"The basilisk..."

Avada felt her vision go dark and almost collapsed to the ground.

This was an extremely sophisticated attack - first, someone modified Myrtle's memory at the beginning of school and changed the password to open the secret room, making him directly mistakenly believe that the secret room no longer existed; later, through the so-called The evil bird attacked and removed the powerful Dumbledore, and made the chickens in the paintings disappear...

After completing all this, the basilisk was allowed to start acting openly.

Moreover, this time only one person was petrified alone, leaving no words such as "The secret room has been opened". An extremely critical clue was missing out of thin air, which will plunge the teachers and students of the school into an even more serious panic. And your explanation will only be regarded as a baseless guess. No one will completely believe your words until you actually crack the secret room.

Now, the two statues stood quietly in front of Avada, as if they were sending a silent taunt to him: All your actions are meaningless in front of me.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid and messy footsteps broke the silence in the corridor. Avada subconsciously pulled out her wand and looked up, only to see three familiar figures running quickly towards his direction...


Harry was the first to stop and recognized Avada's face with a surprised look on his face, followed naturally by Ron and Hermione. The next moment, they noticed the more familiar figure next to Avada: "Filch?"

"Wait, something doesn't seem right with him..."

"It's no longer a question of what's right or wrong."

Avada was almost startled the moment he spoke. He didn't expect that his voice would become so hoarse: "I found out too late that Filch had been attacked..."


The three of them were startled and took two steps back involuntarily: "What happened?"

"He must have been petrified... By the way, why did you come here?"

"Oh, it's Harry."

Ron glanced at Filch's sculpture with lingering fear, then turned to explain to Avada: "He has been shouting that he heard some strange noises a few days ago. He just had a banquet in the auditorium. Said that he heard that sound again, and then ran out in a hurry, and Hermione and I had to follow..."

"Sound? What did you hear?"

"A cold, murderous voice..."

Harry couldn't help but shiver and said nervously: "But the voice never said a complete sentence, it was just roaring something vaguely, but I could still vaguely hear the words 'hungry' and 'kill' Words like that..."

"But neither Ron nor I heard it," Hermione added.

"……I see."

Avada sighed: "The sound you heard is likely to come from a dangerous monster, which is wandering somewhere in Hogwarts now... Don't chase that sound like you did today." , it’s too dangerous. If you hear this sound again in the future, the most important thing you should do is to run away quickly and run to a crowded place or to the professor."

"There...are monsters in Hogwarts?"

The three of them looked at each other for a long time, and finally Hermione asked hesitantly: "But, what kind of monster can lurk in the castle secretly, and can turn people to stone silently in the air? I've already learned about it. In the entire "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them", I don't remember mentioning such a creature?"

"that is because……"

Avada was about to explain what he knew, then suddenly he was stunned——

There is neither standing water nor reflective objects such as mirrors, and Filch is not wearing glasses...

So, why was he just petrified and not killed directly? !

Moreover, Harry previously described the sound he heard as a "vague roar", which is not the performance of the basilisk in the original book!

Could it be that some unknown changes have happened to the basilisk?

"This... I'm not very clear either."

In the end, he had no choice but to shake his head and said with some helplessness: "I only came to this conclusion after knowing something from Hagrid. If you want to know, you can ask him directly. He will definitely tell me more clearly than me. .”

"Okay, let's not stand here chatting for now, Filch is still petrified..."

A low noise, like distant thunder, signaled to them that the party was over. From the end of the corridor came the sound of hundreds of feet stepping on the stairs, and the cheerful chatter and laughter of people after they had had their fill of tea and food. Avada shook her head and had no intention of further entangled in this aspect: "I have to go find Professor Snape and tell him what happened here. You'd better leave as soon as possible - you shouldn't be involved. Are you involved in this inexplicable thing?"

"Snape? But..."

Harry wanted to say something more, but the footsteps in the distance were getting closer and closer, so he had no choice but to quickly leave the corridor with his two companions: "Then I'll go find Professor McGonagall too!"


Avada nodded, said goodbye to Harry and the others, and quickly left the corridor. After passing through a deserted corridor, she went straight to Dean Slytherin's office on the underground floor - based on his respect for Snape. Understand that that guy would never sit down and have fun with the students until the end of the banquet. He would probably come back to do his own thing halfway through the meal.

"...Professor, are you there?

Not long after Avada knocked on the door, the black wooden door was quickly opened, and the gust of wind caused his hair to shake. Then he saw Snape's gloomy face behind the door.


He frowned and seemed to be in a bad mood: "I thought you should be at the Halloween party at this time."

"That's how it should be, Professor, but... uh, can I go in and talk?"

Snape raised his eyebrows in surprise, but still turned sideways to let him in. Avada walked in and closed the door behind her back. Then she lowered her voice and said with a serious face: "Professor, Mr. Filch was petrified just now, in the corridor on the third floor."

Snape's body trembled suddenly.

"I see."

After being silent for a while, he spoke again: "I will deal with this matter. Thank you for the information, Mr. Ken..."

"Wait, Professor, I haven't finished yet. I suspect that what caused Mr. Filch to become petrified was a snake..."


Snape suddenly became angry: "I said, I will handle this matter, please don't continue to disrupt order..."

Avada frowned and scanned the surroundings with her magic senses - there was no one else in the entire office except him and Snape, and there were no monitoring facilities, and no one outside was listening in the corner...

"Professor, I know you..."

"Stop wasting my time!"

Snape suddenly stood up from his seat and said sternly, and even rolled up his sleeves as if he would beat you if you don't leave. He seemed not to remember that he was a wizard at all: "I have to deal with Mr. Filch's matter. I don’t have time to listen to your ridiculous conjectures now...Leave my office, right now, right now!"

Avada's pupils shrank when she saw him rolling up his sleeves. After receiving the severe reprimand, he said nothing and immediately left the office as he said.


He could clearly see that Snape's arms were wrapped with several thin burn marks - the signs of an unbreakable oath.

He finally knew how Snape gained the trust of the school board.

He also finally understood why Dumbledore said that Snape could only be trusted at a "critical moment".

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