Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 906 Malfoy's situation, the mystery of the savior

Draco Malfoy's return to school caused an uproar among the students.

Gryffindor had the biggest reaction. He was the only Death Eater in Hogwarts whose identity was confirmed, and he just came back?

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Even after hearing what happened from the professor, they didn't buy it.

"He must be pretending, this is a conspiracy!"

In recent times, this sentence has almost become Ron's mantra, and he will tirelessly detail Malfoy's previous actions to everyone who is willing to listen to him.

It is said that he and Harry also sneaked into the Slytherin common room late at night, trying to expose Malfoy's true face.

The basis is the Gryffindor hourglass which has been reduced by fifty points again.

Apparently, they were discovered again.

But allowing Malfoy to return to school is, after all, the request of the Ministry of Magic, and Principal McGonagall and the school directors have also agreed. It cannot be canceled if a few of their students disagree.

In addition, after Snape severely deducted points several times, some of the voices finally became quieter.

But Harry and the others were so angry that they even went to Hagrid and Kyle, asking them to oppose the decision on behalf of the professor.

How can I put it, they have really grown up a lot recently, and they actually know how to find professors instead of going all out on their own.

Unfortunately... they had the wrong person.

"I refuse!" Kyle said without hesitation in Hagrid's wooden house, taking a piece of meat from an iron can and feeding it to a napping cat next to him.

"But you clearly know the truth." Harry was a little reluctant and subconsciously glanced at Kyle's movements.

That cat is really big, even bigger than a cat, especially the eyes, which are unnaturally big and look weird.

Moreover, normal cats don’t seem to eat raw meat with blood.

While Harry was staring, the cat suddenly raised its head, startling him, and he quickly looked away and said:

"You were also in the tower at that time. You should know very well that he was the one who put the Death Eaters into the castle. He is a complete Death Eater!"

"I know, but so does Dumbledore."

Kyle said, feeding another piece of meat to the civet, "He thinks it's okay, why should I object?

"And most importantly, according to the time on the employment notice, I need to wait until after the Christmas vacation before I can officially become a professor."

Kyle glanced at Harry.

"So now I'm just a graduate living in Hogwarts with nothing to do. No matter what you want to do, you should find a real professor."

Harry subconsciously turned his attention to Hagrid.

Speaking of professors... isn't this a ready-made one? And Hagrid was one of his targets.


"I refuse too."

Before Harry could finish speaking, Hagrid took the lead and said, "I believe in Dumbledore and unconditionally support all the decisions he makes."

The two people most likely to side with them both refused, and Harry stood up angrily, disappointed.

He couldn't figure out what was going on, why everyone was siding with Malfoy, even those who knew the situation.

Ron and Hermione were also very angry.

"I suggest you go find Dumbledore." Kyle sighed and said, "He is quite free now. He should have enough time to explain to you the cause of the matter...if he is willing."

He was really not good at dealing with Harry, and this kind of thing should be left to the more professional Dumbledore.

Harry turned around and left the cabin angrily, and Kyle didn't know if Harry understood what he meant.

But Hermione must have noticed something. After Harry and Ron left, she glanced at Kyle hesitantly before turning around and following him.

"Well, my guess is right."

After the three people left, Kyle glanced at Hagrid and said with a smile: "Look, they really came to find you."

It has almost become a habit for Harry and the others to go to Hagrid when they are in trouble. Whether it is to inquire about information or for other purposes, they can always gain something.

"They made the wrong idea this time. I really don't know anything." Hagrid said helplessly and placed a plate of rock cakes in front of Kyle.

"I even just learned that Malfoy actually returned to Hogwarts."

This is true.

Although Kyle had told him the correct route through the door, Hagrid simply moved the bed directly to the garden that Kyle had expanded to save trouble.

Therefore, Hagrid, who was full of fire dragons, had no idea what had happened in the school recently, let alone what happened to Malfoy.

"He is probably the first person to come back after being expelled." Hagrid asked, "Is he really okay?"

In fact, Hagrid still agreed with Harry in his heart, and also believed that this was a conspiracy, a conspiracy between Death Eaters and Voldemort against Hogwarts.

But he believed in Dumbledore more.

Including what he said just now, unconditionally supporting all Dumbledore's decisions... and it was not to perfunctory Harry.

Dumbledore must have his reasons for thinking that Malfoy can come back, and Kyle also agreed. Hagrid felt that there was no need to intervene.

If you have this time, you might as well think about how to have a good relationship with the fire dragon.

He had been living in the garden recently, but the fire dragons still didn't get close to him, which made Hagrid feel somewhat frustrated.

However, Hagrid doesn't think this is a problem with fire dragons. It's their nature to be wary of wizards, which shows that they are all smart and good guys.

Thinking of the fire dragon, Hagrid couldn't sit still. He began to move his body frequently and looked in the direction of the garden intentionally or unintentionally.

Kyle took a sip of tea and suddenly felt that his worries were a bit unnecessary. Hagrid didn't care about Malfoy at all now. He didn't even know about it. Naturally, Harry couldn't get any news from him.

A few minutes later, Kyle also left Hagrid's cabin and went to the castle.

The door to the principal's office was closed, and the gargoyle at the door told him that there were already three guests inside.

It should be the three Harrys.

It seemed that they accepted Kyle's contact and went directly to Dumbledore after returning to school.

Kyle didn't intend to get involved, nodded and left.

But when passing by a corridor, he always felt that someone was staring at him, and this feeling was obvious.

He looked left and right, and his eyes stopped on the portrait of the Fat Lady.

No wonder...

Kyle grinned and walked down the stairs under the fat lady's angry eyes.

"Come back, you rude person... a guy who doesn't understand appreciation..."

The fat lady was still cursing and shouting from behind, but Kyle just pretended not to hear.

He is also a professor now. In a sense, he and the Fat Madam are colleagues, so naturally it is not easy to irritate her anymore.

If the Fat Lady is treated for autism again, it will be hard for Principal McGonagall to explain. Guarding the Gryffindor common room is a technical job, and few portraits can do it better than the Fat Lady.

Kyle decided to go to the auditorium for lunch first.

Another advantage of living in Hogwarts is that you don't need to think about what to eat for every meal. You can just come directly to the Great Hall at meal time, which saves a lot of trouble.

Here, Kyle happened to meet Malfoy again.

He was now almost hated by everyone in school, and Mrs. Norris who passed by wanted to give him a pair of paws.

There was no way, other colleges didn't want to see him, a former Death Eater, and they were all teenage wizards, at the age when they were hot-blooded.

Death Eaters were already hated by people, and since Malfoy let the Death Eaters into the castle, it was considered restraint not to beat him up on the spot.

Even though the principal, professors and the Ministry of Magic all said that he had changed his ways, it was impossible for everyone to re-accept him in a short time.

Also, on the surface, he betrayed Voldemort in exchange for the opportunity to return to Hogwarts, so most Slytherins did not like to see him.

In other words, they hate Malfoy more than the other three houses.

If Snape hadn't arranged a separate dormitory for him, he might have been beaten to death by Slytherin students the night he came back.

Even his two former followers, Crabbe and Goyle, distanced themselves far away from him.

However, there were people who were willing to sit next to Malfoy.

Astoria Greengrass, that's what her name seems to be.

Kyle remembered her as a Slytherin girl two years younger than Malfoy, and the only one willing to sit next to Malfoy.

Except for the two of them, the area around the table was empty, as if there was a foul smell in the air there.

Even the food had been taken away, except for Malfoy, who still had a bowl of dry boiled potatoes in front of him.

When Kyle came in, he was chasing away the girl named Astoria, but the little witch...

Well, she didn't insist and Malfoy walked away as soon as the others were dismissed.

But she also took an empty plate, put some other food on it and put it in front of Malfoy under everyone's unkind looks.

"That girl is so un-Slytherin." Someone murmured from behind.

Kyle turned his head. "It's you, long time no see."

Justin Finch-Fletchley, and his friend MacMillan, are also Hufflepuff students, but one year below Kyle.

"We've all heard." Justin said excitedly, "You're coming back to be a professor, ancient runes class, right."

"Yes." Kyle nodded.

"It's a pity that we didn't choose this class." Justin sighed.

Kyle didn't find it strange either.

There are only about ten people from the four houses combined in this class, and Hufflepuff has the smallest number of people, so it's normal that they didn't choose.

"I've seen you several times, but you've always been at the teacher's desk."

"What, what's the matter with you?" Kyle asked.

"No, just wanted to say hello."

Justin said, "It's a pity that Professor can't participate in the Quidditch game. Since your main players graduated, the Hufflepuff team has lost two games in a row. It's like a warthog riding a broomstick...seriously." Yes, I don’t even want to watch the next game.”

"Don't say that, they have worked very hard." Kyle patted him on the shoulder, "By the way, what do you think of Malfoy?"

"Dumbledore must be old and confused." Justin was not polite at all.

"Regardless of whether Malfoy has really changed his ways, he should not be allowed to return to Hogwarts." MacMillan said next to him: "This is also not a good thing for him."

"That's right," Kyle said with a smile.

Hufflepuffs are less extreme than Gryffindors and Slytherins, so they tend to have a clearer perspective on the matter.

Malfoy really wasn't fit to return to Hogwarts.

After saying goodbye to the two, Kyle walked to the teacher's seat and greeted Slughorn who arrived at the same time.

"I knew you would be able to do something." The Potions professor looked excited, "Oh my God, I have never heard of anyone becoming a professor at Hogwarts before the age of 20.

"There is a dinner party today. If you can come, everyone will be very happy."

"Next time, professor." Kyle rejected his invitation, "I may have something else to do tonight. You know, this is my first time as a professor and I don't have much experience. Many things need to be prepared in advance."

"It's nothing. I believe you can do it. "Slughorn said.

He wanted to extend the invitation again, but was diverted by Kyle's other topic.

If you want to expand your network, Slughorn's dinner is a good principle, but if there is no need in this regard, it is torture.

Kyle doesn't want to listen to a few people praising each other there.

Harry came in halfway through lunch.

His face was not very good. He was probably fooled by Dumbledore and didn't get the answer he wanted from him.

A few minutes later, Dumbledore also came.

After seeing Kyle, he was surprised at first, and then sat next to him.

"Did you ask Harry to come to me?"

"Yeah." Kyle nodded, "Harry and Malfoy have always been at odds, and he certainly doesn't want him to come back. Today he found me and wanted me and Hagrid to express his objections to you on behalf of the professor."

"Yes, he was too emotional." Dumbledore cut a piece of custard tart and put it in his mouth.

"You didn't tell him the truth? "Kyle asked, "Harry is the savior, the enemy of the mysterious man, and an indispensable force for us to deal with him."

Dumbledore paused with his fork in his hand.

To be honest, he had doubted the prophecy more than once.

Is Harry Potter really the savior in the prophecy?

But so far, Voldemort's Horcruxes have basically been solved by Kyle, and their birthdays are on the same day, which also meets the requirements of the prophecy.

But the problem is that Voldemort personally chose Harry as his enemy. When Lily Evans' magic took effect and Voldemort's killing curse rebounded on him, this connection had already locked them.

The prophecy also became complete at that moment.

So from the perspective of divination, Harry is indeed the savior, and Voldemort personally chose him.

But how to say it... Dumbledore always feels that Harry is becoming less and less important. Maybe after a while, Kyle can kill Voldemort himself.

No, that's not right. He can't be killed.

Dumbledore seems As if thinking of something, he shook his head repeatedly.

There is one thing that cannot be avoided. If it is not solved, Voldemort will never die. This matter will fall on Harry, and only he can do it.

But Dumbledore realized that he had not taught Harry for a long time. He didn't know when he had stopped teaching him individually and sharing Voldemort's memory.

When did it end...

Dumbledore thought carefully, it seemed that he thought other things were more important than teaching Harry.

But why did he have such an idea... It seemed to be because of Kyle.

Dumbledore didn't say anything, shaking his head and sighing there, which made Kyle confused and couldn't help moving his chair to the side.

Perhaps the sound of dragging the chair was too loud, and Dumbledore finally came to his senses.

"I'll tell him, but not now." He said, "Can you do me a favor?"

"Tell me." Kyle didn't agree directly, "If it's too difficult, I'll have to consider the reward."

"It doesn't matter, I still have some savings. "Dumbledore said with a smile: "I hope you can help me keep an eye on Mr. Malfoy, and it would be best if you can find out the purpose of his coming to Hogwarts this time."

"Professor Snape probably won't agree." Kyle said after a moment of silence: "He always thinks I want to do something bad to Malfoy."

"I will tell him about this issue."

Kyle raised his eyebrows.

From what Dumbledore said, Snape didn't know the purpose of Malfoy's visit this time?

After all, if he knew, he would definitely tell Dumbledore, so there was no need for him to check it out.

"Professor, your Legilimency can't see through Malfoy's hidden memories?" Kyle asked.

Dumbledore shook his head.

"I won't use Legilimency on students."

"So just leave this dirty work to me, right..." Kyle curled his lips.

"Didn't you reach an agreement?" Dumbledore said with a smile, "So you don't need to worry at all."

"Okay. "Kyle said, "But I have tried it and found nothing. The mysterious man seems to have thought of the flaw of Legilimency."

"That's troublesome."

"Well... Actually it's not troublesome." Kyle continued: "Malfoy must know it himself."

"But he won't tell us, right?"

"Not necessarily." Kyle put down the fork in his hand, "Malfoy has decided to betray the mysterious man. The real betrayal is that he has forgotten his decision.

"We just need to make him remember, and he should take the initiative to tell the truth... Professor, you know the counter-spell of the forgetfulness spell."

"I'm sorry, I can't do it." Dumbledore said lightly, "And as far as I know, there is no counter-curse for the Oblivion Charm... What, don't you know?"

Kyle's face froze.

He really didn't know.

The notebook that Lockhart gave him was full of the contents of the Oblivion Charm, and there was no mention of the counter-curse at all.

He originally thought that it was just Lockhart who didn't need to use the counter-curse... including him.

"Then is there any other way?"

"St. Mungo's should be able to restore those memories. Lockhart was cured by them." Dumbledore thought for a while, "But it is difficult for us to send Mr. Malfoy there without alerting anyone."

"That's easy, leave it to me." Kyle said, agreeing to Dumbledore's request.


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