Hogwarts: My name is the Unforgivable Curse

Chapter 183 The new dwarf star

"You have no story but lies!!"

Sirius struggled and roared.

"On the contrary—I not only have, but I know more than you do."

Peter reluctantly raised his wand, making Lupine nervous for a moment - and then he temporarily blocked Sirius's ability to speak.

"Calm down, okay, Padfoot? Listen to me..."

As he spoke, he slumped down against the wall and took a deep breath of the air that smelled of rotten wood: "Padfoot is right, I am indeed the James family's secret keeper. But I did not betray James. Lily and Lily never took the initiative to tell Voldemort this secret..."

Sirius's body suddenly began to struggle violently.

"Then how did he enter James' house? Why didn't you tell Sirius clearly at that time?"

Lupine's hand was still on his wand, his brows furrowed, staring closely at Peter's face.

"What happened next is a little unbelievable, but that's the truth - a few days after I became the Secret Keeper, the Death Eaters found me and brought me to Voldemort..."

Lupine's pupils shrank suddenly.

"The specific reason is a bit bizarre, I will tell you later. Then..."

A look of fear flashed deep in Peter's eyes: "Voldemort... he dug out the secrets protected by the Loyalty Curse from my soul in front of me."

"Later I found out what happened... At that time, he controlled me with the Imperius Curse and manipulated me to kill a Muggle... After completing all this, I saw him scratching my forehead with a container For a while, and then...and then..."

His chest heaved violently, as if he was really facing a dementor, and his voice trembled with a cry: "I will never forget that image in my life - Voldemort - he looked at the empty space for a while A container for something, and then slowly read the address of James’ home from his mouth..."

"At that moment, do you know how desperate I was? Moony Face? Padfoot...I knew it was over...it was all over..."

Peter's body curled up, he covered his head and cried...


Sirius Heart's body stopped moving, and Lupine seemed to have turned into a sculpture. After a long time, he finally uttered a difficult voice: "You mean...Voldemort...he broke the Loyalty Curse?"


Peter sobbed and nodded, and after a while he gradually regained his composure, and his voice became slightly calmer: "Voldemort wanted to kill me at that time... but I knew I couldn't die yet. If I died, then No one can tell back that Voldemort broke the Loyalty Curse, the Order of the Phoenix will suffer greater losses, and James and Lily's sacrifices will be in vain..."

"So, I pledged my allegiance to him on the spot and made an unbreakable oath for myself. I swore to always be loyal to him, always obey him, and never betray him..."

He pulled up his sleeves tremblingly, revealing the brand marks wrapped around his forearm.

"That's it. Probably thinking that there is some value in leaving a spy behind, Voldemort left my life behind."

"and you……"

"I know what you want to ask - after providing a lot of information about the Order of the Phoenix without hesitation, I begged Voldemort to tell me how he cracked the Loyalty Curse. Probably because I felt that I was completely loyal, He was a good person to talk to, and he told me the secret - not only that, but also something even more terrifying..."

"He used a technology called 'Horcrux'."

Peter closed his eyes in pain and slowly recalled: "The principle of the Loyalty Curse is to hide secrets in the soul, while the Horcrux is exactly the opposite - it splits the human soul and protects the soul fragments. The main soul will not dissipate and will live forever...

"Voldemort has mastered that technology and has made multiple Horcruxes. Therefore, he has perfected the ability to split souls and can even control and split them accurately. So, he controlled me to make a Horcrux and split my soul. The secrets in it were torn out together with the soul fragments... This is how he cracked the Red Loyalty Curse."

After saying that, he waved his wand again to undo the magic on Sirius: "Padfoot, you are from the Black family, so you should know more or less about this technology, right? Can you trust me a little more now?"

Sirius lowered his head and said nothing.

"But through that conversation, I got a more important piece of information, that is, Voldemort made several Horcruxes. He is basically immortal. If those Horcruxes are not destroyed..."

"At that time, I realized that I had to do my best to survive - the Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors did not know the secret of Horcruxes, and they were destined to be unable to completely kill Voldemort. The only one who can do anything is to already know A secret, and bound by an unbreakable oath..."

"However, Horcrux technology allowed me to see an opportunity to get rid of the Unbreakable Vow. So I begged Voldemort in the most humble manner, begging him to teach me the method of making Horcruxes, so that I could serve him forever and be his eternal servant... ...but he did not comply with my request. After all, telling me about the existence of Horcrux was already a great trust, and the value I showed was not enough to ask for more...but probably to inspire my loyalty, He decided to tell me part of the steps, and if I was good, he would gradually tell me the other parts...

Peter used his magic wand to conjure some water and drank it: "He told me the way to split the soul - killing."

"Killing with malicious intent."

Sirius added faintly - he was finally not so crazy anymore.

"Yes, with malicious intentions, you must clearly realize that the killing to be carried out is an evil thing. I don't know what method he used when he controlled me to kill before, and transferred the result of splitting the soul to me. And This means something even more terrifying - he can make Horcruxes for others, create an army of immortal Death Eaters, and control them by mastering their Horcruxes. This is probably the name 'Death Eater' The ultimate meaning…”

"I have to stop this from happening."

Peter's eyes gradually became firmer, and his voice no longer trembled: "Although I didn't get the method to make a Horcrux, the method of splitting souls is enough for me."

"However, the knowledge of Horcruxes is too advanced, and it is almost impossible for a mediocre person like me to master it quickly. At that time, Bigfoot was still chasing me, which prevented me from concentrating on my research, so I could only use an extremely evil and evil weapon. The rough way - I caused that explosion."

He closed his eyes in pain and cried again in his voice: "I killed twelve people at once!"

"That killing tore my soul into pieces, and also destroyed the Unbreakable Oath - I know that I am unforgivable now, but only in this way... Only in this way can I get rid of the oath and go find Voldemort's Horcrux..."

Both Sirius and Lupine fell silent, leaving the entire Shrieking Shack silent except for soft sobs.

"Then why didn't you go to Dumbledore after getting rid of the oath?"

In the end, Sirius looked at Peter again with red eyes: "Dumbledore's ability is much greater than yours, why don't you tell him what happened and let him go find the Horcruxes?"

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