Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 128 The Room of Requirement appears again

In fact, Avada has a faster plan for this matter - directly control Malfoy, and then use Legilimency to dig out all the secrets in his head; or use the Imperius Curse to control Crabbe and Gao Well, let them go find Malfoy for information...

However, he did not intend to do this. After all, this approach was too extreme and outrageous, and if this kind of abuse of lynching became a habit, it would be easy for him to unconsciously fall in the direction of a dark wizard.

And to be honest, in his eyes, Draco Malfoy was not a big suspect. He might be able to know something through Lucius, but it would definitely be extremely limited, and maybe not as solid as the information Avada had in his own hands.

Although Lucius Malfoy is a complete villain, he also truly loves and protects his family. He would never allow his son to come into contact with something as dangerous as a Horcrux now...

"Thank you very much."

Harry took the note and solemnly thanked him: "We will do our best."

"Well, come on."

Avada nodded - it would take three or four days from the time they wrote the letter to the time they received the materials. In addition, making the polyjuice potion took a lot of time, so by the time they started to implement the plan, The Christmas holidays are almost over, and God knows how many changes will occur during this period...

Therefore, Harry's right of action should be regarded as a casual move. It would be best to gain something, but it doesn't matter if he doesn't find out anything. Anyway, the main people handling this matter are Dumbledore, who is secretly stirring up trouble, and him, who is cracking the entrance to the secret room.

I don't know, what on earth is Dumbledore doing now?

Dumbledore has blocked all information about himself. The last time Avada tried to write a letter to Dumbledore, she found that the owl would just shake its head in confusion, and none of the newspapers published any reports about his whereabouts. Based on Avada's understanding of Dumbledore, he must be secretly preparing a big job now - he is not someone who will knock out his front teeth and swallow him if he suffers a loss.

"Oh, right."

Avada suddenly clapped her hands and remembered something: "I can also recommend a good place for you to boil the potion. It is absolutely safe and hidden. I remember that the polyjuice potion is a controlled potion, and it takes a long time to make. You You definitely don’t plan to make that kind of thing in public, right?”

"Where?" The three of them couldn't help but look curious.

In fact, they had already planned to secretly make the potion in the abandoned women's bathroom on the third floor. But Ken, who has always been mysterious and trustworthy, would actually ask them to recommend a place, which is very exciting.

"follow me."

Avada rubbed his ears vigorously to cheer up a little, and then led them to the eighth floor - no wonder he once again asked others for help in the Room of Requirements, but he didn't want to be concentrating on cracking the secret room. When you enter, there will be three bluffing guys beside you, simmering potions.

Besides, ever since he learned the Traceless Stretching Charm and developed the Near End Curse, that room is no longer of much use to him now.

"...right here, remember this location, on the wall opposite the tapestry where the troll beat Barnabas silly."

After climbing up to the eighth floor out of breath, he pointed to the blank wall and said to Harry: "Anyone of you can walk back and forth in front of this wall three times, while silently saying 'I need it' in your heart. A good room for potions'."

"Can I still recite it silently in my heart?"

Hermione was the first to notice: "Could it be that if we silently recited other contents in our hearts, we could open other rooms..."


Before she could finish her question, she was interrupted by Harry and Ron's exclamations - a spacious room full of various utensils and lockers had been opened by them, and they were experiencing it inside. Feeling the real touch of every object, touching this and that happily..."

"Leave it to you to explore the magic of this room."

Avada stroked her forehead and smiled at her: "I have to go back and rest, otherwise I doubt I will faint and die here..."

"Oh, sorry……"

"Let's go now. I wish you all the best..."

He ignored Harry and the others who were exploring the Room of Requirement, and walked downstairs step by step, holding on to the railing.

'The secret room...'

'The basilisk attack means that the diary has awakened, and is now in the school, in the hands of a student... it cannot be a professor. There are no extra soul fragments or traces of mental influence on all professors, including Loha. special. That is to say, Lucius still chose to secretly send the diary to the school through a certain student... What role will he play in this incident? ’

‘Do you think Voldemort is gone as in the original work, and just want to frame Dumbledore, or do you simply cooperate with the diary? ’

‘Is the diary involved in the coma incident concocted by the school board? Was that a spontaneous action by the school board to drive away Dumbledore, or did they conspire with the diary? If it is the latter, it will be troublesome, which means that the diary will get help from all the die-hard pure-blood factions...'

'Furthermore, who was responsible for tampering with Myrtle's memory and changing the password to the secret room on the first day of school? Will it be a diary? But how did he know that someone would find the exact location of the secret room as soon as they came up? ’

‘But if it’s not the diary, then who is it? Who could it be? ’

While thinking chaotically, he was always vigilant with his magic senses to prevent the basilisk from suddenly taking advantage of the situation and striking him hard - he was also born as a Muggle and was within the attack range of the basilisk. But he didn't know whether it was luck or misfortune, but he hadn't seen any trace of the basilisk in the past half month.

——It’s strange to say that even Harry’s Parseltongue has occasionally heard the sound of the basilisk a few times. Why can’t he feel any trace of it when it comes to him? Basilisks are also afraid of the Killing Curse?

Dragging like this, it took him nearly five minutes to return to the Hufflepuff common room. He walked straight through the noisy crowd surrounding the notice board and returned to his dormitory. Then he pulled back the quilt and straightened up. fell down...

‘Hey wait a minute, what were those people doing around the notice board just now? ’

This was his last thought before he completely lost consciousness, but unfortunately he couldn't stand up again to satisfy his curiosity - the moment he felt the touch of the pillow on his scalp, all he could think about was Down came silence and darkness.


"Ken? Ken?"

In a daze, Avada felt someone shaking her shoulders. He opened his eyes with difficulty, and what he saw was the face of his roommate Summers...

"What's wrong?" he asked vaguely, feeling like he would fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

"It's an assembly, do you read the notice board?"

Summers said hurriedly: "Snape said that he had discovered the root cause of the petrification incident and was going to summon all the teachers and students of the school tonight to reveal the reason. For this purpose, he also invited most of the school board and even the Minister of Magic. They’re all here!”


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