Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 907 Kyle Becomes Professor

Kel wrote a letter to Dean Sassia on the same day about restoring Malfoy's memory.

Soon, the reply arrived. Dean Sassia's meaning was very clear. As long as it was not a violent forgetfulness spell like Mrs. Longbottom, St. Mungo's would have a way to restore the other party's memory, but it would take time.

"Mrs. Longbottom?" Kyle took the letter and looked at Dumbledore beside him.

"That happened more than ten years ago." Dumbledore explained: "When Alice and Frank were tortured by the Death Eaters with the Cruciatus Curse, Neville was also at the scene. In order to make him forget those things, Mrs. Longbottom used the forgetfulness spell on him.

"Because the level is not enough... I mean, Mrs. Longbottom did not succeed in making Neville forget everything the first time, so she used it three times in a row. "

Kel's eyes twitched.

I really don't know whether Mrs. Longbottom is brave or reckless. He doesn't dare to use the forgetfulness spell three times in a row on a person now.

"No one can say that her decision is wrong. "Dumbledore continued, "But some people think that some things should be handed over to more professional people, especially difficult spells like the Oblivion Charm.

"Before this, Mrs. Longbottom's spell score was not even up to the passing grade... Of course, she still has some strength, but she is not so good at some spells."

Dumbledore helped to make up for it.

"Dean Sassia is one of those people." Kyle asked.

"Yes." Dumbledore nodded, "Her unfamiliar Oblivion Charm seems to have damaged Neville's memory, causing him to often forget things since he was a child."

It can be seen that Dean Sassia still has a lot of resentment towards Mrs. Longbottom. More than ten years have passed, and she has to be pulled out as a negative example.

"So what are you going to do?" Dumbledore asked.

"Send him to St. Mungo's at night and pick him up during the day." Kyle said, "Anyway, he lives alone now, so no one will know even if he is not in school."

"It's not possible now." Dumbledore said, "Just yesterday, he returned to his previous dormitory and lived with Crabbe and Goyle."


Kyle asked in confusion, "Isn't Professor Snape afraid that he will be hit by a club at night?"

"This is Severus' decision." Dumbledore explained, "Or... Tom asked him to do this."

"To monitor Malfoy?"

"That should be right... That's why I said before that it would be difficult for us to send Mr. Malfoy to St. Mungo's without alerting anyone."

"That's easy." Kyle thought for less than a second, "Use the Confusion Charm on Crabbe and Goyle, and we can easily deceive them."

Dumbledore's blue eyes behind the lenses flickered.

Kyle just wanted to say the Imperius Curse for a moment...

He felt that Kyle had more and more potential to be a dark wizard recently. As the deputy headmaster of Hogwarts, he felt that he had an obligation to nip this tendency in the bud.

"I must remind you, Kyle." Dumbledore said seriously: "Hogwarts' school rules are not only to restrain students, but also professors."

"It's just a Confusion Curse, it shouldn't be a big deal."

Kyle tried to explain the difference between the Confusion Curse and the Imperius Curse, but seeing Dumbledore's increasingly serious face, he gave up.


"Then let Pan use Polyjuice Potion to pretend to be Malfoy, that should be fine, as long as Professor Snape doesn't say it, Crabbe and Goyle, two idiots, will definitely not be able to see it."

Dumbledore's face looked much better.

"So, do you have a suitable candidate?"

"What about Harry?" Kyle said, "He must know Malfoy very well and is the most suitable candidate."

Dumbledore paused for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Not suitable, Harry himself still needs to stay in school, let's change someone."

"Then let's go with Cedric." Kyle recommended another person.

This time, Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully.

Cedric is really good, smart, and thoughtful enough. Even if Crabbe and Goyle occasionally see the clues, he should be able to find a reason to evade it.

"Well, you come and write a letter to Mr. Diggory."

"No problem, but..." Kyle stretched out his hand, "This is extra work, and overtime pay must be paid."

"Cedric is also a member of the Order of the Phoenix."

"The Order of the Phoenix also has to pay overtime." Kyle glanced at him, "Besides, didn't you disband the Order of the Phoenix?"

Dumbledore was speechless.


Kyle acted quickly and wrote a letter on the spot.

It was not unreasonable for him to ask for overtime pay for Cedric, because this matter needed to be kept secret, and he certainly could not ask the Ministry of Magic for help through normal channels.

Cedric wanted to help, so he could only ask for leave. Of course, they had to make up for the loss, even if the other party didn't care.

By the afternoon, Cedric appeared in Hogwarts.

The Ministry of Magic has been very busy recently, and it is not easy to ask for leave... especially long vacations, but Kyle also has someone in the Ministry of Magic, and he happens to be Cedric's immediate boss.

So everything went smoothly, and his leave application was approved almost instantly.

That evening, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle left the common room together and prepared to go to the hall for dinner.

The staffing was exactly the same as before, but their moods were completely different.

Malfoy had a stern face and expressionless expression, while the former followers seemed to have become the guards of the prisoners, following him step by step.

Especially Crabbe, his fists were clenched hard, and he might hit Malfoy hard at any time.

But just as they went upstairs to the hallway, a group of Hufflepuffs happened to come over, and the two sides met at the end of the stairs.

"Hey, isn't this the little Death Eater and his two giant followers?"

Someone taunted rudely and deliberately hit Crabbe with his shoulder.

"Damn it, who do you say is a follower!" Crabbe got angry and grabbed the other person's collar.

"Why, you want to fight?" Justin was not afraid at all, and immediately pulled out his wand and provoked:

"Come on, who's afraid of who!"

The surrounding Hufflepuffs also rushed up and surrounded Crabbe and Goyle.

But by coincidence, Malfoy was squeezed out of the crowd intentionally or unintentionally.

The crowd blocked Crabbe's sight, and he was a little panicked.

They were not afraid of fighting, even though the other side had a lot of people, but Crabbe and Goyle looked down on Hufflepuffs. What they were afraid of was losing Malfoy.

This was the first task Voldemort gave them. If they messed up, they would be finished.

The two looked at each other and began to squeeze out.

But the group of Hufflepuffs seemed to be fighting with them and refused to give way.

What was more coincidental was that a group of Gryffindors came at this time. Seeing someone was looking for trouble with Slytherin, they joined in without saying a word and surrounded Crabbe and Goyle.

Outside the crowd at this time, Malfoy snorted coldly and turned around to leave.

He didn't plan to help.

However, at this moment.


Malfoy didn't even see who it was, and his eyes rolled up and he fainted.

He just vaguely felt that someone seemed to pull his collar and stuff him into something, and then he didn't know anything.

At the same time, another Malfoy quickly took his place.

"Kyle, is it really okay to do this?" Cedric, who had drunk the Polyjuice Potion, asked worriedly, "I don't know Malfoy at all."

"Don't worry, you don't need to understand."

Kyle patted his shoulder and said quickly, "You just need to keep a straight face and don't say anything. If those two little trolls want to attack you, just beat them up. It's not strange for Malfoy to do anything now."

"..." Cedric wanted to say something else.

But at this time, Snape suddenly appeared and dispersed the crowd surrounding Crabbe and Goyle without saying anything.

The two ran out in a panic, and their first reaction was to look for Malfoy. It was not until they saw "him" still standing there that they breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're smart." Crabbe walked over and gritted his teeth and said, "You damn traitor, why didn't the Dark Lord kill you!"

"Don't say that, Crabbe." Goyle moved his mouth, "Draco..."

"You want to speak for him?!" Crabbe turned his head and said coldly, "If he runs away, you'll be finished."

"I... didn't." Goyle lowered his head and said nothing.

Crabbe has changed a lot recently. He was a little scared and naturally didn't dare to go against him, and what he said was right.

They need to watch Malfoy for the Dark Lord. This is a mission.

"You'd better not play tricks, otherwise... I'll let you taste the taste of my fist." Crabbe looked at Malfoy again and said viciously.

Cedric thought of what Kyle had just said, and said nothing, but just snorted coldly with a straight face.

He was still a little uneasy, but fortunately, Crabbe and Goyle really didn't doubt it.

After the three of them walked into the hall, a little girl came over.

"Draco, you're here."

Cedric panicked again. He didn't know the other person and had no impression of him at all.

There was no way, he could only frown again and snort coldly.

"Go away!"

The little girl really left.

In the teacher's seat, Kyle watched this scene and almost laughed out loud.

It should be said that Cedric acted quite well.

After confirming that there was no problem, Kyle ate a few bites of dinner quickly, then left Hogwarts and sent Malfoy to St. Mungo's.

When he came back, he also brought Cedric a few bottles of life and death water.

After all, for him, the night is the biggest test. If Crabbe and Goyle woke up and found that someone else was lying on Malfoy's bed, it would be fun.

Although the possibility of them getting up early is not great, it is not impossible.

It is better to be cautious just in case.

As for how to make them drink this hypnotic potion, it is Cedric's own business. Kyle believes he can do it.


In the following days, Cedric's performance got better and better. Even if he occasionally revealed some flaws due to special circumstances, they were all resolved by Kyle who had been paying attention to him.

Snape also helped a lot.

He went to the Slytherin common room more often, especially at night.

Everything went smoothly.

Of course, this was just Kyle and others' thoughts. For Cedric, these days were extremely painful.

At the beginning, he couldn't even sleep at night. Even though he knew that Crabbe and Goyle couldn't wake up in the middle of the night, he drank a sip of Polyjuice Potion every once in a while.

This also caused Kyle's stock to run out, and he had to pull out a few more hairs from Malfoy.

This continued until the end of the holiday, when Kyle finally officially became a professor.

In return for taking over the Malfoy matter, Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall agreed to his previous request after discussion and changed the curriculum.

The ancient runes classes for all grades were scheduled on the same day, and it was the first day of school.

This was not a complicated matter. There were only a few ancient runes classes, only one per week, so it was enough to simply change the order.

Kyle changed into a slightly formal robe and walked into the classroom.

He didn't know any of the students below, no, there was an acquaintance.


But there was only this one, and the only one in a day.

Hermione was also very surprised. Although she had known about this for a long time, she was still surprised when she saw Kyle walk into the classroom with her own eyes.

She admitted that Kyle was very capable, but could he really be a good professor?

This was different from studying by himself.

But Hermione quickly dispelled her concerns.

Kyle's style was different from Professor Babel's, or completely different, but she could understand it, and even felt that Kyle's teaching was more thorough.

Because in the seventh grade, they no longer needed to learn the meaning of runes, but more complex magic applications.

That is, from the language translation she was good at, to more complex practical applications.

In the first half of the school year, she still had some difficulty in class, but this class was unusually easy.

"The rune is the embodiment of magic." Kyle stood on the podium and said calmly: "When you use it, you can imagine that you are using magic."

"Take the simplest lighting spell for example."

Kyle waved his wand and drew a simple rune on the ceiling.

"The rune representing 'condensation' is a gesture,"

"Adding a spell to this basis represents the essence of magic..." Kyle waved his hand and drew another new rune.


The two runes combined together and immediately emitted a bright light.

"Look, this is rune magic." Kyle said, "It's different from spells, but very similar. As long as you don't treat it as a new course, but combine it with spells, you will find that it's not that difficult."

"What if it's another spell!" Hermione raised her hand, but before that her voice had reached the front podium.

"I mean a more complicated spell."

"Then add runes." Kyle took out the wand again, "How about the levitation spell."

"Does anyone still remember the gesture of the levitation spell?"

"Wave it first, then shake it..." Everyone said almost at the same time.

This is the content of the first grade, they are already in the seventh grade, of course they know it.

"That's right, wave it first..." A rune appeared on the podium.

"It's still condensation. This rune is just like waving the wand downwards. Almost every magic needs to be used. You don't need to think about it, just draw it directly.

"After all, you always have to wave the wand when you use magic."

There was a laugh from the bottom, which had never happened in the class before.

"Then there's a little bit...'conversion', which represents the change of magic power. "

"Recite the spell... 'fly.' "

Three magic runes were arranged together, holding a book steadily in the air.

Hermione's eyes lit up, and she habitually wanted to write these down in her notebook, but she only wrote two lines and stopped.

Because there was nothing to write.

Until the bell rang, her notebook was filled with two pages, compared with the average of five pages per class before, it was directly reduced by more than half.

It was as if the meaning of those magic runes suddenly became simple.

All the students left the classroom, only Hermione stayed at the back.

She looked at Kyle who was stretching, ran over quickly, and asked about some problems he had encountered before without hesitation.

Kyle helped him solve the problem in a few words.

"I didn't expect you to know so much about magic runes." Hermione was surprised: "No wonder the headmaster asked you to replace Professor Babelling. "

Kyle pulled the corner of his mouth and accepted Hermione's compliment with a thick face.

This is all thanks to Mr. Tom Riddle. When he used that notebook, he asked more questions, and the other party patiently answered him all, and also added his own opinions very considerately, which made it easier for the little wizard to understand.

It can be said that in order to gain Kyle's trust, Tom has invested a lot of money.

What Kyle needs to do now is to remove the personal opinions in those answers and repeat them exactly as they are, without any effort.

Including Hermione's questions just now, they are basically all the questions he asked before. , it is naturally not difficult to solve.

Thinking about it this way, Voldemort seems to have indirectly fulfilled his dream... to be a professor at Hogwarts.

It's just that Kyle is the one who gets the salary.

Tom is also the same. Can't he apply for the ancient runes class?

With Professor Babel's character, if Tom dares to apply, she will dare to resign.

Go to the principal's office in the morning and start working directly in the afternoon. How great is it? Why must I focus on Defense Against the Dark Arts?

She is too honest.

Kyle came back to his senses and found that Hermione was still standing there staring at him.

"Why haven't you left yet?" He blurted out.

Hermione's face froze.

This was the first time she had encountered a professor who would chase people away after attending school for so long.

"Kyle... um, professor." She stuttered, obviously not used to this address, "There are many things I don't understand about the arrangement of runes. Can you..."

"No." Kyle shook his head and interrupted her.

"Dinner is coming soon. Even if you are not hungry, you can't delay me. If you have any questions, ask them in the next class. That's it."

"But that will take a long time." Hermione frowned.

"It's just right. You can get more familiar with what you learned today."

After saying that, Kyle got up and left without giving Hermione a chance to speak again.

There was no way. If he let Hermione continue to ask questions, she could ask all day. Kyle didn't want to become the second reading machine. He had other things to do.


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