Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 109 Escalation of the situation

In front of them, five stretchers were floating neatly, and on each stretcher lay an unconscious student. Several people were shocked and quickly looked at the students carefully...


After seeing the face of the tallest and most conspicuous man lying on the stretcher, Balon, Harry and Cedric exclaimed at the same time - that man was the captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team. Marcus Flint!

"Wait, it's not just that..."

Balon's voice was trembling: "These five unconscious people are all from Slytherin!"


Even the Gryffindors, who had always been at odds with Slytherin, took a step back in shock after hearing these words, and then they noticed the students surrounding Dumbledore and Madam Pomfrey. Almost all wore green lined robes.

"Baron? Are you there too?"

Someone in the Slytherin team recognized Balon and greeted him with a gloomy expression.

"what is going on?"

Baron ran forward and asked anxiously.

"Ah, Mr. Shafiq."

Before the Slytherin student could answer, Dumbledore turned to Baron with an extremely heavy expression: "As you can see, the coma incident happened again, and there were five people at once."

"According to the description of the oil paintings, the five of them had just come out of the library and planned to go to an empty classroom to practice magic. Then when they walked to a corridor, first one of them suddenly lost consciousness, and then the others Four people also fell one after another, and they were not discovered until other students passed by. Before that, except for the five of them, there was no trace of anyone else in the corridor."


Balon's eyes almost burst out with fire.

"Although we can't draw a direct conclusion yet, we are pretty close."

Dumbledore nodded slightly, acknowledging Balon's words: "If the three previous students can be explained by accidents or coincidences, then this time five consecutive senior students were brought down at almost the same time. It was artificial. The possibility is quite high.”

"I will issue a warning notice to the entire school this afternoon, requiring students to implement a strict curfew, move in groups, and ask professors to step up patrols. I hope no one will be attacked again..."

Everyone was silent and could only nodded slightly.

"But it's not without good news."

Dumbledore sighed: "Professors Snape and Professor Sprout have been working hard to research the treatment method, and it is almost at the stage of producing results. According to them, it will be developed in a week at most. Here comes the potion to revive the students."

"Not only will the comatose students be revived by then, but the students who have just comatose will also be treated as soon as possible. And we can also ask them about their feelings before coma to get further clues... Okay, everyone, please go back first. , don’t disturb other patients’ rest.”

Under Dumbledore's gentle but firm drive, the gathered people gradually dispersed in twos and threes, but one person still couldn't help but come to the door of the ward where Avada was.

"Sorry to bother you, are you willing?"

"It's me. What's the problem?"

Avada was interrupted from her thoughts and looked up at the strange Slytherin with some confusion.

"I remember you were the first person to fall into a coma, but the professors all said that the reason for your coma was different from others... Is it true? Do you really have no other clues?"

"...I'm sorry, my coma was a complete accident, and I can't provide any valid information."

Avada shook his head regretfully - the person who came to inquire was probably a friend of a comatose person. After Avada answered, his expression suddenly became extremely disappointed.

"All right."

He said, "Sorry to bother you...goodbye."

"See you."

Avada turned back, watching the five stretchers being carried by Madam Pomfrey and gradually disappearing from sight, and rubbed her temples with a headache.

As Dumbledore said before, those students were indeed in a coma due to severe mental disorder. Other than that, there was nothing abnormal about their bodies. Moreover, the mental damage was not great, it was just a deep coma, without amnesia, insanity, or other characteristics of a mental attack... Rather than being attacked, it was more like not wearing any clothes when repotting the mandrake. A brash student with good earmuffs.

But this does not explain why the students fell into coma one after another, and this time five of them fell unconscious at once.

After those people dispersed, several people in Avada's ward looked at each other in silence, and everyone's expressions seemed to be dripping with water.

"Try to do as the professor tells you."

Cedric sighed heavily.

"I also have to remind Ginny that she must not go out and run around in the middle of the night." Ron also muttered worriedly.

"In just over a week, eight students have been unconscious, and this time there are five at once... But if it is really an attack, what kind of attack can make five senior students defenseless? Fainted by the power of power? I don't know about others, but at least Marcus's Defense Against the Dark Arts scores are quite good. When he met unreliable professors, he always made up for the Slytherin students!" Baron said. Hair, extremely distressed.

"Who knows... But in this case, at least six of the eight unconscious people are Slytherins, right? What about the remaining two? Could someone be targeting Slytherins?" Avada suddenly asked road.

"No, one of those two is a fourth-year Gryffindor, and the other is a second-year Ravenclaw. There is no Hufflepuff yet." Xia Bi answered for him.

"It sounds like they committed crimes indiscriminately... So do those unconscious people have anything in common?"

"No. The students have reviewed it countless times in private. They have compared the college, gender, grades, ancestry, origin, people they know, places they have visited recently... they have all been compared, but they still haven't found anything."

"I suddenly began to feel that Professor Trelawney was reliable. What is going on..."

"Don't think too much. In this weird situation, I'm afraid all we can do is try our best to protect our own safety and not increase the burden on the professors."

Hermione sighed: "And didn't Professor Dumbledore say that the recovery potion will be developed in another week? Although Snape is not good to students, so many Slytherins have had trouble this time. He can't just ignore it, right? What's more, Professor Sprout is here..."

"You're right, Hermione."

Harry nodded and stood up first: "I have to go back first, Ken. I have to tell others about this quickly and remind them to pay attention to their safety."

"Yes, this kind of thing must be said as soon as possible."

Cedric and Balon also stood up, and then everyone stood up one after another: "Be safe too, Ken. I also wish you a speedy recovery."

"thanks, I will……"

Avada rubbed his temples with a headache. After watching his friends leave, he fell into a long silence as he looked at the empty ward.

"What the hell happened?"

I have changed some content due to typos and other reasons, which resulted in some comments being swallowed. Sorry.

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