Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 151 Target, secret room!

"Ken, can you give me the box you're holding?"

Dumbledore looked at Avada: "I have to have a 'chat' with that diary and ask him to tell him the location of the secret room and how to open it."

"Can this still happen?"

Avada handed the box over with some anticipation - he was curious about what Dumbledore meant by "having a good chat". After Dumbledore took the box, he poked the large circles of tape wrapped around the box with his fingers, and the reinforcing magic attached to the magic tape immediately disappeared.

Then he held the box up and down and looked around for several times before finally finding the end of the tape, and then subconsciously picked at it with his fingernails...

Didn't move.


He coughed dryly, then knocked on the box, causing the tapes to fly off on their own, making a squeaking sound as they unzipped.

Then, he held the wand in one hand and quickly opened the lid of the box with the other hand. Then the moment the diary was exposed to the air, he hit it with a magic spell at a speed that no one could see clearly. Suddenly, the diary, which was trembling and with traces of black mist emerging from the cracks in the book, fell silent.

Only then did Dumbledore feel relieved and let the diary float in front of him. With his eyes slightly closed, he pointed his wand at it. Know what happened. Only Snape was staring at the diary nervously, his wand tightly held in his hand at some point; and Avada, who was looking at it intoxicatedly——

In the world presented by magical senses, Dumbledore's Legilimency is mercilessly destroying the mental protection of the diary, and forcibly reading his memory in the most direct and violent way!

This is simply unbelievable to Avada - he has also observed the mental protection of the Horcrux Diary, and concluded that even with real-time monitoring of magic senses, it would take him half a day to break through this layer of protection; and Dumbledore Has it taken more than half a minute?

Just kidding, it didn’t even last ten seconds!

Just when he was observing Dumbledore's magical skills attentively, as well as Voldemort's protective response that was excellent in his eyes, but vulnerable to Dumbledore, and he wanted to drink a bottle of intelligence enhancer immediately, Suddenly I felt someone poking me...

‘Tsk, who is it? ’

He looked back with some dissatisfaction, and then met a lot of curious eyes.

"Well, Ken..."

Luna Lovegood, who had just poked him, asked him in a low voice: "I just said that you are a descendant of Gellert Grindelwald. Is it true?"


Avada silently glanced around at the undisguised curious eyes of everyone except Balon and Snape, and suddenly felt as if she couldn't clean herself.

He sees himself: a time traveler who has read the original work, was given an outrageous name by the Ministry of Magic, has average talent, but has cheats.

In the eyes of others, he has a mysterious identity, his full name is concealed by Dumbledore, and an amazing talent. He has the same prophecy talent as Grindelwald. He is judged by big figures like Voldemort and Lucius to be the descendant of Grindelwald...


Even he almost believed that he was Grindelwald.

"Of course it's false. I have nothing to do with Grindelwald at all, and the name is withheld for other reasons..."

He rolled his eyes and defended: "But the prophet's story is true... at least it was true once."


"Remember before the coma incident started, I once passed out in a divination class?"

Avada explained with a smile: "At that time, I may indeed have glimpsed some taboos that were originally difficult to reach, as Professor Trelawney said, and suffered severe backlash... Now, I no longer have The power of prophecy."

What he told was the truth - he did suffer severe backlash that time, and now he indeed has no ability to predict: the plot was changed with his intrusion, so what else could he use to predict? If he could really predict, would he have been tricked so miserably by the Horcrux Diary?

"What? You have lost the power of prophecy..."

Everyone was about to show anxious expressions when they were interrupted by Dumbledore's sudden words from over there: "Okay."

He put away his wand and put the withered diary back into the box, his eyes dimming for some reason: "I have got the information I wanted. It turns out that the truth fifty years ago was like that... "

"Oh, no, that's not what I should be talking about now."

Dumbledore reacted and shook his head, but his voice was still heavy: "The entrance to the secret room is the abandoned women's bathroom. You must speak the correct password in Parseltongue to open it... The original password is 'Open', but now he has changed it to 'Long Live Voldemort'."

"Ah! That place!"

Harry looked at Avada with a shocked expression: "Isn't that the place where you first taught me to use Parseltongue? Did you know the location of the Chamber of Secrets from the beginning?!"

Avada gave Harry a painful look - please stop talking. Didn't you see that there was almost no doubt in the other people's expressions? !

If this continues, Grindelwald will have to kill himself to find me!


Dumbledore raised his head, as if saying to himself: "Bring everyone here."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge flame suddenly ignited out of thin air in front of everyone, and a large group of figures suddenly emerged from it - Professor McGonagall, Professor Flitwick, Professor Sprout, Professor Kettleburn, and others. There's Hagrid.

Well, there were only a few people, but Hagrid's misleading size fooled them all.

"it's over?"

Professor McGonagall was in a trance, looking at Dumbledore and the large group of people behind him, and asked hesitantly.


Dumbledore smiled at her: "The only thing left to do now is to kill the basilisk. I already know the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets, come with me."

"I will let Fox peck out the basilisk's eyes first, and then..."

"Stop it, Albus!"

Professor Kettleburn stepped forward impatiently, waving his wooden arm and objected: "Those are the eyes of a basilisk! You may not be able to find a basilisk for hundreds of years! The eyes are the most valuable part of its body for research. !”

"If we can get a complete basilisk eye, we might be able to find a way to quickly recover petrified students."

Professor Sprout also nodded in agreement, and the other professors also showed more or less expectant looks - there is no way, the basilisk is too rare, and it can be said that it is full of treasures, and it will be damaged even a little bit. It will make these top researchers extremely heartbroken.

"……All right."

In the end, Dumbledore had no choice but to nod helplessly: "Then kill it with your eyes closed and using a telepathic spell or a blind typing... Take this."

He waved his magic wand and conjured up a lot of pure black glasses out of thin air: "Put this on and block your eyes to avoid accidentally looking at the basilisk..."

"Professor, can we go take a look?"

As soon as they saw this, the Weasley twins jumped over happily and took out two pairs of transparent glasses from their pockets: "We can take this with us - we have long wanted to experience what it feels like to be petrified. Got it!"

"Mr. Weasley."

Professor McGonagall tried to scare the twins back with a very intimidating look, but Dumbledore stopped him with a smile: "Of course you can if you want - but that said, all your homework during the petrification period will be finished later. Made up for it.”

Fred and George looked at each other for a while, and finally, with difficulty, a voice came out from between their teeth: "Go!"

"Okay, Mr. Weasley...does anyone else want to visit the Chamber of Secrets? There is no danger in just walking around in the Chamber of Secrets without facing the Basilisk."

Now everyone raised their hands.

"Very good. Professor Snape, please take Lockhart to the Ministry of Magic first, and take the content recorded by Mr. Shafik for them to process, and then meet us at the bathroom door."


Snape nodded, took the video equipment from Balon, and then waved the ashen-faced Lockhart to fly over. He grabbed his collar with one hand and reached out to the Phoenix Fawkes, and then in a flash of fire disappeared.

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