Two days later in the evening, when Avada returned to the common room from the library while rubbing her temples, she suddenly saw a large group of people gathering around the bulletin board, discussing excitedly around a piece of parchment that had just been nailed up. What.

"what's the situation?"

Avada's first reaction was that Dumbledore finally used the time turner to catch the culprit of the coma incident: "Is the matter completely solved? Or is it that the potion for complete recovery has been completed ahead of schedule?"

"No, but it's pretty good news!"

Cedric was the first to notice Avada, so he squeezed out of the crowd, pointed at the parchment and said: "In order to improve the students' self-protection ability and crisis awareness, the school plans to open a duel club. First party tonight!"

"It's probably due to the recent coma incident. Although it doesn't seem to be of much use, it would be good to learn more skills for dueling." A Hufflepuff who was eating melon said.

Avada curled her lips and stepped forward to read the announcement - as expected, it did not mention which professors were responsible for on-site guidance.

It makes sense to think about it. If the students know that the person who is hosting the Duel Club is Gilderoy Lockhart, a professor whose reputation has become increasingly outrageous, there is a high probability that this event will directly turn into a Lockhart fan meeting. …

"So, go or not?"

Avada hesitated for a moment. Although I can’t learn much from the Duel Club, and my injuries don’t support intense fighting yet—but having fun seems to help keep me in a good mood?

Moreover, the Duel Club can be regarded as a substitute for the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Especially after Lockhart turned the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom into his stage, this substitution became even more important. Although the knowledge in defense class was a bit simple for Avada, it was still fun to pick up a wand and fight with classmates. Everyone in the third grade also has a sense of propriety and does not have to worry about injuries in the fierce battle.

Not to mention the scene where Harry showed Parseltongue for the first time - now there is no talk of the Slytherin heir causing trouble. I wonder what other people will think of this?

So, at eight o'clock in the evening, Avada followed the flow of people and arrived at the auditorium on time.

The four long dining tables had disappeared, replaced by a gilded stage lit by hundreds of candles floating above. The ceiling once again became as dark as velvet, and the stars that were still bright dimmed under the candlelight.

At least half of the students in the school came, and they were crowded together. Everyone took out their own wands, their faces full of anticipation and excitement, until...

"Everyone, come around, come around! Can everyone see me? Can everyone hear me? Great!"

A nightmare-like sound suddenly rang out, immediately triggering a large cheer and a few wailings mixed in-

"I knew it was him! An activity like the Duel Club, which is closely related to Defense Against the Dark Arts, is of course hosted by the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!"

"...Is it too late to leave now?"

"Unless you want to quarrel with your girlfriend...why do so many people still admire him now??"

Gilderoy Lockhart walked onto the stage radiantly, dazzling in his purple robes, and the person next to him was even more surprising - Severus Snape, still wearing his usual bat-like suit black robe.

Lockhart waved everyone to be quiet, and then shouted loudly: "That's it, Professor Dumbledore allows me to open this small dueling club to fully train everyone to properly relieve everyone's stress in the current tense atmosphere. And learn some techniques that may be useful in the future. You will protect yourself in the same way that I have used countless times - for details on this, please see my published works..."

"Then let me introduce my assistant today, Professor Snape."

Lockhart said, grinning with an eight-tooth smile: "He told me that in order to show the diversity of dueling styles, I should consider inviting more professors to participate in teaching. At the same time, he also generously Promise to help me give a small demonstration before class - don't worry, after I finish the demonstration with him, I will return your potions teacher intact to you, don't be afraid!"

"Wouldn't it be great if they fight and both lose?" Avada heard someone whisper.

"And if the club goes well,"

Lockhart said loudly: "Perhaps I can also consider inviting Professor Flitwick, Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout, and even President Dumbledore to come in person to show you more genre techniques and styles... "

‘That’s quite profitable. It’s worth the trip. ’

Avada raised her eyebrows and thought: 'But this guy is really good at building momentum. He knows that he is an idiot, so he invites really powerful professors to use their fame...'

"Then now, Professor Snape and I will demonstrate a standard duel..."

Lockhart and Snape stepped away from each other, turned to face each other, and bowed slightly. And she didn't know if it was an illusion, but Avada actually saw the corners of Snape's mouth raised slightly, revealing a weird smile...

Then, they raised their wands in front of their chests like arrows, and then took their respective postures - Lockhart used the most standard sword-holding posture, while Snape was very different: he would hold The right hand of the wand is raised above the head, the elbow is bent, the tip of the wand is pointed forward, and the free left hand is stretched forward.

Avada's pupils shrank: This is usually a posture used by masters with extremely fierce styles. The forward left hand means that he has the confidence to use wandless magic to block the first wave of attacks, while the rear-mounted wand frees up a lot of room for large-scale swings, thereby releasing powerful magic...

Plus Snape's weird smile...

"As you can see, we hold our wands in the normal dueling posture," Lockhart told the hushed crowd. "On the count of three, we cast our first spell. Of course, none of us can do it. The other person’s life…”

"one two three--"


A dazzling red light shot out from the wand held high above Snape's head, hitting Lockhart almost instantly. The latter had no reaction, and after receiving a solid spell, he shot towards Lockhart. Then he flew off the stage, hit the wall with his body, and then slowly slid down...

With Professor Snape's strength, he could have sent Lockhart away with a flash of red light with a flick of his wand. But not only did he put on a serious posture, but he also recited the incantation loudly and clearly... He was so gentle.

"with no doubt."

Under the stands, many students nodded in unison - although Snape's reputation was not very good, his strength was real. This was evident from the fact that during class, he could easily solve problems caused by students with a wave of his wand or even a snap of his fingers. This is evident from the accident. And Lockhart...

It can only be said that after this month, anyone with a slightly thinner idol filter can see what level this guy is.

"Have you seen this?" Lockhart slowly climbed up and re-entered the stage, but his expression was quite happy, as if he had knocked Snape away with a disarming spell: "Professor Snape just showed A standard disarming spell - a great spell, Severus. But don't mind if I say this. Your intention to do something like this was so obvious that it would be easy for me to stop or even bring you down. of……"

"Then I don't mind showing the students a complete duel process."

Snape sneered and said calmly, but the murderous look in his eyes betrayed his thoughts.

"Well, I think we have shown enough, now it's time to leave the stage to the students..."

Lockhart involuntarily took a step back, only to find that Snape was still holding the wand motionless, with no intention of giving up. This made him panic a little: "Ah, that's right! I mean... maybe our It’s too early for students to set their standards, and it will make them aim too high!”

"I think we should find a group of outstanding students to show everyone a duel that is both exciting and easy to understand. Don't you think so, Severus..."

"Mr. Ken! Mr. Shafiq! Can you please stand on the stage?"


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