Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 157 The dust has settled

Next, Avada spent the most peaceful period of time since enrolling in Hogwarts.

There is no mysterious wizard who trapped the main soul in a Horcrux to ask for help, no need to pay allegiance to the Dark Lord on the back of his head, no case puzzles to rack his brains for, and no dementors to disturb the peace for the time being... His brain I can finally get away from the endless calculations and concentrate on my favorite research.

Tom Riddle's Horcrux diary had been taken away and studied by Dumbledore, but in the end it failed to fall into his hands. As a result, his progress in researching Horcruxes was not improved. However, Dumbledore actually left a copy of the basilisk material for him, including parts of bones, flesh, skin, nerves and even brain slices, for him to study. At Avada's request, he also successfully borrowed the basilisk's eyeball for a few days, and gained a lot of inspiration in curses and transformation techniques.

In addition to these, Avada's real benefit is that the ability to perceive souls that he acquired in the first divination class can finally be used seriously.

In order to kill the basilisk as soon as possible and solve the crisis, he put almost all his energy into cracking the soul magic at the entrance to the secret room, and the complexity of that magic was obviously not something that a novice like him who had just come into contact with the soul could quickly understand. ——Now, he can calm down and start to study the soul in a more systematic way from the Horcrux in his hand, the Resurrection Stone, the souls of other people, and the few words of soul knowledge in the book presented by Professor Baker.

So a few months later, he finally managed to get started in soul magic, and successfully obtained his first research result - the "double casting" technique left by Professor Baker, which he reproduced at the soul level.

And it not only reproduces it, but also achieves an effect that surpasses the original version, completely realizing the true "single-purpose".

Originally, Professor Baker used an almost buggy method to barely be able to make the human body's mental power carry out dual-threaded activities in a very short period of time, thereby achieving the feat of releasing two different magics at the same time. After a preliminary understanding of the structure of the soul, Avada was surprised to find that it was surprisingly simple to realize dual-threading or even multi-threading thinking at the soul level...

But after thinking about it, he felt it was reasonable. After all, the Horcrux he had been studying was the most typical example of multi-threaded soul activity - the Horcrux diary and Voldemort were obviously the same soul, but they could use different methods at this moment. Cursing him and Dumbledore, isn't that amazing?

There are even Horcrux makers whose main souls are forced to plot their own Horcruxes. He won't say who they are.

Moreover, Avada also discovered that when the soul is not split, no matter how many threads of thinking belong to the same consciousness, there will be no situation where the consciousness is split just by thinking about it, so it can be used with confidence. But this has brought a side effect, that is, since these threads belong to the same consciousness, they naturally have to share the same computing power...

This is probably the fundamental reason why Voldemort's intelligence continues to decline with the split soul. As for the Horcrux Diary being able to possess such terrifying ingenuity, Avada speculates that it may be because he was given memories of a period when Voldemort had the highest IQ, and was not contaminated by the memories of those periods when he lost his intelligence... Of course, these are just speculations. , after all, he didn't grab the diary from Dumbledore, so he couldn't study it himself.

Therefore, with the help of this research result, Avada's research efficiency has achieved a leap - in those school courses that take up most of his time, he can allocate a small part of his computing power to learn relatively simple topics in class. He has third-grade knowledge, and most of his computing power is still secretly studying souls. This makes his research time suddenly doubled by countless times.

In addition to scientific research, Dumbledore's retaliatory counterattack against the stubborn pure-blood faction finally showed results.

In the subsequent trial, five of the seven school directors who were indicted were directly sentenced to Azkaban. In addition, huge compensation was paid to the Hogwarts school and the injured students, which made the purebloods behind them The family suffered a severe blow and its social prestige plummeted.

What is surprising is that the second real culprit in the whole incident, Lucius Malfoy, actually managed to get away with it again. The reason was the same as last time - Dumbledore had proved that the dark magic items left by Voldemort had the power to confuse people. , and even the ability to directly control the mind, so Lucius insisted on this point, insisting that all his actions were controlled and had nothing to do with his own will...

In addition, he claimed that he had no idea that there was such a dark magic item in his home, and had deleted Dobby's memory. As a result, he lost the irrefutable evidence, and his only crime was that he secretly hid some dark magic items. After paying a large compensation and being kicked off the school board, he was eventually spared jail time.

After seven school directors were kicked out of the school board, the school board was naturally reorganized. In addition to the remaining five school directors who suddenly became much more honest, representatives from four medium-sized pure-blood families also joined the school board of directors. As a result, the original twelve-member school board was reduced to only nine members, and the funds provided for the operation of the school were naturally affected.

However, fortunately, with the huge compensation received previously and the money that a certain Minister of Magic desperately donated to Hogwarts to make up for the mistake of almost being on the wrong team, the school's current funds are still sufficient.

At the same time, Hagrid's case was successfully overturned. After Dumbledore showed the Horcrux diary as evidence and it was authenticated by experts from the Department of Mysteries, coupled with Myrtle's own confession and the undoubted corpse of the basilisk, the Ministry of Magic and the Wizengamot finally agreed In order to overturn the verdict of Hagrid's past and restore his innocence, as well as a series of rights including the use of magic wands...

But after all, it was true that he raised an XXXXX-level Acromantula in school, so Hogwarts still did not restore his student status, resulting in Hagrid still being an undergraduate.

But anyway, he was about to take over as Professor of Care of Magical Creatures. This matter had no impact on him at all, and he didn't care - as long as he could still serve Hogwarts and Dumbledore, for him Will suffice.

So, after the petrified students cried and returned to normal, the Weasley twins chased Ron and Avada half of the castle with turtle faces and Sniff, and in the subsequent final exam, Ah After Varda, Balon, Cedric and Hermione ranked first in their respective grades as always, Hogwarts finally ended this year of ups and downs and ushered in the year-end banquet that everyone was looking forward to...

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