Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 127 The deteriorating situation

"Cough! Cough! Phew——"

As if ten thousand ants were rushing out of the trachea at the same time, an extremely itchy feeling coupled with a sense of blockage and a foreign body made Avada cough violently. He took out a tissue and covered his mouth, coughing up a few mouthfuls of blood-streaked phlegm, and his face suddenly turned pale.

Then, he suddenly felt a warm feeling coming from his mouth. He subconsciously raised his sleeve to wipe it, and then a large area of ​​inconspicuous reddish-brown suddenly appeared on the originally black sleeve...

"Damn it, this is the limit..."

He forced his bloodshot eyes open and took out the wand and tapped it on his nose to stop the bleeding nose. Then he pointed the wand at his temple and recited some spell in a low voice. . After a while, his face gradually gained some color.

"No, you can't continue to take intelligence-enhancing drugs and uplifting drugs, otherwise it will leave extremely difficult sequelae..."

"But it's too late, it's really almost too late!"

More than half a month had passed since he asked Harry and the others to spread the news about the basilisk and distribute cockcrow badges, but students were still being attacked and petrified, and the number was showing a frightening new upward trend. This also made many students doubt their news and no longer wear that ridiculous badge...

After Harry took the initiative to reveal his identity as a Parselmouth, he volunteered to apply to Professor McGonagall to join the patrol team of the prefects, hoping to do more to protect Hogwarts. However, in this nearly half a month, he could count on one hand the number of times he caught the basilisk's voice, and they were often fleeting and impossible to track.

Moreover, as the number of victims increased, people finally discovered an anomaly - the petrified students had one thing in common, that is, they were all of Muggle origin.

The only exception was the caretaker Argus Filch, but he was more of a Muggle than a Muggle-born Squib.

This made the teachers and students of Hogwarts even more convinced that the attackers were definitely not monsters - how could a monster specifically attack Muggle-born students?

As a result, the most mainstream speculation became that the petrification incident was probably an act of revenge by an extreme purist after Dumbledore left. The consequence of the popularity of this speculation was that the popularity of Slytherin students suddenly plummeted in the school - after all, everyone knew that Slytherin had the most extreme pure-bloods among the four houses. Moreover, there are many pure-blood nobles among them who can use black magic tools to create this kind of petrification curse that even Professor McGonagall cannot solve.

As a result, as soon as this point of view came out, many extremely pure-blooded Slytherins came out. Many of them got into trouble when quarreling with others and openly declared to support the perpetrator of the petrification incident; some even imitated a basilisk attack, and as a result, the poor petrification spell was broken by the professor. Come on, that counterfeit is currently serving a half-year confinement...

This atmosphere of mutual suspicion has made basilisk attacks more and more rampant - in just half a month, nearly one-tenth of the Muggle-born students in the school have suffered!

According to this progress, all the Muggle-borns in the school will be wiped out in half a year! What's more, the frequency of basilisk attacks is still accelerating!

Therefore, Avada no longer has the priority to capture the Horcrux diary. What he has to do now is to try his best to crack the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, and then immediately find a way to contact Dumbledore and ask him to take Fawkes with him to kill the basilisk of Student Huohuo!

As for the Horcrux, when he has time to study the confession effect, even if the diary goes to the moon, he can pull back the soul fragments inside!

"But soul magic is so difficult..."

He staggered out of the bathroom while rubbing his temples. He staggered down the stairs and reached the second floor before lifting the illusion spell on his body. He leaned against the wall and took a deep breath - he didn't dare to do so for the time being. He used the So Close to the End curse, and he was afraid that if he couldn't control it well, he would freeze to death or be suffocated in the space mezzanine.

"Ken? You're here? Great!"


Avada raised her eyelids with difficulty and looked up, and sure enough she saw Harry's somewhat excited face. Behind him were Ron and Hermione, who didn't look like he was on patrol...

"We're looking for you!"

He jumped down the third or fourth stairs in one step, making a muffled thud, and then was stunned when he saw Avada's face: "You are still there..."

"Yes. But there is no result yet, and I am very anxious now."

Avada raised her head and said slowly: "What do you want from me?"

"Well, it's not in a hurry. I think you need to rest more than helping us right now..."

Ron pointed at Avada with some hesitation: "You may not know how scary your face is now - God, your face is so pale that it's almost like a ghost, and your skin is like the ghoul upstairs in my house. of……"

"That's a sign of a chronic overdose of uplifting drugs."

Hermione added worriedly.

"I know. In fact, I also plan to take a breather recently. My energy is already dilapidated..."

Avada rubbed her dry eyes and tried to straighten her body to make herself look a little more energetic: "But I think I can still help with some less drastic things. Go ahead, you can ask me. What's the matter?"


The three of them looked at each other hesitantly, and finally Harry asked hesitantly: "We would like to know if you know where we can get the skin of the African tree snake and the horn of the bicorn..."

"You want to make a compound..."

Avada asked in surprise, but Hermione quickly covered her mouth: "Keep your voice down, we spent a lot of effort to get that forbidden book!"


Do you still use legal means to obtain banned books?

"Okay...but why did you make that thing?"

Avada asked doubtfully - after the fact that he was the heir of Slytherin in the original book was revealed, they made the polyjuice potion in order to get information from Malfoy. What happened this time? ?

"We think there is something wrong with Malfoy and Parkinson, and we want to become Crabbe and Goyle to find out about them."

"Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson?"

Avada raised her eyebrows in surprise: "What's the problem?"

Malfoy's father was the last holder of the Horcrux Diary. Could it be that Draco Malfoy really knew or even participated in it?

"Malfoy's state has changed too much."

Harry lowered his voice seriously: "Before the petrification incident started, he almost turned into a shy turtle, which was completely opposite to the arrogant look he had last semester: taciturn, timid when he met everyone, even when he met someone We will not provoke, we will just pass by as if we didn’t see it..."

Avada nodded - he also noticed Malfoy's abnormality at the Duel Club, but didn't pay much attention to it: "Then what?"

"Then after the first petrification, that is, after Filch was petrified, he suddenly became extremely arrogant and domineering. Mu... Anyway, those three words never left his mouth. When he met other colleges Those who want to challenge you..."

"Pansy Parkinson next to him is basically in the same state as him. At that time, it was far from the time when it was discovered that the people who were petrified were all Muggles. Malfoy and the others must know something!"

"……I see."

Avada also became serious - this matter was indeed very strange, and there was no way to ask Baron to inquire about it. Balon is now being strongly ostracized by some people in Slytherin, and people like Malfoy who know Balon's position obviously will not let down their guard against him.

"The two things you want can be bought from the shops in Diagon Alley for about fifteen galleons. This is the address..."

He took out a note and scribbled down a line and handed it to Harry: "However, these two materials are a bit rare. It takes about two or three days from sending the letter to receiving the goods."

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