Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 918 The Eve of the War

In recent days, Knockturn Alley has become completely lively because of an article in the Daily Prophet.

The place that used to be deserted and deserted, with not a soul visible for several days, is now even more lively than the Diagon Alley next door.

Especially at the entrance of the Bojin-Bock store that was mentioned in particular, sneaky people wearing black hoods can be seen everywhere.

They all came here for their own purposes, but without exception, none of them saw the owner of Borgin-Bock.

Although the store was open, there was no one inside, and there was a chilly feeling after walking in.

It was as if someone had cast an amazingly powerful curse magic here.

Many of the people who came this time were dark wizards, and no one knew more about curse magic than them. They dared to conclude that something must have happened in Borgin-Bock's shop, and it was best not to get close.

But it was a rare trip, and they didn't want to go back in such despair, so they lingered nearby, waiting for some opportunity that might arise.

Of course, not everyone could bear their temper, and there were many people who forced their way into Borgin-Bock's store, but most of these wizards never came out again.

Occasionally, there are one or two lucky ones, but they are obviously missing some parts. Broken arms and missing legs are normal.

Only then can people remember that this is not a cold drink shop in Diagon Alley, but a real black magic shop.

There are usually huge dangers hidden in places like this, and even if they occasionally treat customers as commodities, it's not an unusual thing.

In other words, this is also a unique purchasing channel for black magic shop owners.

Gradually, few people dared to break into the Bojin-Bok store.

So they turned their attention to the reporter who wrote the report. Since the other party disclosed so many details in the Daily Prophet, she must know more.

After all, newspapers have limited space and it is impossible to write all the contents. What they want is some unknown and exclusive news.

Perhaps they can also deduce from the inconspicuous details where the mysterious wizard holding the crown has gone.

But here's the weird thing.

The reporter who wrote that report, Rita Skeeter, has been missing since the Daily Prophet was sent away.

A man left the newspaper office, and not even the Ministry of Magic could find any trace of him.

She didn't use Floo, Portkey, or Apparate, or even take the Knight Bus. She just disappeared inexplicably, and no one knew where she went.

Oh no, it should be said that most people don't know.

In a small, shabby wizarding pub in Wiltshire, Rita Skeeter hid herself in a large hooded cloak, trembling with excitement.

"It's so crazy, so crazy..." She said incoherently: "You are really a genius. You can fool so many people in just a few words, including the person who cannot even be named.

"Have you seen the way that old Bo Jin looked when he was being tortured? He was not a good person. He had no room to fight back in front of that person who must not even be named.

"To be honest, I was almost exposed at that time. I swear that person took a look into the cracks in the bricks where I was hiding... He must have noticed something. How scary, isn't it."

Rita Skeeter kept talking, pouring wine into her mouth one cup at a time. Thinking of those scarlet eyes, she couldn't help but shudder, and poured the remaining half bottle of brandy into her mouth in one breath. inside.

Although it was indeed dangerous at the time, it was also really exciting...

Not to mention that she also got first-hand exclusive information. Besides her, Rita Skeeter, who else could hide under the nose of the mysterious man... No one, no one could do it except her.

Rita Skeeter sat there in a daze, feeling an indescribable sense of satisfaction.

"Yeah, it's scary," Kyle said softly, sitting next to her.

"Speaking of which, how did you come up with this idea?" Rita Skeeter couldn't help but be curious and asked: "With just a fake crown, the entire magical world was in chaos, and even that person Came out... we became a household name overnight.

"Damn it, why didn't I think of this idea before? This is more useful than publishing tidbits about old wizards."

"Fake crown?" Kyle raised his eyebrows, reached out and grabbed it, and there was a shining silver crown in his hand.

"Who told you this was fake?"

On the front of the crown is a raven with its wings spread out, and in the middle is a huge blue gemstone, which shines brightly even in the dim environment.

"Of course it's a fake. Who doesn't know that the real crown has been lost for thousands of years..."

The closer she looked at the crown, the quieter Rita Skeeter's voice became.

Something's wrong, this thing doesn't feel... like it's fake.

She is not an ignorant witch, on the contrary, as one of the most popular (?) reporters of the Daily Prophet, she has been to the homes of many big shots.

Although it was not through formal channels, at least she went there and saw many precious magic items.

This crown gave her the feeling of being like a mysterious whirlpool of magic, attracting everything including magic.

This doesn't look like a fake...

Rita Skeeter's throat moved, and cold sweat began to flow on her forehead.

Could it really be the Ravenclaw's crown... She thought subconsciously in her heart.

In a way, she hoped that this was true. The reappearance of the Ravenclaw crown that had disappeared for a thousand years was a good gimmick, which could completely dominate the front page of the Daily Prophet for many consecutive days.

And she herself could also make a big splash because of this.

But the premise is that this thing appeared in a safe place, such as Hogwarts, or the Ministry of Magic...

Only such reports can make her take advantage of it.

But the current situation is that this thing is not in a fixed place, and everyone is looking for it.

In this way, she, the insider, is in danger.

Those wizards who have ideas about the crown will find her, and they will definitely use various means to force more information from her, including the person whose name cannot be mentioned.

Thinking of the treatment that old Borgin had suffered before, Rita Skeeter's whole person suddenly became uncalm, and she looked around stiffly, with fear in her eyes.

It seemed that the people around them would suddenly rise up and kill them on the spot in the next second.

"Don't be nervous, they won't notice us." Kyle continued to stroke the crown.

Rita Skeeter then realized that although there were people coming and going around, no one seemed to see the crown in Kyle's hand, and they completely ignored them.

"Is it real?" Rita Skeeter's voice was dry.

"What else?" Kyle said as a matter of course, "A fake crown can't fool the mysterious man."

Rita Skeeter trembled all over.

"Weren't you quite calm before?" Kyle glanced at her, "You dared to watch the mysterious man interrogate Bogin up close, why weren't you afraid at that time?"

"No, it's different..." Rita Skeeter poured herself another large glass of wine.

The crown was fake, and if she was caught, she would at most apologize, and the matter would be over in two days.

Anyway, it wasn't the first time she published such a sensational article, and she might not even apologize.

But if the crown was real, she would become a mobile vault key, how could it be the same!

Rita Skeeter drank more quickly, trying to numb herself in this way.

Kyle watched from the side, not stopping her, until she could not drink any more, then he slowly said: "Go on, they are looking for the crown so hard, they must give some more clues."

"I won't do it!" Rita Skeeter refused without hesitation, "Damn it, if I had known it was true, I wouldn't have helped you before."

"Forget it then." Kyle sighed, "Tell me, if they knew that Rita Skeeter's Animagus was a beetle, how long would it take them to find you."


"Also, if I cancel the concealment magic now, do you think they will try to snatch the crown?" Kyle looked at the wizards around who were hiding their heads and faces and were obviously not good people.

He casually stuffed the crown into Rita Skeeter's hand, then smiled, picked up the wand and gently stroked it.

"How can I help you." Rita Skeeter's drunken eyes were swept away, and she blurted out.

"A wise choice." Kyle put down the wand.

"Damn it." Rita Skeeter glared at Kyle indignantly. "I helped you so many times, and you actually threatened me!"

"How about an exclusive interview as compensation." Kyle said.

"What interview?"

"It's hard to say now." Kyle thought for a while, "but I will definitely not let you down."

"I'll trust you again." Rita Skeeter gritted her teeth and said.

It seems that she has no other choice now. If she agrees, she can at least take advantage of it. If she doesn't agree, she will have nothing. Rita Skeeter certainly knows what she wants to choose.

And... after getting the crown, she is more certain that it is a real thing.

She felt her heartbeat getting faster and faster, and she couldn't help but want to wear the crown. As long as she wore this crown...she could inherit the wisdom of Ravenclaw and become the smartest person in the world.

As long as she wore the crown, she would definitely be able to write articles that everyone couldn't stop...

"I advise you not to do this."

In a trance, Rita Skeeter seemed to hear Kyle's voice, and she found that she had raised the crown in front of her eyes, and she could wear it a little more.

"Why not, give it a try." She suddenly thought of it.

Ravenclaw's crown, it's worth wearing it even if it's worn once.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Kyle's voice came again, as if he could see through her thoughts.

In fact, this is not difficult. Almost everyone who gets the crown has the same idea. It's too easy to guess.

"I know what you're thinking." Kyle continued, "Why don't you guess why I don't wear it, or do you think I don't know that this crown can bring wisdom."

Rita Skeeter was stunned for a moment. Yes, if this is true, why doesn't Kyle wear it.

"I can only say that the crown brings wisdom, but it is also a curse. I even suspect that except for Ravenclaw, no matter who wears the crown, it will be tortured crazy by it."

Rita Skeeter didn't understand what Kyle meant by this. She just felt her hand lighten, and the crown disappeared.

This made her feel a huge gap in her heart.

Take it back... She couldn't help but have this idea, but her remaining sense told her that it was best not to do this.

"How can I help you?" Rita Skeeter asked again, trying to distract herself.

"Same as before, write another article and tell them that the crown has appeared again." Kyle said, "Oh, by the way, remember to add your feelings this time, which is how you felt when you just got the crown."


"It adds credibility," Kyle said.


"Where's the location?"

"This is it. A bar similar to Knockturn Alley is quite suitable."

"Can I ask why you did this?" Rita Skeeter couldn't help but asked. She had just wanted to ask, what good would it do to Kyle to use the crown to attract everyone's attention?

"Are you sure you want to know?" Kyle took the wand and waved it lightly, "In order to attract the mysterious man and then find an opportunity to kill him again, how about this answer?"

Something seemed to disappear around them. The sparkling crown suddenly attracted everyone's attention, and the originally messy bar suddenly fell into an eerie silence.

But the next second!


With a crisp explosion, Kyle wore the crown and used phantom movement to disappear.

A second later, the bar erupted into a more noisy and chaotic sound than before.

"Merlin's beard, what did I just see."

"The crown, that person must be holding the Ravenclaw crown."

"Haha, I'm so lucky, it's mine!"

"Dream, that's what I saw first, it should belong to me!"

"Do you want to die?"

There was chaos in the bar, some people were arguing over a verbal affiliation, and some of the smarter ones were already trying to use Apparition to chase Kyle.

A beetle landed dangling on a tree outside the bar.

This beetle is of course Rita Skeeter, who still hasn't recovered from what Kyle just said.

Kill the mysterious man again, is this true?

Dumbledore is dead...how dare he.

And if I know his thoughts, will I be implicated...

Oh, damn!

Why did she bother to ask that question?

Thinking of Voldemort's unreasonable character, Rita Skeeter's face became even more ugly, and she wanted to slap herself.

At the same time, Kyle, who left the bar, also returned to Hogsmeade.

He turned two places along the way, which greatly increased the difficulty of tracking him. Unless the Ministry of Magic also intervened in the investigation, others would not be able to trace his route at all.

Kyle walked through the streets of Hogsmeade, hurrying back to Hogwarts.

He had only been away for a few days, but the changes in the castle were visible to the naked eye.

First of all, the whole castle has become depressing, and there are two new professors who don't know what they are called.

"They look really ugly." Kyle looked at the two arrogant wizards standing in front of Professor McGonagall and couldn't help but frown.

I have to say that Voldemort's aesthetics are getting worse and worse.

Death Eaters such as Bellatrix and Antonin before were a little crazy, but at least they looked decent, and they could put on a good show even when they were out.

Now these new Death Eaters... Kyle wondered if they were related to the ghouls, as they looked like black magic was backlashing them.

Maybe Voldemort thinks that such people look more friendly...after all, he himself is the same.

Kyle shook his head and walked straight over.

"Professor McGonagall, I'm almost done here. Isn't the student evacuation plan ready yet?"

"Okay." After seeing Kyle, Professor McGonagall immediately ignored the two people in front of him, "But Kyle, do you have to be so anxious? The N.E.W.T exam is coming soon, and we must at least let the seventh grade students graduate smoothly. "

"What are you talking about!" A Death Eater with asymmetrical horns on his head asked sternly: "And who are you!"

"I'm afraid not, Professor." Kyle paid no attention to what he meant, shook his head and said, "I guess Voldemort hasn't shown up since he was recovering from his injuries. Now is our best chance to deal with him.

"As for the N.E.W.T., just ask the Ministry of Magic to retake it once. It's not a big deal."

"Hey, you guys..."

"If that's the case, then fine," said Professor McGonagall. "The Hogwarts Express is not safe. I have chartered the Knight Bus. That bus is very special. After modification, it should be able to transport all the students."

"It will be waiting in Hogsmeade, just wave your wand using the Invisible Charm gesture and it will appear."


The horned wizard finally couldn't help it anymore and shouted loudly: "Answer me Minerva McGonagall, what on earth do you want to do, if you don't want a few students to die suddenly."

"You actually made a blatant plan to send away the students in front of us." Another wizard also said slyly: "What do you think we are, air?

"I will tell the Dark Lord all this, you are just waiting to be..."

Before he could finish his words, he suddenly trembled and then fell to the ground stiffly, with his face still on the ground.

"Oh, that must hurt." Kyle muttered softly: "If you didn't remind me, I would have forgotten to take care of you two."


There was another sound, and another person followed closely, lying on top of him.

"What happened to them?" Professor McGonagall was startled by this sudden scene.

She was about to take action, but the two Death Eaters fell down in advance.

"Maybe they are sleepy. I have seen many dark wizards who like to sleep anywhere." Kyle said casually, while reaching out his hand to catch the jumping Bowtruckle.

There was a small tooth sword on its waist, and it looked like a knight.

Professor McGonagall looked at the Bowtruckle strangely, but did not think too much, but turned and walked into the school.

Professor McGonagall's character has always been swift and decisive. Since she decided to evacuate the students, there was no need to hesitate.

As for the two Death Eaters, she was relieved with Kyle.


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