Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 910 Phoenix Song

Malfoy was arrested without any struggle and was led out of the tower by Snape by the scruff of his neck.

Almost all the professors saw the process of him killing Dumbledore. Professor McGonagall did not kill him on the spot, all thanks to the sense of responsibility of decades of professorship.

Kyle also breathed a sigh of relief and subconsciously looked around.

He knew that the real Dumbledore was nearby at this time, but no one knew where he was.

Professor McGonagall stepped forward.

Her face was pale, and she stared blankly at the open window, recalling the scene she had just seen. After a moment, she seemed to have had all her strength suddenly taken away from her, and she staggered.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, Kyle conjured a chair behind Professor McGonagall, which prevented her from falling to the ground.

"What... happened here..." Professor McGonagall said weakly, "Why... Dumbledore..."

"It's the conspiracy of the mysterious man." Kyle tried hard not to look at Professor McGonagall. "He put a special death curse on Malfoy's wand. If Malfoy can't kill Dumbledore, the death curse will It will bounce back to himself.

"By the time I arrived, Professor Dumbledore had already made his choice."

"He chose...Malfoy..." Professor McGonagall murmured, wiping her tears with a plaid handkerchief, "Yes, he will definitely do this...even if Malfoy wants to kill him."

"Oh..." Professor Flitwick let out a heart-wrenching sob.

Professor Sprout tightened his grip on his apron.

No one spoke anymore, as if everyone was lost in fear and shock.

"Tell me what happened!"

At this time, Snape, who had taken Malfoy away, rushed back and broke in angrily.

"Tell me, Draco...how could he have killed Dumbledore!"

Snape stared at Kyle, his whole body on the verge of explosion.

Of all the people present, he was probably the one who couldn't accept it the most.

It was not because of the deep relationship between him and Dumbledore, but because Snape did not believe that Draco Malfoy had actually completed the task assigned to him by the Dark Lord.

And before that, he didn't even know anything... either side.

I came here because I heard the cry of the phoenix and wanted to see what was going on.

As a result, Dumbledore was killed right in front of his eyes.

I really met Merlin!

"I don't know more than you, Professor Snape." Kyle said with a sad face, "After I came here, I only had time to take Malfoy's wand."

"Lie!" Snape obviously didn't believe what Kyle said.

"In that case, how do you know that the death curse will rebound? Draco probably doesn't have time to tell you this!"

"I can see it." Kyle said calmly: "If you were here at the time, you would also see that it was an easily recognizable black magic. Maybe this was the purpose of the mysterious man. He never thought about it. To hide..."

"Yes..." Professor McGonagall looked a little distracted, "Let Dumbledore choose between his students and himself, he will definitely protect his students."

Snape still didn't believe it.

Although Kyle's reasons were very good, Snape's instinct told him that this was a complete lie.

Kyle must know something more that no one else knows.

There is absolutely no way what they saw was the truth.

Snape ignored Kyle and jumped out of the window.

This move frightened everyone for another day. They even thought that Snape was too stimulated and couldn't think anymore.

However, the picture they imagined did not appear. Snape jumped out of the window and turned into a black mist. He soon found Dumbledore who had fallen into the bushes.

"Let me see what you are doing!" Snape took out a bottle of potion from his pocket and sprinkled it on Dumbledore.

The Restoration Potion can dispel the effects of Polyjuice Potion. During this period, he has been carrying this thing with him.

But what he didn't expect was that Dumbledore's body didn't change at all.

Then he took out his wand.

"The curse stops immediately!"

"Transformation dispelled!"

"Restore your original form!"

Snape used several spells in succession, but none of them worked, and Dumbledore was still lying there.

All this shows that he is really dead... motionless, like an abandoned rag doll.

Snape was a little upset. He didn't believe this was a coincidence. Dumbledore must have hidden something from him. This feeling of being kept in the dark made him extremely irritable.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Because the tower windows faced the Quidditch pitch, many people saw the scene when Dumbledore fell.

The Quidditch match was forced to pause because the players on both sides no longer cared about the Quaffle and the Golden Snitch, and they were all flying towards this side.

Although the professors immediately sealed off the area around the tower, some players relied on their superb flying skills to bypass the professors and get closer.

"Professor Dumbledore!" Harry exclaimed, swooping down on his broom.

"Go back!" The irritable Snape finally found an outlet and scolded mercilessly: "Stop your useless curiosity, fifty points from Gryffindor!"

"You killed him!" Harry also glared at Snape and roared: "You must have killed him, you are a Death Eater!"

"Shut up, you arrogant, self-righteous fool."

Snape's face was as gloomy as water, "Unfounded accusations against a professor, Potter, your behavior is enough to deduct one hundred points from Gryffindor, in addition to being detained until the end of the school year!"

Points deducted?


Harry didn't care anymore. Looking at the motionless Dumbledore and the hateful-looking Snape, he felt as if he had been hit in the head by a Bludger. He could only hold on to the broom hard to prevent himself from falling.

He knew that Snape was a Death Eater, but he didn't expect that he would dare to attack Professor Dumbledore!

At this time, a cat also jumped down from the tower.

But the cat's movements were a little stiff, and he even stumbled halfway.

After falling to the ground, the tabby cat transformed back into Professor McGonagall.

"Professor McGonagall!" Harry seemed to have seen a savior, "Snape..."

"That's enough, Potter." Professor McGonagall pursed her lips tightly, "What Professor Snape just said is what I want to say. Now, go back to where you should go immediately."


"Gryffindor is out of points. If you want to continue playing Quidditch, leave quickly."


"I see."

After a moment of silence, Harry turned his broom and left.

He realized that he seemed to have made a mistake. If Snape really killed Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall could not remain indifferent.

But who else could it be but him!

Dumbledore is dead and Voldemort has no opponent. Next, will he attack Hogwarts...

Harry was so confused that he didn't notice which direction he was flying until someone stopped him.

"Hey, Harry, even if you are already in seventh grade, you can't break into the Forbidden Forest so openly."

Hagrid pulled Harry down by the broom, "And what were you thinking? You almost hit a tree just now."

"Hagrid..." Harry glanced at him, wondering unconsciously whether he knew about Dumbledore.

You probably don't know, Hagrid rarely respects Professor Dumbledore...

"Why don't you speak?" Hagrid asked.

Harry did not speak, but changed the subject: "Where are you going?"

"Go find Kyle, he should be in the castle." Hagrid said, "The centaurs are here again and may be looking for trouble for him. I have to go and give him a warning."

In the past, Harry would have been curious as to why the centaurs were looking for trouble with Kyle, but he was not in the mood at all now.

"He may not care about such things now." Harry said subconsciously.

He remembered that when he had just flown over the tower, he had seen Kyle inside... That's right, he was also a professor now and would definitely not be driven away.

"It doesn't matter, Kyle didn't care anyway." Hagrid said, "By the way, aren't you playing Quidditch? What are you doing in the Forbidden Forest? Don't tell me that the Golden Snitch came here."

After saying that, Hagrid laughed first.

"The match is called off," Harry said.

"Ah? Why?"

"Because, Professor Dumbledore..." Harry suddenly became choked up.

"Dumbledore, is he going to watch the game?" Hagrid looked down at him, somewhat absent-mindedly.

He wanted to find Kyle quickly, tell him about the centaurs, and then go back to accompany the fire dragon.

"He was... killed."

"Oh." Hagrid didn't seem to hear what he said.

"Hagrid." Harry said again: "Dumbledore, was killed."

Hagrid was stunned for a moment and looked at him blankly, "What did you say happened to Dumbledore just now?"

"He's dead, someone killed him on the tower."

"Haha." Hagrid couldn't help laughing, "I know you must have lost the game to become confused. Go and relax, with Ron and Hermione. Where are they? "

"I saw it."


"It's in the Astronomy Tower. Professor McGonagall also saw it, and Kyle is there too!"

Hagrid still didn't believe it, and when he looked at Harry, there was more sympathy in his eyes.

Poor Harry started talking nonsense because he lost the game.

"You must be blinded." Hagrid strode towards the castle. "This joke is not very good. Fortunately, it's me. If other professors heard it, they would definitely deduct points from you... Now Gryffindor But there aren't many points to deduct.

"Oh, I saw Hermione. She came to see you."

Hermione ran over from a distance and said breathlessly:

"Harry, I have been calling you just now...you ignored me, so...is the man who fell from the tower really Dumbledore?"

Ha, here we go again, has even Hermione been led astray now?

Hagrid continued walking along the path of the field.

"What are they looking at, the celebration of winning the game?" As he approached the castle, Hagrid looked at the dark crowd.

It seemed that all the students appeared on the field in front of the oak gate. With his height advantage, he also saw Professor McGonagall in the crowd, and what she was holding with her wand...

The expression on Hagrid's face disappeared, and he began to speed up his pace. Using an unprecedented rude behavior, he forcibly pushed through all the students who were blocking him.

It was like a bison rushing into a herd of rabbits.

The people who were squeezed away turned back angrily and wanted to say something, but when they saw the scary expression on Hagrid's face, they involuntarily closed their mouths.

Harry followed, hearing a groan of pain and shock coming from Hagrid's throat.

Hagrid continued walking forward, but Harry was stopped.

The professors kept them away until Professor McGonagall and others quickly disappeared behind the castle's foyer.

After this, a deafening discussion broke out in the crowd, and everyone only cared about two things.

"Is that person Dumbledore..."

"Is this true..."

No one wanted to believe this was true, but they had to admit that the old wizard taken away by Professor McGonagall was really Dumbledore.

An atmosphere of sadness and fear began to spread quickly, and most people, like Harry, thought of Voldemort, who was watching covetously outside the castle.


A sudden burst of laughter came from nowhere in the crowd, which was particularly harsh.

Harry quickly looked for the direction of the sound, and more people were doing the same.

Soon, people's eyes were fixed on a small group of Slytherins.

They were not sad, but rather proud, and when they looked at others, they had a sense of superiority in their eyes.

It seems that they have become the masters of Hogwarts.

In an instant, the other Slytherins around them quickly backed away, distanced themselves from these idiots, and at the same time mentally expelled these idiots from Slytherin.

Slytherins generally prefer Voldemort because he can bring benefits to pure-blood wizards, so they can accept it no matter whether it is Dumbledore or Voldemort at Hogwarts.

Of course, there are naturally some extremists among them.

But the problem is, Voldemort hasn't broken in yet, so if he jumps out now, isn't he looking for death?

Why are there such stupid people in Slytherin!

Facts have proved that their choice was correct.

Because the next second, this small group was overwhelmed by the angry crowd.

Everyone unanimously gave up magic and adopted a more primitive method, venting the fear in their hearts with fists and shoes.

At this time, the advantages of the Quidditch players were revealed.

They have brooms, and because of the Bludgers, the brooms are usually very strong and won't crack even if they are hit on the ground with all their strength.

Even less so if it hits someone.

As for whether the person being smashed will crack... no one will consider this issue at this time.

Harry rarely participated in this activity. He gave the broom to Hermione, whose eyes were red, and he left the crowd and sat blankly in the open space in a daze.

He still couldn't believe that Dumbledore would be killed.

"Are you okay?"

Harry smelled a faint scent of flowers and turned around to find Ginny sitting next to him.

"What a pity. I just kicked the professor and came and took those bastards away." Ginny smiled, her mouth stiffened, and it was obvious that she was reluctant.

"Hmm..." Harry also wanted to say a few wisecracks, but couldn't say anything.

Waves of moving singing came from the heights of the castle. It was the voice of the phoenix, which seemed to carry some kind of magic, echoing between the windows of the campus and the castle, hovering deep in Harry's heart.

Harry listened intently, and Ginny didn't speak again until a long time passed before they returned to the castle together.

In the auditorium, almost half of the students gathered here and refused to leave even after lunch was over.

They knew that Professor McGonagall would definitely tell them about this. Instead of making random guesses in the common room, they might as well wait here to see if they could get some information.

"I know, it's Malfoy!" someone shouted, bursting into the auditorium.

Hogwarts students always show talents beyond ordinary people in some unexpected places.

For example, this time, someone bypassed the professor's layers of blockade in a short period of time and found out the truth.

But unfortunately, not many people choose to believe him.

Because no one believed that Malfoy could kill Dumbledore, just like no one believed that a caterpillar could crush a fire dragon.

"It's true." Seeing that he was being treated as a clown, the man quickly said: "The Cadogan Knight in the Astronomy Tower saw it. At that time, Professor Snape grabbed Malfoy's neck and locked him in a cell. in an empty classroom.

"And Knight Cadogan also said that Professor Dumbledore and Malfoy were the first to go to the tower, followed by the professors."

As he spoke, people gradually looked at him.

Although they still didn't believe this ridiculous statement, looking at the other party's vow, it didn't seem like he was lying.

Some people ran out of the auditorium quickly, looking for the portrait of Knight Cadogan.

"Ignore him," Hermione said. "Malfoy couldn't have killed Dumbledore, not a hundred of him combined."

"Yes." Harry nodded. No one knew Malfoy's strength better than him. Not to mention Dumbledore, he couldn't even beat himself.

"That's right." Ron also said.

The three people had surprisingly unanimous opinions on this matter. Even if more and more people brought the news they had inquired about, Harry and the others did not believe it.

"There's something wrong with that Cadogan knight's head."

Hermione said, "He spends more than half the time looking for his pony. The other half is cursing and provoking other portraits. Anyone who believes him is a fool."

They continued to sit in the auditorium and wait,

In the afternoon, Professor McGonagall still did not come out to tell everyone the truth, but other people who received the news rushed to the school.

Among them were people who had worked for the Order of the Phoenix, as well as Aurors and directors from the Ministry of Magic, as well as some gray-haired old wizards they had never seen before.

The only thing that was the same was that everyone looked panicked.

Mrs. Weasley also came. Her eyes were red, as if she had just cried. When she saw Ginny, she hugged her and wouldn't let go.

When Harry came over, she also pulled her into her arms. Ron stood aside and watched, hesitating for a moment whether he should move closer.

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