Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 158 The Unprecedented Academy Cup

"Awesome, guys!"

Looking at the auditorium full of students, Dumbledore smiled very happily. He stood up and opened his arms towards the students: "Everyone is intact, sitting here properly, enjoying the food together, and witnessing the ownership of the College Cup..."

"Is there anything more joyful than this?"

It's now July. This year's final exams have long ended, and tutoring for the petrified students has been carried out in an orderly manner for several months. The last trace of the haze caused by the basilisk attack has been dispelled, and the storm of public opinion from the outside world has also followed the actions of the school directors. The arrests gradually subsided... Hogwarts has returned to the cheerful and lively castle it once was.

"Before announcing the winner of this year's Academy Cup, I have to announce something in advance——"

Dumbledore said loudly: "That is, Professor Sylvanus Kettleburn is about to officially retire and will no longer be the Professor of Care of Magical Creatures at Hogwarts starting from next semester... Everyone should know this. ”

"So, is there anything else you want to say to everyone, Sylvanus?"

He turned to Kettleburn beside him and asked with a smile, and the other party also shouted happily: "Ah, if I have to say there is any regret, it is probably that I can't arrange another one in school." A mime..."

"Ahem, let's forget about this."

Dumbledore twitched his beard.

"I know...but to be honest, mime's appeal to me is probably no longer as attractive as that basilisk."

Professor Kettleburn bared his teeth and smiled: "I am honored to be able to work at Hogwarts, and the more than sixty years of teaching have been the happiest time in my life. Although retirement often means relief from stress, It’s liberating, but to be honest, if you leave a job that you truly love from your heart, you will indeed feel empty inside..."

"But as everyone knows, I am not the kind of person who will let myself be idle. After leaving school, I will probably continue to engage in research on magical creatures. If I can get approval, I may even open a basilisk breeding farm... "

"As for the new professor that everyone is concerned about,"

He gave it away mysteriously: "The school is still conducting assessments, but the results are close to ten... Believe me, he will be a very good professor."

"Okay, I won't go on too much. It's time to return the protagonist's seat to Dumbledore... By the way, when do you plan to retire, Albus?"

Before Kettleburn sat down, he didn't forget to tease Dumbledore, and Dumbledore just laughed and stood up again: "Then, let's count the scores of each house this school year."

"Slytherin has a score of 680, Ravenclaw has a score of 470, Gryffindor has a score of 450, and Hufflepuff has a score of 440. Well, it seems that Slytherin's performance this year is unexpectedly good..."

There was a burst of cheers from the Slytherin table, but there were also loud boos from other houses, especially the Gryffindor table - everyone knew that when Snape was the headmaster, Over a period of time, Slytherin's score hourglass has skyrocketed to a terrifying level, otherwise there would not have been such an overwhelming gap this year.


Dumbledore's voice sounded again, making the students quiet: "Due to the special events that happened this year, some students have made particularly huge contributions. I also said that I would announce these at the mid-year banquet. So. I think these should also be included in the scores of each college..."

"First, Mr. Balon Shafik of Slytherin."

He looked at the excited faces on the Slytherin table with a smile: "He first came up with the idea of ​​using the characteristics of spiders to warn basilisks, and the basilisk early warning device he developed was used at least dozens of times during the Christmas period. He helped the students avoid attacks and protected the safety of at least a dozen students. If the basilisk disaster had not stopped in time, his contribution would have become even greater... For this, I want to reward Slytherin— —One hundred and twenty points."


Now the Slytherins cheered from the bottom of their hearts - their total score had reached an astonishing 800 points, almost twice as high as the second place! There has never been such a disparity since the founding of Hogwarts!

"Then, Miss Luna Lovegood of Ravenclaw."

After the cheers subsided, Dumbledore continued: "She gave full play to her talents, wisdom and courage, and restricted the dark magic items left by Voldemort to herself, taking huge risks in exchange for He was unable to hide and escape at the last moment, which made a huge contribution to the final success."

"For this, I will reward Ravenclaw - three hundred and thirty points!"


The Ravenclaws were almost knocked unconscious by the surprise falling from the sky, and Luna was directly lifted up by the people around her...

"Then Mr. Harry Potter, Gryffindor."

Dumbledore raised his voice again: "He did not hesitate to use himself as bait, taking the greatest risk to attract the item from the darkness to the surface, and when facing it, he showed unexpected calmness and calmness in the face of danger. , laid the foundation for victory in one fell swoop... For this, I want to reward Gryffindor - three hundred and fifty points!"

——No way, although in addition to Harry, Ron, Hermione and the twins of Gryffindor also made considerable contributions, neither the Marauder's Map nor the controlled Polyjuice Potion are suitable to be exposed to the public. Come up.


This time, the students below were all stunned - if they calculated correctly, the scores of Slytherin, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor now seem to be 800 points?

What's going on?

"And finally..."

Dumbledore's eyes turned to someone at the Hufflepuff table: "I need to solemnly thank Mr. Ken of Hufflepuff."

"He was the first person to guess that the real culprit of the attack was a basilisk and tried to counterattack; and after the idea of ​​using spiders was proposed, it was he who finally perfected the basilisk early warning device and protected the students. Safety; it was also him who discovered the existence of the black magic item among various clues, letting us know who the enemy was, and the successful capture of the item in the end also relied on Mr. Ken's careful plan... …”

"For that, I'm going to reward Hufflepuff - three hundred and sixty points."

"...I knew you must be among the people Dumbledore was talking about."

Cedric, Shabby, and others sitting around Avada patted him hard on the back.

"Then finally, let me announce the final scores and the winners of the Academy Cup."

Dumbledore didn't care about the weird looks from the students below, but said in a very relaxed tone: "That is - Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin House, jointly with eight A final score of 100% to share in this school year’s Academy Cup!”


The students couldn't believe their ears for a while, and even many professors looked strange - the four major colleges shared the House Cup. This was the first time since the founding of Hogwarts!

However, the silence in the auditorium did not stop Dumbledore from taking out his wand and waving it, causing the flags and ribbons decorating the auditorium to gradually become dyed in eight colors: red, yellow, blue, green, gold, silver, gray, and black.

They are arranged regularly and beautifully, as if they should be that way.

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