Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 182 The reunion of the three

"Long time no see, Padfoot."

Peter Pettigrew slowly lowered his arm holding Ron's wand, and showed an ugly smile to Sirius - a little bitter, but also a little joyful from the bottom of his heart.


Sirius raised his head and roared at the top of his lungs: "How dare you say that name!!"

Peter tried his best to twitch the corners of his mouth, but in the end he still couldn't force out a smile that was even slightly bitter.

"You killed James, you killed Lily, and now you want to kill me - you dare to say this name! You deserve it! You despicable and filthy rat! Traitor!"

He shook his body desperately, trying with all his strength to break free from the confinement, and the rotten wooden floor beneath him made a horrifying creaking sound: "Okay, now it's your turn to kill me - enough Be proud!"

"Come on! Kill me!"

He shouted: "I tell you, traitor, even if I die now, I will not just go to see James, I don't have the face to see him - I will become a ghost and tell the story of what you have done. It’s in everyone’s ears, especially your old colleagues, they are all looking forward to catching you, the bastard who killed your old master!”

Peter just looked at Blake quietly, without a single tremor in his body.

"I'm going to tell Harry, tell Dumbledore, tell Moony..."

Sirius looked almost crazy, his voice seemed to be roaring desperately, but it also seemed to be a confused whisper: "I will follow you closely so that no matter which trash can you hide in, you will be found. ...Then, when I see you driven crazy by dementors or killed by someone in Azkaban with my own eyes, I can go to see James with peace of mind!"

"Do it! You scum! Kill me!"

"I'm so sorry, Padfoot..."

Peter finally spoke unbearably, his voice hoarse: "It's not..."

"Ha! You're still quibbling!"

Sirius suddenly laughed loudly: "Look, you have obviously caught me, and a single thought can kill me - but you are still here, hesitantly making excuses to me! It's that hypocrisy Has the disguise sunk into your bones? Or does what I'm going to do when I become a ghost scare you?"

"It's useless, Peter! No matter life or death, I will bring you the retribution you deserve..."

"Okay, Padfoot."

Peter had to raise his voice a little higher, easily covering up Blake's already very weak roar: "Even if you still can't believe me - but can you at least give Moon Face some time to react to what's going on now? Condition?"

"How dare you..."

Sirius was about to continue cursing, but his roar suddenly stopped as if something was stuck on his neck - he stared with sunken eyes, almost popping out the entire eye socket, like a skeleton As if looking towards the entrance of the Screaming Shack:

There stood a stunned Remus Lupin.


Lu Ping stood in a daze for a while, and then looked at the swollen face with a bitter smile in disbelief: "I didn't expect you to be really alive."

"I thought you were already surprised when you saw the note." Peter smiled.

"Kill him! Remus!"

After a brief pause, Sirius struggled desperately and roared: "He is the traitor who betrayed James and Lily! Not me! Not me! Not me!!"

"...Explain it, Peter."

Lupine took a half step back and stared at Peter, with one hand firmly on his waist: "To be honest, I don't really understand why you chose to pretend to be a mouse for twelve years - but at least you can take the initiative to write a note to invite me. Come here, so let me hear what you have to say, Peter.”

"You'd better listen to what Padfoot has to say first, or he won't be able to live in peace."

Peter smiled at Lupine, then stepped aside so that Sirius could look Lupine in the eye.


Looking at the face that he was so familiar with and hated so much in the past, now looks haggard like this, but his eyes still seem to be burning, Lu Ping's lips moved, wanting to say something, but he didn't know what to say. good.

"Don't be fooled by him!"

Sirius is as crazy as ever. He seems to have no intention of thinking about anything but killing Peter now: "It was he who surrendered to Voldemort! It was also he who betrayed James and Lily! The last secret keeper was not me! It was him!"


"We finally changed the secret keeper..."

Sirius gasped for breath. The fierce roar just now had exhausted most of his energy, and his voice finally lowered: "I proposed to James to change the Secret Keeper - what I thought at the time Yes, they all know about my relationship with James, and they can easily guess that the secret keeper is me. So I told James... told him..."

His voice gradually choked up: "Tell him that we can secretly change the position of secret keeper to Peter Pettigrew, because the Death Eaters will never guess that we dare to let that seemingly submissive guy keep the secret, so that everyone All the firepower will be drawn away by me, and James and Peter will be safe... Result, result..."

"It's all my fault, I know... The night they died, I went to see if Peter was still safe, but when I rushed to his hiding place, Peter was gone. There were no signs of a struggle there. I felt uncomfortable Miao, became frightened and immediately went to James and Lily. When I saw the ruins of their house and saw their bodies... I realized what Peter had done... what I had done..."

His eyes turned red, making them look more like scalding flames.

He turned to look at the silent Peter with such a look, wishing he could pounce on him and devour him alive in the next second. He grinded his teeth and tried his best to squeeze out his voice through his teeth: "Then, after realizing what this traitor had done, I vowed to kill him. I started looking for traces of him, and finally in He was blocked on a street..."

"I admit, he deceived me at that time. He probably caused an explosion, then dropped a finger, and framed all the charges on me... But I thought he was dead at that time He was killed by me..."

"Then I was imprisoned in Azkaban."

He lowered his head and muttered as if muttering to himself: "I have no intention of exonerating myself, because I was the one who killed James and Lily - if I hadn't mistakenly believed in the traitor, and what happened... How could they be discovered..."

"But I still kept my sanity, probably because I knew that Peter was actually the one who should be in this position, but he had been killed by me... That was not a pleasant thought, so the Dementors couldn't kill him It sucked it out of my brain...so I kept my sanity and what little mental strength I had..."

"But then the Aurors gave me a newspaper, and when I saw Peter in the picture there... I realized he was at Hogwarts, next to Harry... and then realized he was still alive. At that moment, I knew that my mission was not over yet, and I couldn’t just drop everything and go see James..."

"Then how did you escape?"

Lupine felt as if he was facing an invisible dementor, and he tried his best to maintain his sanity: "The people in Azkaban don't know what you are thinking..."


Sirius showed an expression that was probably a smile: "This is an unexpected surprise - whenever I feel too uncomfortable, I can transform in the cell... As you know, Dementors can't see..."

He swallowed: "They approach people by sensing their emotions... When I turned into a dog, they probably felt that my emotions were not very human-like or complex, so they wouldn't treat me like that. Pay more attention - it was by taking advantage of this that I managed to escape and got the chance to kill the traitor - right in front of me!"

"I've explained it clearly enough, let me go and let me kill him! Remus!!"

He probably regained some strength, and suddenly roared loudly again.

"Do you understand, Moony?"

Peter, who was closing his eyes in pain and looking as if he was facing a dementor, opened his eyes again, wiped the corners of his eyes, and his voice seemed to be choked: "And you, Padfoot - you can calm down. , have you heard my story?”

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