Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 134 The binding force of oaths

Chapter 134 The binding force of the oath...

Boom, boom, boom!

"Professor Snape, can I come in?"

Snape, who was lying leisurely on the rocking chair and swaying, frowned slightly unhappily, turned to look at the door of his office, and raised his hand to push his hair to one side.

"Come in."

He waved his hand to unlock the magic restriction on the door, and let in the guy outside who was planning some weird idea and was almost the same as Dumbledore: "Mr. Ken?"

He glanced at Avada: "What's the matter?"


Avada carefully observed Snape's arms and the expression on his face, and after confirming that there was nothing unusual, he cautiously said, "I saw the list of Muggle-born students that was just distributed..."

"Tell the important point."

"...My name is not on it."

"Wouldn't that be nice?"

Snape raised his eyebrows and said in a lazy tone: "A person who always thought he was born as a Muggle suddenly discovered that he actually has wizard blood, which can protect him from the attack of the castle's will, and he can survive in desperate situations... "

"Or are you actually looking forward to being petrified or leaving Hogwarts?"

"...None of that, Professor."

Avada curled her lips - it seemed that Snape had not had any problems recently, and his tone of voice was still so irritating.

"What I want to ask is, I remember that I should be a Muggle-born student in the file, and the Department of Mysteries has also confirmed this..."

"Is it possible that you really want to be petrified?"

There was a hint of impatience in Snape's tone: "In order to ensure the accuracy of the ancestry and prevent students from suffering losses due to misjudgment of their ancestry, the school board specially re-checked the family origin of each student, so some There may be squibs in your ancestors and therefore have wizard blood, but wizards who are mistaken for Muggles will also be reclassified as wizard descendants. This is probably what happened to you."

"Did I explain it clearly enough, Mr. Ken?"

"...Clear enough, Professor."

Avada could barely hide his heavy breathing - he finally knew who was behind the whole thing.

It is simply impossible for the school board to do such a completely unrealistic and meaningless thing, because the Squib itself is the descendant of a wizard, and he also contains the blood of a wizard, so of course the descendants of the Squib will also be considered to be wizards. Descendants - of course, if they still do not show magical talent, they will still be classified as Squibs, but they are not ordinary Muggles.

Therefore, the reason why he is classified as a descendant of wizards is definitely not because of any squibs in his ancestors, but for other reasons...

And among the school board of directors, there happens to be one person who firmly believes that a student named "Ken" is actually a descendant of a wizard. The Muggle origin on his file is just a disguise, and he is also a descendant of a big shot...

'It's really hard to guess the identity of that person. I wonder if...'

'Lucius Malfoy? ! ’

Avada had long noticed that from the beginning of the coma incident to Snape's official announcement to expel Muggle-born students, during the changes in the entire Hogwarts, Lucius Malfoy, the school director, did not even once I have been to the school, even if other school directors appear one after another.

At first, he thought it was Lucius who realized that the diary he sent out was the cause of the trouble, so he didn't dare to show up for fear of being caught by the school directors who were close to Dumbledore. And now, his will can actually directly affect the students' files without him ever showing up!

Before Dumbledore was ousted, the school board had no right to access student records. The student files at Hogwarts are kept very tightly, and there is basically no possibility of them being taken out of the school. So the fact that Lucius has never been to school means that he most likely still doesn't know what his real name is, so he will still maintain his original judgment about himself!

And don't forget, the Horcrux diary was kept in Lucius' hands from the beginning. If you really want to cooperate with the diary operation, he is undoubtedly the best candidate, and the influence he shows at this moment fully proves this...

'That's outrageous...'

Awada couldn't help but feel ridiculous in her heart - Mr. Shafiq's whole work actually helped her confirm the identity of the mastermind more than a year later...

At this moment, he was 70% to 80% sure that at least the coma incident that led to Dumbledore being driven away in the beginning was secretly led by Lucius, while Flint, Parkinson and other school directors were just openly attracting attention!

He used his magic senses to scan the surroundings attentively. After confirming that there were no surveillance facilities or people listening in the corner, he raised his head, stared at Snape's arm deliberately, and asked in a low voice: "Professor, I have another question... Do you have the contact information of the former principal?"


Snape's pupils shrank.

"I suddenly remembered that the former principal borrowed something very valuable from me, but was dismissed before I could return it, and I have been unable to contact him..."

"……what have you found?"

Snape looked at the students in front of him with a blank expression, winking mysteriously for a long time, and then asked directly and coldly.


Avada was stunned for a moment: "What was discovered but not discovered? I just wanted to send a message to the previous principal and ask him to return that thing to me. There is no other meaning..."

As he spoke, he slowly rolled up his sleeves to expose his forearms - this was almost a clear indication.

"Tell me directly the clues you found, and I will convey them to Dumbledore for you."

Snape frowned and lowered his voice: "Dumbledore told me before he left that you might be able to find out some key things before you know when. The progress on his side is not currently there. It’s unpleasant…and I myself also need your information to deal with more unknown possibilities.”

"But your oath..."

"I think I should care more about my own life than you do, Mr. Ken. Since I dare to listen to you say this, it means that I can at least still live to use the information you provided. I have not planned to treat my life as a disposable Supplies.”

Snape said coldly, and then took out a red quill from his robe: "So, please tell me the clue you got, Mr. Ken, and then I will convey it to Dumbledore."


Avada couldn't help but wonder - what was the content of Snape's oath that could allow him to pass information to Dumbledore so blatantly without any backlash?

If it weren't for Dumbledore's guarantee, coupled with his understanding of Snape and Snape's frank mental strength, he would have doubted whether Snape's oath would have included "to Dumbledore". "Lido sends the wrong message"...

'Hell, if the Unbreakable Oath hadn't been too hidden, I still couldn't find it and couldn't study it...'

He sighed secretly, and then finally said with confidence: "I suspect that the manipulator of the whole incident is Lucius Malfoy..."

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