Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 112 Super powers solve crimes?

Following the sound of heavy footsteps, Avada saw a man as tall as a wall, with eyebrows bigger than his eyes, turning out from the depths of the corridor, with a trace of unconcealable anger in his eyebrows. He strode through the corridor and went downstairs. When he passed by Avada, the gust of wind could almost blow his hair.

‘Parkinson… is one of the twenty-eight sacred tribes, right? So he's supposed to be one of the twelve school governors, and also Pansy Parkinson's father? ’ Avada thought to herself.


An old voice suddenly reached his ears, startling him: "Professor Dumbledore?"

"Your hiding skills still need to be improved."

Dumbledore's voice seemed to reach directly into his ears across the dozens of meters long corridor, and only he could hear it. It did not disturb Mr. Parkinson at all, who had not gone far and could still hear footsteps: "If you are curious, If so, come here."

‘Transmit the message into the secret? ’

Avada thought with some surprise as she lifted the disillusionment spell and walked toward the principal's office honestly. As soon as he turned the corner, he saw the more familiar figure in front of the familiar stone beast. Dumbledore's expression remained very calm, as if the stormy rebuke before had not affected his mood at all.

"You got up really early, Mr. Ken. Madam Pomfrey might be unhappy if she heard about it." Dumbledore smiled at Avada.


Avada coughed awkwardly, and seeing that Dumbledore didn't seem to want to ask why she came here so early in the morning, she asked: "Professor, who was that person just now?"

——But Dumbledore must have known about the Room of Requirement, and it would not be a big problem even if he told him.

"That was Mr. Robert Parkinson."

Dumbledore explained: "He is also one of the twelve members of the Hogwarts School Board. Just last night, his daughter, Miss Pansy Parkinson, a second-year student in Slytherin, also acted like the previous ones. The student also fell into a coma, so he came to see me early this morning. And he also planned to transfer Miss Parkinson to St. Mungo's for treatment, and I also hope that the therapists there can give a better plan."

"Then the investigation team he just mentioned..." Avada asked tentatively.

"It never hurts to have more people come to investigate."

Dumbledore's tone was quite calm: "But don't worry, they won't disturb your normal life and have no impact on you guys. They are mainly here to target me...According to what he meant, they didn't seem to be involved during the investigation team's operation. There is no plan for me to perform the normal functions of the principal."

"Sorry, Professor."

Avada hung her head with some guilt: "It seems that my prediction was wrong and I didn't help you..."

"Time is inherently mysterious, and the future is even more unpredictable. Even the greatest prophet cannot guarantee that his predictions will be correct."

Dumbledore smiled and comforted: "And you at least foresaw that there would be danger this year. You asked me to prepare some more oil paintings in advance, so that they can play a greater role in the investigation."

"By the way, Professor, speaking of time..."

Avada suddenly felt a flash of inspiration in her mind, and said with a sudden thought: "When I was reading the book you gave me during the vacation, I saw a device called a 'time converter' mentioned in it, which can Let the user go back in time, right?”

——He did not make this up. The alchemy notes left by Nicoléme did indeed mention the time converter, and even directly listed the detailed principles and general production process. The only difference between it and the drawings is the specific parameters. . Of course, Avada couldn't understand any of it now.

"That's right."

Dumbledore nodded: "In fact, if you choose all the subjects in the elective courses this year, you will have the opportunity to get a time turner like that to ensure your study. However, its use is extremely limited. There are countless detailed clauses... Mr. Ken, do you want to say that we can use a time turner to go back to the time of the crime to personally observe the victim's condition, or even directly find the possible murderer?"

"That's exactly what I meant."

“Great idea.”

Dumbledore became visibly happy: "Thank you for bringing me such a wonderful proposal, Mr. Ken... But I still have to remind you that time is one of the least known and most mysterious areas in the wizarding world. If you try to make use of your time, you must always be cautious and remember the rules. Those are the experiences that our predecessors gained at a painful price.”

"For example, the time turner cannot go back more than five hours, otherwise it will easily fall into chaos. So it is probably too late to apply for a time turner now to investigate Miss Parkinson's matter. The Ministry of Magic has no objections to time turners. The control is extremely strict. If you want to apply, you have to go through the process for several days..."

"Is there anyone else in the school with a time-turner right now, Professor?"

"Unfortunately, there just aren't any."

Dumbledore shook his head gently, but the expression on his face did not seem to be related to the word "regret" at all: "The last user of the time turner was Percy Weasley, but he has completed ten The second owls exam is now in the sixth year, and the time turner has naturally been returned to the Ministry of Magic."

"And there is almost no precedent for using time turners to investigate crimes. After all, the wizarding society has too many convenient ways to obtain the truth, and time turners are too dangerous... but it just suits the current situation in Hogwarts. Maybe next time , or the next time a coma occurs, we can use this method to find out the truth."

Dumbledore seemed to be in a great mood at the moment, and even his tone was full of energy: "I have to go back and write to the Ministry of Magic immediately, but before that, I plan to reward Hufflepuff with twenty points. , in order to thank Mr. Ken for his valuable advice.”

"Thank you, Professor."

Seeing that Dumbledore wanted to turn around and go back to the principal's office immediately, Avada knew better and didn't bother him anymore: "Then I'll go back first, professor?"

"Well, remember to get enough rest and don't forget Madam Pomfrey's medical advice."

"Okay, professor, goodbye..."

In fact, Avada was also quite confused about the time turner - when he entered the river of time, what he saw, whether it was history or the future, was almost an exhaustive combination of all possibilities. Even if you confirm your current point in time, you can still converge or diverge into countless timelines, and you can't get any information at all.

‘So, how does the time turner allow the user to accurately return to the past that he has experienced? ’

‘It’s probably the same as how fortune-tellers accurately predict the future… There are still too many things I don’t understand. But it’s better not to enter the river of time again for the time being...'

Avada's heart couldn't stop trembling when she thought of that magnificent light group that could not be described in words. He didn't want to face that thing again.

What's more, he doesn't have the ability to find the river of time on his own. He must be guided by Professor Trelawney's spiritual power, so he is still far away from becoming a qualified fortune teller.

'But the coma incident should be nothing to worry about. With Dumbledore personally using the time-turner, the twins' Marauder's Map, and the school board's investigation team, there is a good chance that even if I am the murderer, I will be found out...'

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