Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 150: You offended the principal and still want to run away?


Everyone was startled by Dumbledore's sudden appearance, except Snape who just snorted, glanced at Lucius lightly, and said, "Finally caught?"

"It's been a while actually."

Dumbledore put the unconscious Lucius on the ground with a smile, then turned to look at Avada and other students who were looking at him curiously. The smile on his face became even brighter: "Thank you. , well done, everyone.”

"Calling you heroes who saved Hogwarts is the most implicit expression. Your feat of crushing Voldemort and the stubborn pure-blood conspiracy even saved the magical society to a certain extent and saved the future of all Muggle-born wizards... …I think if we really want to reward you strictly based on your contribution, not only will the hourglasses of the four colleges be bursting, but I’m afraid even the quota for the Merlin Medal this year won’t be enough…”

Avada smiled calmly, accepting Dumbledore's praise.

Baron took a step back without leaving a trace, but he couldn't stop the smile on his face.

Harry and Ron grinned silly.

Hermione and Luna's faces were a little red, and they looked like they didn't know where to put their hands.

The twins cheered wildly and slapped each other's butts hard...

"Also, thank you for the information you provided me, Ken."

Dumbledore pointed at Lucius on the ground: "Lucius is the 'provider of key information' - 'descendant of Grindelwald'. This piece of information is enough for the diary to speculate on too many things, and the result is that He missed the mark."

Avada and Baron's eyes twitched at the same time.

God knows that Mr. Shafiq's casual life could be involved in such a big thing: It would be fine if Awada was just an ordinary person, but the problem is that he is really a 'prophet'...

For people like Diary who can notice the strange parts of the events last semester, the information "descendants of Grindelwald" can almost instantly confirm the identity of Avada's prophet, and then make a series of responses. Without this piece of information, it's hard to say what conclusion he could draw...

"As a person who knows almost everything and is the key person responsible for contacting and dispatching those guys, Lucius was ordered to be hidden by Voldemort from the beginning of the school year. Even his associates did not know where he was hiding. Voldemort was afraid Someone captured Lucius and read his memory, and then directly obtained the truth... I can only say that he underestimated people's wisdom. Sometimes, the mind is much easier to use than Legilimency or prophecy."

"My most important job during this period is to find out Lucius's location step by step, and then control him before he erases his memory."

He glanced at Avada with a smile, making the latter scratch his head.


Avada pointed at Lucius and tried to change the atmosphere: "Can Lucius's memory be used as evidence to uproot the stubborn pure-blood sect? I remember that the memories obtained by Legilimency or Veritaserum cannot be used as direct evidence. Use the evidence?"

"That's right."

Dumbledore nodded: "After all, it is easy for a skilled wizard to forge these, so they can only be used as a reference for the direction of investigation. And the most powerful pure-blood family is not afraid of investigation..."

"Then you..."

"So I prepared this."

He waved his hand triumphantly, causing a large suitcase to emerge from a flash of fire. Dumbledore let the box float in front of everyone and opened it, revealing a mountain of documents, letters, account books and some messy props inside: "You can't expect me to do nothing before getting Lucius's information, can you, Ken? "

"these are……"

"It's the letters exchanged between the pure-blood families, the secret orders to the investigation team, the bills for the materials purchased for forging evidence, and the internal information of the agency that identified the evil bird... It's very complicated to explain in detail, but in short, This is the evidence that can really make the final decision.”

“How did you do it??”

A group of people gathered around with expressions of surprise, flipping through the complete materials in the box. It was hard to imagine how Dumbledore obtained these things under the noses of those pure-blood families.

"It's actually not as difficult as you think..."

Dumbledore did not stop them from flipping through the files, but replied with a smile: "It can be easily done with a little magic and some friendly communication. Of course, the most important thing is that Professor Snape provided A lot of information, they saved me a lot of time and energy..."


Not only Avada, but also Balon and Harry suddenly looked up in shock and looked at the tense face, but in fact the corners of the mouth were twitching: "Didn't he make an unbreakable oath?! "

Seeing their reactions, Dumbledore showed a smile of successful prank, and then opened his sleeve: "Is this the Unbreakable Vow you are talking about?"

Everyone turned to look - Dumbledore's arm was also wrapped with several silk brand marks!

Avada was confused for a moment: "Teach...Professor, what is going on?"

"Ah, you didn't guess it?"

Dumbledore put down his sleeves and shook his head with some regret: "I thought this was the easiest link to think of. After all, you can make such wonderful reasoning and make clever use of the properties of Polyjuice Potion... "

"Polyjuice Potion?"

While others were still reacting, Avada's eyes suddenly lit up: "Could it be..."

"That's right."

Dumbledore was smiling like an old naughty boy at this moment: "At that time, I made an unbreakable oath with the purebloods. It was not Professor Snape who swore allegiance, but me who drank the Polyjuice Potion."

"Then, after they were expelled from Hogwarts, I went to France and worked with my old friend Nico Flamel for several months before the effect of the oath - Unbreakable - was removed from me. The Oath is indeed one of the most powerful magical contracts, but the technology used is too old and somewhat behind the times... It just so happens that Nico and I have also done a lot of research on the magic of this era."

"Although it may be a bit arrogant to say this, I still have to say - there are few magics in this world that Nico and I can't break. But despite this, I paid a lot of price to break free from the oath, At that time, I almost cried in pain... Fortunately, I am an older person who is relatively healthy."

Avada curled her lips - you call living under the curse of the Resurrection Stone for a year, breaking free from the Unbreakable Vow, and killing a room full of Aurors by yourself "healthier"?

"So that's it,"

Probably seeing the strange look in everyone's eyes, Dumbledore tugged at his beard and coughed twice before continuing quickly: "Professor Snape penetrated them without any restraints and provided me with A lot of important intelligence - this is what we do outside of the public eye, not much worse than you, right?"

He raised the suitcase in his hand somewhat showily.

"You forgot one thing, Dumbledore."

Snape finally couldn't stand it anymore and interrupted Dumbledore's showoff with his usual cold tone. But anyone can clearly see that the corners of his mouth are rising uncontrollably...

"Oh yes!"

Dumbledore pretended to widen his eyes and patted his head, then looked at the box in Avada's hand: "The only thing left is to deal with the basilisk."

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