Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 133 The identity of the mastermind behind the scenes?

"Do you know French?"

In the Hufflepuff common room, Avada, Sharpay and Stebbins were looking at his roommate Henry Summers with surprised eyes - they had not had any classes during this period, but were recuperating. The spirited Avada had no intention of going to the library or the entrance to the secret room to research, so she just chatted with her roommates.

"Yes, my grandmother is French. She taught me to speak French since I was a child..."

"It's been three years and I haven't seen you show off your skills?"

"Is there anything to show here? There are no French books in the library, and there are no French foreign guests visiting the school..."


"But there is a big difference between everyday language and magical terminology. Are you sure you can keep up with Beauxbatons' progress?"

"I'm not sure. But I think there will be many Muggle-borns like me who will go to other schools, and they will take care of them a little bit...right?"

"Not always."

Avada shook her head, and poured cold water on her face with a gloomy look: "The only Muggles who can run out now are the hundred or so people who are still studying in Hogwarts. Those who have graduated and have families It is difficult to run away, and it is even more difficult for those who are not yet eleven years old - they do not even know the existence of magical society. When the admission notice of the new school is sent to them, it is too late for them to be happy. , how do you know what they will face in the future?"

"There are only a few Muggle-born wizards, and with no foundation in the magical society, they can almost only be manipulated by others without help... And those pure-blood families even brought out the Castle Will and the Book of Access. It will probably deter many people who want to act secretly."


The lounge fell into silence for a while.

"By the way, Ken, you are also a Muggle, right?"

Probably to lighten the atmosphere, Xiabi took the initiative and asked Avada: "Do you have any plans for your future?"

——Uh, kill the basilisk, and then follow Dumbledore to get the pure-blood faction?

"My situation here is a bit complicated. I have to stay in an orphanage until I reach adulthood, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to go to the United States to find Ilvermorny... I guess I can only find a small potion or alchemy workshop and work part-time. Let’s learn slowly.”

Avada shrugged, changed her sitting position, and said casually: "And if the situation really deteriorates to the point where Muggles cannot survive in society...then I will lurk in the UK and do my best to Those new Muggle-born wizards guide and help. That's all I can do."

"Then I can work with you after I graduate from Beauxbatons. Let's build a fast escape route from the UK to France!"

Summers joked, and then he laughed: "But it shouldn't be the case. After all, Dumbledore is still here, and he will definitely not sit back and watch the environment deteriorate like that. Maybe tomorrow he will bring a lot of evidence with him How about coming back, proving that what the school director and the Ministry of Magic said are lies, and then becoming the principal again?"


When Dumbledore's name was mentioned, the originally frightened Hufflepuffs gained a little more confidence - not everyone believed the words of the school board and Snape, Albus Dumbledore The impression of Lido in their hearts cannot be erased so easily.

Especially in Hufflepuff House, which has the most Muggle-born wizards, people hope that the magical Dumbledore can return soon, break the lies of the school board (or subdue the violent will of the castle), and stop the persecution of Muggle-born wizards. Targeted.

"But I still plan to stay at Hogwarts for a while, at least until I am really petrified before I consider leaving."

Avada smiled: "At least I have to stay in school during this Christmas vacation to see how the situation will change - what if it is like Summers said, and the situation suddenly reverses? "

"Well, I won't leave easily."

Summers nodded heavily: "But I still have to go back to make preparations for Christmas, and at least tell my parents about this..."


Suddenly, an exclamation interrupted Avada's conversation and successfully attracted the attention of everyone in the lounge: "The bulletin board has changed!"


Avada followed the man's finger and looked at the bulletin board in the break room, and found that there was indeed a huge parchment notice on it, occupying almost one-third of the entire bulletin board, and its title Also extremely eye-catching——

"List of Muggle-born Students of Hufflepuff House"

[In order to prevent some students with special family circumstances from being unable to confirm their ancestry, all Muggle-born students are specially sorted and archived through the admission book and Hogwarts student files, and announced on the bulletin board of each college according to the college. ...]

[Students on the list should decide for themselves whether to stay in school after the Christmas vacation, but if they choose to continue to go to school, the school cannot guarantee their personal safety...]

【Seventh grade:……】

【Sixth grade...】

There are about forty or fifty names on this list, neatly arranged by grade and alphabetical order. They are all the names of Muggle-born students, and these people will face leaving the school or being petrified by the "Castle Will" Tough choices...

"Third grade...wait, what about me?!"

Avada was stunned for a moment, then carefully read the list of Hufflepuff third-year Muggle-born students - he was not there!

"You've been doing this for a long time. Are you not a Muggle?"

Summers next to him looked at Avada with a shocked look on his face, and then patted him on the shoulder hard: "It seems that this list is just for you! Why, you have been worrying for nothing!"


Sharpie and Stebbins also came over: "It seems that at least one of your parents is a wizard, and they left you in a Muggle orphanage for some reason... but this also means that you don't have to leave. It’s Hogwarts!”

"How's it going? How do you feel about the ups and downs?"


Avada frowned and ignored her roommates who were making noises.

He is different from others - he is absolutely sure that he is a Muggle, there is no other possibility!

There are two reasons why he is so convinced of his life experience: First, the information from the Department of Mysteries. The person in charge of the project at that time clearly stated that he was an abandoned Muggle baby, so he was selected to participate in the experiment.

Secondly, in addition to studying spiritual power, he also studied the vitality of the human body - just like the speculation mentioned in Professor Baker's book, there is indeed a subtle difference in the vitality of wizards with wizard blood and wizards with Muggle origin. difference. And every Muggle-born wizard is considered to have opened up a new wizard bloodline. Therefore, even if two Muggle-born wizards get married, their children will reflect the characteristics of wizard descendants in vitality, and will be regarded as such in society. Classified as mixed race…

And Avada himself has long since confirmed that there are no characteristics of descendants of wizards in his life force!

Moreover, Dumbledore never mentioned his bloodline to himself - logically, if there were any discrepancies between the Hogwarts files and the Department of Mysteries, Dumbledore would have told him.

So the question arises: why is my name not on the list of Muggle-born wizards? !

Avada's eyes suddenly moved - he thought of a possibility.

"I'm going out!"

The moment he thought of that possibility, he turned around and rushed towards the door of the lounge, startling the roommates around him: "What are you going to do?"

"Find Snape!"

He had to confirm something with Snape - if he could really confirm it, he would probably know who was behind the whole thing! !

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