Hogwarts: I'm a model wizard

Chapter 919: The note in the locket, the furious Voldemort

Not long after Professor McGonagall left, the entire Hogwarts was in motion.

Even though it was already night, all the professors rushed over from all directions as quickly as possible.

"Oh...Minerva..." Slughorn panted and ran downstairs, arriving next to Professor McGonagall with heavy footsteps and huffing breaths.

"Minerva...can you explain why you suddenly wake up the students now that it's very late?"

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"For safety's sake," said Professor McGonagall.

"Safe... okay." Slughorn rubbed the exquisite silk pajamas on his body and looked around, "Does Severus know? Why didn't I see him?"

"There is no need to bother our principal with this little matter," Professor McGonagall said.

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, the silver tabby cat Patronus broke into all the professors' offices, except the most important principal's office.

"I'm sorry for waking everyone up." Professor McGonagall held the wand in her hand. "I think the person who cannot even be named may be coming soon. Before that, we must ensure that all students are sent out safely. Go to the castle."

Sprout gasped and subconsciously took two steps back. As a result, he stumbled and almost tripped.

"Sorry, Filius," she said quickly.

Professor Flitwick rubbed his shoulders. He was also shocked by the news brought by Professor McGonagall. He was completely unaware of the actions of the people around him, otherwise he would have been able to avoid it.

But Flitwick didn't care.

"What should we do?" he asked in a sharp voice: "You must know that no matter what we do, we can't keep the mysterious man out, right?"

"It used to be like this." Professor McGonagall said, her eyes flashing, "But Kyle just brought us good news. The man was injured."

"Injured?" Professor Flitwick exclaimed, "Are you sure?"

"Of course, Professor." At this time, Kyle came over from not far away.

"I didn't doubt what you meant." Professor Flitwick composed himself, "But this news is so shocking. Can you elaborate on it?"

"As far as I know, about three times."

Kyle thought for a while, "The first time was when the Death Eaters attacked the Ministry of Magic a few months ago. At that time, the mysterious man and Professor Dumbledore had a big battle abroad, and he stole Professor Dumbledore's wand. , but it also paid a huge price.”

"Then in Godric's Hollow, I saw half of the mysterious man's body was blackened by Professor Dumbledore's magic.

"The same half of the body was burned again by the powerful fire curse not long after."

Every time Kyle said something, the professors around him gasped and hissed.

The main reason is that they spend most of their time in Hogwarts Castle, and the only ways to get information are from the "Daily Prophet" and chats with colleagues. Before that, they really didn't know these secrets, especially the latter two. .

"During that time in Godric's Hollow, was Dumbledore there?" Professor Sprout murmured doubtfully, "I never heard him mention it at all. What's going on with Li Huo?"

Professor McGonagall knew more than them, but he was not very clear on some details.

According to Kyle's description, she thought for a moment and then said: "It should be a weather spell."


"That time in Godric's Hollow," she said, "Albus probably used weather spells and combined with the runes to create thunder. This was his specialty.

"Remember? That's how the group of thieves who broke into Hogwarts thirty years ago were caught. Those lightning strikes that appeared out of thin air made more than twenty wizards instantly lose their ability to resist."

"Oh, I remember." Professor Flitwick said, "I had just joined Hogwarts not long ago, and I was really envious of his skills."

"The power is amazing." Kyle also said: "At that time, the mysterious man was a little awkward when walking.

"Coupled with the Fire Curse after that, I dare say that the mysterious man's current state must not be very good. He didn't even dare to show up when the Death Eaters attacked the Ministry of Magic, even if Dumbledore was dead."

Listening to Kyle's words, several professors were all lost in thought... If you look at it this way, now is indeed the best chance to eliminate the mysterious man.

"But Kyle..." Slughorn, who finally regained his breath, said, "In this case, how could that person who cannot even be named come to Hogwarts? He should know very well that this place is better than The Ministry is more dangerous."

"If I were him, I would definitely find a place to hide. Dumbledore is dead anyway... Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm just stating a fact."

Slughorn looked at the eyes of the professors in the week and hurriedly explained: "What I mean is that his biggest opponent is gone, and there is no need to be so anxious to deal with Hogwarts."

"Theoretically, that's true." Kyle smiled, "But I gave him a reason to come."

"What is it?"

"This." Kyle took out the Ravenclaw diadem, "Professor Slughorn, you should be familiar with things like Horcruxes."

Slughorn's face suddenly turned pale, and he subconsciously took two steps back, hesitating and saying, "I heard it, I heard it."

Of course he knew, or it was because of his teaching that Tom Riddle learned to make Horcruxes.

In order to cover up this fact and not be killed by Voldemort, he even modified his memory and hid everywhere.

Could it be...

Slughorn couldn't help but look up at the crown... The next second, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there was no feature of a Horcrux on it.

"I didn't expect that the mysterious wizard in the newspaper was you." Slughorn regained his confidence, "Do you think the mysterious man wants to get the crown and make it into a Horcrux?"

Looking at Slughorn's pretense, Kyle didn't mean to expose him, but shook his head and said: "He does have this idea, and he has done it. He made the crown into his own Horcrux more than ten years ago."

"That's impossible!" Slughorn blurted out: "Horcruxes don't look like this at all."

"That's because the soul fragments inside have been cleaned up." Kyle looked at him and smiled: "Mr. Nicolas Flamel's craftsmanship is very good, right? It looks like new."

The crown exudes a bright light, just like the eyes of the professors.

Although they knew that a memory of Ms. Rowena Ravenclaw was preserved, they were still a little excited after seeing the crown.

Deans such as McGonagall and Sprout were better. They knew a lot of inside information from Dumbledore in advance.

But the professors of ordinary subjects were different. Ever since Kyle took out the crown, their eyes have never moved away.

"Nicolas Flamel..." Slughorn grabbed his chest, always feeling that Kyle seemed to know something.

"A cleaned Horcrux should not be enough to fool the You-Know-Who." He changed the subject and said, "Even if he takes it back, it will be useless."

"But the You-Know-Who doesn't know that this thing has been cleaned." Kyle shrugged, "You know, the soul fragments are independent of each other, and can only be sensed when they are close enough.

"And when we cleaned the crown, the You-Know-Who hadn't been resurrected yet, and he couldn't have known that one of his Horcruxes had been destroyed."

"Ah, yes, that's right." Slughorn stammered, "I'll call the Slytherin students now."

He ran away in a hurry, as if he was afraid that Kyle would tell him some stupid things he had done in the next second.

"When did Horace become so active. "Professor McGonagall said, "Okay, I suggest that everyone gather the students and meet in the hall.

"Most students must evacuate, but if there are adult students who are willing to stay and fight, I think they should be given this opportunity."

"Agreed." Professor Sprout has also walked towards the door, muttering: "Poison tentacles, devil's snares, biting cabbages and the like..."

Professor Flitwick also followed behind her, with heavy steps, but with a little expectation in his eyes.

"The injured mysterious man, maybe we can really win this time." He muttered to himself, and couldn't help looking back at the crown in Kyle's hand.

As the head of Ravenclaw, he knew more than other professors. He originally thought that Dumbledore would lock the crown in the headmaster's office, but he didn't expect that he would give it to Kyle again.

Or, this is the decision of Ms. Ravenclaw... After all, she is in a corner of the castle.

I just don't know if she will help this time.

That's Ravenclaw, the smartest witch in history, one of the founders of Hogwarts, and she has received countless honors... Thinking of this, Voldemort and the Death Eaters suddenly seemed not so scary.

"Oh, no, we can't pin our hopes on wizards from thousands of years ago." Professor Flitwick shook his head and quickened his pace.

Soon, only Kell and Professor McGonagall were left around.

"I still need to confirm it." Professor McGonagall said, "Will the mysterious man really come to Hogwarts with his injured body because of a Horcrux?"

"One may not, but what if there are many." Kell said, "We don't have just one crown here, he will definitely come."


"I don't know." Kell said, "It depends on when he finds out that his Horcruxes are gone. I left him a clue, and he should be able to realize it."



At the same time, in a room at No. 12 Grimmauld Place, Harry suddenly woke up from his sleep, sweat soaked his pajamas, and even his hair became wet.

But he didn't care about these. As soon as he sat up, he couldn't help but cover the scar on his forehead with his hand.


The door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

Sirius walked in anxiously from the outside, "I just heard your scream, what happened!"

He held the wand and looked around vigilantly. Even though he knew it was safe enough, he didn't dare to take it lightly.

"No, nothing, just... I just dreamed of Voldemort."

"What did you say?"

"I dreamed of Voldemort." Harry rubbed the burning scar on his forehead, feeling like a knife was inserted there.

He hasn't felt this way for a long time since he learned the brain block technique.

"What did you dream about..." Sirius asked, frowning.

"No, he was very angry." Harry covered his forehead and tried to recall the scene in his dream.

He saw Voldemort leave Knockturn Alley, go to Gringotts, and kill many goblins there.

Then the picture seemed to flash, and Voldemort appeared in a cliff cave again, sitting in a gloomy and terrifying boat, quickly skimming on the dark lake...

Then he was awakened.

"Listen to me, Harry." Sirius put his hand on his shoulder, "No matter what he wants to do, it doesn't matter."

Harry was stunned for a moment, "Why do you say that."

"Because we received news that he is likely to attack Hogwarts." Sirius said quickly.

"Not good, Hermione and Ron are still in school."

"So we have to rush over immediately." Sirius said, "Hurry up, Remus is waiting, we will set off now."

"Okay!" Harry said immediately.

He rolled over and got out of bed. Before he could stand, a burst of anger with severe pain rushed to Harry's head, and his head seemed to be splitting.

In an instant, he looked down and saw a pale and withered hand. It was Voldemort's hand. He was holding an opened locket with a note inside.

Harry tried hard to see the handwriting on the note, but he couldn't. It seemed that the burning scar kept distracting his attention. He could only barely see that there seemed to be three letters on the note.


"Harry, Harry...are you okay?" A voice said. Harry came back to his senses and found himself sitting on the ground, with Sirius pulling his arm.

"You scared me just now. Did you see him again?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded and asked subconsciously: "Sirius, do you know what R.A.B. means?"

"R.A.B?" Sirius shook his head, "It sounds like an abbreviation of a name. In fact, my brother Regulus's abbreviation is this, but you shouldn't know him, right?"

"No." Harry thought about it and found that he really didn't know the name Regulus.

"What did you see just now?"

"A cliff cave, Voldemort is inside, and he is holding a locket with this written inside."

Harry didn't notice that when he talked about the cliff cave and the locket, Sirius trembled all over, and his eyes were also covered with a layer of mist.

"Can you... tell me more about it?" He asked cautiously, "What does that cliff cave look like..."

"It's very dark." Although he didn't understand why his godfather was interested in that cliff cave, Harry still told the truth: "There is also a dark lake with a stone basin in the middle of the lake. Voldemort got the locket from there."

"Haha, hahaha!"

Sirius suddenly laughed loudly, scaring Harry.

And his laughter became louder and louder, even attracting Lupin outside.

"Sirius, what's wrong with you?"

Sirius didn't answer him, but looked at Harry, "What was Voldemort's reaction? I mean, after he saw the locket."

"Very angry." Harry said, "I saw him destroy the entire cliff cave, and the fallen rubble filled the dark lake."

"Wait, you just said you saw..." Lupin stared at Harry, "You peeped into the mind of the mysterious man again, right? Dumbledore should have told you that this is a very dangerous thing. You may only see what he wants you to see."

"I know, but I think it's true this time." Harry said, pointing to his forehead, "My scar will only hurt when Voldemort is really angry. I felt like I was about to split just now."

"Hahaha, great, haha!" Sirius's laughter interrupted the two people's conversation.


Harry's mouth twitched.

What do you mean, is it a good thing that he is about to split? It can make Sirius so happy.

And while laughing, he was muttering:

"Regulus, you succeeded. He saw what you left behind and was furious. That's your goal, right?"

Sirius of course knew about the cliff cave. A few years ago, he brought Regulus back from there with the help of Dumbledore and Kyle.

He also knew that the Horcrux stored in the cliff cave was fake. The real one had been replaced by Regulus a long time ago and should be in Kyle's hands now.

And from what Harry said, Regulus also left a note in the fake to taunt Voldemort.

It's really him. Voldemort must have a wonderful expression after seeing the note.

"Lupin, what's wrong with Sirius?" Harry asked in a low voice.

He felt that his godfather suddenly became a little neurotic. Could it be that there was something special about the cliff cave?

"I don't know." Lupin shook his head.

Regulus's matter was a small secret. In order not to expose the fact that Voldemort's Horcrux was destroyed in advance and let him know, Sirius had been holding back from revealing the truth.

He didn't even tell Lupin and Harry.

But now it seemed unnecessary.

Sirius waved his wand vigorously, his expression was happy, as if he had wanted to do this for a long time.

There was a click outside, as if something fell.

Harry and Lupin hurried out and found a portrait in the hall, right next to Phineas, even bigger than the headmaster's portrait.

The portrait showed a young man who looked a bit like Sirius, but with a more serious or gloomy expression.

Harry could tell at a glance that he was a Slytherin, because most Slytherins had this expression.

"Sirius, who is he..."

"Regulus Black." Sirius said, "The R.A.B you saw is actually the abbreviation of Regulus Black, and he is also the one who left the note."

"Is it him?" Harry said in surprise.

"Yeah." Sirius wiped his eyes with an indescribable sense of ease, "Let's go to Hogwarts first, and I'll tell you everything later."


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