushed open from the inside, and two pairs of sneaky shoes appeared in front of her out of thin air.

"Harry, move over there, I'm a little breathless."

"But I'm already at the edge..."

"Be quiet, be careful not to be discovered by Filch." Another voice came from the side.

"You said it was easy, Hermione, come and try to squeeze in, it's too uncomfortable."

"Who told you not to know the Invisibility Charm?"

"This spell is too difficult, I dare say it is not something that students can master at all."

"Then how did I learn it?"

"You, you are different... You are not a normal person."

Obviously, the three people who appeared in the corridor at this time were Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

During the day, no one opened the door after knocking for a long time. They did not give up, but decided to explore the cabin again at night.

"What if that Kyle is a Death Eater in disguise? Hagrid will be in danger."

They comforted themselves in this way and found a reason for the action.

But they overlooked one thing. In the first grade, the invisibility cloak could perfectly cover three people, but now they have grown up, and it is difficult to cover two people.

This is embarrassing.

Harry and Ron looked at their shoes exposed outside and wanted to cover them.

But the invisibility cloak is so big, unless they can walk while squatting, the two tried it and gave up quickly.

Impossible, totally impossible.

If Hermione was included, they would not only show their shoes, but also their calves.

There was no other way, the three of them could only do this, keep their voices as low as possible, and walk down the stairs carefully.

I don't know if it is lucky or not, even though two pairs of shoes were exposed, they did not meet Filch or the cat named Mrs. Norris along the way.

The group slipped out of the castle smoothly and ran to the door of Kyle's cabin in the moonlight.

"Do you want to knock on the door?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"But if we break in like this, we will definitely be discovered by Kyle. He is not as easy to fool as Hagrid."

"It's okay, I heard Colin say that he saw Kyle go to the headmaster's office." Harry's voice came, "I just checked, the light there has been on, maybe he hasn't come back yet."

"What are you waiting for."

Ron walked forward and pushed the door tentatively.

The door opened.

This made Hermione, who was holding the wand and preparing to use the unlocking spell, a little embarrassed.

How did the door open? It was locked tightly during the day.

But she didn't think much about it. She nervously looked inside and walked in.

"Good, no one is here."

"Hermione, isn't it a bit inappropriate for us to do this?" Harry followed behind and said carefully.

But Hermione didn't answer him.

Her mind was now full of images of wandering around in the Forbidden Forest yesterday at noon, and she had no intention of answering Harry's question.

This matter tormented her for an entire afternoon. Hermione borrowed at least twenty books from the library, but she couldn't find any magic that could turn everything in front of her into something like a mirage.

If she didn't figure it out, she felt that she couldn't even sleep.

But she came several times yesterday, at noon, afternoon, evening... No matter when she knocked on the door, she didn't get any response.

Even Hagrid was gone.

Whether it was worry or some other purpose, there was this night visit to the cabin.

The room was very clean, and the bed was empty.

Hermione looked at the opposite wall at the first time.

Sure enough, the door was still there, as if it could only be seen here.

Hermione's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and she held the door handle with excitement and moved it gently.


The moment the door was opened, a ball of scorching flames came towards them, growing bigger and bigger in their pupils...



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