Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 176 I solemnly swear that I will not do small jobs

"...So, Boggart is not as magical as you think."

For most people, spiritual magic remains one of the most difficult categories of all magic. Therefore, even though the first lesson of the fourth grade only taught the basics of the basics, Lu Ping still had to spend a class and a half to understand almost all the students below, and in class The topic also circled back to Boggart...

"Their Legilimency is only at the most superficial level, and can only read a single fear. So even if you have finished this lesson and learned the true face of Boggart, you don't have to worry about your thoughts being manipulated all the time. A certain Boggart hiding in the corner sees through..."

Lupine stood leaning against the wall on the side of the full blackboard. After confirming that all the students in the class had taken notes and turning their eyes from the blackboard and notebooks to himself again, he began to prepare for this section with a relaxed expression. At the end of the class, I also received a burst of relaxed laughter.

"Give me the simplest example——"

He continued: "Everyone of you must be afraid of something, right? For example, spiders, poisonous snakes, a certain person or something else... They are all relatively specific images."

"But imagine if these things were about to destroy your most important belongings, or harm your family and friends... would you pull out your magic wand and come forward? I think the answer for most people is 'yes' ,Right?"

"Then this means that your fear of losing family, friends or something is much greater than that of spiders or snakes - and this is where boggarts fall short. They can only recognize and scare you. Things that inspire fear in you, but no glimpse into what you are truly afraid of..."

"So Professor,"

Someone raised their hands and asked: "What if someone is afraid of some abstract concepts? For example, fear of death?"

"That would be easier."

Lupine smiled: "Someone has done experiments in this area, and finally found that the Boggart will only transform itself into specific things, rather than directly turning into a stage to present the things you fear most... "

"For example, if someone's biggest fear is 'his own death', then the Boggart will only turn into his corpse when facing him, instead of turning into a dark wizard who shoots death bullets at him with a grin. Curse - But that person knows that he is actually not dead, so he can instantly realize that his body is probably a Boggart, so such a threat is not threatening at all."

"So as a dark creature that was studied quite early, the Boggart has brought us very limited inspiration in spiritual magic. Its value is more reflected in the aspect of transformation. For example, in the last century, some people imitated the Bogg Using the characteristics of the special body structure, a high-quality deformation material called 'Boggart Glue' was synthesized, which is still widely used in the fields of transfiguration and alchemy..."

"Don't ask me about the principle - I don't know much about this. If you want to know more, you can go to Professor McGonagall. She also taught me."

Seeing some people raising their hands with curious expressions on their faces, Lu Ping waved his hands with a wry smile and suppressed their curiosity: "Okay, it's almost time for class to end. Unfortunately, the first lesson of the semester is... Boring theory class - I will definitely catch more dark creatures next time..."

As the bell rang, Lupine was the first to pack up his lecture notes and leave the classroom. The students also stood up in twos and threes, walking out while discussing the new professor messily.

"Finally, I've been waiting for a reliable professor again. He explains it very clearly."

"And he plans to take practical classes as soon as school starts - if there are no external factors to interfere, his classes will definitely be interesting!"

"I don't know how he will exit this time? He doesn't seem to be reckless or keen on improving his strength. He probably doesn't have any unknown sins... right?"

"That means he suddenly left for something, or injured himself for some reason... I have heard people say that this Professor Lupine seems to be Sirius Black's classmate, and he will not be taken away by Black in the end. Bar??"

"Merlin's beard..."

There is no way. After decades of having only one Defense Against the Dark Arts professor every year, discussing how this year's professor will be as soon as the semester starts has almost become an exclusive culture of Hogwarts, and those who dare to apply for this position Most wizards come here with awareness. Even those who have experienced or participated in this phenomenon as students will not care about such rumors.

"But where is that damn curse? Why can't I find it?"

Avada was wondering as he packed up his things and walked to the rune classroom - after gaining the ability to see the origin of the soul, he also suspected that the curse was made of soul magic like the secret room, so he once again ruined the castle from beginning to end. I checked everything - it's not found in the main structure, it's not found on the professor in question, it's not found in the defense professor's office, it's still not found on various things that will be passed down in the hands of past professors...

"Did Dumbledore not read Voldemort's memories to understand the truth of the curse after sealing his soul like a diary? Or could it be that even if Voldemort was sealed, he could still block Dumbledore's Legilimency?"

He shook his head and simply stopped thinking about it. Anyway, when Voldemort is completely killed, this problem will no longer exist.

How do you say something? If you can’t solve the problem, go solve the person who raised the problem…

But on his side, as long as he solves the person who raised the problem, he can also solve the problem along the way. How convenient!

That night, he drank some diluted sleeping potion, covered himself with a quilt at around eight o'clock in the evening and had a good sleep. He got up before five o'clock on Saturday morning and went to the kitchen to take a nap. After a few mouthfuls of food, he immediately rushed to the exclusive room in the Room of Requirement and came to the vessel where the potion was being brewed.

After a few days of boiling, the originally light silver potion has turned into a flowing diamond-like liquid, a bit like hand sanitizer mixed with fluorescent powder. Avada took it off the flame, observed it and smelled it, nodded slightly, then took out the parchment and spread it on the table...

"I solemnly swear that I will do no evil."

He tapped it with his wand and muttered in a low voice, the corners of his mouth raised involuntarily - he did not fool Prongs and the others, and from the current legal sense, he really did not intend to do anything good this time.

After all, in the long plan that is about to start in "years", the things he does with his own hands are enough to keep him in Azkaban for who knows how long...

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