Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 179 Everything is ready

Avada naturally didn't know what was going on with Crookshanks and Scabbers - but he could probably guess it. After all, after he replanted a more powerful tracking spell on Pettigrew, he never felt anything about it. Peter Dwarf is moving as fast and unorganized as before... This probably means that Crookshanks is also aware of his transformation and will no longer hunt him?

That cat is incredibly spiritual.

In short, the next two months were a rare and peaceful time - students went to class as normal, caught up on homework, walked around Hogsmeade on the weekends, and discussed this year's events at any time. Quidditch match, next year's World Cup, and the latest broomstick "Firebolt" just launched...

Avada had seen samples of that thing when he was in Diagon Alley, and the results he saw with his own eyes were exactly the same as the conclusions provided by the evaluations of various professional organizations - that is, the various performances of the Firebolt were better than those of the same period. The "Light Wheel 2001" is a big improvement, and it is an all-round crusher in terms of speed, stability, maneuverability, ability to change directions, etc. The reason why such brilliant results have been achieved is said to be due to another key technological breakthrough made by a certain broomstick manufacturer...

That's right, the manufacturer of "Firebolt" is not a traditional large manufacturer such as Nimbus or Sideswipe, but a small and unknown team. Even before the development of the Firebolt, their main business was not the production of broomsticks, but the research of magical plants and synthetic transformation materials.

And one member of this team happened to be from a family of craftsmen who specialized in hand-made broomsticks. They had a glorious period of time and accumulated a lot of unique craftsmanship - so after making a breakthrough in that key technology, After they attracted a lot of investment and technical support from the fairies, and obtained high-end power valve technology from unknown sources, they were able to create such a super powerful broom that was almost ahead of its time.

However, the inability to mass-produce is still a huge problem, so the price of a single broom is equally astonishingly high. It is said that except for the top professional Quidditch teams in various countries who gritted their teeth and ordered a batch of brooms in preparation for next year's World Cup, there have been almost no orders received from the public. But just what the team ordered was enough to make the small team full of money. It is said that they also plan to open their own broomstick company...

But these have little to do with the students of Hogwarts. After all, there will be no ridiculously expensive broomsticks like Firebolts in school competitions-even the pure-blood nobles of Slytherin use their personal property to Buying such a broom will probably give you a lot of pain.

Therefore, those students simply stayed out of sight and stopped paying attention to the sales of Firebolts, and concentrated on honing their skills. The most intuitive reaction is that the amount of training for each college's team has increased in the past few months. A lot. In addition, thanks to the Basilisk, they didn't have all the players on the team throughout last year, and naturally they couldn't play football games, so they naturally had to have a good time this year.

It's just a pain for Cedric. That guy is burdened with being a prefect, Quidditch captain, and OLS exams at the same time, as well as taking eleven classes at the same time...

But after all, it was his own choice, and no one else could help share the burden. They could only make more delicious food to supplement him a little.

In terms of academics, Defense Against the Dark Arts professor Remus Lupine has also missed two classes in the past two months, and the substitute teacher is naturally Snape, who has coveted the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for a long time.

However, I don’t know whether it was because he was happy after Voldemort was completely captured, or because he felt happy after seeing Lupine take the medicine. The two lessons he taught were also pretty good, fully demonstrating the professionalism of a former Death Eater. Moreover, the students were not forced to learn about werewolves, and there were also all kinds of yin and yang weirdness overtly and covertly.

...In this way, time came to Halloween quietly.

Hogsmeade was still closed on Saturday morning, so the students simply didn't think about Hogsmeade and were just preoccupied with preparing to have fun (and eat) at the Halloween dinner later. But in this atmosphere, Avada was still alone in the Room of Requirement, concentrating on building something...

"It's done!"

At this moment, he was spinning around something on the table with a face full of joy - that thing was like a miniature version of the disappearing cabinet, only the size of a human head, and without a cabinet door; but on the surface there were many things. There are many mysterious silver lines, and there is also a mysterious luster...

"Next, let's try the effect..."

He lifted up the miniature disappearing cabinet and put it directly on his head, and then stood there blankly for a long time. Then he slowly raised his legs and took two steps. He also tried to wave his wand to release a few small spells...


Avada carefully took off the small disappearing cabinet, as if she was holding some fragile treasure, and then after confirming that it had been placed firmly on the table, she couldn't help but wave it hard. A fist pump: "The most difficult step is finally solved!"

"Next, just make it smaller based on the current one, preferably into inconspicuous headwear such as glasses and earrings, and then you can start assembling the terminal."

"How many things can I accomplish, how many truths can I discover, and how far can I finally reach that point..."

After the ecstatic feeling gradually subsided, he raised his head again and looked at a series of complex drawings posted on the wall - they seemed to be a combination of various magic plants, alchemical materials and potions. Each component is responsible for providing power, maintaining balance, transmitting senses, conducting information, self-healing, maintaining deformation, and other complex functions.

And if those parts are put together one by one, the shape of the final product seems to be...a wooden human body?

"Time to go enjoy another Halloween dinner."

Avada packed her things and left the Room of Requirement. She took a look as she passed the auditorium - the auditorium had been decorated for the Halloween dinner, and hundreds of pumpkins with candles were dotted around it. There were also a swarm of live bats flying around, and dozens of flaming orange banners lazily floating on the ceiling, which showed the blue sky outside.

"In just a few days, Sirius Black will invade Hogwarts, right?"

He thought silently: "After seeing with my own eyes how Peter Pettigrew will operate now, confirming that there will be no problems here, and solving the problems of Pettigrew, the locket and Regulus..."

"It's time to enter the next stage and go to the magical society layout."

Thanks to the book friend "Shenzhen Endless" and all the book friends for their monthly votes and rewards!

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