Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 178 Banban and Crookshanks


Avada once again appeared in Harry's dormitory without warning, and carefully placed the still sleeping Peter Pettigrew next to Ron's pillow, and cast a spell on him to ensure that he would I woke up naturally after more than half an hour, and left quietly after carefully confirming that I didn't leave any traces such as footprints, fingerprints, or fallen hair in the room.

Before that, he also placed a more powerful positioning spell on Peter Pettigrew so that he could observe Pettigrew's movements at certain times in the future.

"I have done everything I can. The rest depends on how Black and Dumbledore perform. I hope they will not live up to this great gift..."

In the exclusive room in the Room of Requirement, Avada simply packed up the materials, sorted out the bottles and jars, heated the cup of tea that had gone cold, and drank it in one gulp, confirming that no one was outside. After passing by, he left the Room of Requirement again - he had stayed in it long enough, not to mention that he still had to find the twins to return the Marauder's Map.

"That guy is really a genius - if he is willing to set some boundaries with himself and use his talents on the right path, then Dumbledore may have to share the title of 'the greatest wizard of our time' with him..."

What he lamented was the terrifying dark wizard who discovered the "power of death" and studied the effect of confession in depth.

That guy's attainments in the realm of souls are simply at the pinnacle. Avada is able to reach its current level, seal Voldemort, conduct in-depth research on Horcruxes, and successfully cast spells on Peter Pettigrew, all based on his research results. Moreover, the book that Professor Baker gave him contained a total of about thirty papers and manuscripts, six of which were from this man alone - it seems that he also left a very deep impression on Professor Baker. impression.

The principle of the magic he applied to Peter Pettigrew came from a by-product of the dark wizard's desperate research on "how to make other dark wizards repent", and was improved by him...

‘So he, and the several dark wizards recorded in that book, how did they lose to Professor Baker? ’

He had never been able to figure this out—among the dozen dark wizard authors who provided more than thirty articles for that book, that guy was definitely one of the ones with the largest scale of experiments and the most in-depth research, and There are two or three others at a similar level to him... What does this mean?

This means that Professor Baker can stably kill dark wizards whose strength is "less than or equal to the Elder Wand Grindelwald" level!

However, according to Avada's observation, his mental strength is only on par with top professors such as McGonagall and Flitwick. Even taking into account his rich combat experience and various unique magics, his actual combat ability is stronger, surpassing Tianye is on the same level as those dark wizards, not to mention that behind those dark wizards there are organizations that can support large-scale experiments...

"How on earth did he do it?"

"Forget it, don't think about it anymore, just concentrate on completing the final steps before talking about anything else..."

"really not bad,"

Most of the third-year students and above chose to have a fresh dinner in Hogsmeade before returning to Hogwarts. Everyone lay lazily with their bellies puffed out like seals on the beach. On the lounge chair.

In the Gryffindor common room, Fred and George, who had just entered the room through the Fat Lady's portrait hole, were each carrying a big bag, with harvest-like smiles on their faces: "Zoko's Joke Shop The new dung bomb is really good..."

On the chair next to Ron, Harry raised his head and glanced at the twins dully, then lowered his head and started writing his homework quietly.

"Don't be discouraged, Harry."

Hermione on the side seemed to read his thoughts and comforted him: "You will get over it sooner or later."

"Then it will have to wait until at least next year. According to Harry's description, he probably doesn't want to go home for Christmas specifically to ask his uncle for a signature."

While stroking Scabbers, Ron persuaded: "Harry, you should fight with Professor McGonagall more often. It's not like she doesn't know about your family's situation, and Hogsmeade is indeed very interesting..."

As he spoke, he changed his position and continued to tickle Bansana, making him stretch out comfortably - I don't know if it was an illusion, but after he returned from Hogsmeade this time, he felt that Bansandia seemed to be in better condition. A lot, even the eyes are clearer...


Hermione retorted dissatisfiedly: "Harry should stay at school..."

"But we can't let him be the only third grader in the school."

Hermione wanted to continue to refute, but at this moment, his Crookshanks gently jumped onto her lap, holding a palm-sized dead spider in its mouth.


Ron's brows suddenly knitted together, and he dragged his chair away from Hermione: "Does it have to eat that thing in front of us?"

"Oh, Crookshanks, clever boy, did you catch this yourself?"

Hermione ignored Ron, and just said with a loving look on her face as she caressed Crookshanks who was lying on her lap and taking small bites. Crookshanks slowly chewed the spider, then raised his yellow eyes and stared straight at Ron.

"Just leave it there and don't move."

Ron held Scabbers in his hands with some displeasure: "I know this guy wants to take advantage of Scabbers again - Harry, have you finished writing your potions paper? I just finished drawing the star chart... let's talk to each other. Can you learn from it?”

He dragged his schoolbag over, blocking Crookshanks' gaze at Scabbers, and then took out ink and quill, a fully written chart and a blank piece of parchment with only a title written on it. Come, squiggle the last star and push the chart to Harry.

Hermione on the side rolled her eyes at them, obviously disapproving of their so-called "borrowing" behavior, but still didn't say anything. Crookshanks on her lap was still staring at Ron unblinkingly, the tip of his furry tail wagging slightly.


It suddenly stood up, jumped off Hermione's lap nimbly, and slowly approached Ron with cat steps, while looking at its head and blinking its little eyes.

"Go away, you guy."

Ron waved his hand and protected Scabbers more tightly.

"Meow meow~"

Crookshanks barked a few more times, still slowly approaching Ron, and trotted around his chair a few times...

"It has no intention of doing anything to Banban."

Hermione observed Crookshanks with interest: "It seems... quite curious about you?"

"Curious? To me?"

Ron raised his eyebrows, handed Scabbers to Harry, then stood up and took two steps.

Crookshanks did not follow, his eyes still fixed on Harry's hands.

"It's still playing tricks on Banban."

Ron frowned and said: "Harry, be careful and give me Scabbers first, otherwise this guy will probably scratch you..."

"No way!" Hermione said dissatisfied.

It turns out that Crookshanks' curious eyes were indeed directed at Scabbers - after Ron took over Scabbers again, it started chasing Ron in circles again, and would not let go no matter how he tried to stay away. Immediately afterwards, he tilted his head and sniffed something vigorously. The latest time, he almost even touched Ron's hand. But this time it behaved calmly, and it really didn't look like it wanted to give itself extra food.


After a while, it finally retracted its gaze from Scabbers, let out a low cry of satisfaction, then jumped back onto Hermione's lap, and continued to enjoy the caressing while squinting its eyes.

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