Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 124 The four major colleges gather

"Ken, I'm coming."

Two days had passed since the Halloween party. Avada was sitting in the corner of an empty classroom with her chin propped up, her eyes slightly closed in the morning light, her brows furrowed, wondering what she was thinking about.

After a while, the originally closed wooden door was pushed open with an aging creak of the door shaft. Baron, who had the same serious look on his face, walked in and was stunned for a moment. After looking around twice, he discovered Ah Hidden in the corner. Vada raised his hand and said hello.

"Harry and the others haven't come yet?"

"Not yet. He is young and sleeps more."

"I see. I didn't expect that the difference in sleep quality between the age of twelve and thirteen was so big." Baron nodded solemnly, finally relaxing the almost solid air. Then he also found a seat by the window, pulled out a chair and sat down, leaning against the wall and staring straight at the door that might be opened at any time.

"Ken, Baron."

After a few more minutes, the wooden door opened again, and this time it was Cedric and Qiu who came in: "Harry isn't here yet?"

"Young people think it's too much."


Cedric nodded: "I really envy their energy. I think when I was in second grade, I could sleep without any worries, unlike now where my mind is all about next year's OLS exam..."


Qiu felt that something was wrong, but she just couldn't express it.

"Speaking of which, why did you suddenly call us here today? Yesterday, you mysteriously used a spiritual link to send a message?"

Cedric and Qiu sat down at the same table, feeling that Harry still had a while, so they started chatting in advance.

"I have something to ask of you."

Avada's face became serious again: "Let's talk about it after everyone is here. It's very complicated to explain, and it might be a little scary... But don't worry, what I'm entrusting you with is not dangerous, otherwise I wouldn't I will just call you here."

"To be honest, I don't want to involve you either, but I'm already a little powerless, but this matter is too important and concerns the safety of all students in Hogwarts..."


Everyone in the classroom was shocked, and Baron was the first to react: "Are you planning to investigate the recent petrification of students by yourself?"

That's right, since Filch and Mrs. Norris were found petrified in the corridor on the day of the Halloween party, students were petrified by an invisible force every day in the next two days, and the number of victims has now reached four. At first, people thought it was some kind of prank. It wasn't until Professor McGonagall personally confirmed that she couldn't undo the magic that panic gradually spread.

As the principal, Snape never showed up again except for a visit to the scene on the day Filch was attacked, nor did he take any practical action - reminding students not to go out at night and to travel in groups as much as possible does not count. if.

"Actually, there is no need to investigate anymore..."

Avada gave a wry smile, and was about to persuade the three of them to stop talking, when the door suddenly creaked open again——

"Ken, Balon, Cedric and Cho? You guys came so early."

"Sorry for keeping you waiting..."

"Ken, what happened? Is it something to do with that voice?"

This time the three people who came in were Harry, Hermione and Ron.

"Very good, everyone is here now."

Avada then stood up and walked from the corner to the middle of the classroom. He took out his wand and cast a soundproofing spell on each of the doors and windows in the classroom: "Fortunately, I have pretty good connections, so I was able to use it from all four sides." We have to recruit people from every college, otherwise this matter would be really difficult to handle..."

He put away his wand, cleared his throat subconsciously, then looked around at the faces looking at him, and his voice suddenly dropped: "Everyone, I may know the root cause of the recent petrification incident."

"What? You know..."

"Hear me out."

Avada made a downward gesture in time to keep Harry and Ron quiet, and then continued: "If my prediction is correct, the culprit of the recent petrification incident should be a basilisk."

"It is an ultra-high-risk magical animal with a danger level of

"The second thing is its eyes. Anyone who looks at it will die directly. But if there is some medium when looking at it, such as a piece of glass, or if you see its eyes through the reflection of a mirror or water surface, You can avoid death, but you will still be attacked - and the symptoms of being attacked are the petrification that now appears on the students and Filch."


Hermione frowned and raised her hands and asked: "If it was a fifty-foot snake, how could it not be discovered by anyone? Oh my God, fifty feet. It's scary to think about it. That's almost possible. It fills up a corridor..."

"It wandered into that abandoned pipe."

When talking about this, Avada couldn't help but feel itchy with hatred: "Yes, it is the abandoned pipeline that was previously said to have been invaded by the evil bird and was specially 'processed' by the investigation team. That was actually specially used for snakes. The cover provided by the monster will ensure that no one will be suspected again..."

"You mean, it was the school board that planned the attack?! And not just this time, they were also responsible for the previous coma incident?!" Cedric exclaimed, and the others also looked horrified, not expecting that Avada was actually able to break out such violent news.

"The coma incident is almost certainly the work of someone from the school board, but I'm not sure yet about the basilisk. It could be someone from the school board, or it could be a more mysterious being who takes advantage of the school board. …”

"How are you sure?"

Qiu asked with a worried look: "It's not that I want to doubt you, Ken, but the facts you said are a bit shocking, and it is indeed a bit... uh, no beginning or end?"

"There are many kinds of magic that can turn people to stone. What convinced you that the culprit was a basilisk?"

"Two sources, one is Harry and the other is the ghost 'Moaning Myrtle'."


Harry pointed at himself blankly.

Avada temporarily ignored Harry's doubts and continued: "Myrtle was a student who died in Hogwarts more than fifty years ago. This incident directly led to Hagrid's expulsion. ...And the cause of her death was that she saw a pair of huge eyes just before she died."

"And her memory about this matter was also modified, so when Harry and I went to investigate together, we didn't get the truth. It was only after I spent a lot of effort to figure it out."

"As for Harry...well, even he doesn't seem to know about it. Harry, you are a Parselmouth. Those cold sounds you heard before were made by the Basilisk."



Hermione, Balon, Cedric and Qiu were all shocked, while Ron almost fell off his chair: "Can you talk to snakes?"

"That's true. Is the gift of talking to snakes parseltongue? I thought that was quite common..."

"That's not common, Harry."

Hermione lowered her voice and explained: "There are very few wizards who can talk to snakes, and the most famous one is even Salazar Slytherin himself..."

"That's right."

Avada nodded: "Harry once heard a strange voice just before Filch was petrified, and followed that voice directly to the scene of Filch's attack."

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