The next moment, several thin lines of ink spread like a spider web from the place where the tip of the wand struck, connecting with each other, criss-crossing, and gradually expanding to every corner of the parchment. Then a few lines of green cursive characters slowly appeared at the top of the map:

[Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs]

[Gentlemen who help magic mischief makers]


【Marauder's Map】

On this piece of parchment, which could take up an entire table when fully unfolded, the entire Hogwarts Castle and the surrounding grounds were drawn on it in great detail, and many secret entrances were thoughtfully marked. entrance methods, such as the kitchen and many secret passages - but there are no records of the secret room and the Room of Requirement on this map.

"It's just a secret room, but with the abilities of those four guys, they didn't even discover the Room of Requirement?"

After Avada sighed for a while, she turned her attention to the Gryffindor common room on the map.

Among several dormitories side by side, he saw at a glance those labeled "Harry Potter", "Ronald Weasley", "Dean Thomas", "Seamus Finnigan" and " Neville Longbottom's room. It's not yet five o'clock in the morning, so of course they haven't woken up yet. They are all staring at the same position motionlessly, occasionally moving a little bit - maybe they are turning over?

But right next to the name "Ronald Weasley", there is a sixth name clearly marked——

Peter Pettigrew.

"So Fred and George really never paid attention to Ron once..."

Avada was complaining, while wearing gloves, she picked up the bottle of potion that had just come out of the flames and was still a little hot. She carefully poured it into a smaller bottle, and then tapped the bottle with her wand. The mouth of the bottle was deformed into a pointed shape, like an eyedrop bottle.

"It's a little too much to refine... only half a bottle is enough."

He let the potions cool down and put them in his pocket, then directly used the utensils in the laboratory to make himself a pot of tea, and then casually took out the copy of Nicolas Flamel's book given by Dumbledore from his pocket. A collection of research notes. I wrote a few keywords on the cover and clicked on a book. Then I sat on a chair with my legs crossed and read through it - just like an old man drinking tea and reading a newspaper.

A whole morning passed like this before he turned his attention back to the Marauder's Map.

It is now lunch time. Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley have already left the dormitory and appeared in the auditorium. Of course, there is "Hermione Granger" next to them - maybe they are preparing for Comforting Harry for not being able to go to Hogsmeade?

In their dormitory, Peter Pettigrew's name was still fixed there motionless, probably still lying on Ron's bed.

"very good."

He continued to observe, focusing his attention firmly on the names "Peter Pettigrew," "Ronald Weasley," and "Harry Potter."

Gradually, Harry and Ron left the Great Hall and returned to their dormitory, probably packing their things - then Harry, Ron and Hermione met in the Gryffindor common room, and then Together they came to the foyer on the first floor and entered a large list of people's names. Standing at the door was Argus Filch. He should be checking the list of people going to Hogsmeade at the moment to prevent Students in lower grades or who have not obtained permission are allowed to leave.

In the end, Ron and Hermione's names left Hogwarts Castle completely, and Harry went to the library after returning to the common room...

"Very good, no surprises..."

He stared at "Peter Pettigrew" who was still motionless in the dormitory and showed a victorious smile - Ron really wouldn't bring one with him when he went to a new place like Hogsmeade for the first time. Sick mouse.

"Then - start!"

He quickly glanced at the corridor on the eighth floor to make sure that no one was passing by or approaching at the moment and cast a Disappearance Charm on himself. He then grabbed the map and left the Room of Requirement in a flash, and entered the mezzanine of space with the Near End Curse. , pulled out the broom from his pocket, stepped on it, and then quickly rushed to the tower where the Gryffindor lounge was located.

Through the dual positioning of his magic senses and the Marauder's Map, he quickly found the one where Peter Pettigrew was located among the many dormitories. At the same time, the peculiar vitality structure unique to Animagus also appeared in his magic power. Among the senses…

He carefully parked the broom in a position in the dormitory but some distance away from Ron's bed, then took out his wand and skillfully cast a lot of sneak spells on himself - smell elimination, covering footsteps. , hide body temperature, eliminate breathing sounds...


With a very slight sound, Avada left the space mezzanine and quietly appeared in Harry's dormitory. She finally saw the figure of Peter Pettigrew with the naked eye - he was now Lying lazily next to Ron's pillow, judging from his mental state, he must be taking a nap.

"Great, he didn't get under the quilt, and his mental strength is even relaxing. Everything is going on in the smoothest way!"

He set a flag for himself without any scruples, then quietly turned the wand and pointed the tip of the wand firmly at Peter Pettigrew's body...


As soon as the crimson silent curse hit the back of the mouse's head like lightning, he didn't even have time to tremble, and he passed out simply and neatly.

"Fainted to the ground! Fainted to the ground!"

Avada used the enhanced version of the sound spell to replenish Peter a few more rounds, ensuring that no matter what happened outside in the next few hours, he would not be disturbed in the slightest, and then a levitation spell lifted his body, gave him another soaking spell, stuffed him into his pocket, and then immediately dived into the space mezzanine again, started the broom and rushed back to the corridor on the eighth floor like lightning, and jumped out as fast as possible. Speed ​​flashed into the Room of Requirement.


As the sound of the wooden door hitting the door frame came, Avada breathed a long sigh of relief - there were no flaws, it was done in one go.

Next, as long as the magic is completed before Ron and the others return to the dormitory, and then Peter is sent back, this phase of the mission will be over!

He took out Peter's body and quickly fixed it on the mousetrap-like instrument that he had made in advance. He also took out the small eyedrop-like bottle, pried open Peter's mouth and slowly poured it in. Got half a bottle...

"about there."

Avada, who was closely observing his mental and vitality status, nodded, brought Peter to the pensieve, used his wand to pick out the light filament from inside, and checked it one last time. After confirming that it was correct, he controlled it. It slowly fell down, and finally disappeared completely into Peter Pettigrew's mind.

But this was not the end. After the light ray was completely absorbed by Peter, Avada's wand still did not move away from Peter. Instead, his brows furrowed tighter, his eyes were tightly closed, and his forehead There was even a little cold sweat gradually breaking out...

Nearly two hours later.

The wand in his hand finally lowered, and his eyelids slowly raised, revealing a pair of empty and dazed eyes. After a while, some energy returned to those eyes.


He took a long breath and wiped his sweat casually: "The amount of the project is larger than expected - fortunately, it is still within expectations, and there is no problem with the final result... What time is it?" "

He quickly looked at his watch and the Marauder's Map to confirm that the incident had not passed too long, and that Ron and Hermione were still completely relieved after Hogsmeade, looking at Peter Pettigrew who was still sleeping. He showed a relieved smile.

"In this way, Peter is good, Black is good, Lupine is good, I am good, Harry is good, Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix are also good... This is how a world where only Voldemort's remnants are injured is achieved."

"Then, go take your sins and redemption and contribute to the final victory..."

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