"Let me tell you, when we returned to the lounge just now, we found the Fat Lady - the portrait guarding the entrance to our lounge - guess what?"

"Don't be pretentious, hurry up and tell me, the prefect is coming!"

"Ahem... The Fat Lady's portrait was torn into pieces and there was a big hole in it!"

"Merlin's beard! Is this a thing? And I remember that the portraits in Hogwarts are difficult to destroy, right? Not to mention the entrance to the lounge?"

"Not to mention... Later, the principal came over in person and found the Fat Madam hiding in another portrait, and also found out the identity of the murderer. You guessed it... well, it was Sirius Black!"

"Blake sneaked into the school?!"

"Isn't that right? Percy was so scared at the time..."

Facts have proved that even the most courageous Gryffindor will be frightened after realizing that his home was almost stolen by a vicious and powerful escaped prisoner. However, there are still some very nervous guys who look energetic. He was talking happily to the students from other houses, attracting a large circle of students including Slytherins to come and watch...

There was no way, after all, Blake just destroyed the portrait, and did he actually break into the lounge? At least it proved that the entrance to the lounge was very safe and reliable, so you don't need to worry too much, right?

"Everyone get in your sleeping bags!"

As expected, the prefect was attracted by the voice and came over to maintain order: "Hurry up, stop discussing it - lights out in ten minutes!"

"...how do you think he got in?"

The prefect's order could not make the excitement of a group of guys whose home was almost stolen disappear - after the other three houses happily brought a bunch of big melons back to eat from Gryffindor, Gryffindor They were still having a heated discussion, and their voices could not be muffled: "Did he break through the school's apparation ban? Or did he become invisible and fly in quietly? Or..."

"Lights out now!"

Gryffindor's prefect Percy had to walk over again: "Everyone get into your sleeping bags, stop talking - sleep peacefully, Professor Dumbledore and the others will solve the problem!"

The candles were all put out at once. Only those silver ghosts gave off a little light, floating around and talking seriously to the prefects in low voices. The ceiling clearly reflected the starry sky outside as if it didn't exist. The sparkling stars made the moonlight look quite dim. The whispers still ringing in the auditorium were like the chirping of insects in the quiet wilderness...

"Okay, stop talking."

On the Gryffindor side, Ron suddenly yawned and rubbed his eyes: "I'm a little sleepy."

"Probably too much energy was expended at the banquet."

Harry also yawned, and then the yawn quickly spread throughout Gryffindor, and then gradually, the yawns turned into snores for some reason...


Under the influence of this sleep-inducing atmosphere, Avada's eyelids trembled and he almost fell asleep. However, in his perception, Peter Pettigrew, who was next to Ron, suddenly moved again!

He gradually moved away from Ron at a neither fast nor slow speed, came to a closed door and lurked quietly, probably waiting for the professors to change classes and come in to check the status of the students, and then took advantage of the door to open. Sneak out...

"He's going to act - how will he act?"

Avada was so excited that she lost all sleep. She nestled in her sleeping bag and quietly observed her surroundings, confirming that almost everyone around her was gradually falling asleep - thanks to the previous Halloween dinner for everyone to enjoy. This increased their energy, allowing them to fall asleep immediately after lying down, even if they were shocked by Blake's news.

Then, he took out his wand and quietly blackened the little hands and feet left by Dumbledore in the sleeping bag - when he transformed the sleeping bag, he also added a life detection function to it to ensure that the students would get in and sleep soundly. , instead of stuffing a dummy inside and sneaking out...

As expected of a Gryffindor-born headmaster.

But after hacking the secret door, he could operate it unscrupulously - after he confirmed again that everyone around him was asleep and no one was paying attention to his location, Avada quickly took out a A lump of deformed material turned into a breathing figure of himself, and then the moment he activated the End of the World curse, the figure grew larger, filling the sleeping bag he was in almost instantly. Looking from the outside No changes at all...

Not only can that figure breathe normally, but it can even turn over occasionally. From the outside, it looks no different from a real person.

Then, he took out his broom and flew quietly to Peter Pettigrew in the space mezzanine, watching him lurking in the corner and nervously staring at the door. He even had a wand in his mouth, probably Ron's - he was quite confident in his stealth skills.

Not long after, the door opened slightly and Professor Sprout came to check on the students. And taking advantage of these few seconds, Peter Pettigrew took Ron's wand and slipped out quietly without being noticed by anyone...

"Isn't the state of his mental power to escape...is he to find Black?"

Avada moved quickly in the space mezzanine, closely following Peter Pettigrew. As expected, Pettigrew, who successfully left the school, quickly ran to the bottom of the Whomping Willow, used his small size to reach the bottom of it without any hindrance, and then slipped into the path between the roots of the tree with ease. In the tunnel...


He nodded and continued to follow on his broom - naturally he in the space mezzanine would not trigger the Whomping Willow's attack.

Hogsmeade, among the Shrieking Shack.


A big black dog was lying in the corner of the room, tongue hanging out and breathing heavily - God knows how fast he ran to escape the roundup at Hogwarts.

Thanks to the fact that after escaping from prison, he was able to hunt some animals to feed himself. The food was much better than in Azkaban, so his body gradually regained some strength and was able to support such a violent run. If it had been the time when he had just left Azkaban, he would have exhausted himself or had cramps halfway through...


Sirius Black slowly returned to his human form, found the food and water he had hidden in the corner and stuffed some into his mouth. He gradually regained his composure while breathing: "I was a little impulsive. I shouldn't attack the fat man." Madam, it not only failed to open the lounge, but also increased the number of variables and almost exposed a flaw..."

"But don't think this is the end. I will kill you, I will..."

"Petrify them all! Imprison them quickly!"

Just when he wanted to turn back into a black dog and sleep for a while, something absolutely impossible happened - two magic spells flew out of the entrance to the secret passage like lightning, and hit him hard. He suddenly lost all ability to move!

He turned his head in a panic and looked in the direction of the curse, and then saw a face he would never forget looking at him with complicated eyes...


In the screaming shack that had been silent for more than ten years, a blood-curdling scream came out again.

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