Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 180 Can you guys do it at another time? ?

"My dear Merlin, I can finally have a peaceful Halloween..."

Cedric sat on the seat with a haggard expression, with the bat that Avada put on his head as usual. As he stuffed roast beef and pumpkin pie into his mouth, he sighed loudly and vaguely: "Now think about it, when was the last time we had a normal holiday like this?"

——He couldn't help but speak in a low voice now. After all, all the teachers and students of the school were gathered in the auditorium, eating, drinking and having fun, filling the air of the entire auditorium with happy noises, even though there was only a distance between him and Avada. He was less than half a meter away, and he had to strain his throat to ensure that his voice could be heard...

"You need to swallow your food first - it was about three years ago."

Avada swallowed hard the piece of meat that was stuck in her throat due to not chewing it thoroughly. She took another sip of water and then sighed: "This time last year was the beginning of the basilisk attack, and the year before last At this time, there is a giant monster wandering in the basement..."

"Then he was killed by the savior who released the seal."

Others leisurely praised: "It's amazing - he has defeated Voldemort three times in a row!"

"But Ken takes most of the credit for the latest one."

"There is no need to compete like this. The solution to the basilisk will ultimately depend on everyone's efforts..."

"Yeah, now that I think about it, I didn't believe it when Ken insisted that the murderer was a basilisk. Who would have thought that those school directors could be so crazy?"

"But those guys deserved their punishment and went with the Dementors - if Sirius Black can successfully escape from prison, will there be hope for them? Are the Dementors reliable?"

"You can't compare Black to those guys. It's been so many years since Azkaban was established. Why did one escape from prison..."

In the Hogwarts auditorium, the four long tables were filled with all kinds of delicacies, and the two sides were filled with students who were feasting. Everyone knew that this year was probably a rare and peaceful Halloween. In addition, the ban on Hogsmeade on Saturday morning is still not lifted, so their bellies have not yet been filled with food from Honeydukes and the Three Broomsticks (and maybe the Hog's Head Pub?), so this time there is food on the long table The rate of decrease is exceptionally faster than in previous years.

At the teachers' seats, the professors also looked quite relaxed and contented - Professor Lupine looked very happy, and was chatting energetically with Professor Flitwick while holding a glass of liquid that was probably wine, while still using his hands vigorously. His hands were gesturing in the air; Dumbledore was cutting the steak gracefully while chatting with Professor McGonagall with a relaxed expression; Professor Binns seemed to have met an old friend among the ghosts who came to visit, and the sea beside him Ge and Professor Sprout also had a good chat...

Snape was the only one drinking alone and wearing a professor's uniform. He leaned back in his chair, shaking the glass in his hand, and glanced at Lupin frequently.

After people enjoyed the food and desserts, the ghosts of Hogwarts also jumped out of the walls and tables, forming various formations to perform gliding performances. In addition, the Headless Knights invited by Dumbledore reenacted the experience of being beheaded with the almost headless Nick, which won bursts of applause - Nick himself was quite proud anyway, no one You will feel something is wrong.

"Phew...that's great."

After Dumbledore announced that the dinner was over, the students from the four houses also left the table in twos and threes and headed to their own lounges. Fortunately, Hufflepuff and Slytherin only need to walk down two steps, but Gryffindor and Ravenclaw have to climb the tower with their round bellies...

In the Hufflepuff common room, Avada lay on the armchair and patted her belly with satisfaction: "Finally, I can spend Halloween peacefully."

Although knowing that Sirius Black would invade the school soon, and making people panic again, this did not prevent Avada from feeling comfortable now - no way, during the Halloween dinners in the previous two years, almost every time He was personally at the forefront of the pressure, he was the one who controlled the troll, and he was the first to discover that Filch had been petrified...

Especially when he suddenly discovered that Myrtle's memory had been modified, he almost had a heart attack.

"Yes, you were the first to discover the problem at last year's banquet. You seemed to have left the banquet early the year before last..."

The others gradually came to their senses, and they all looked at him cheerfully: "Why don't you drink two sips of the Living Hell Decoction now and go to sleep? Otherwise, as long as you are still awake, you may be out again later." What kind of trouble..."

"Go! Go! Go."

He laughed and cursed and waved away people: "There must be a limit to bad luck..."

"All students!"

Suddenly, a huge sound echoed out of thin air in the lounge. The old and serious voice was Principal Dumbledore: All students! Return to the auditorium to assemble immediately! "

"I repeat, all students, return to the auditorium immediately to assemble!!"


The Hufflepuffs did not act immediately, but they looked at me, and I looked at you, and finally they all set their sights on Avada.

"How about we make a rule?"

Someone whispered softly: "Knock Ken out immediately as soon as the Halloween dinner is over..."

"...take away your job!"

"Haha, it's useless, I just had enough..."

"Hahaha! Dumbledore has started calling people! Something big must have happened! Let's go!"

Five minutes later, the Hufflepuffs appeared in the auditorium one by one, followed closely by the Slytherin students, and it took a while for the Ravenclaws to climb down from the stairs panting - —They climbed the stairs twice in a row, and the Gryffindors gathered in the Great Hall early.

"We just discovered some problems, and now the professors and I need to conduct a comprehensive search of the castle."

Seeing the confusion of each student, Dumbledore's expression was very serious. At this time, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick also waved their wands and closed all the doors in the auditorium, making a rumbling sound: "For your own safety , I’m afraid you can only spend the night here.”

"Please, please have the prefects take turns to keep watch at the entrance to the auditorium, and ask the president of the male and female student unions to take charge of the situation. If anything happens, report it to me immediately."

After hearing his words, Percy, Cedric and the other prefects immediately walked out of the team and stood in the front.

"You can send a ghost to deliver the message - Sir Nick, Fat Friar, please."

Dumbledore stopped talking and was about to lead the professors out of the auditorium. Suddenly he remembered something and turned around and said, "Oh, by the way, you still have to sleep here. You need..."

He waved his wand lightly, and four long tables automatically flew to the edge of the auditorium and were stacked against the wall. Then, with another wave of his wand, hundreds of soft purple sleeping bags appeared out of thin air on the ground: "Sleep well." Bar."

After that, Dumbledore and the professors walked out. As the heavy door closed with a loud bang again, chattering voices suddenly filled the auditorium...

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