Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 911: People's reactions, Kyle leaks the secret

On this day, Hogwarts fell into a huge panic. The lights in the castle continued all night and did not go out until the early morning.

All classes were suspended, and the games originally planned for the next day were postponed indefinitely, or even cancelled.

Because in the next two days, many students were hurriedly picked up from Hogwarts by their parents, including members of the Quidditch team.

Half of the Ravenclaw players left directly, and the remaining people plus substitutes could not form a team at all.

And even if they could, they probably wouldn't be in the mood to play.

The number of people leaving school was still increasing. Kyle saw Seamus Finnigan from Gryffindor arguing with a witch who wanted to take him away in front of the closed hall.

The other party should be his mother, and the two quarreled in the hall.

Seamus must get his diploma before leaving school. No matter what he said, it was useless, but his mother insisted on not agreeing.

The two were very loud, attracting many people.

Perhaps because she felt a little embarrassed, or perhaps out of respect for Dumbledore, Seamus' mother finally agreed to let him stay for the funeral.

But that was all.

Seamus agreed.

Seeing that there was nothing exciting to watch, Kyle walked over and left the castle and returned to the garden behind his wooden house.

At this time, Dumbledore, who was mourned by everyone, was sitting on a wooden bench, stretching out his hand to tease the Romanian longhorned dragon that was several times bigger than before.

And the always irritable and lawless tree bee was lying on a nearby open space at this time, as obedient as a moon beast.

"Oh Kyle, you're back..." Dumbledore turned his head and looked at him, "Your place is really nice, you must have spent a lot of thought on it."

"Not really, just killing time." Kyle said, he looked at Dumbledore who was fine.

"Professor, are you ready?"

"Prepare? What preparation?"

"Prepare to be beaten to death by Professor McGonagall after the incident is exposed." Kyle said calmly, "Professor McGonagall has been heartbroken these days, and her eyes have been red all the time."

"Only in this way can Tom believe it." Dumbledore said.

"Although that's what I said..." Kell paused, "But based on my understanding of Professor McGonagall, if you appear in front of her later, she will most likely make this thing true, and Professor Snape should also help."

Dumbledore's face froze.

"It doesn't matter." He smiled reluctantly. "This is the price that must be paid, and I believe in Minerva, there is still some teacher-student friendship between us."

"Just keep it in mind." Kyle said.

"What's the situation outside?" Dumbledore came back to his senses and asked, "Those Death Eaters..."

"More people are coming nearby."

Kyle said, "Yesterday I went to the Hog's Head Inn, and several Death Eaters there held a grand celebration, and blatantly used the Cruciatus Curse to torture a wizard who did not praise Voldemort in time."

"It seems that they can't wait." Dumbledore's eyes flashed, "Have they so quickly accepted that Hogsmeade is their territory?"

"That's right?" Kyle said, "You are dead, can anyone stop them?"

"The professors at Hogwarts are not docile sheep." Dumbledore said.

"But they can't stop the mysterious man." Kyle said, "Oh, by the way, when I came, I saw someone sneaking into the hall. It should be the Death Eaters mixed in with the guests to confirm the situation.

"The human body transformation you applied should be fine. If they are seen through, your reputation will be ruined."

"It's absolutely fine, you can rest assured about this. "Dumbledore was very confident, "Unless Tom comes in person, no one can see the flaws."

"What if the mysterious man really comes?" Kyle asked curiously, "I always feel that we have gone a little too far. It is a bit deliberate to let almost all the students see you fall from the tower."

"Tom won't think so much." Dumbledore shook his head, "As you said, his broken soul can't make him notice such tiny details."

"And even if he comes, I have other ways." Dumbledore blinked, "Don't forget, this is not the first time I have done something like this."

Not the first time...

Kyle remembered that in Godric's Hollow in 1899, it was Dumbledore who pretended to be Ariana and deceived Aberforth and a group of guests who came.

He does have experience in this regard.

Kyle walked over and sat down next to Dumbledore.

"Hasn't Hagrid come back? "

Kyle was not in school all the time these two days. He also needed to go outside to observe the movements of the Death Eaters.

He only knew that Dumbledore was hiding in the garden temporarily. It was close enough to the castle and no one would come here normally. It was the safest place besides the Room of Requirement.

The only thing worth noting is that Hagrid might come at any time.

"No." Dumbledore shook his head. "I only saw Hagrid's bed, but I didn't see him in person. But this is also good news."

"Although I trust Hagrid and can entrust my life to him without hesitation, sometimes he is always too outspoken.

"If I remember correctly, Harry has received a lot of confidential information from him."

Kyle glanced at Dumbledore, "Isn't the news that Harry got from Hagrid what you wanted to tell him?"

"Most of the time, but not always." Dumbledore admitted simply.

"Harry is different from you. He needs to grow up. A maze of crises and experiences is better than repeated preaching."

Kyle shrugged noncommittally.

But when it came to Hagrid, Kyle subconsciously thought of his haggard look when he saw him at the door of the auditorium just now.

It seemed that Hagrid had been there for two days, and even the fire dragon couldn't drag him back from the castle.

Make Dumbledore's dream come true and add another general to the team?


But Kyle still felt that with Hagrid's character, he would most likely not attack Dumbledore.

It's not good for people to be too upright, it will make it less fun...well, it will make Kyle less fun.

He quite wanted to see Professor McGonagall, Snape and Hagrid form a team against Dumbledore.

There was a knock on the door, bringing Kyle back to reality.

He raised his head and found that Dumbledore, who was sitting next to him just now, had disappeared.

The visitor was Professor Sprout, and she told Kyle that Dumbledore's funeral time has been set, and it will be tomorrow.

Kyle nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Professor, do you want to come in and sit down?"

"No." Professor Sprout looked gloomy. "A lot of people are coming, and Minerva can't handle them."

She turned back and even forgot to take the dragon dung that Kyle had prepared for her.

"Professor, you must have committed a serious sin." Kyle said quietly.

There was a sigh from behind.

If possible, he actually doesn't want to use this method.

In the evening, a dozen huge silver-maned horses with wings appeared in Hogwarts, and behind them they pulled a light blue carriage as big as a house.

Beauxbatons' principal, Madam Maxime, stepped out of the carriage, leaned on Hagrid's shoulder and cried.

Representatives from the Ministry of Magic also came, this time a formal delegation, which also included Minister Amelia Bones, Director of the Auror Office Scrimgeour and other heavyweights.

Kyle also saw his dad, Chris, but not with someone from the Ministry of Magic, but standing next to an older couple.

Newt and Tina.

The three of them stood on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, looking at the castle silently, their faces full of sadness.

Kyle ran all the way to the three of them, "Dad, why are you here?"

"Mr. Scamander must come and take a look." Chris said softly: "I can't find a reason to refuse them."

"After more than sixty years of friendship, I must come to see Albus off for the last time." Newt's voice trembled.

"Child, I heard that you saw the whole process. Can you tell me what happened?" Tina asked.

After getting the news, she rushed back from Ilvermorny as soon as possible, without even having time to change clothes.

"Not even Grindelwald could kill Dumbledore...how could a teenage student do it?"

As she spoke, Newt's body shook involuntarily, and Chris on the side quickly stepped forward to support his arm.

"I can only say this is a conspiracy." Kyle sighed, "Do you need me to take you in? It's too cold here, and the school has prepared a place for guests to live."

"No, just take a look here." Newt shook his head, "People from the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts probably don't want to see me, so I won't cause trouble for them."

"Well, okay." Kyle said intentionally or unintentionally: "And I don't think it's necessary. Let's come back next time."

Chris suddenly turned his head to look at Kyle, the expression on his face changing rapidly three times in a short period of time.

From shock to confusion, and then a kind of surprise mixed with disbelief.

Will this happen again?

Unless... that idea was obviously a bit too shocking, and Chris once wondered if he was thinking too much.

But he knew Kyle, and that sentence was definitely not meaningless.

At this time, Kyle also looked at him and smiled slightly.

"Let's go back." Chris said decisively to Newt and Tina: "It's a bit too cold here, and the Aurors from the Ministry of Magic have been hanging around. If they see you, I will write a lot more Reported."

Newt didn't seem to want to leave so soon, and still looked at the castle blankly.

Dumbledore was not only the person he respected the most, but also his friend for more than sixty years. How could he just look at him and leave.

At this time, it started to rain lightly.

"How about you go to my place." Kyle pointed, "I built a wooden house next to the Forbidden Forest. It's not far away and you can see the direction of the castle from there."

This time Newt nodded and was supported by Chris towards the cabin.

The eye contact between Kyle and Chris just now did not attract his attention, but it could not escape Tina's eyes.

As a senior Auror, how could she not notice the little moves between the two of them.

Tina deliberately slowed down and walked alongside Kyle, who was walking at the back.

"I heard that you became a professor at Hogwarts." Tina said, "I haven't congratulated you yet."

"Just a part-time professor, the kind who only works one day a week." Kyle said.

"That's impressive enough, after all, you're not yet twenty years old."

Tina narrowed her eyes, "And what you said to Chris just now... Honey, you must know what I want to ask, right?"

"I know." Kyle said, "Then if my answer is the same as you think, what will you do?"

"I will beat him up without hesitation." Tina took a deep breath, "But Newt definitely doesn't want me to do that."

"There's nothing I can do about it." Kyle said, and walked quickly forward to lead the way.

The group came to the wooden house.

Tina was a little surprised at the alchemical pattern engraved on the door. With her knowledge, she could naturally recognize what it was.

No wonder Kyle could become a professor at Hogwarts at this age.

Kyle led the three people into the wooden house, opened the door to the garden, and said:

"Mr. Scamander, the five dragons I raised are a little strange, please help take a look."

Scamander, who was still immersed in sadness, was not in the mood, but Kyle said it, and he couldn't refuse, so he walked into the garden with Tina.

But Kyle stayed outside and didn't follow, and Chris didn't go in either.

Although he guessed some things, guessing and seeing with one's own eyes are two different things. This is enough, there is no need to know too much.

The garden door was closed again, and Chris rubbed his forehead.

"Dad, what's wrong with you."

"What do you think?" Chris sighed and suddenly asked, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, I personally participated in the whole process as a witness."

"No wonder!" Chris stood up and walked out.

"Where are you going?"

"Of course I'm going back to work." Chris said, "I shouldn't be needed here... Merlin's beard, why do you only need to work one day a week, and I can't even take a day off."

"Your salary is higher than mine." Kyle laughed. "I only make a hundred Galleons a month."

Is a hundred Galleons a little? It was about the same number before he became the director.

"Ha..." Chris thought of Kyle's savings of more than 10,000 Galleons and a room full of goods in Diagon Alley, and laughed.

There is really no future in working in the Ministry of Magic!

Chris left Hogwarts very quickly, as if he had never been there.

Kyle returned to the cabin, made a cup of tea, and waited patiently.

After a while, Newt and Tina also came out of the garden. Newt looked much more energetic than before, and his walking and talking were no longer trembling, and his face was flushed.

"You are so bold."

"It has nothing to do with me." Kyle said quickly: "I am just a helper."

"Forget it." Newt shook his head and did not continue the topic. "I have seen your dragon, there is no problem, but there are some external injuries on the iron belly, as if it was hit by a strong creature with a wooden stick."

"Strong..." Kyle thought for a while, "Grop?"

"What is Grawp?" Newt asked in confusion.

"Oh, it is an adult giant who is a little stunted."

"There are giants in the Forbidden Forest?" This time Newt was really surprised.

"It didn't exist before." Kyle explained, "Grop is Hagrid's younger brother. He was brought by him to teach wizard etiquette and language. You know Hagrid, the gamekeeper of Hogwarts, a half-giant."

"I know." Newt said, "But teaching giants is not an easy task. Their brains can only barely control their huge bodies. In other aspects, they are only a little smarter than trolls."

"It doesn't matter. Hagrid likes it very much. It has been going on for several years."

"Okay then." Newt said, "We should go back too."

"It's almost dinner time. Don't you want to try the long-lost Hogwarts dinner?"

"It's an exciting proposal." Newt said, "but forget it. If the Aurors see it, it will cause trouble for Chris."

"It's okay. He likes to write reports." Kyle smiled.

But Newt still didn't stay for dinner.

Mainly because Tina didn't look very happy. Newt was worried that she might hurt the dragon in the garden... or other creatures.

But this is exactly what Kyle expected. He watched Newt and Tina leave the school and put away the camera with some regret.

In the garden, Dumbledore still sat in the old place. Phoenix Fawkes stood on his shoulder. When he saw Kyle, he tilted his head.

"You will sing again tomorrow." Kyle said with a smile. In order to make Fawkes cooperate, Dumbledore said a lot of good things and paid a lot of precious herbs, which is why the students heard the phoenix elegy before.

It will appear again tomorrow, but I don't know how much Dumbledore paid for it this time... It's probably not cheap.

"Is it confirmed that the funeral will be held tomorrow?" Dumbledore asked.

"Well, it's confirmed." Kyle said, "Professor Sprout told me that it was in the open space by the Black Lake."

"Is that so." Dumbledore said, "I have another question, did you tell Newt about me?"

"No, I didn't." Kyle shook his head vigorously, "How could I tell it, it was Tina who guessed, she is a senior Auror, and she saw the clue from my expression."

"Really?" Dumbledore looked at Kyle for a long time before saying: "Tina is indeed a smart witch, but I didn't expect that she could see from your expression that I was in the garden.

"As far as I know, only Tina's sister Queenie Goldstein is a natural Legilimency master, and she herself does not have this magical ability."

"Who knows, maybe...sisters have the same heart?" Kyle said casually: "Or she also has this ability, but she doesn't know it herself."

Dumbledore's eyes twitched, but he didn't say anything else.

Newt basically lives in Dorset all year round, Voldemort and the Death Eaters are unlikely to cause trouble for him, so it doesn't matter if they know.

It's just that Tina's eyes are a bit scary, which makes him think of Minerva McGonagall involuntarily.

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