"Speaking of which, another student has been unconscious for no apparent reason in the past two days."

Baron said with some worry: "It was a second-year student in our college. He was in the corridor when he fainted. There were many people around him at the time, but no one knew what happened."

"Your house? You mean Slytherin?"

Avada was greatly surprised - anyone who could enter Slytherin must be at least a mixed-race person. How could he be listed as a target for elimination?

If this is still a man-made attack, does it mean that the culprit leading the attack is not the diary?

The murderer was not the diary, and the attacker was not a basilisk... Was it the butterfly effect caused by killing Voldemort that triggered other triggers for the attack? For example, a Death Eater infiltrated the school to save Voldemort?

But he had observed it at the opening banquet. None of the professors had been replaced by Polyjuice Potion or controlled by the Imperius Curse? And if it was a student, how could he secretly complete an attack that even Dumbledore had trouble curing multiple times in public without using a basilisk? The paintings, ghosts and protective magic at Hogwarts are not just decorations!


Baron sighed and said: "At first, the school thought it might be some kind of infectious disease, so they organized a physical examination, but no problems were found at all."

"Also, everyone originally thought that you were the first person to be attacked, and they were hoping to get other clues when they heard that you were awake. But after Dumbledore personally explained that you were an accident, everyone had no idea. No clue."

"Is that so..."

Avada scratched her hair: "Then were there any abnormalities left at the attack site?"


Cedric shook his head and said: "It's just a sudden coma without any warning - when Gabriel was patrolling with other prefects, a student fainted in front of them, but they didn't look for it at the scene. Anything goes wrong.”

"Yes, Percy was also there at the time, and he specifically reminded us to pay attention to our safety." Ron nodded in agreement.


‘Is it really just some kind of accident and not a man-made attack? ’

"Things sound very troublesome... Then there is nothing wrong with everyone around us, right? How are Fred and George? They like to run around alone..." Avada asked again.

"very good."

Ron rolled his eyes: "Percy wanted to scare them with this matter, but it seemed to have the opposite effect - they seemed to be interested in this matter and wanted to find out the truth themselves... Even Dumbledore There is nothing that can be done about it, how dare they think that they can have a hand in it?"

"It's quite their style."

"Who says it isn't?"

——Avada nodded secretly: It seems that the twins are going to break their oath and use the Marauder's Map in their hands to do good things.

With such a powerful magic item hidden in the dark, coupled with the twins' ability to survive, if it was really a man-made attack, the murderer would not be able to hide for long.

"What about Ginny? She is entering Hogwarts in the first year, right? This happened to her right away..."

"She's better...she doesn't pay much attention to these things."

Ron replied somewhat helplessly: "Perhaps the Hogwarts we described to her before was so wonderful that she thought the current situation was normal. According to her own words——"

He raised his voice and imitated Ginny's tone and said: "Oh, since Hogwarts has stairs that can make people clear their feet, vines that can tie people up, willows that can hit people, and also can throw people down. A half-dead Quidditch player, so isn’t it normal to have something that can make people faint? Coming to Hogwarts Castle to go to school is a great adventure, but how can an adventure always be calm, right?"

"I was stunned when I heard these words. I couldn't figure out the problem with this sentence for a long time..."

"...In the end, I explained to Ginny for a long time before she understood the difference between controllable risks and uncontrollable risks, and gave up the idea of ​​running out to play detective games with Fred and George in the middle of the night."

Hermione covered her head and explained weakly.

"You are a hero." Ron patted her shoulder.

"...How is Ginny doing now?"

"This is a question you should ask Harry..."

Harry blushed and turned his head away. Ron couldn't help laughing, and even the corners of Balon's mouth were slightly raised: "She has been pestering Harry. Harry has been her child since she was a child. Idol - I heard that she also teamed up with a new student named Colin Creevey to set up a Harry Potter fan club..."

"He's much more popular than us now," Baron joked with a smile.


Harry's face was so red that it almost caught up with Ron's hair: "I have explained to them that you are the main force in defeating Voldemort. I was just tied up for a while and I somehow got the credit..."

"Don't belittle yourself." Avada smiled at Harry: "Don't forget, after all, you have defeated Voldemort once. And we were able to completely seal him because of your blessing that time. More Besides, we took advantage of you that time..."

While comforting Harry, he thought quickly in his mind:

‘Well, it seems that this matter has nothing to do with Ginny. ’

'Judging from the description alone, it is true that there are no traces of man-made attacks for the time being, but the whole incident is a bit too weird - inexplicably, a group of prefects can't find a trace of him passing out in public... What could do this? Evil bird? Mandrake? Or even drugging food? ’

'In addition to this incident, the whereabouts of the Chamber of Secrets, the Basilisk and the Horcrux Diary are also worrying... Although Dumbledore and the twins' Marauder's Map help, we still have to remain vigilant...'

‘After all, it was me who caused the trouble by changing the plot, and I have to bear some responsibility. ’

‘Since you can’t predict the enemy’s opportunity, just adapt to circumstances! ’

"Well, maybe Ginny is right. This is just a daily accident in Hogwarts. It is of the same nature as the troll and Voldemort last year... I hope those comatose classmates can get well soon."

"Yes, for ordinary students, being in a coma for a week or two means falling behind a lot in homework. That's what you are like..."

Baron was about to express something, but was suddenly interrupted by the sound of messy footsteps coming from outside the door, mixed with anxious conversations:

"Have the results from Professor Snape come out?"

"When it came out, it was exactly the same as before. It was still a coma caused by a sudden mental disorder."

"God, what on earth is going on..."

"Okay, children, please stay calm... I promise you that the professors and I will find out the truth as quickly as possible, and Madam Pomfrey will also take good care of them..."

"Is that Professor Dumbledore's voice?!"

Several people in the ward looked at each other, and everyone's expressions suddenly became serious. The relaxed atmosphere just now disappeared in an instant.

"Listening to the conversation, it seems that someone is unconscious again? But this time it seems more serious?" Baron's eyebrows knitted together fiercely.

"It seems there are other students here, let's go out and have a look!" Harry said.

"Agreed." Avada opened the quilt, put on her slippers, and stood up shakily.

"Wait a minute, Ken, Madam Pomfrey said you can't be discharged from the hospital yet..."

"I'm just leaving the ward for a while, and I'm not discharged from the hospital. How can I not go to the toilet normally..."

Finally, several people pushed open the door to the ward and looked out. They immediately saw a group of students anxiously surrounding Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey. And in front of them, there was a whole row of stretchers floating...

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