Late at night, Head of Slytherin's office.

The fire in the fireplace was burning brightly, bringing a little light and warmth to this dark and damp room, as well as a little comfort in the gloomy atmosphere.

But in complete contrast to this feeling of comfort, Severus Snape was currently sitting in a gorgeous leather armchair by the fireplace, but he did not feel relaxed at all. He leaned forward and looked nervously at the fireplace, worrying that he would fall into the fire in the next second...


Suddenly, the flames in the fireplace shot up without warning, and the sudden burst of fire made Snape squint his eyes. And when he reopened his eyes and regained his vision, he found that a blurry face actually appeared in the firelight of the fireplace, staring at him without saying a word, as if waiting for him to speak first.

"Some students are already aware of the basilisk."

Snape's tone was tight, and he was like a rotten tree that could talk: "And the news is still spreading rapidly. I think it won't be long before the sound of the cock crows will resound in every corridor. , no different from when the chickens in the oil painting were still there.”

"Thank you for the information, Severus."

The voice of the illusory face was low: "Can you confirm whether the news about the basilisk was secretly released by Dumbledore or his supporters?"

"No trace of Dumbledore was found. According to the information I received, he should be vacationing in France in despair."

Snape shook his head: "As for the other professors, I doubt they know the existence of the basilisk at all. When Dumbledore insisted on adding those chickens to the oil painting, many professors complained to him... Are you really sure? Dumbledore knew about the existence of the basilisk from the beginning? How did he do it?"

"To be honest, we can't completely confirm this."

The illusory face seemed to shake his head: "After all, except for those strange chickens, he did not take any other measures to target the basilisk. And with the crazy character of the old madman, it seems that he did such a thing for no reason. Not surprisingly……"

"However, according to the 'master', Dumbledore must have confirmed the existence of the basilisk, and the reason why it is so smooth now is because of the previous coma incident that confused the public."

"The master's wisdom is truly unfathomable." Snape couldn't help but have a hint of awe in his voice.

"That's natural."

There was a hint of smile in the voice of the illusory face: "Only the master can still play with Dumbledore in the palm of his hand even when he has lost his power... Of course, this also requires the help of his loyal servants. , you say so, Severus?"

"It's my pleasure."

Snape's eyes dropped.

"Ha... let's get back to the topic, Severus. Is there anything else you want to report about the news about the basilisk being spread?"


Snape's eyes became serious: "Our plan encountered a serious accident - the ironclad evidence of the existence of the basilisk was preserved, that is, the ghost who was killed by the basilisk. She had seen it with her own eyes before she died. After reaching the eyes of the basilisk, her testimony also greatly increased the credibility of the existence of the basilisk, and even many professors began to pay attention to this rumor."

"...I will convey this to the master."

The illusory face was silent for a moment and then spoke again: "However, I also heard from my daughter that there is a 'Parseltongue' in the school who can directly detect the existence of the basilisk. Is this also an important reason for the basilisk's exposure?"

"You mean Harry Potter? I think that's nonsense."

Snape sneered disdainfully: "That boy is just like his father, arrogant and pushy. He probably heard the word 'Parseltongue' from somewhere, and then he started to spread it everywhere with self-righteousness. Right...does he deserve to have the same talent as his master?"

"That's right. How could the talent contained in Slytherin's blood appear elsewhere so easily?"

The illusory face nodded: "As for the news about the basilisk, you don't need to pay attention to it. Just continue to act according to the original plan."

"Continue to follow the original plan?"

Snape frowned: "Do you know what it means to a basilisk to be filled with the sound of chickens croaking all over the corridor? Do you want me to die from the backlash of my oath?"

"No, no, no, Severus, trust the master..."

The illusory face whispered mysteriously: "The master has long anticipated all situations that may threaten the progress of the plan, and has naturally been prepared for it... I still remember that after the investigation team solved the 'Evil Birds', Were those old pipes specially inspected and completely sealed?"

"At that time, a servant, under the command of the master, found the basilisk in the water pipe and made certain safety treatments for it, focusing on its eyes and ears - the basilisk's hearing organs had been Special magic has been cast to help it filter out the crow of the rooster."

"Of course, he also took your advice into consideration when dealing with it and added a transparent shield to the basilisk's eyes. This can not only prevent the basilisk's eyes from being targeted by spells such as the Eye Disease Curse, but also allow it to It won’t kill people directly, so it will reduce your pressure..."


Snape was silent for a long time before sighing from the bottom of his heart: "Master is wise."

"In this way, it won't take long for those students to find that the crow of the cock cannot stop the so-called basilisk, and then they will begin to doubt the authenticity of the news. Then you, the principal, will release the news, and the plan will be Half done... By the way, can you enter the principal's office now?"

"Not yet."

Snape shook his head: "Even if I know the password, the Headmaster's Office refuses me entry... The will of Hogwarts Castle does not recognize me."

"The will of the castle, huh..."

The illusory face sneered: "It doesn't matter, as long as you continue to stay in the position of principal. In front of the magical society, the will of the school board is countless times more effective than the so-called will of the castle."

"I know. But I'm still a little worried about Dumbledore. I don't believe he would really leave everything behind and go on vacation..."

"This is not something you should consider. Now you just need to cooperate with the master's actions at Hogwarts."

The illusory face said: "Dumbledore's whereabouts are temporarily difficult to trace, but as long as we protect that person, then no matter how hard he runs and breaks his legs, it will be in vain..."

“Who is ‘that person’?”

Snape frowned, and there seemed to be some suppressed anger in his brows: "Don't think that I don't know your little thoughts, Parkinson, this is the countless times you have mentioned the so-called 'that person' in front of me. Are you so happy to test me? Isn’t the Unbreakable Vow enough to prove my loyalty?!"

"Either tell me who he is, or don't bring it up in front of me and make me miserable!"

"Oh, be patient, Severus..."

The shadow of Robert Parkinson seemed to soften a bit: "No one will doubt your loyalty. But the identity of that person is strictly kept secret by the master. Even I and several other school directors only know his name. But we can't contact him, and we don't know where he is... Let's put it this way, he is the biggest contributor to the master's comeback. Our plan can reach this point, in addition to the master's wisdom, it is almost all Relying on the information he provided..."

"Okay, I think this is enough to satisfy you, Severus. Continue to complete your mission, and we will eventually welcome the glory of the master to come again..."

Parkinson's voice became increasingly ethereal, like a dimming flame in a fireplace. In the end, even the last trace of firelight disappeared in the underground office. Only the faint moonlight refracted from the bottom of the lake illuminated half of Snape's face, making him look particularly gloomy.

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