Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 917 The Crown Appears Suddenly

When Snape learned that Harry had escaped from Hogwarts overnight in order not to come to see him, his entire face turned dark purple with anger.

"Okay, very good." Snape looked at Hermione and Ron in front of him, his eyes were cold, and there was a smooth feeling in his voice, "Tell me where he went."

"I don't know, Professor." Hermione looked like she was about to cry. "Last night a Slytherin student said you wanted to see him for something. He went there and never came back."

"Principal Snape." Hermione suddenly stopped sobbing, held her head high, and said seriously: "I know you don't like Harry, but this is Hogwarts, even if the principal wants to confine students, It also needs to be informed in advance.

"And you locked Harry up all night, isn't it time to let him out?"

Snape's face turned even darker.

He wanted to imprison Harry Potter, preferably until graduation, but he didn't see him at all. He was here to cause trouble for Potter this time.

"You're lying." Snape narrowed his eyes and looked at Hermione again.

This time, he discovered something very interesting.

This Gryffindor witch seemed to be trying her best to avoid looking at him. When she couldn't avoid it, a few veins would appear on her neck and forehead.

Her head seemed to be working hard, just like she would use force when grabbing a heavy object with her hands.


Snape guessed, but quickly shook his head.

Being closed-brained doesn’t require you to use your brain to exert force, that would be silly.

But Hermione did remind him of one thing.

Maybe he could use Legilimency to search Hermione's memory for the answer himself. As Harry's best friend, she must know something.

Snape's hand closed around his wand unconsciously.

But I don't know if it was a coincidence, but all the portraits on the wall of the principal's office opened their eyes and looked over.

Especially the latest portrait of Dumbledore, with bright and deep blue eyes, Snape subconsciously thought of the words he had said the most.

"Severus, as professors, we should never read students' minds without permission."

This was also the time when he suspected that Harry was planning some conspiracy behind the professor's back and wanted to find out, Dumbledore would tell him.

Dumbledore did not allow him to pry into Harry's thoughts. Even when teaching each other Occlumency, the two had a strict agreement.

I don't know if it was for this reason that Snape still let go of his wand even though Dumbledore was dead.

"I didn't meet Potter," he even explained before driving Hermione out of the headmaster's office.

Hermione stood next to the gargoyle, then turned around and left after a moment. After quickly walking past the Fat Lady's portrait and returning to the Gryffindor common room, he slumped down in an armchair, gasping for breath. gas.

Ron, who heard the noise, hurried over and asked, "How's it going? Did he believe it?"

"He believed it!" Hermione smiled. "He didn't believe it at first, but then he believed it. I think Occlumency may have played a role."

"It's amazing." Ron couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect that you could deceive Snape just after you learned that spell."

"I didn't expect that either." Hermione said happily, "I always felt that I didn't fully master that magic, but now it seems that is not the case.

"I can feel that Snape really doubted me. He must have wanted to use Legilimency, but he still believed my words and let me leave... This means that he did not learn from me. I saw things about Harry in my mind."

There was a hint of excitement in Hermione's voice.

Occlumency, this magic, together with the Patronus Charm, can almost be said to be the third wizard exam besides O.W.Ls and N.E.W.T.

Belongs outside of Hogwarts, adult wizard examination.

The Patronus Charm is used to convey messages, and the Occlumency is used to protect secrets. Only by mastering these two spells can one be considered an adult wizard above the level.

However, there are differences between the two. Compared with the Patronus Charm, it is more difficult to learn Occlumency.

Perhaps most Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix can successfully summon a Patronus, but among these people, there must be some who do not know Occlumency.

At least there must be some Aurors who can't.

When Kyle taught Harry this spell, she couldn't have been more envious.

It's a pity that that method doesn't suit her...it's too barbaric.

After such a long time, she read almost all the books on Occlumency in the library and finally learned it.

And I learned it before graduation.

To be honest, Hermione was still a little proud.

"Then what do we do next."

Ron's voice brought Hermione back to her senses, and she said softly: "Do nothing and continue with class."

"Attend class?"

"Yes, we must show that we don't know anything, and we must not reveal any flaws."


The two people looked solemn and seemed to have a nervous sense of fate.

Meanwhile, Number 12 Grimmauld Place on the other side.

"I fully support your decision, Harry!" Sirius patted his godson's shoulder hard.

"That snot-nosed guy is the principal... It's okay if he doesn't go to Hogwarts!"

To be honest, after learning about this, he also had such an idea... to take Harry out of Hogwarts to prevent Snape from taking revenge on him.

That petty snotty guy would definitely do such a thing.

But he didn't expect that Harry would run back overnight before he had time to act.

They are really a family, and even their ideas are surprisingly consistent.

"I want to go with you." Harry said.

"No problem." Sirius agreed without hesitation, "You can do whatever you want, even if you don't do anything. Just tell me if you need money."

Sirius acted very generous, and of course he had the confidence.

The gold piled up like a small mountain in the Gringotts vault is enough for him and Harry to squander for hundreds of years, provided that they don't start a business.

Before, in order to protect Harry closely, Sirius opened a cold drink shop in Hogsmeade Village, and the business was also good.

After the mission was over, not only did they not make any money, but they also lost nearly 8,000 Galleons, which made Remus Lupin so angry that his face turned black.

That was 8,000 Galleons. All his expenses since childhood might not have cost that much.

I really don't know how Sirius lost money... He didn't even need to consider the rent.

"Really?" Harry's eyes lit up, "I want to fight the Death Eaters with you."

Sirius's expression froze and he stopped talking. He even wanted to swallow back what he had just said.

"Harry... this... is not as simple as you think." Sirius stammered, "Dealing with Death Eaters is not a safe job. You may face life-threatening danger at any time."

"I'm not afraid!" Harry said firmly.

"They are different from the Death Eaters you have met before." Sirius continued to persuade, "They are more brutal."

"I don't care." Harry looked serious, "Besides, I don't think the Death Eaters I have seen are gentle at all."

Sirius thought about it... It seems to be true.

Whether it was the nameless hillside where Harry was taken to during the Triwizard Tournament, or the Department of Mysteries later, Harry encountered real elite Death Eaters, and he could be killed if he was not careful.


Sirius frowned in confusion. Like most parents, he did not want Harry to face danger, even though he had already experienced a lot.

At this moment, he really hoped that Harry could continue to stay in Hogwarts. At least it was safe there now, and he did not need to consider the problem of Death Eaters.

"By the way, is Kyle here?" Harry seemed to see Sirius' hesitation and took the initiative to change the subject.

Want him to stay in the safe house?

Impossible, don't even think about it. He must go to the Death Eaters and Voldemort for trouble, and Sirius could not stop him.

"Kyle?" Hearing Harry's words, Sirius was stunned for a moment, "Isn't he a professor at Hogwarts? You should be closer to him, why are you asking me."

"He should have left the school." Harry briefly recounted his discovery yesterday.

Professor McGonagall required everyone to be present, even Hagrid came, but Kyle was absent.

"I guess he must have noticed something." Sirius thought for a moment, "I seem to have heard that the mysterious man has been eager to kill him, and Kyle went to Hogwarts before because Dumbledore was there to protect him."

"What on earth did he do... he had to hide." Harry was surprised.

According to his understanding of Kyle, ordinary Death Eaters are no match for him at all, and this can also be verified by other people in the Order of the Phoenix.

At the wedding of Lupin and Tonks, it was Kyle who saved everyone. His strength is stronger than when he was in school, and much stronger.

The only person who could make him hide is probably Voldemort himself, but this is a bit too exaggerated... He even killed Voldemort once, and he was not deliberately hunted by the other party.

Of course, it may also be because he has been in Hogwarts all the time, but no matter what, Kyle is probably the only one in the entire Order of the Phoenix who can receive such treatment.

What on earth did he do to make Voldemort so angry?

Harry was eager to know the answer. If possible, he would also like to do it once.

As long as he could make Voldemort angry, it would be a happy thing.

But he was disappointed.

Sirius shook his head, "I don't know, no one has mentioned it, maybe only Dumbledore knows, but he is dead."

Or maybe Sirius doesn't know how to chat. After saying this, Harry couldn't help but think of the kind old man again, and suddenly he didn't want to continue talking.

The scene became a little silent for a while.

But at this time, the door outside was opened.

"Oh, come and see, big news!" Lupin hurried in from outside, and when he looked up, he just saw Harry's eyes that were the same as Lily's.

"Harry?" He couldn't help but say, "Shouldn't you be in school, why are you here?"

"Oh, nothing, I was expelled from Hogwarts." Harry said, trying to make his words sound humorous.

"What?" Lupin was startled, "Listen to me, Harry, this is not funny at all, you shouldn't be so impulsive..."

"Come on, Remus." Sirius stepped forward, "Dumbledore is dead, and that snot-nosed Snape has become the headmaster. Keeping Harry away from Hogwarts is the most correct choice... You won't Forget who his former master was."

Lupine stopped talking, acquiescing to Sirius's words.

Indeed, they all knew that Snape was a Death Eater, had been, was... and probably was.

"Okay, don't mention this anymore." Sirius waved his hand, "Let's talk about the big news you brought.

"I'm curious as to what news could surprise you like that. Could it be that Principal Dumbledore has been resurrected?"

"How is that possible?" Lupine shook his head subconsciously and said, "But it's also related to Hogwarts."

He spread his copy of the Daily Prophet on the table.

Harry moved forward curiously and immediately saw the beautiful crown on the front page photo. The gem on it was so beautiful.

Look further up.

"The Ravenclaw diadem that has been missing for thousands of years suddenly appears in Diagon Alley..." Harry read out loud unconsciously.

"Ravenclaw's diadem?!"

"That's right, it's the crown that is said to allow people to gain wisdom." Lu Ping smacked his lips, "I didn't expect that this legend is actually true."

Harry continued to look down.

"According to insiders, the unknown wizard once went to Borgin's Burke, a famous black magic shop, to verify the authenticity of the crown.

"I never thought that that famous crown actually existed. I wanted to use all my property to exchange for that crown, but I was rejected."

Old Borgin once said this. From his words, it is not difficult to hear his own desire for the Ravenclaw crown. Unfortunately, the mysterious wizard does not seem to be satisfied with Old Borkin's entire net worth.

Maybe he felt that the black magic shop he opened didn't have much money. In short, he rejected the old Borgin's proposal and wanted to find a more generous buyer for the crown. "

After reading the article, Harry couldn't help but pursed his lips, "That Ravenclaw diadem, is it really that valuable?"

He knew about Borgin-Bock, and had also visited it once accidentally. Although it was a black magic shop, the items inside were not cheap at all. On the contrary, they were horrifyingly expensive.

The shopkeeper's entire net worth must be more than the gold in his vault. Isn't this not enough?

"That's Ravenclaw's diadem." Sirius took the newspaper and flipped it over and over, "If I could meet that person, I would give him all the gold in the vault in exchange for that diadem.

"Remus, do you think we can find each other?"

"It's difficult." Lu Ping thought for a moment and shook his head.


There was another push on the door, and Mrs. Weasley and Tonks also came, as well as Auror Kingsley, and Mundungus, a thief who wandered in the gray area.

"Hey, have you heard?" Mundungus said impatiently: "There is a big baby in the UK, a real big baby."

"Of course." Sirius nodded.

He didn't like Mundungus very much, but he didn't dislike him either.

"We were still discussing this just now."

"What's the discussion?"

"If you can find this person," Sirius said, "I'm willing to use all the gold to buy that crown."

All the gold of the Black family.

Mundungus didn't know what he thought of. He looked dazed and almost drooled. He soon came to his senses and shook his head.

"It's impossible, don't even think about it."


"Because wizards all over Britain are looking for him now." Tonks added:

"I don't know how he leaked his whereabouts, but after this article came out, almost all wizards started to move...Aurors, Death Eaters, and even wizards from other countries. It would be difficult for us to find him before these people. ”

"That's right," Mundungus said. "There's already a price on the black market. You'd never guess how much he's worth."

"So you were just chasing me to find out what the Aurors knew because you wanted to make a lot of money, right?" Tonks narrowed her eyes and looked at Mundungus, and her hair turned fiery red.

"I...I..." Mundungus faltered and was speechless.

He does have this in mind. He came to No. 12 Grimmauld Place this time just to use the Order of the Phoenix's intelligence sources.

But now it seems that they don't know more than themselves.

Come to think of it, the Order of the Phoenix had been disbanded before, and everyone had returned to the Aurors. It was only after Dumbledore was killed that there were signs of reunion.

Naturally, there will be no special information at this time.

After figuring this out, Mundungus immediately found an excuse and ran out of the house.

Seeing his mercenary look, Mrs. Weasley underestimated in disgust, "I really don't know why Dumbledore let him join the Order of the Phoenix."

"Probably because he can provide information that we cannot access." Lupine said casually, not taking this seriously, but looked at Tonks, as if waiting for her to say something.

"The mysterious man appears."

Sure enough, the next second Tonks brought them shocking news.

"Really?" Harry asked subconsciously.

"Someone saw him appearing in Knockturn Alley and killing more than one person." Mrs. Weasley said, as if she had just discovered Harry, "Honey, why are you here..."

"Let's talk about this later, Molly." Sirius interrupted her, "It's strange. The You-Know-Who didn't show up when the Death Eaters attacked the Ministry of Magic three times. Why did he suddenly run to Knockturn Alley now?"

"Maybe it's for the crown." Kingsley said, "That's the crown of Ravenclaw. Voldemort will certainly covet it."

"But a crown can't be more important than their control of the Ministry of Magic." Lupin whispered.

When the Death Eaters attacked the Ministry of Magic before, he was always worried that Voldemort would join in. If that was the case, the Aurors and Strikemen couldn't stop them.

But that wasn't the case.

Even though the Death Eaters failed three times, Voldemort had no intention of showing up.

Some people speculated that he was doing something more important and had to give up the attack on the Ministry of Magic. This speculation was also supported by many people.

Emilia Bones even thought about moving a few Death Eaters in the Ministry of Magic to test Voldemort's bottom line, or directly catching them all in one fell swoop.

But before she could implement her plan, Voldemort appeared because of a crown.

Lupin's words also made others fall into deep thought.

Yes, no matter how important the crown is, it is not as important as controlling the Ministry of Magic, which is the biggest obstacle for Voldemort to rule the British wizarding world.

"That crown must be very important to him." Kingsley raised his head, "Let's go find it too. No matter what, we must not let it fall into the hands of the mysterious man."

"No problem." Harry was the first to respond and said that he could team up with Sirius.

"I'll go with you, you should be relieved now." He said so.

Sirius moved his mouth and reluctantly agreed.


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